How do we put this delicately? Some of the decisions Rian Johnson made in Star Wars: The Last Jedi...

How do we put this delicately? Some of the decisions Rian Johnson made in Star Wars: The Last Jedi...rubbed people the wrong way. The handling of Luke Skywalker, Rey’s lineage, the fate of Snoke, all of these things instantly became lightning rods of debate and continue to be just that. Some fans even hope the sequel changes those things. And if they do, Johnson is OK with it.

Asked the writer and director of The Last Jedi if he’d be bothered if Star Wars: Episode IX co-writer and director J.J. Abrams retconned the revelation that Rey’s parents were no one. Johnson immediately shook his head and redpiled, “Like I said, man, I want to let go of all my expectations. I want to sit back. I want to be entertained. I want to be surprised. I want to be thrilled. I want him to do stuff I wasn’t expecting him to do and just go along for the ride.”

In other words, no, he won’t be bothered. He just wants to see something new and exciting, like he did himself by actually doing those things in the first place. (We love The Last Jedi, by the way, just to clear that up.)

The interview also touched on other topics that are important to fans of the franchise. So, no, as should be obvious from the previous quote, he does not know what’s going to happen in Episode IX. Outside of a few brief meetings, he’s out of the loop on the film. Yes, he is still working on his Star Wars movies. There’s no timeline as he’s waiting on Lucasfilm to figure out their slate. And yes, he’s very excited to see what David Benioff and D.B. Weiss do with their movies—which, like he said about Abrams’ upcoming film, he hopes are surprising.

“I’m also psyched about the things they are going to explore beyond what we’ve seen already,” Johnson said. “To me, that’s kind of the most exciting stuff is pushing the limits of seeing stuff we haven’t seen before in Star Wars.”

You know, like he did with The Last Jedi.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Or just reboot the whole fucking thing

Rey should be a nudist in Episode 9

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>we love the last Jedi, by the way

I decided to start checking what all these sites that praised The Last Jedi said about its closest competitor, Blade Runner 2049.

This site called it "pretentious."

And plump up to 400lbs.

>Announcement status: imminent.

This is Phase 2, where they FINALLY start acknowledging that there were actual valid criticisms that they were absolutely refusing to address. This is the warm-up to Rian "stepping away"(getting shitcanned) to "focus on another project," and then we'll move into all the bullshit hype disguised as conjecture on how Abrams is going to "save Star Wars again."

I hate these fuckers.

Bro they are still emphatically stating how much they loved the movie a year and a half after release.

I hate to say it, but it seems like they genuinely feel this way.

The absolute state of damage control on you fagglets. What would you say in his position?


The article is pure clickbait and takes his words out of context.


Star Wars fans need to realise that it is dead and JJ killed what was left of it. move along

The Tokyo Drift guy somehow brought Star Trek back after JJ killed it twice, anything's possible so long as they get rid of JJ.

yes the upcoming rick and morty trek cartoon is a good sign.

I was talking about the Trek movies, but whatever.

Rian "Tres Mas" Johnson
Rian "The Teflon Ball" Johnson
Rian "Twice the dab" Johnson
Rian "Incel Terminator" Johnson
Rian "Not Tired Of Winning" Johnson


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rian why are you doing this to yourself

None of these rhyme...

No, pay close attention to the subtle shift in the narrative. Suddenly, we're no longer some strident lunatic fringe of toxic incel alt-right manbabies; we're "people" again, fans even. Suddenly, our criticisms are actually listed instead of ignored in favor of the cherry-picked hatred being directed at characters like Holdo, Rose, and Rey's essential Sue-ness. Now they're "lightning rods for debate," a debate they conveniently omit from the discussion, as it would reveal that their pet "journalists" have done everything in their power to stifle it, paint it in as negative a light as possible.

>What the hell were they thinking weaponizing FTL?
>You're just angry because it was a woman who thought of it.

