Why is nightmare on elm st 5 the worst? also nightmare rankings

Why is nightmare on elm st 5 the worst? also nightmare rankings
1 > NN> 2 > 3 > 4> 6 > 5

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Probably this:

>these rankings
are you guys talking about the same nightmare on elm street 2? that movie was garbage

There were problems with the script and it was the most rushed out of all the sequels.They only gave the director a month to shoot and a month to edit.


It's the only sequel that maintains the tone of the original, the rest were comedies. The score is great, the pool scene is great and the female love interest was the best girl in the series.

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wonder where that dreams warrior poster ended up? hope he's ok. On second thought I never opened those threads so i don't care. Dream Warriors was the best

it was rushed through production. they make that clear in the documentary never sleep again

2 and 3 rank about the same to me
If I had to choose I'd pick 2 over 3 since I grew up with 2 and only watch the 3rd one years later

Why NN so low?

1 > NN > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 6

I'm not sure if FvJ counts, but it was kino.

Fight me. 5 is good. Freddybaby rules.

Incorporating good horror, nostalgia and fun factor:

yes. 5 and 6 were around the same level to me
but NN is ranked too low, in my opinion


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eh that's just my personal preference it didn't feel much like a freddy movie to me

That's because it isn't a Freddy movie, the main villain is a demon that pretends to be Freddy

Halloween > 1 > NN > 3 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 6 > Remake

>liking Halloween more than ANOES
kinda cringe

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>Muh rating
>Anything that's good is actually bad
>You don't wanna be a cuck do you?
Eat shit, cucktrarian fag.

here is my new rankings
1 > NN> 2 = 3 > 4> 6 = 5

If we are adding FvJ than its like this for me
1 > FvJ > NN > 2 = 3 > 4> 6 = 5

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I hated 5 for lots of reasons (Freddy going after an unborn kid didn't have the fun of him going after stupid teenagers).

Five is just not as exciting as the others. Freddy's Dead has absurdity and laughs, New Nightmare has meta craziness, Five is just boring

The original Halloween is not that great, Season of the Witch was better


Where's the webm? Where's the Dokken?


Fuck Dokken, here's Dramarama:

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Here's my list
1 > 3 > 2 < FvJ > 4 > NN > FD > 5
I never saw the remake so I can't comment on it, but I associate these films with Englund's performances so much that I doubt I'd like it.

Nightmare 5 is the dark souls 2 of the franchise.

It's retarded to argue that 5 is worse than 6, when the latter killed the franchise, was the only movie to have abysmal porn-tier set design, not a single memorable character, and then glazed its own turd with a 3D gimmick that even horror nerds at the time groaned about.

Dream Child has great sets, the MC Escher gothic shit is bananas. It still looks great. A Dream Child is a cool concept for the 80s, and it was handled well. That kid is creepy and memorable. 5 may have been rushed but fans didn't think it was a disgrace unlike 6. The rental store standee with Freddy going shhhh next to a gothic cradle was awesome and every horror kino lover wanted it.

Movie 6 is nearly on par with the remake. It was basically like a straight to DVD version, and Englund hated it. Freddy was the Horror Icon of a generation and they treated it like a Candyman or Hatchet sequel. NN is a great concept but it's aged poorly and honestly disappointed fans and killed Freddy. Only critics liked it a lot, too much. Was a big flop.

1 >> 3 >> 4 > 2=5=NN >>>>> 6

How do you rank FD over 5? Unbelievable. Not a real fan. Prob 18.

5 is boring, with Freddy's Dead it might be stupid but never boring. Also as dumb as the whole "Freddy has a daughter" plot is, it's still better than "Dream Child speaks from the womb and battles Freddy on the astral plane" or whatever the fuck was going on there

>whatever the fuck was going on there
I see. Buy if it were anime you'd say it's kino. The ANOES series goes were undead eagles dare. That's why Dream Child is great. And I disagree that it's boring. Some of the imagery is truly haunting. But 3D flying sperm gets a pass, okay m8

In the entire film there is only one good kill, and too much time is spent on exposition and unnecessary back story. The supporting characters are not memorable. I can understand having a soft spot for it but calling it great? Nah

Greta being fed her own guts, Dan getting fused to his motorcycle, and the comic book kids death are all pretty great.

