Quentin is cancelled, and that’s the tea, sis

Quentin is cancelled, and that’s the tea, sis

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Keskold? More like Joe's a Cuckold.


Spike Lee already said this like 20 years ago, and unlike this virtue-signaling faggot, he actually has a modicum of talent.

I am so sick of Twitter and it's fucking echo chamber

Isn't this a satirical account?

This guy's name is remarkably close to cuckold. Coincidence?

With Pulp Fiction, the America viewing public finally acknowledged all the films they once saw as a "guilty pleasures" as legitimate art. All of a sudden Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inducted into New York's Museum of Modern Art. Slasher films were revived and shared movie theaters with "high art". Now people had an excuse to say all the crappy movies they had seen were important. All of a sudden academic papers were being written on the virtues of Ernest films. Quality of writing dipped, because people were more concerned with "impressions to ideas" or used it as an excuse not to actually learn anything so they could justify sitting alone masturbating to porn, rather than reading book. It was another excuse for our generation to feel entitled to their tastes, and consequently defend them inarticulately.

People are nostalgic for the days of Pulp Fiction, when indie film making "actually meant something." This was when not every indie film starred Michael Cera or was directed by Wes Anderson. This was when indie films were "cool and unpredictable."

I believe Pulp Fiction does not mean anything, its a void that convinced the film viewing public of its importance and quality with xenophobia disguised as irony and substance veiled by coolness.

This film is not unique, it is empty. It is a number situations rather than subjects, and it made this generation dumber.

Well at least its better than Four Weddings and a Funeral. (or is it? They were both nominated, I guess they should both be classics.)

it's a black male thing

I can't even tell anymore.

Lee has made a film career out of race baiting.

200 replies incoming

>super cool hairstyles

that's a real hot take there SoiJoe

Good. I wish there were an entire board dedicated to venting about the ridiculous shit that get's posted on twitter.

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These OP's with tweets from literal who's need to fucking stop.

What does that even mean?

Beta Cuck Democrat

that spike lee's entire career is built upon making films that make white's angry about black people's sense of self entitlement and make black people angry about their sense of being victims in 'the white man's world'

there are 4 actually

*Good. I wish there were an entire board dedicated to venting about the ridiculous shit /pol/smokers post on twitter to enrage other /pol/smokers

Those aren't dedicated to it though.
It's more than just that. And I don't even browse /pol/. We can shit talk right-wingers too.

This. Does he really think jamie Foxx has no agency? Anyway wtf it has like 135 likes I've had honkler tweets bigger than that

>even when your mom is a mudshark you're not allowed to say NIGGER
SJWs really have no souls.

uh, what's going on here?

Joe Keskold more like Joe Cuckold HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's strawman propaganda designed to antagonize retards to constantly feel defensive and agitated. It skews their perception of scale and frequency and turns them into psychotic retards constantly having a conversation against some fucking guy that's not here. It's turning virgins gay and crazy.

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worse than SoBe White and Pink put together

>writes in a part for himself (that could be taken out without affecting the movie) just so he can say nigger

Redpilled, but on the other hand

>writes and directs both a negro and Jew revenge fantasy against evil white oppressors


Good thing your opinion is fucking terrible and anyone who takes it seriously is a fucking idiot.

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I really think Tarantino's attempts to elevate schlock more or less ruined American film.

You might be more comfortable on r*ddit

Kill all twitter users, prove me wrong.

You know nothing about Spike or his career

Satire is dead and anyone doing faggy satire like this is a piece of shit fanning the flames

Isn't this guy a known parody account?

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I don't think so. Thanks though.

>in 45 days Alex Jones turned pink
Fucked up

He's clearly seen his garbage movies.

>Joe Keskold
>Joke Scold

>every tweet is an obvious satire of chapofags

if you can't see he's a joke account then you're underage and/or MAGA

stop writing like a nigger

Welcome to /pol/ enjoy your stay

got a niggas ribs hurtin

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Then he must also be a parody.

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Do people really consider Django Unchained racist? I mean beyond the literal mass murder of white people at the end I thought the scenes of the doctor breaking his comedic persona and sitting in noticeable pain and shock during the violent slave scenes were powerful.

Spike Lee has spent his entire life seething over Birth of a Nation

Yeah its racist against whites

The reason people do all this sjw shitposting is because retards like OP will get triggered and do things like post them on Yea Forums and they get more followers and engagement. You're working for the people that upset you.

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no it isn't. Southerners aren't white.

Yes, this is the same guy who said he watched a young black kid watch black panther

He described his movies perfectly.

That's Spike's movies, though.

>foot fetishist
>loves saying "nigger"
Tarantino is Yea Forums incarnate. you only hate him because you hate yourself.

This guy is based

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>It's strawman propaganda designed to antagonize retards to constantly feel defensive and agitated.

literally LITERALLY politics

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This guys Twitter is a goldmine

To me the movie felt more authentic because of the use of 'nigger' so frequently and by all races

His name is literally Joke Scold. What do you think?

Using awards to justify the quality of a movie is a horrible metric.

Post-modernism started long before Pulp Fiction and would have escalated with or without Tarantino. At most he was just another cog in the Hollywood machine. The subversion of artistry and objective quality in films, music, sculpture and painting has quite a long history that is beyond the scope of this post.

Your review of Pulp Fiction is senseless and I hope throwing the blame of an entire generations mental capacity at poor Quentin's feet was just hyperbole.

How are people in this thread so fucking retarded that they don't get this is parody. His name is literally JOKE SCOLD. Fucking mongoloids, fuck.

What is "joke scold" suppose to mean

I know someone that doesn't like the S word.

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Tarantino is/was just some regular guy with weird taste who wanted to make movies, and somehow went from working a dead end job at a movie rental store to being one of the worlds most sought after directors

Any and all fallout from his works that have befallen and/or altered modern cinema don’t reflect upon Quentin, they reflect upon us, the public.