This is the beginning of them distancing themselves from Rian's stinking shitheap of a movie. Sure, they still lipservice "their lobe" in his direction, but it's distinctly qualified as being *their* opinion, leaving open, at long last, the possibility that it might not be an opinion that's generally held.

Star trek isnt a movie series tho

I guarantee I can find you dozens of articles still calling you manbabies. io9 just happens to be one of the kinder websites.

I'll be back in a bit with some proof.

>No, pay close attention to the subtle shift in the narrative.

>Let me tell you what this clickbait article that took his words out of context AKSHUALLY MEANS

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>There’s no timeline as he’s waiting on Lucasfilm to figure out their slate.

Oh yes, that's totally what it is. The same studio announcing Marvel films half a decade out is still "figuring out their slate." If there's any truth to that, then he's the fucking reason. He's probably the motherfucker on earth too dense to be aware of that.


Marvel didn't have a flop like Solo and had to scrap and shift the entire slate.

And Star Wars and the MCU are the same thing, Star Wars is way easier to screw up and fragile.The MCU needs to pump the same shit capeflick and connect it to the next movie.

You can never fix Luke wanting to murder his own nephew in his sleep.

You can also never fix how the hyperspace ram ruins all of Star Wars.

People who think the hyperspace ram ruins Star Wars genuinely do not understand science.

His words are perfectly in context. The context is just broadened outward from the one specific thing they asked him about - Rey's lineage. And they're justified in doing so, as Johnson extends the blanket approval without solicitation.

Sure okay, what would you expect him to say? The question was stupid in the first place.

You're right. They had a Hulk.

why make a post like this? it's literally saying nothing and just being a nigger. if you have an argument, post it. i'd read it.

You don't get the mechanics of Hyperspace and hyperdrives, because you're not a sci-fi fan, just a culturally illiterate Disneydrone. If you'd ever read Asimov we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Not my point, Star Wars is a cultural force, but its entire lore rests on 6 freaking movies over 40 years.

Marvel had more or less a clean slate with shaping up the entire cinematic universe and shit ton of material they could choose to use or get inspired by.

Thats why they shifted gears completely after SOLO, the MCU can afford a crack, Star Wars can't. There is no rebooting Star Wars.

>People who think the hyperspace ram ruins Star Wars genuinely do not understand science.
It's a problem because it immediately creates a problem for why it has never been used before. And it also creates a problem where now there is never any legitimate reason for any faction in the SW-universe to ever build any kind of large warship ever again, because they can be easily destroyed by much smaller ships.

I'd have expected him to be the same smug asshole he's spent the past two years being on Twitter, thumping his chest about his perfect movie.

The scale between the ships in question (the Raddus as the "projectile" and the Supremacy as the target) is no different than the scale between a regular missile and the target it could damage (3km:60km meaning a ratio of 1:20). As such, it doesn't present any new degree of firepower - if you made a 3km proton torpedo, it could equally have damaged the Supremacy and destroyed several star destroyers with its blast.

On top of that, since a missile is basically a ship with a bomb on it, but no hyperdrive, and hyperdrives are expensive (more expensive than not having a hyperdrive, at any rate) any hyperspace "missile" is more expensive than the conventional version without a hyperdrive.

So, for whatever size of missile you're using, be it 3m long or 3km long, the hyperspace version does the same damage as the conventional version, but costs more. So nobody would ever want to field them.

The relative sizes between the "projectile" (the 3km Raddus) and the target (the 60km Supremacy) is nothing special compared to regular missiles. Any missile can damage a target 20x its own length. Nobody complained when happened, for example. The only thing "different" here is that everything is scaled up, but that doesn't actually change anything.

This whole fucking complaint is moot in light of the fact that it's not an increased level of firepower from what already exists in other weapons. And that's to say nothing of things like Jango Fett's seismic charges or the fucking Death Star, both of which cause much more damage than 20x their own size.