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Greta's death was great, the rest were okay. The comic book nerd stuff just felt like a retread of the Dungeons and Dragons kid from 3. Don't get me wrong there are things I like about Dream Child, the special effects are among the best in the series.

I didn't call it "great," I said it's far superior to the bargain bin fumes of 6. There's plenty of heart and creativity on display with the practical sets and gore.

Again: 1 >> 3 >> 4 > 2=5=NN >>>>> 6

>Dan getting fused to his motorcycle
This user is legit. What a great scene that fucked me up. It becomes truly horrific how the fusion continues past a typical horror movie and into Cronenberg tier. If this were a scene from Scanners or a nightmare in his Crash it'd be fellated online to this day.

>things I like about Dream Child, the special effects are among the best in the series.
Glad to see another user address this. The sfx in Dream Child are painstaking and have aged very well. Whereas 6 is like watching a Playboy Channel rejection. No comparison

She was /best girl/ in FvJ
The only thing the last girl had over her was her boobs, besides that she was cardboard in terms of acting
She was always hotter to me growing up. And she's qt

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I really loved the deaf kid's death in 6, whatever you might say about the rest that was great

They thought they were slick with this death lmao
how is the black girls death the funniest and quickest?
all the important characters deaths were shown as sad and serious but they tossed this bitch like a damn doll tf. Even Fredward was shocked

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It's strange FvJ was a huge but forgotten hit, grossing $123 million just in the US, in 2019 dollars, on a $30m budget. Not to mention DVDs prob grossed another $100-150 million. Consider the new Halloween did $180 million US with the nostalgia factor at an all time high, and set a near horror record.

New Line never capitalized on this. The rumors continued about Ash v Freddy v Jason, and a sequel with Pinhead. But never went anywhere. And yet FvJ expands its fanbase each year. A lot of money was left on the table. Even crazier is how the utter pos F13th reboot made a ton of bank in 2009 and it was never sequelised. That's a blessing, fuck Platinum Dunes all to hell, but it's unheard of in Hollywood. Of course, now F13 rights are in court and LeBron James is attached to a reboot lol.


I just don't like it, especially the atmosphere. I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, but it doesn't grab me like the others.

Gun to head: how do you reboot Freddy Krueger? Do you cast a "nobody" (preferred tbqh)

I hate FvJ, Freddy only kills one person, Jason kills plenty but only a few of the deaths are good, the characters suck and the blue steel filter makes the film look awful.

Simple, you don't. Robert Englund is Freddy Krueger, we already saw what happened when they recast the role.

It was the most horrifying movie for both franchises. They should have made Freddy vs Jason 2 or another crossover with Myers or Leatherface
Anyways, at least Halloween got a proper sequel reboot (even though I liked the Zombie 2007 film). Also liked 2009 F13th, tis my guilty pleasure

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Its was good af. the fuck you talking bout
1 > FvJ > NN > 2 = 3 > 4> 6 = 5
The 13th
Final Chapter> FvJ>VII> Final Friday>Friday the 13th >III (didn't see or remember the rest)
Its the second best Freddy movie and Friday movie

I prefer the Rob Zombie movies over the original

Not even close. Also the black girl from Destiny's Child is the most annoying, horrible character in the history of either franchise.

She was just the textbook horror black girl. can't get more typical than her

agreed. Halloween 2007 was my favorite(in terms of horror)n

>FvJ was the most horrifying movie for both franchises
No. The original Nightmare is the only movie in either franchise that is truly eerie and scary. FvJ is a fun royal rumble that surpasses expectations.

I think the original F13 is pretty spooky. The isolated camp in a rainstorm, also the rough way it's shot gives it's a documentary feel similar to Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

It's spooky agreed but not terrifying or unnervingly scary. F13 was always playful, from the start. Young Jason leaping out of the water is the scariest it ever got. The concept of Freddy is an inherent mindfuck, and the piano theme music is like a subverted fairy tale you've heard when you sleep. The bodybag girl in part 1 is like an echo of terror through your minds eye.

