I dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda...

i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick

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Sand hags showed up for one scene to say their female-led society went to shit and then they all got killed

Have sex

Portraying women as strong isn't a feminist monopoly and when you think it is the feminist have won.
In the end they are utterly reliant on Max and he is the only thing that prevents them from dying to their own stupidity. The movie doesn't condemn masculinity and that is why it's not "feminazi propaganda".

I mean technically wouldnt they have failed if max wasn't there? He was a great warrior, bunga chunga.

>i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda?
fucking Russians

>muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day

I guess I missed this part of the movie.

>woman does something
>"fucking feminazis"

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I have to admit the "we're not your property" shit was pretty lame, as was Furiousa's motivation for turning traitor. Whether or not it was the director's intention to portray feminist characters or just dumb characters that need saving, I don't know. Although considering it was made in the 2010s I'm leaning toward yes, it's feminist shit.

Anyway I didn't enjoy the movie or any of the Mad Max films to be frank. I've always preferred A Boy and His Dog and Waterworld.

>movie is set up to be pro feminism on paper.
>in actuality it is anti feminism due to what actually happens.

i bet you were SEETHING at that scene where furiousa took the gun from max, id love to see your reaction it'd be *chefs kiss*

It changed Max's kid to a daughter. Bullshit from the get go.


It's not really. The stronk womyn, particularly Furiosa, contribute but the reality is they'd still be fucked without Max. He does a lot of the heavy lifting but it's ultimately a team effort lead by the partnership of Max and Furiosa.

>Male lead doing badass shit
>Female also doing badass shit



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This what movie are u people watching?

this was my only problem with the movie, it made and still to this day does not make any sense to me what exactly this retcon does

You’re right but here’s what’s funny.

Furiosa’s plan would have gotten everyone killed.

The concubines would have regretted their lives after one day on the outside.

One of the concubines gets killed.

The desert hags are too stupid to find a new place to live, and since there isn’t any obvious food sources around how did they survive?

The resources of the citadel would have been squandered in a week after Furiosa took over.

It took a man to save everyone

immortan Joe was the good guy in this movie - he literally wanted to build a society in postapocalyptyc world, literally trying build something from nothing but Strong Wymyn TM happily saved the day thanks to womn magic and emotions. pathetic

>max becomes co-leader with furiosa
>suggests his idea which all the women follow in the end
>his idea ends up working and saving the day
yeah dude total feminist propaganda, retard.

Boy oh boy we sure have a lot of woman apolgists here today


Every single woman in this movie is BTFO repeatedly and the strongest one started off as a slave breeder but was demoted when she couldn't reproduce. Pull your head out of your ass and have sex for a change you twink soi drinking numale.

>women are literally slaves in the movie
>women are literally saved by a man

Daily reminder that this is the type of 'man' you have conversations with on Yea Forums. Honk fucking honk faggot.

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Mental illness.

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The fuck. I've seen this thread before with the same replies. Am I losing it?

I thought it was weird that the girls all unanimously decided to leave with Furiosa. They kind of touch on this by having one girl consider going back at the first hiccup in the plan, but otherwise they all seem onboard with this risky gamble.

Were their lives so horrible? Fresh food, entertainment and security. Fucking Joe was not ideal for sure, but it beats dying of thirst and exposure.

Im actually alpha male i fuck bitches because i treat them like shit

you mean a mindless tool for their agenda
he may as well have been dickless
and bald
and painted gray

I am easily enraged by the soggy knees and stronk propaganda because of it being absolutely everywhere, and yet for some reason this movie got a pass from me. I don't really understand why

Furiousa filled their heads with the idea that there was some paradise ruled by women. They were sheltered and naive and sick of sucking Joe's dick so they believed her bullshit

You come here willingly to have conversations with 'men' who's minds are literally trashed by years of incel addictions. Their identities are so warped, their ability to connect with the world around them has become so polluted that they're basically zombies. This board has become one giant honeypot for the most deranged introverted losers in our society.

Think back to your jobs, your time in school...how many movie buffs did you know that were well adjusted, hygienic, athletic, and NOT suffering from some form of mental or social illness?

Jesus Christ.

The first rule of being an alpha is that you have to call yourself alpha you're not an alpha.

What happened at the end of the film user? The man made the final decision. He had the final say. They followed him and did what he said.

Nope just shills. Sage the fuck out of em.

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Why do think max walked away at the end?

>Max is a mindless tool
You're trolling. No one familiar with the lexicon of Mad Max thinks this. In order to actually believe what you're saying you'd literally have to be too fucking stupid to breathe.