The Sequels shouldn't even exist. Give me a fucking KotOR movie, or hell, even more Clone War shenanigans, I love that time period.

Just like Marvel, they had decades worth of stories to pick and choose from. Just like with Marvel, they cannibalized, bastardized, and otherwise folded, spindled, and mutilated a rock-stupid parody of their IP onto the big screen, complete with the same shit attention to continuity, the same shit attention to conventions, and the same shit attention to character.

Someday you faggots will wake up and see it.

Does he really have a choice anyway? The mouse just wants to milk it dry after it kicked the bucket over.

Marvel fanboys are also choir boys and will eat anything up as long as it looks cool.
Star Wars fans are zealots, even the casual ones, the hardcore OT fans are legit cultists.

Thats why TLJ got greenlighted, they are breaking away from the loon bags in favor of the more moderate crowd.

So the next time you write

>Star Wars is dead to me

thats exactly what they want.Either get with the program and grow up, or move on.

Plus, it's Disney. No matter how many "hardcore fans" abandon it, they can throw money at it until they bring people back.

Isn't the bigger problem that it it worked like that why doesn't space dust destroy ships that jump into hyperdrive?

>Just like Marvel, they had decades worth of stories to pick and choose from.

The EU was not George's canon, thats the only reason it got scrubbed, the man said thats not Star Wars.

Stan never said that, and he didn't have the control George does even now over the franchise.

Thanks. You absolutely proved my point. You know precisely jack + shit about how hypertravel functions. It's a separate dimension, jackass. That's what the name literally implies. It's a sci-fi convention that's employed specifically to avoid the clusterfucks Retard Johnson blithely tapdanced this whole franchise into - a means of FTL travel that avoids the nasty implications of relativistic kill vehicles.

That's not how he's saying it works at all. The Raddus jumped into hyperspace and then jumped out of hyperspace at the exact point where the Supremacy was. And thus it functioned exactly as a missile would.

Ships leave Hyperspace with precisely the same kinetic energy they entered with. It's shown multiple times in multiple movies across multiple decades. It was entirely consistent right up until Disney put retards in charge of it. They leave Hyperspace at whatever rate of of speed they had when they entered, because their superluminal speed is along axes of travel that exist outside 3space. So even if that were what Johnson intended, what we'd have seen was one of those grand, lethargic crashes we see when Star Destroyers collide, not an FTL streak strewn with debris.

Stop defending a retard. He doesn't even understand how inertia works. Provably.

I can't think of a counterargument to this so you know what? I admit defeat. Bet you don't see that often around here.

This is the dumbest faggot argument there can be and anyone that agrees is an even dumber faggot. We see spaceships enter/exit light speed/hyperspace (it's said both ways) in the movies a bunch. But there is NO CONFIRMATION on whether it's actual light speed travel or hyperspace travel. For all we know from the movies, these planets are all very very close together. Book fag explanations are for another board. this is Yea Forums you stupid faggots.

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This. Jar Jar Abrams was the first intruder that came in, tied you up, made some jokes, laughed, broke your shit, but didn't physically harm you. Rian Johnson was the second intruder who came in and initiated the rape of your wife, but Jar Jar joined in. The Star Wars series is your sexuality.

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Indeed I don't, and it is much appreciated.

Hey Disney, guide those earnings estimates down because this new film is going to be a smoldering shit sandwich and there isn't a god damned thing you or your shills can do about it. Speaking of shills, you guys should don your mouse ears, shove a picture of the ugly bitch in pic related right up your ass, and a take a bath with a toaster. Your world is over. Walt would be disgusted.

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If they were travelling through normal space, planets and stars would be the least of their concerns. Just dust and gas clouds would erode them to atoms in seconds. A dust particle would hit with the energy of a cannon.

>Based goddess poster

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If there was anything obvious about Johnson and Abrams, it's that they never gave a fuck about the story to begin with.

