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Based Social network poster
By far his best role.
he is a lot better as the supporting character
You're gunna blame me because you're the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company??
meanwhile, in the real world...
Tell me this isn't about me getting into The Phoenix?
if i'm a phd stemfag failure, how badly will this movie trigger me
Nah. Boy A was his best role then Hacksaw Ridge. This is his third best role but best film.
You had me accused of animal cruelty..
such a faggy line. Very girly
And I'll bet what you hated the most was they they identified me as the co-founder of Facebook, which I am. Which I am, you better lawyer up asshole. Because I'm not coming back for 3%, I'm coming back for everything.
It's ironic, considering all Facebook built itself up to be, only now beginning it's descent into wreckage and cultural irrelevancy. How many Facebook accounts are fake again? Also something about Facebook about to see regulations for political and cultural influence after the Russia scandal.
Feels fucking good man.
Facebook isn't cool anymore, hasn't been in years. Myspace syndrome.
fincher really needs to make a sequel. the testimony in front of congress would be kino
This thread was posted almost a year ago this month.
Best idea I've heard in a while.
The Social Botnet
the movie is much older than that, better discuss capeshit 25
this particular scene is a meme on here. saw it posted earlier today even
the scene at the end where sean parker called zuck telling him he got caught with underaged girls and coke was pure paranoia kino
Looking back this biopic went way too easy on Zucker. He is literally responsible for the mass surveillance of the human race now.
He just acts annoyed at him doesnt he
go home sean
Nah, he's just a cog that made it easier. NSA has been doing it for as long as nationwide phone service has been a thing.
Instagram is owned by FB guy
>Let me tell you what happens to a 20 year old who's at the top of the They'll hire private detectives who'll follow you day and night. You're a target for high priced escorts. I can't prove it but I know they tapped my phones. Whatever it is that's going to trip you up, you've done already. Private behavior is a relic of a time gone by. If somehow someway you've managed to live your life like the Dali Llama they'll make shit up. Because they don't want you, they want your idea. And they want you to say thank you while you... excuse me, wipe your chin and walk away.
>I'm not a psychiatrist but a psychiatrist would say would say that he was paranoid.
>There‘ll be payback at Case. I brought down the record companies with Napster and Case’s gonna suffer for their sins too.
There's so many awesome scenes in this movie
>Wait sorry, you didn’t bring down the record companies. They won.
>In court. You wanna buy a Tower Records Eduardo?
my favorite is the story about the victoria secrets owner
>Hacksaw Ridge
hahahaha, check out this embryo thinking he knows anything about film
i miss when aaron sorkin and trent reznor were creative with their scores. all their newer shit is so toned down and movie score-like. there's no personality to it anymore
social network score is kino
oh he's wired in?
today i will remind them
redownloading this kino now
same user. my favorite part of the film is one that people barely ever talk about. the jealousy between mark and eduardo as their friendship drifts apart because the handsome more sociable one gets into a club and becomes friends with chads and stacys while the other socially inept one rots away in his dorm room making little communication with anyone beyond his roommates. it's a classic archetypical tale
Which one was which again? Haven't seen this since 2011
mark was the shut-in and eduardo was the chad that got into an exclusive harvard club called The Phoenix. part of the many things that lead their relationship astray
its a good thing zuckerburg owns instagram then
>the Russia scandal
People forget how powerful this Jew is
Do you row crew, Yea Forums?
The Sneed Network
are you guys related?
How do I make my own startup lads? I'm gonna go to college soon and I don't know what to major in. Deciding between math, CS, accounting, finance or chemical engineering
I want to create a genomics startup and change the world with genetically engineered super babies bros or an robotics startup
Reminder zuckerjew did nothing wrong, the winklecuck twins did not invent facebook
>jew steals all your hard work
how does this movie even make zucc the cuck look redeemable?
My favorite part of the movie
>You guys brothers?
Fuck, I wish I got into Harvard and joined final clubs
>Russia scandal.
What Russia scandal? Posting memes on Facebook.
step 1: have powerful silicon valley connections
step 2: receive gibs for free
steal chad's ideas
Zuck was the one who called the cops on them.
Startups are a bubble that are propped up by the extremely dangerous concept of "faking it till you make it". Most of them fail, but the ones that succeed merely get far enough to convince larger companies to buy them. Very, VERY rarely will a startup actually get off the ground legitimately and turn into their own large corporation.
It's basically a lottery. Even if you have a damn good idea, if you don't have the right business connections, you may never say the light of day. On the other hand, you could make something utterly useless like the Juicer and get bought out or run away with Venture Capital money scot free.
Basically I'm telling you not to do it unless you know how to swindle or you have the next million dollar idea for 100% certain.
Eduardo was the Jew.
I love this entire scene
I'm good at bullshitting but I want to do something that actually has an impact. Should I just throw this dream away and just become an accountant or something?
It didn't, it tried making Eduardo look redeemable, when really the whole thing was just two jews trying to jew each other.
It reminds me of that story about the last two jews left in Afghanistan fighting over who actually owned a synoguge
Good post op you made me laugh out loud
Depends on how much you want to and are willing to risk. If you're not afraid of potentially losing everything in the pursuit of everything, then go for it. Otherwise if you want something stable, choose a stable field.
Funnily enough, I switched from tech to accounting. Funny you brought it up.
He peaked a few times in the Social Network but overall his performance in hacksaw ridge was much better
Just steal someone else's idea like mark
was filmed on a greenscreen set iirc
anyone else posting in this thread live in Cambridge, MA?
