Can anyone stop him?
Can anyone stop him?
pretty sure I could stop him
why is he had photoshopped onto a kids body
He's growing up to be like Alex Jones
Destiny + Hasan are the cutest powercouple 2019.
Nick 'the knife" Fuentes did
i want to fuck hasan
>blue yeti mike
I bet his mom got it for him lel
He is 18 years old, so.
>alt-right losers flock to teenage e-celebs
>libcucks flock to neo-boomers like destiny
>half spic that goes on about how interracial couples are evil
Awww, is the poor /pol/rat seething because he idolizes literal NEET morons?
I hate this fucker so fucking much. Also he abandoned his kid for his career which is pretty fucked up.
have sex
He's live right now
This guy just outed himself as a holocaust denier, a racist and a sexist and Destiny didn't even have to say anything. He defeated himself.
>seething leftoid
whats the matter? cant handle someone making fun of your precious midget pedophile?
alt-right incels telling others to have sex is comedy geld
I know this is bait but HasanAbi and Destiny embody being a NEET moron
Was he in that debate? Probably the dumbest human being I've ever seen. At least he admitted it.
I don't know why it's always brainlets who are so drawn to Marxism.
>white nationalist
>anti-hispanic immigration
b-b-but muh castizo!
>History is immaculate, questioning anything is dumb
t. Dumb person
>rent free
............................have sex..............
right-wing incels eternally btfo by quads of truth
God Destiny is such a fucking faggot, he's never had to come to terms with authority at any time in his life. He's never been forced to mature past that shitty teenage egotistical 'I'm always right because I am me, everyone else is dumb' phase
Granted, Fuentes is in this phase but he's got time to get past it hopefully, what is DesTiny, like 36?
/pol/fags are so easy to bait, you newfags really need to lurk more.
36 going on 9
A new amendment to the constitution can.
what's the problem here?
you're white, aren't you? are you not allowed to critcize whites or something? not to mention actual non latin american spanish people exist
Nick btfo this manlet in spite of his chimpouts last night
how come people in the US have fucked up jaws? why does he talk like some low-iq mongrel with a soft jaw that they cannot control?
>why doesn't Destiny debate right wing "intellectuals" he only debates morons!
>right wing "intellectual" goes on his stream
>turns out to be another moron
remember when this guy argued in favor of ethical cp? lol
>Tommy (((Siegel)))
who quote
can you really blame us if racemix? ;_;
>projecting THIS hard
Cringe, this is why you're still a virgin sweaty.
>expecting right-wingers to put forth any intelligent argument apart from "LOL FUK LIBRULS!!!"
It's a given at this point. If you don't just point and laugh then you're a fucking idiot.
what he said is true though
Are you straight from Reddit or something? Rofl
when did he ever do this
>what's the problem here?
He's a self-loathing hypocrite shill for "white people" that love to have a token nigger willing to do the woogie boogie for them.
>not to mention actual non latin american spanish people exist
NOPE. Spaniards are niggers too.
the king
he's not even spanish he's part latino
What's the matter wit people like you? Why make a shitpost like this in the first place? He looks white enough and does more for our people than you EVER did in your life and EVER will do.
And I bet he's even whiter than you, you ugly faggot. Post a pic of yourself.
The right attacking itself with retards like you is the real problem here, not manchildren like Destiny.
never reply to me again retard
Itt: people unable to post a video in which destiny loses a debate
about himself. He's shitposting on Yea Forums about a twtich streamer right now. Clearly never had to "come to terms with authority at any time in his life" whatever the fuck that means.
> He's never been forced to mature past that shitty teenage egotistical 'I'm always right because I am me, everyone else is dumb' phase
literally what this post is demonstrating
kys newfaggot
you good bro?
what a retarded post, i feel dumber for having read it
can you substantiate your claims?
reminder that Spaniards are morisco rape babbies put PORTVGVESE are pureblooded Roman/Suebi (Norse) whites
I'm sorry my facts and logic hurt your feelings.
First Nick Fuentes debate, last Nick Fuentes Debate.
First Sargon debate.
Ryan Dawson debate.
That Pharma guy debate.
First Jim debate.
Alternative Hypothesis "debate".
So he basically always loses as soon as he debates people who are not completely retarded. And he would obviously never in his life touch someone like Molyneux
nice try user, unfortunately no matter how much shit you fling, people just with the truer statement from what they see
I don't know what happened to you to the point where you'd want to defend this scumbag
? I'm saying he's not European Spanish, he's literally part native so him going on about a pure white ethnostate is even more retarded.
i remember when he had a "debate" with jim and jim basically got him to say he's against a border wall because it's not practical but in favor of bombing mexico to get rid of the cartels.
he did soul calculus and proved he has a white soul. castizo souls are homeomorphic to white souls, therefore he is white enough to be in the ethnostate.
Based. /pol/fags should die in a fire.