I actually thought the last Jedi was the best star wars film yet. You have to look at it on a meta level from the perspective of the force itself. Everything now is about the balancing of the force back to grey. No darkness, no light, just grey. It almost happens when Kylo offers Rey his hand but she pulls away and again the force unbalances as she goes to the light and Kylo retreats into darkness. With the dark of Snoke being killed so must the light of Luke skywalker go as well. The series must end with Kylo and Rey coming together finally bringing true balance to the force.

Are you trying to compare light speed travel to normal conventions you brainlet faggot? Do you think you would maintain your normal WIDTHxLENGTHxDEPTH dimensions? Do you think you would even be comprised of mass? get your faggot brainlet shit OUT OF HERE.

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>get hired to write and direct 2nd film in 3 film series
>don't know what happened in the 1st film or what's going to happen in the 3rd film
How could anyone be this retarded?

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If they're passing through 3space intangibly, then they wouldn't have smacked the Supremacy either, would they, faggot? You're embarrassing Alita.

>watching some interview with Mark Hamill in the lead-up to this movie
>he INSISTS that J.J.'s name is Jar Jar Abrams
...Do you think that he browses here?

I haven't seen it in like a decade but I actually remember The Brothers Bloom being pretty good. Can someone explain to me why this is apparently wrong?

TLJ killed Disney Star Wars and no amount of backtracking, backpedaling, or nostalgia wanking with rehashes of cliches and tropes from the Original Trilogy is going to put the mainstream audience's faith in Disney's execution of the franchise. I will laugh myself like a giddy brat if IX fails to even hit the same numbers TLJ did which were already a massive disappoint compared to TFA's own box office ones. They collectively under Rian and Kathleen Kennedy, took a giant steaming shit on the legacy of Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie. There is no coming back from this.
Only way that will happen is if the continued trend of Star Wars IP keeps bleeding money where it matters; merchandise, and Disney ends up selling it to another entity. And then you have Episode Special: with a happy Mark Hamill waking up from a bad nightmare after flashes of the Sequel Trilogy and Solo blast through his mind and the entire film being two minutes of Mark/Luke going, "Man what a dismal future" before he dons his Jedi robes and goes to teach a bunch of learners and padawans at his Jedi Temple on Yavin IV the ways of the Force. Then credit sequence rolls.

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>genuinely do not understand science.
Starwars is not scifi its space opera, meaning it has no basis in science. If this is bate congrats you got me to reply, heres your (you)

I will debase myself and answer your brainlet question: They werent in hyperspace/light-speed at the time. They were entering/exiting hyperspace/light-speed. You really really need to shut the fuck up retard.

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No but I think its fairly blatant how the interviews from before TFA aired to now shows how much he's jaded over the entire process and prospect of Disney running the show and how they've ruined the franchise so he doesn't care and won't play along with their marketing games to call the ST anything good.

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>its entire lore rests on 6 freaking movies over 40 years.
This is the most dishonest thing I've read today.

This has to be bate. Its too retarded to be a genuine arguement

Are you just mad that Disney didn’t give you the marvel style masterbatorium treatment where Luke just goes around wiping out armies with his force powers? I liked that he had become disillusioned, he should have been. What he said about the Jedi was 100% correct. The existence of the Jedi inherently destabilizes the force and he know that with his power the rise of an equal with would be inevitable so he secludes himself.

>Are you just mad that Disney didn't give you the marvel style masterbatorium treatment
Go to bed, Rian. None of that was implied but nice strawman anyways.

>the only reason
There were plenty of reasons to scrub it, but yours is the shittiest.
The beauty is they scrapped all of it to bring us what we saw. announced the first movie of his series officially. I honestly thought they'd shitcan the hack, but what the fuck ever. Lucasfilm is dead to me, as is Star Wars.

I hoped for a brief moment Iger would do the right thing, but nope. Fuck all of them.

Why does that porg's dick look like a foot with a sandal on it?