You need a solid idea/tech to present. You need a business plan. You need goals for what you want to achieve, as in some kind of timeline. You need a go to market strategy (how do you turn your tech into a marketable product/service), you need employees and a way to pay them. you need to work out how your shares will be divided up.
It'll take a lot of planning and networking. Probably a lot of disappointing meetings and presentations. You'll get shot down a lot.
You can get by in a vague idea if it's good enough and seems plausible. That's what happened with that blood sample chick. But you'll have a better shot at more money if you have a real, practical idea. And sooner or later, you'll have to prove you got something. So don't listen to the faggots who are saying to bullshit your way to the top. Once your name is tarnished, nobody will touch you ever again.
Machine learning and AI are the golden gooses right now. Though they may not be by the time you graduate. Everyone is trying to apply ML to every aspect of life from manufacturing, to medicine, to games, to media, etc. It gets good funding for vague ideas because nobody in the valley really understands it enough to see the flaws. I'm not sure what the future is but you're probably too late on the ML gold rush. Remember that colleges are about 10 years behind any industry.
Math is a given, you'll get your math minor pretty easy. By the time I was done with physics I was only 1 class away from a math minor. I wasn't even trying to get it. So don't worry too hard about that. you say you want to do genomics and that would require biology and chemistry. If you want CS, do it earlier than later because nobody hires 30 year old software engineers right out of school. If you're doing multiple degrees, get that first then do biology/chemistry for genetics.
Finance will make you more money than science. But it's super stressful, very competitive, and requires no real ethical or moral convictions.
Silence and Under the Silver Lake are better movies.
pretty bad considering that the Zucc literally fell ass first into creating facebook as an undergrad. All social media billionaires suck, at least the early tech billionaires like Bill Gates had some skill along with the luck
Facebook has literally devolved into just a contact book for most people and will cost on that forever
Also: get a loyal advisor or good lawyer to double check all the deals you make.
Those tech companies will make you sell your product for 10.000$ while it could be worth 1mil.
We need his story as CEO to have an end though. You can't make that movie before he is fired/retired.
>no has posted the most kino trailer ever in this thread
that doesn't make any sense. facebook literally has billions of people actively using it. it's third most popular website in the world. facebook is literally worth billions of dollars and it owns stuff like instagram and whatsapp. facebook is social media
tell me again how that is descending into wreckage and cultural irrelevancy? just because it doesn't appeal to you immediately and you have some weird bone to pick with it doesn't make what you say even remotely close to being true. it's like you have skimmed headlines from random ass buzzfeed articles and accept that as fact
>its not cool anymore
what on earth do you know about being cool? are you in high school or something
Facebook was a great site that BTFO Myspace and the millions of other failed social media sites before it. Now its shit and has been for years, but give credit where credit is due, the Zucc knew how to make a great website at one point. That takes skills, and it wasn't a right place right time scenario, he had lots of competition.
Letterkenny did it better.
There is a scene where Mark uses emacs, xterm, wget, etc. Kind of cool.
I dunno, you could make an end out of how FB has become a liberal shilling post and that freedom of speech is being choked by private companies
although i don't think Fichner would bite, he's definitely yolk but he wouldn't want to fire one across the bow for big lib tech.
Dragon Tattoo was better
how come Fincher gets the best of everything, marketing, production, etc
Legitimately one of the best films of the 21st century
It's interesting how anyone can make a movie about your life and it becomes the popular perception of you, in a sense you literally become what the movie portrays you to be. You really have no control in this life
fuck off mark
Why doesn't Fincher make more kinos?
Why did you switch from tech to accounting bro? Is the pay better or is there better job stability?
the next girl with the dragon tattoo movie got caught up in legal bullshit
fucking lol
>Amy Pascal wouldn't pay Fincher the extra $10 million to shoot the movie
this is kind of my feeling, i remember when facebook went public and i thought it would never make money because the sole source of revenue is ads that can be blocked
if you look at the insider trading he is constantly selling off stock, i still don't see the long term potential of the company
Can Fuckerburg do this??
my 9 year old niece can do that
myspace was better
she bounces on my dick really nice too
It was the Steve Jobs movie and it was $5 million. Fincher was insisting he needed a $50 million budget, Pascal eventually gave him $45 million after tons of begging and negotiation but said she wouldn't budge further. So he walked. And then Leo walked. And Amy Pascal cried about how badly she fucked up in numerous regretful emails.
This line of dialogue sounds really stupid when you just read it straight off the script.
I guess so long as the actor nails the context/emotion and the directing is on point, then any line of dialogue can sound good on screen.
What does that expression convey?
>she bounces on my dick really nice too
that's completely missing the point. zucc had been programming for years and worked his ass off in the early days to build facebook. facebook is the way it is now because he put so much into it in the beginning. the same applies to microsoft. how does gates have skill but zucc doesn't? they both happened to be in the right place at the right time with a skill set/vision that can. if you look back now, it seems like the simplest idea in the world and he just happened to luck out but no one had that perspective in 2004. he had an idea, hustled his ass off and it took off.
>they both happened to be in the right place at the right time
Precisely why they should both be nationalized.
Still, the damage is done. Everything was so much better when forums were the only social media.
i unironically predict a return to 90s internet when all this hate speech regulation comes down
people will realize IRC and FTP are the way to go
>t. Khalid Mardam-Bey
Shit, there's enough new material since it came out to make a fucking sequel
I don't see it going back. The majority are too used to Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. Even if those sites fall, almost exact copies will spring up to take their place. Also there's clickbait which is ever so prevalent that it will never die. It's such a nightmare.
no it wasnt. Check out the BTS. It’s an amazingly well done scene. Very realistic. Also includes Finchers trademark «impossible shit» which is done without CGI. Very impressive