legally kino
Legally kino
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Damn finally someone had the courage to protect beautiful women....they've had it so bad for so long......
Legally Blonde is fucking terrible. The whole movie is "Girls rule boys drool" and all of the male characters are portrayed either as assholes or imbeciles. There's even a completely unnecessary text at the end that tells us her ex boyfriend is now alone and will never amount to anything. The female professor we were supposed to think was evil turns out to be her true ally while the male mentor she looked up to turns out to be a creep. Fuck this movie, possibly the earliest example of Hollywood doing anti-male propaganda
If you want good femkino check out Miss Congeniality instead
See.Legally blonde is a man's chick flick. Like Sweet Home Alabama. In fact I bet you're a femanon pretending to be a man. I bet you can't even comprehend Master & Commander.
Unironically one of the best legal kinos of our time.
Wrong, a man's chick flick would be What Women Want
do they portray her as a whore (which all women are)?
i preferred the uncut edition
there is no such thing as a man's chick flick. a mans chick flick (if you want to even put that as a valid category) would be something like Alien
Yes the film was quite cringe-worthy
>gives up magical powers for ugly woman
>gives up promotion for ugly woman
>has ugly daughter
that's an awful movie and you should be ashamed of even mentioning it
There was a time when romantic comedies were made for men just as much as women. It was in the 80s/90s when they started pumping out rom-com trash specifically for a female audience
Tia Carrere Relic Hunter is a better female lead
I thought it was funny and enjoyed Mel's performance. You're right about Helen Hunt though
The absolute state of western women in current year.
What Women Want is pretty enjoyable for both sexes and it has based Mel.
That's not how you spell You've Got Mail.
this is what a man's chick flick looks like
God I just want to buy a whole box of condoms just so I can throw them like confetti at men in wheelchairs while screaming "incel" and "loser" at them.
I want to fuck legaly blondes
This character was better when she was just the mom in Little Nicky. She did not need her own movie. It isn't funny, charming or interesting in anyway. Waste of my time
Why is the Jewish woman being the antagonist problematic?
theyve had muh dick for so long y'know whadimean?
ah yes, the insufferable one-upmanship of the Loony Left
>movie about a white woman
I'm out
>Twitter handle referencing a jewish actor in a lustful way
She's a Judeophile or a full-blown jew herself. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Have sex
I love movies about dumb bimbos with hearts of gold.
So people like her think Jews can't be portrayed as villains ever?
Dude, a bunch of jews got killed 80 years ago, have some fucking respect.
Based. Clueless also falls into this category.
Make me.
>tfw no suicidal judy greer gf
It helps that witherspoon is one of best actors of her generation. She kino'd hard in the late 90s and early 00s
Jews are circumcised and thus have had their genitals mutilated. If you'd ask the UN, they're bona fide refugees wherever they go.
>being this insecure
Pretending shitty movies that pandered to shallow girl power 90s feminism are actually great is my least favorite trope of thos decade.
its been on youtube for free for a while now
it is a very well executed flick.
It would be the opposite. Anytime its any woman that comes in Barbara lights up like a Christmas tree and goes full Muhh guuurl power.