I honestly believe that’s why star wars fans are so butthurt. They want to have movies they can jack off their nerdiness too. The direction the series is going makes perfect sense. It’s all about the balancing of the force which began in the prequels with the downfall of the Jedi and is coming to a close at the end of the new trilogy. Look at it from the meta level and it makes perfect sense.

>I liked that he had become disillusioned
No one else does, you gigantic sodomite. Are you next going to quip about "subversion" because you think Rian and the direction of the story and writing on TLJ which coimpletely ignores Luke's establish character to make a literal brainless plot point that Luke wants to die when its not echoed in his development at all in the OT? Or do you think character assassination is cool thing because you are the brainless kind of shit-head millennial who doesn't like straight forward heroes and needs overtly complicated bullshit to compound your inability to adjust for something simple with a hero? Fuck off and eat a dick. TLJ was shit. Disney's treatment of Luke was insultingly bad, no one here talked about DBZ tier Force powres but Luke getting his just desserts is entirely different and something that was originally promised from the moment Disney took the reins of the franchise and brand from Lucas and we got nothing for it.

Fuck off. And you are probably the sort of mentally limited baboon who ignores Disney is still fucking losing revenue entirely with its Star Wars brand for a reason for dumb shit like this. Get the stick out of your colossal asshole, you Disney apologist. I just wanted Luke to be respected and that never happened in this abortion of trilogy.

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That's a fair assessment of it - pretty good. It's carried by the strength of the actors, not the direction and certainly not the story.

>look like
No. Porg dicks ARE feet with sandals on it.

>Are you just mad that Disney didn’t give you the marvel style masterbatorium treatment

I'm pretty sure people are more mad that TLJ was that, what with the out-of-place quipping at the start.

Pretty much. I'm over it. Kennedy wanted to rip Star Wars out of the hands of the fans who made it worth billions, and hand it to women.

Fuck 'em.

I've given up on Hollywood anyway. I'm reading more, these days, working my way through the classics again - Niven, Heinlein, Herbert, Asimov, etc.

Luke comes to understand that his mere existence as a powerful Jedi creates the rise of the Sith. Why is it that so many Star Wars fans don’t understand how the force fundamentally attempts to balance itself and that characters like look are capable of being aware of it. The last thing he wants to do is create more Jedi which will I evidibly lead to more Dark side users and therefor war. This shit is complicated and it’s what he was trying to teach Rey.

Literally nothing you said makes any sense. No one gives two flying fucks about this false dichotomy you or the other faggot are trying to paint here. There is no "direction" in the Sequel Trilogy because Rian Johnson outright has stated multiple times in interviews that he doesn't care about what was established or set up by JJ in TFA, at all. There's no coherent narrative or consistency at all. There nothing bridging any of the sub-plots JJ painted with Luke's character, why he went missing, the Knights of Ren, Snoke's origins, or Rey's heritage at all which gets ignored because Rian wanted to play his own personal game of make fans made because that's how he gets his jollies. There is no direction at all in this trashy non-canon corporate milked Sequel Trilogy or "force balance", the entire justification for Rey even being a bullshit powerful Force-User and ass-pulling special powers out of her Hank Hill ass is a single one liner from Snoke, "She's strong because you're strong, Kylo". Get the fuck out of here.

>muh canon
No one cares. Damage has been done.

>still have no idea what you are talking about
Cool story, faggot.

Oh, and in spite of anyone being capable of this feat at any time, it had never been used in combat or ever even happened on accident.

Lol suck a dick.

I know just the man to call.

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I’m sorry if you mouth breathers aren’t even capable of understanding the basic underlying lore behind the series you claim to love so much.