>You're trolling
Fuck off back to red dit roastie

>can't even quote or say reddit properly

>you're wrong about this movie because other movies
kys retard""""s""""

>I have no argument
>My father doesn't even know my name
>I have no social life
>I am a mid 20s overweight virgin that has never been complimented in my life
>My sole joy is reeeing at people on the internet who think I'm a lunatic, which is everyone
>I post this thread over and over and over and over and over and over and over because my autism has crippled my ability to act normally
>Everyone else is a retard and should die because I'm special.
Sure think kiddo.

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Is this spam at this point?

No its movie discussion retard

That's why people call it:


It's pure SJW cunt garbage.

>I've always preferred A Boy and His Dog and Waterworld.

I hope this is bait.

There's literally one angry mommy hating incel manchild that is making this thread over and over and ALL of the virgin cringe in this thread is from this one deranged individual. Don't give him attention. The voices in his head will keep him company.

Sounds like someone is afraid of constructive criticism

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You are not going to get any pussy by acting like a lap dog you are aware of that onions boy

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>male feminist faggots SEETHING
this is your mind on reddit

Where the fuck is the sequel


Because a huge chunk of faggots want to pick and choose when female empowerment is good, in order to pretend they aren't neckbeards that hate women
So they prop up movies like this, for the sole purpose of saying
>hey look, I'm not sexist!!! I like this movie
Its like when rock musicians would say they "loved Public Enemy" so they wouldn't seem racist for not liking hip hop.
Boils down to insecurity, they hate feminist stuff in movies but don't want to admit they are like the gross neckbeards that hate those movies. On paper, it should be hated just as much as nu Star Wars, but they did a nice marketing strategy of shaming people into liking it.

Road Warrior was still better

> (You) (OP)
>Because a huge chunk of faggots want to pick and choose when female empowerment is good, in order to pretend they aren't neckbeards that hate women
>So they prop up movies like this, for the sole purpose of saying
>>hey look, I'm not sexist!!! I like this movie
>Its like when rock musicians would say they "loved Public Enemy" so they wouldn't seem racist for not liking hip hop.
>Boils down to insecurity, they hate feminist stuff in movies but don't want to admit they are like the gross neckbeards that hate those movies. On paper, it should be hated just as much as nu Star Wars, but they did a nice marketing strategy of shaming people into liking it.
Exactly. People have to be absolutly brainwashed and braindwad to not see this

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Nigga, road warrior was the pinnacle of post-apocalypse film. Course it's better than this reboot garbage

nah it wasn't feminazi

it had women stronk messages but it wasn't blatant or obnoxious about it and it didnt flanderize the male characters so its ok

They made you think so but subconciously it was feminist propaganda
fuck off

what did it mean in terms of feminist theory that they retooled the protagonist to be a pony with DSLs?

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Old Max, a Jew Slayer, was so much better
Fuck jews.

The only strong women in this movie is Furiosa and those elder women they later hook up with. The women meant for breeding are weak and helpless the entire movie.
They dont play up to a feminists fantasy

This, also it's pretty clear that had the breeders not gotten pregnant Furiosa would have been the next leader anyway

This is the reason the movie is kino. Both Men and Women get a superiority complex from the outcome. Name one other action movie that put men and women on such an even playing field?

Most of the women died, and Max saved everyone. It seems like "women strong men bad" but ends up being pretty fair.

Because Mel was right about everything, and "oy vey ANTI-SEMITE"

You wouldn't know the first thing about getting pussy. Go back to jerking off to tranny porn and going to sleep enraged thinking about the one girl in your life that's ever even looked at you is getting piped by some nigger right now you whiny cuck.

The op isn't constructive criticism.

This is constructive criticism.

Laughable idiot

Boo hoo baseding got mad haha
You are not even a man


Then stop talking because literally everyone disagrees with you.

>religiously responding to everyone in this thread immediately like a obsessive lunatic
You should be thanking me, literally no one else in the world is even pretending you exist. If it wasn't for me making fun of your incel beta bitch sexless degenerate psychopathy no one would even be talking to your virgin neckbeard ass. Keep foaming at the mouth Kletus.

pathetic loser you are

Triggered roastie spotted
Yes yes im very PROBLEMATIC

>literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day.
That's what you got from the movie? Because what I saw was women destroying one environment after the other.

he's right you know, your relationship to this board doesn't seem healthy

It's not. The Mad Max movies bore me, Road Warrior was the peak and even that doesn't strike me as anything beyond average. A Boy and His Dog is a wonderfully strange little B-movie and far more original than Mad Max, which lifted several things from it. As for Waterworld, it's an extremely fun if kinda stupid movie that still manages to be more exciting and enjoyable than any Mad Max shitflick.