Dream Master was the biggest hit in the franchise: $109 million in today's dollars. So FvJ still made more. But more people saw DM in theaters: 12 million Americans, and I bet all of them were legal citizens.

She had the best titties though

Best girl agreed

> 1 = great
> revenge = good
> warriors = great
> master = good
> child = bad
> dead = decent
> new = near great
> fvsj = good
> 2010 = ok/meh

> F13 = decent
> p2 = very good
> p3 = very good
> p4 = very good
> p5 = near great
> p6 = great
> p7 = very good
> p8 = poor
> hell = great
> JX = good
> 2009 = very good

> h1 = strongly great
> h2 = great
> h3 = good
> h4 = great
> h5 = decent
> h6 (producer's cut) = very good
> h6 (theatrical) = poor
> h20 = decent
> hR = bad
> h07 = ok/meh
> h2 (09) = ok/meh
> 2018 = haven't seen

>are you guys talking about the same nightmare on elm street 2? that movie was garbage
It really wasn't.
It's only flaws are the gay stuff and Freddy's motives & powers being contradictory and nonsensical. (why would he want to be born in the real world when he has all this power in the dream world?)

>the rest were comedies
3 wasn't a comedy. It got the balance perfect.
>and the female love interest was the best girl in the series.

>we already saw what happened when they recast the role.
And Haley was good and the best part of the film he was just too dry and the make up sucked.
Give him a bit more dark humor and snark and he would be great.

>Also liked 2009 F13th, tis my guilty pleasure
Nothing to feel guilty about, it's solid.

Somtimes i sit around and think about how Debbie in Dream Master gets turned into a roach and then crushed.

Like would her parents just find her crushed body or would they actually find a crushed giant or small roach in the room?

What would have happened if she was woken up at that point would her body still be a roach?

They need to cast a complete unknown. Any recognizable actor takes you out of the Freddy role. Few kids even knew Englund's face or his name in the 80-90s. Made it so much scarier.

Part 6 is the only Freddy directed by a woman and it's no wonder it's the only shitty one

gibb or the main girl? If you mean the main girl, thats all she had going for her

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FD was also originally a direct sequel to Dream Warriors, but the director hated the script and loved John Waters movies

>originally assisted in his fight against Freddy by Taryn, Kincaid, and Joey from Dream Warriors, whose souls had been freed from Freddy at the end of Dream Master and were now returned by an unknown force as super-powered regulators known as the “Dream Police.”

> h1 = strongly great
> h2 = great
> h4 = great
> h5 = good
> h6 (theatrical) = okay
> h20 = decent
> hR = decent
> h07 = good
> h2 (09) = decent
> 2018 = near great

Also agree on with you about nightmare 2. I never noticed the gay shit when I was younger (besides the coach being gay)
and what I've heard is that most people hate it because of 'the gay shit'. And agree with 3 being a good mix of horror and comedy
Though, the tone seemed more serious in 2; which was really similar to the 1st

This is the correct ranking.

New Nightmare is overrated. It's definitely not better than Dream Warriors or Dream Master.

2 is the worst

3 > 4 > 1 > NN > 5 > 6 > 2

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i also liked the first rob zombie Halloween a lot more then the boring Original

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shit character getting tossed aside. it just works

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What I dislike about New Nightmare is how Freddy Krueger's burnt skin looks fake like a figurine's, yet the movie is IRL. I just didn't like the more fanciful shit, where Freddy is gigantic and lifts up the bitch running in traffic. It should have been more grounded. And the movie completely implodes in the last 30 mins. It was too much like the Larry Sanders Show for its own good, and regular fans weren't going to see that in the Midwest.

RIP Mr. Wes Craven

Would you watch a Freddy anime movie or series? Could that be based?

Only if it has sexy big titty teens

>gay stuff
I dunno, i liked that desu.

I still don't understand how Kill List isn't on this.

Idris Elba

you could say the same thing with Joey, how the fuck did the police explain him being inside the water bed with no holes.


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She cute