*rips Thanos in half*
heh, nice try kid
*rips Thanos in half*
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Why in the ever loving fuck would you post a JRjr drawing of the sentry?
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
God why is Romita Jr so fucking trash? What a fucking hack.
I can tolerate a lot of shit comicbook art but this one...oof...
That’s not Thanos is it
No, it's Ares.
no it's just ares, greek god of war. But this one tops literally everything else. I know it was ret-conned to hell and back but that still doesn't take away how utterly stupid it was at the time
You all need to go back. JRJR is the best street level artist in the business
>not cucking him
What is he doing? Voiding molecules?
I've been to Yea Forums long enough to know that this probably isn't bait, even though it's hideous and Dent's face proportions are all over the fucking place.
don't bully JRJR pls
Sentry works better as a one-time Avengers villain with the void then as a main member
>Yea Forumsmblr
Well that explains your autism, I bet your favorite artist is Jim Lee
Why did JRJR's style deteriorate so bad after Clone Saga anyway?
I just said that being to Yea Forums makes me know this site is filled with people that like this shit artist, you dumb fucking cunt.
"Yea Forumsmbler" absolutely loves Jrjr, Frank Miller, and Ramos, because "muh style!".
Even the acceptable stuff like the one you posted isn't anything above average. Go learn how to drawn, you art retarded pedestrian.
No one genuinely likes Ramos, it's all shitposting.
“Muh style” is genuinely a good thing you retard
As long as it good. 90s JRJR was great, I want to know what the fuck happened.
NOTHING happened
No it isn't, you big pleb. If your style doesn't add anything and isn't distinctive enough to get over actual art fundamentals then you're just drawing bad with a style on top, it doesn't improve your fucking art.
>implying clone saga was good
What does the "S" stand for?
He’s better off dead user. Let him Rest In Peace and not have to be shit on by nu-marvel
That's not Jrjr, it's Sal Buscema
I'll give you one hint: it used to be 'C'
Can someone give me a rundown of Sentry? Isn’t he just THE Mary Sue?
deus ex machina: the guy
he has agoraphobia which is just an excuse to have him save the day at the very end
No, he's a deus ex machina. He shows up to kill someone really strong and end a plot or move the plot to the next phase and then he leaves.
He isn't a Mary Sue because he's insane and no one likes him, not even his super buddies.
Fucking anyone can beat Thanos, he isn't that much of a threat without the Gauntlet.
are americans artists even trying?
only ross can draw for shit
He's really strong and smart even without it. With it, he's above Galactus. Without it, he's nowhere as strong but still competent
Murata isn't exactly normal.
>posting the speed drawing freak of nature
I’ll one up you with a frenchie
When you truly think about it, the Sentry should be the one in Captain Marvel's place. It literally would all make sense.
>Be the Sentry
>stop the Skrull invasion
>But stop it at the cost of the Void getting loose
>Keeps being a superhero and acts as basically Superman and goes out of his way to save people constantly
>the more his powers are used, the more likely the Void will be released from him and wreck havoc
>Eventually mindwipe the population from knowing about the Sentry, including the Sentry himself so that the Void isn't let loose due to the Sentry being unrelenting in his quest to save others, he will have to forsake any knowledge of being the Sentry and that the Sentry ever existed.
>before it happens, Nick Fury is given a device that unlocks the Sentry's memories if anything goes COMPLETELY haywire. Only he is allowed to know about the Sentry.
This would PERFECTLY explain why the Sentry wasn't there for all those other times. Because of how dangerous the Void was, it'd be too risky to have the Sentry just swoop in and save the day. It fits way more better than Captain Marvel's reasons for not being around.
so whats the void then? it can't be an anti-sentry, because nobody would ever beat it due to the bullshit silver-age superman powerlevel the sentry has.
That looks terrible
That's cute kid.
The molecule man incident is an extreme outlier though.
Molecule Man is hair kino tbqh
He was kinda ridiculous, 2bh. Marvel already has a lot of Superman pastiches like Hyperion or Gladiator, but Sentry was really overdoing it, near the end. Marvel doesn't handle DC-level power scaling well and when they do, it's usually as a bad guy to be beaten.
Without the Gaunlet he's Darkseid but worse.
*has a mental breakdown, unleashes the Void and starts attacking random heroes because Thanos told him to*
t-thanks Sentry!
Showed up completely out of the blue one day and suddenly had history with everyone, and was liked by everyone. It was originally a one-off meant to stay that way, but he eventually became part of the main continuity.
Gained all those powers from a serum. When he's not Sentry, he's a drug addict with multiple personality disorder. In fact, the personality thing activates randomly sometimes and he becomes The Void, a.k.a. bad Sentry.