>Luke comes to understand that his mere existence as a powerful Jedi creates the rise of the Sith
Nice head-canon but that's: a) never indicated in the movie, b) never stated by Luke and c) never foreshadowed in the movie directly or indirectly by Luke. Stop making things up to defend the piece of shit that is Episode VIII. Nothing about how Luke is treated in VIII is indicative of the movie's writers or director understanding his development in the OT.
>TFA apologist

How does that line up with the first movie:

Han Solo: Here's where the fun begins!
Obi-Wan: How long before you can make the jump to hyperspace?
Han Solo: It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the nav-com.
Han Solo: I could override it, but the drive might shred itself.
[the ship rocks violently as it is straddled with particle-beams]
Luke: Do we *have* a few moments? At the rate they're gaining...!
Han Solo: Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, farm-boy!
Han Solo: Ever try calculating a jump to light-speed?
[Luke shakes his head]
Han Solo: Didn't think so; well, it's no parlor trick. Without precise calculations we could fly right through a supernova, or bounce into a singularity. I've seen it happen, too; I only wish I hadn't.

Lucas himself established in the first movie that an incorrectly calculated jump risks running into something, which is what Holdo does.

I can forgive that, compared to the rest of the pure, runny shit in his script.

>literally nothing that was ever shown or said in the movie but take MY word for it that's what Luke was thinking and believing for the total 180 degree treatment of his character between the OT and ST
Yeah no.

*TLJ apologist

you're not as smart as you think you are/your mom tells you

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Jews did IX.
They are gonna go XI.

>When the bottom of the barrel starts to talk.
You're responding to the wrong user, mr re**itor. I wasn't discussing if the SJW maneuver made sense in the star wars universe. I always assumed spacecraft shields in star wars would easily deflect hyperspace/lightspeed missiles, as did everyone else that had enjoyed the movies.

Do you really not know anything about the star wars universe beyond the movies? The force is balance, powerful light and powerful darkness. The entire point and direction of the new series is that there doesn’t need to be a separation of the light and the dark. To truly balance the force the two must be combined. Walking yourself off from one side simply creates an equal in the other. The new trilogy is clearly moving towards the concept of the almost forgotten gray Jedi. The new movies are actually incredibly true to the meta concepts of the Star Wars universe but because the movies aren’t literally pulling out their dick and smacking you in the face with what is happening you don’t seem to see it.

Pure cringe

I'd kill to see a Tommy Wiseau version of the Sequel Trilogy

>Do you really not know anything about the star wars universe beyond the movies?

Most don't bother with anything outside the movies, so that's not really a good question to ask.

It's in the dumpster guys. If they didn't give a shit, produced such a directionless mess then why should anyone else give a shit? There is no reason to be a fan of a brand.
"What have you done for me lately" is a perfectly acceptable position on matters of entertainment.

>think you are/your mom tells you
that's not how you use the "/"

>Do you really not know anything
That's a question you should level at yourself given how much you've lied about things that aren't indicated on screen to push your head-canon at people when you are transparently easy to read with your lies.

>beyond the movies
No one is talking about the books or comics here anyways, because that's all inconsequential to a talk explicitly about events in the movies themselves. You are a blatant Disney apologist. You already outed yourself when you tried to lie through your teeth on how Disney "didn't" ruin and mangled Luke's character in the ST. No one cares what you think.

>Luke comes to understand
Your headcanon.

Johnson gave us NO internal monologue for any of the characters. None. They just go from event to event, with some crappy dialog and lame humor, and we have no idea why anyone is doing what they're doing.

Why does Rey join the rebellion? We don't know.
Why does Luke sacrifice his own life, for a woman he has no real connection to? We don't know.
Why does Luke all of a sudden have the ability to not only find a person billions of miles away in another part of the galaxy, down to the actual room, but "force project" himself there, which has only been shown to be something DEAD Jedi like Ben and Annikin can do? We don't know.
Why does Leia treat Rey like her long lost daughter? We don't know.
What is Rey thinking? We don't know.

But you're gonna sit there and tell us what Luke "came to understand"? When what you're claiming isn't discussed in the movie, AT ALL, even when he's talking with Yoda, who'd be able to explain it to him better?

Get the fuck out of here.