>be destiny
>36 ACT score, 140+ iq
>500k+ per year playing video games
>chain fucks across the globe
>best debater on the internet
>6'5 turkish bf
>Ryan Dawson debate.
that wasn't a debate he was just interviewing dawson! doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count
>And he would obviously never in his life touch someone like Molyneux
He was supposed to debate Molyneux but Molyneux pussied out of the podcast so Sargon replaced him. also lmao at Molyneux being your peak intellectual go-to.
Destiny Vs his rape daughter.
Nick fucking bodied them
He's 100% right. There are studies that say giving already existing CP to pedos prevents actual rape. He's just stating a fact.
This midgets fanbase has the most embarrassing defense force on the internet. Sincerely i hope you all kill yourselves
go to bed destiny
He quite literally says that CP is an OK thing (just being reticent because "it sounds bad").
This is the kind of guy libtards on Yea Forums defend? Does he know that CP has to be made and that children get fucked?
WTF IS WRONG WITH Yea Forums IN 2019? WHere are all the libretards coming from?
Forgot to add they are mostly trannies
>that 56% face
being a neet in 2019 is the only logical praxis. tax money is only being used to wage wars for profit and subsidize cancerous monopolistic multinational corporations. working is quite literally immoral and unethical in this day and age because you are passively aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise.
i'm not even defending destiny, molyneux is just peak autism
No, that's bullshit. And it still wouldn't make it an 'okay thing'.
Obviously there are better ways to treat pedophilia than mandating a lot of child abuse lol.
Liberalism, not once.
>but Molyneux pussied out of the podcast
Imagine being you and believing this lol.
Cry moar manlets
Its true just look at you instant reply, jesus christ you don't get paid to suck up to him you know? Go donate to him more money retarf. Also yukko is better
I don't know how it's even possible, but this board somehow keeps getting dumber every single day. This retarded post alone gave me 5 different types of asscancer.
>Imagine being you and believing this lol.
That's actually what happened though. It was supposed to be Molyneux and Blair White, but they backed out last minute so Train scrambled to get Sargon and Nick.
Destiny is quite obviously higher on the autism scale than Molyneux (or frankly anyone I have ever seen). Molyneux is actually a normal dude and only occasionaly goes spastic when he's super enthusiastic and trying to be dramatic.
Oh, I will. I'm laughing to the point of tears.
But h-he called out Jontron! That makes him a h-hero right?
>What's the matter wit people like you?
You seem upset.
>Why make a shitpost like this in the first place?
>He looks white enough
nope. Superficial looks aren't what "race" is. He's as much of a nigger mexican gook as the rest of them. He's just a Koch shill that manipulates virginal kids into nazism. Tío Tomas.
> and does more for our people
You're a Mexican? GET OUT.
> than you EVER did in your life and EVER will do.
He's just a shill for fossil fuel companies bro. The only point behind any of this is to keep you voting against your own interests. Just get you all wound up about your virginity and teach you how to externalize that angst at The Other, to make you more compliant and willing to vote for industries that are abusing you.
>And I bet he's even whiter than you
muh 23 and me said I'm like 50% english, 25% german, and then the rest is French and scandinavian and junk. I have blonde and red hair lol. And MY FAMILY dates back to this country to the 1620s.
> Post a pic of yourself.
Nah I said nigger already.
>The right attacking itself with retards like you is the real problem here,
He's a shill for corporations. You're in a cult for virgins. You need to help yourself. There is no "we" here. You're sitting alone right now. The people you trust are not your friends. They privately joke about you. They hate you because it makes it easier when they manipulate and exploit you.
What's with his proportions? Where is his neck? His arms are way too short and his head is way too fucking big. He's a freak.
what do you mean? he LITERALLY dodged the debate, you retard. unless his dick fell off and had to go to the emergency room or something, that would be pussying out in another sense tho.
>a normal dude who goes on about how star wars is a metaphor for george lucas' hypergamy propoganda and the death star destruction is a symbol for the fertilization of a woman's egg
Source? Molyneux never partook in any of that childish shit, why would he suddenly give his OK?
And he obviously would have completely murdered everyone in that shitty debate, note ven because he is so good but because he is debating the exact topics that were enquired for 30 years or so and has experience on his side.
based schizo
Trainwrecks said it on his podcast before the debate, I'll find it
>for our people
>You're a Mexican? GET OUT.
This whole post is cringe but this is probably where it peaked. Are you still on the "Trump train" as well?
What a retard.
>He's just a shill for fossil fuel companies bro.
He is literally debating in favor of the white race, ethnostatism and Antiisraelism 24/7 you obtuse idiot.
>knowing who a single person ITT is
holy fucking Zoom.
>political debates in 2019
what a waste of time.
Sorry I should have specified whites (whether an autist like you would consider him white or not).