Really all over the place, and as mentioned previously, Marvel doesn't know what to do with the character other than use him as a deux ex machina in some events.
>meanwhile over at DC
>Ivan Reis
I unironically like how retarded the Sentry is.
There's an audience for any kind of character. Some people will worship the Sentry purely based on his power set.
That's cute, but Silver Surfer can just drain the solar energy from Superman's body much like he drains the Hulk's gamma radiation.
Jesus vs Thanos. Who wins?
*cucks Sentry*
I thought this was a Yea Forums thread on Sentry (casting predictions, film storylines, etc) and all you fags wanna talk about is the artwork.
>GO BACK TO Yea Forums
that's why we gave you faggots a containment board - you are not welcome here, go shit in your own bed.
p.s. - Shazam was the worst film I've ever seen (I suspect that's why you're on our turf, shilling it... don't)
No, that's Olivier Coipel
I forget how strong Silver Surfer actually is. He's always so underpowered in everything he's in, though.
wtf, when did Darksied get the infinity guantlet!?!
jesus in every iteration!
>Yea Forums poster threatens with containment board
Lmao, fucking Yea Forums has historically cucked you a million times. You're the most gullible board with the weakest protection.
Some guy from /x/ can come right now, spam you with Cthulhu images and make you a believer.
Ain't seen Shazam btw.
Crossover events.
still should never have happened
> He's always so underpowered in everything he's in, though
Fucking Black Panther vaulted over him and put him in a lock.
Similar shit has happened with a character called Squirrel Girl who has somehow managed to defeat both Thanos and Doom.
Some of these writers need to get sober before they begin writing this shit.
Sentry has a similar issue.
Is it wrong that I find Romita Jr both very underrated and very overrated? He's a good artist. I dunno if he's some godlike get the big two keep acting like he is. Yet I don't get why people bash him so much either.
>hating on Dave McKean's classic Batman Arkham tale
I know it's a different style from even the comics of its day, but that shit fit the story great.
That's not Thanos, retard
That's Nu-Hulk
*cucks Todd McFarlane*
Post the FRANKED version
n-no you didn't
why'd they have to take her away from me bros?
He's a mentally ill guy named Bob with schizophrenia who is fucking OP as shit which makes all his stories fucking boring. There isn't a single good comic book where this guy is the main character.
Why almost every superhero has to use a cape?
why is Batman giving me a come hither look?
That's nothing. Read Year 100 Batman.
Couldn't sleep for 3 days after that experience.
Finally someone else that appreciates Owen Reece. Greatest superpower ever that I wish I had.
Another contestant for best hair is slim here
Now I'm debating if I should give this to my cousin's 12 year old.
Really out there but a good fucking book nonetheless.
great art!
Always been partial to Pietro personally.
Jesus literally BTFO Satan in a Marvel Comic.
Look at this dude. Look at the top of his head!
Who could play him?
I liked him with short hair better.
Hemsworth would've been a great pick ironically.
Just find someone similar.
>Squirrel Girl who has somehow managed to defeat both Thanos and Doom.
Those were tongue in cheek comedic despite being canon
This Black Panther nonsense is just fucking stupid
White-Ass Surfer can't handle dat BBC
That kid's gonna get redpilled about the harsh reality of life within minutes.
Disney is so afraid to ever add pic related to the MCU because it would completely dismantle the entire MCU.
The original mini is about a dude who has everything sacrificing it all to save the world from himself. Marvel (specifically Bendis) fucked it up by trying to make him into an actual character.
the fucking molecule man
that adam warlock?
>Is it wrong that I find Romita Jr both very underrated and very overrated?
He seems to be getting far worse over time.
I agree, but that's Bendis.
Sentry v1 was good.
Modern day Miracleman.
Marvel Comics went down hill a long time ago, but jesus fucking christ what the fuck happened to DC? doomsday clock has gone on long enough just hit the reset button.
>what the fuck happened to DC?
they let creatives make managerial decisions, so they favor their own projects like johns and doomsday clock or jim lee making all the nu52 costumes shit
>Marvel makes their Superman an edgy faggot with a split personality
This guy is right you know. Comic book nerds cannot be impartial about any capeshit as they come in with preconceived notions and predilections toward marvel or dc, whether they consciously know it or not. Nobody from Yea Forums should be allowed to voice their opinion on capeshit. Nor should anybody put any stock into what they say. Period.
Watch death battle
>Blue Marvel
True, everyone knows Gladiator is the patrician choice.
Why? They didn't give Thanos Heart of the Universe because it's not canon but they gave Darkseid all his feats from old DC comics that have been retconned and rebooted a bazillion times