Didint americans have flowing water in the 70s? why is joker pouring water out of the store to wash his mother?

didint americans have flowing water in the 70s? why is joker pouring water out of the store to wash his mother?

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Who gives a fuck marvel is gay and only redditor tourists like it

I browse reddit and Yea Forums. Honestly after the whole New Zealand thing I'd be worried about anyone who browses Yea Forums exclusively



im worried about myself aswell, thank you

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you have to pay for water you mong

Crummy apartments in NYC used to not have hot water in the rooms. A "cold water walk up" my dad stayed in one in the 70s when he lived up there with the Hell's Angels.

It's called taking a bath you miserable retard

Yea Forums is an American website. Only third worlders have to worry about that.

They're both owned by the same group of jews

I've been exclusively a Yea Forums user for over a decade, fuck you you need to go back.

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His mother has some kind of dementia or something, he's bathing her because she's ill.


What??? I thought you had yourself a free cuntry over there pardner

Well i do nigger

>didint americans have flowing water in the 70s
honestly we didn't have running water here until the mid-90s, we just kept it from the world as we were too embarrassed

Then you're an idiot who buys into fear mongering. You're the type of brainless drone who wouldve thought Iron Maiden made kids worship the devil. It is not based in fact. Leave it up to a redditor to be so fucking out of touch. Thanks for outting yourself.

It's the only type of social ground I use at all. Everything else sucks. I abandoned forums completely because of their shitty culture is 2007. Reddit is poison.

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joker's mom looked pretty fuckable there

>psycho shoots up a mosque
He also used facebook and played too many videogames lkke you. 99% of mass murderers drink water. Oh no! Moral panic everyone!

Fucking retard. R3ddit is gay and you should stay there because youre a pussy.

imagine biting on bait this hard.

Also, I like to suck on big black dicks, btw

Ya know, we always had redditers lurking on Yea Forums but at least back in the old days they had the decency to be ashamed of it and not bring it up.

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you got any good stories from him to share?

What's the deal with the fucking lamp?

He got drunk once and told me that couldn't find work for the first couple of months, so he paid for rent in blowjobs.

Fuck you

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