So not for you, granted.
get the fuck out of the USA, its the native american's land
>abandon your son in the midwest so you can move to california
>claim its because of your job
>streaming video games can literally be done anywhere
you don't have to show anything. stefan molyneux's a fucking pussy who won't debate anybody outside of format he has control over. he and steven crowder have no dick.
Nowadays /pol/cels are just as cringe as tranny SJWs. horseshoe meme is real
you're a cringe factory
how do i become a turkish commie chad?
larp on the internet as one
Okay, so it's nothing, Molyneux literally never gave his OK and you are just a literal retard.
Can you explain how?
How is that picture wrong? Do you think redpills result in a healthy happy person? How man unironic NatSoc chads do you know?
>everyone i don't like is the same
based galaxy brained poster
be honest how old are you?
source? can you substantiate what you say?
That dude literally even sucks in his OWN videos, he's essentially sub-verbal in live debates.
Also aren't they both Marxist faggots and agree on everything?
I didn't say that nor imply it.
Here's a Yuuko. I've never donated to any Twitch streamer, I just enjoy Destiny and Hasan's work - and love seeing you /pol/fags get triggered by them.
I got a peer reviewed paper that says I must bust your cheeks on a daily basis
I have no idea what you're talking about, but good job nitpicking 20 minutes of his 10.000 hours of content?
ummmmmmm source sweetea?
bust my cheeks? are you hitting on me?
>ad hominem
MAKE A FUCKING ARGUMENT OR STOP REPLYING YOU FUCKING SUB-VERBAL PIECE OF HUMAN JETSAM. What is the matter with retards like you infesting this place? Do they not even teach the most basic application of human discourse at school these days?
I give you another chance: How am I wrong?
Last chance, fatty.
>Cheeks undeniably busted
the people who are laughing at you aren't upset
>Fuentes and Sargon literally got Destiny and the turkroach to unironically say that there is nothing wrong with Communism and that the media does not have a liberal bias
>gets destroyed by a 20 years old castizo
>decides to debate a 14 years old girl so he could win
>will still be pwned
>He is literally debating in favor of the white race, ethnostatism and Antiisraelism 24/7 you obtuse idiot.
yeah all of that is just dangling keys. They need the "rootless white males" AS POSSIBLY AGITATED about EVERYTHING as possible. It's literally what the US and Russia did in the Arab World to agitate their virgins towards terrorism, to continue creating cause for ongoing war. He's a radicalizing agent of influence working to implicitly encourage people to ALWAYS reflexively shill for the plunderbund.
>finally get a (You)
>it's a mass replying autist
fuck you, genuinely FUCK you. no one here ever gives me a sincere response.
This isn't actually happening
the fug is wrong wit dis nigga
I don't even know how retarded you have to be to not see that the media is liberal as fuck and obviously pushing agendas.
Why would you ever voluntarily engage in a debate with someone who holds that belief?
No, you just have schizophrenia.
And? Both of those statements are correct.
He's obviously pedophile enough to debate a 13 year old so it might be happening.
Reminder that he's fucking 9/10s while you're still here incelposting
huh? what are you referring to?
i must know
this spic told me to kill myself for criticizing his usage of a controller in an fps
hes a fake gamer and a fake white, i disavow
The average age of this thread is no higher than 16. all fucking zoomers must fucking hang
Fuck jannies
I'm based as fuck cuz
Didn't Nick Fuentes get so fucking mad during a debate he HUNG UP on destiny? And then tweeted that he's the one that got hung up on.
This really shows you how desperate the salt-right is when out of thousands of hours of streams, all they have is him pointing out a study he read about a stance he doesn't even support.
IF you are autistic or have an IQ of 80, yes.
In relation to him being a gay pedophile that's not a huge accomplishment, though. It's like you being a scat fetishist and bragging with champing those crispy 9/10 turds all day.
More like homofaggot to white souls lmao never knew a half-white spic that hasn't sucked dick once.
You have a source on that?
He looks like a dirty monkey
You don't know where I've been Lou.
You're going to kill yourself as a virgin and it's your fault. This is a billions dollar industry of political messaging. He is very literally being paid by very bad actor agencies to train disaffected children how to think like Stalinists.
This is very real. This is your life. The people you trust are destroying you.
Ay fuck this thread
Holy based
how am i a weirdo? because i categorize my filenames? is organization immanently weird? is it normal to be disorganized? if so, then surely we wouldn't live in a structured and ordered society then? unless you believe that society is inherently weird by nature of its order?
Yeah, that was the second debate which was shit. But in his defense the topic was some open-end retarded shit that didn't go anywhere.
Nick definitely won their first debate though, and he was only 18. And in the last one Destiny got slayed (only a retard wouldn't see it and get deluded by all his retarded laughing in an attempt to appear dominant).
I met Destiny at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere Destiny shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big Destiny fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.” Destiny was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Destiny and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.
I sometimes think about how well people would have fared as warriors in the days of yore. This man is a specimen of strength and male beauty; he would have had songs written of his prowess in battle. No homo