We took his works and made him a superstar because we liked it, Quentin doesn’t have to answer for anything

>assumes screenshot they see here represent all of Twitter

Seriously I'm waiting. What does "joke scold"

Stop sucking dick, Joe.

>Murder is fine
>Rape is fine
>Torture is fine
>Saying the mean words is bad

>I just repeat what Trump told me


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This is a parody account and apparently it's effective as well because it's still tricking retards.

>white guy trying to tell me Django Unchained isn't kino

Not gonna happen bitch

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the reason its funny is because it could pass for genuine tweets from some resetera posting weirdboy

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Quentin used to be one of my favorite directors, but the fetishist bastard almost killed Uma Thurman because he gets off to seeing woman in distress and that shit just not OK in my book.

I want this new infowars supplement to turn the color saturation up way high irl. Think it might be a good addition to my daily doses of brain force plus and super male vitality.

Hahaha, holy fuck. The funny thing is, Poe's Law works so well with SJWs because the difference between an extreme and obvious parody and a real, actually held belief is usually just time. Given long enough, they'll get there, and the joke headlines become real.

Well ya know what a scold is? Now imagine someone was a scold as a joke. That person would be a joke scold. Fucking lord why am I still on this website. I'm talking to retarded children.

We rocketed way past poe's law decades ago, people just didn't want to notice.

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Surprised they didn’t make the chocolate flavour milk the biggest one. It seems like such an obvious marketing ploy to rile up shitpost era online for extra clicks.

Quentin is the biggest public cuck of all time.
Research his quotes if you dare he takes cuckoldry to another level. Theres probqbly worse out there but as someone that has said crazy cuckish shit publicly he takes the cake.

if you think taratino is a normal guy you havent read his real history.

SJWs are literally impossible to satirize. The only way to make it unbelievable at this point is by ascribing something like systemic murders to them, and even that's only not happening because they're not in control of the justice system.

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That doesn't make any sense.

Doesn't even make sense, dumb pseud. His name just sounds like Joe Cuckold. I was waiting for a reply like that to laugh at, thanks

How? I need to know how this extremely straight forward thing doesn't make sense to you.

dunning-kruger in effect

I'm drunk and I wanted a response from you, that's how.

You realize there are jokes that work multiple ways right? That most other people can hold two thoughts in their head without smoke coming out of their ears? It can both sound like cuckold and joke scold and both work for the character.

>shitposting under the influence
but that's illegal

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Fair enough. That at least I can respect.

>extremely obvious joke account literally named joke scold
>"the funny thing is, I can't even TELL anymore!! What's crazy is, it could have been for real, and no one can tell!"
you guys are just retarded

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>falling for a parody account
chuds = owned

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>he doesn't know

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I checked out his feed, it's hilarious. He's a skilled satirist

This. I remember shitposting as a Tumblrina back in 2012. Now everything we made fun of back then has become a reality. It's crazy how much can change in 7 years.

Now THAT is a transformation.

Get shorter and redder in 45 days!

someone this obsessed with race is a racist. typical white liberal saviour complex

social media was a mistake, that's why I avoid it when it comes to movies I'm anticipating in order not to ruin the whole mystique

He was buff as hell in his youth. What happened? Alcohol? I'm going to quit drinking immediately if that's the case.

You are unironically crazy.

>Some white liberal faggot speaks on behalf of black people
every time

the line between satire and reality is long gone

I wish that was all he did, he also felt the need to shit on old boy.

>Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inducted into New York's Museum of Modern Art.
I'm pretty sure this is some gay pasta, but the original TCM is one of the best films of any genre ever made.

he looks like a chapofag making fun of liberals though

DiCaprio's performance in Django could only be that good because he was allowed to use 'nigger'.
Only in a Tarantino movie white actors can get away with saying 'nigger'

Right in the instant before it loops you notice how crooked his glasses are

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he says he doesn't have time to workout anymore because he spends 5 hours a day reading news stories and another 5 hours at work

Okay, so it's alcohol I guess.

>Scold means someone who complains or grumbles constantly
>Calling himself what is basically "joke scold" means he's jokingly complain about something (like his Michelle Obama or Jussie Smollett tweets posted above)
Congrats, you lack basic deductive skills. But on the bright side, at least you aren't completely retarded like all the shiteaters insisting it's a fucking cuck joke.

>and in this scene, i get to say the n word, or nigger as i like to say

You might want to try reading a few posts after the one that you're responding to.

Alright I'll bite. What's his real history?

> It's a parody account.

Neither Spike Lee nor Joe Keskold, whoever the fuck that is, have any talent whatsoever.

kek how can you even tell top kek the left sounds EXACTLY like that kek

>tfw Joe Keskold is a tard filter

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Ian Miles Cheong is a dumb gook who takes everything at face value and has the most milquetoast takes on anything he posts about.

Jarmursch was better anyway


I think humanity is at an end and we don't even know it.

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>denying the fact that Spike Lee is a bitter race-baiting midget

I was under the impression that it was just known at this point.

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>The Hoverhand Protocol


G-d I hope so.

I meant normal as in he came from a “normal” background. Financially speaking.
Not born into some privileged family with ties to the film industry like the Coppola’s etc
I am well aware of him growing up under a single mother who exclusively dated black dudes and being like the only white guy at his school etc etc

It does, you idiot. Every social media platform is such

Highly disturbing

Sounds like a part of that whole “Yale Thing”

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How the hell does this guy not have a blue checkmark?

it literally is and anyone who says "hehe u cant even tell anymore" or "poe's law" is just a retard who got owned

I'm black and I give Tarantino the pass. Django is my shit

>my bull Terrance