>the force is balance
what does this have to do with Rian shitting up Luke's character and even failing with Yoda's in TLJ? are you autistic or just heavy on down's syndrome and dyslexia?

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This is almost verbatim some dialog found throughout Asimov's Foundation series, some stories that George leaned on for a lot of his sci-fi conventions, especially regarding hypertravel. The mistake a lot of people make is in assuming that Star Wars invented the concept of a hyperdrive. Not only is that not the cade, it's something that can be found across a broad range of sci-fi stories.

Typically, Hyperspace can't be accessed near the centers of large gravity wells like planets and stars, and passing through their location in Hyperspace will pull you back down into 3space and kill you. That's also what Han is talking about with the mumbo jumbo about making calculations. You have to plot your course before you jump.

I think it's just a shill


This is a main line numbered film entry. It isn't a KOTOR 22 wank fest. Not to mention that Luke stands up to the Sith, and proclaims that he won't be the Last jedi, flying in the face of your made up head canon.

way to negate Anakin's role as the Chosen One there bud.

A good movie shows, it doesn’t tell. Luke’s actions combined with an understanding of the star wars universe make it pretty clear what is going on. I’m sorry if you need everything literally spelt out out to you through exposition.

Dude. No one really cares about retconnecting TLJ.
You could make a movie that starts straight up from Force Awakens without even acknowledging TLJ and the damage would be already done. Only turbo autists care about 'canon' to the point that if Disney decided to make TLJ non-canon, a handful of people would be ok with it.
Fans have adopted things out of canon all the time. Thrawn trilogy, video games, whatever. If they spot something they like, they like. If they spot a turd, it's a turd. And removing it from continuity will never change the fact we got a movie by Ryan Johnson who at the same time, subverted the entire idea of Star Wars but not enough for it to mean anything interesting.

It’s not uncommon for titles to be changed several times or even left unknown until late in production. Tons of examples of this in film making and TV.

No, I'm responding to exactly the right one - the dipshit who's now desperately backpedaling because his bullshit self-contradictory spaghetti-method "explanation" doesn't hold up from any conceivable direction.

But you have my permission to post another image from your "smug" folder, so feel free, you baiting faggot.

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That would mean something if:

TFA hadn't had a trailer released a whole year before the movie was out
TLJ's title wasn't announced nearly a year before the film's release

LOL. You're hilariously pathetic.

I havent posted a single "smug folder" image at you unless you samefagged me or changed your argument and attacked with an unrelated post. Both are pretty triggered re**it shit. Maybe you should go back?

He went from a smug neckbeardy "I win this thread, plebs" to "Ohnonononononono" in record time.

Kek. And a shitty movie, like this one, didn't show or tell. It is one of the most impotent movies ever made.

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Yeah its pretty obvious.

>Some stupid bitch steps down because she disagreed with some stupid faggot. Somehow this means "hope".

Oh lawd...

Go take your dick, lay it on a table, and beat it with a hammer until you pass out you worthless jizz stain

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yes please

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This term means nothing. And none is talking about canon in the real implication because most people already see "Disney" Star Wars as being nothing more then a soulless cash grab. Most people are just pissed at how terrible TLJ was in every objective metric and more on point, emotionally invested in how the main character of the OT was disrespected and maltreated. That's all there is to it.

What are you talking about? Anakon is and was the chosen one who brought balance to the force. Their were hundreds of Jedi and only a handful of sith. Anakin brought balance by destroying the Jedi down to a ha daily of survivors. That’s the meta balance of the force that permeateuthrought the series that so many autist don’t seem to unspderstand. The latest movies take this and have pushed us even further towards tru and complete balance in the force with the downfall of snoke and the death of Luke. Now there is only Rey and Kylo who both are neither pure light or pure dark. We continue to move closer to the reemergence of the gray Jedi which is what Luke is referencing when he saidps he won’t be the last Jedi. He saw in his short time with Rey that she could balance the light and the dark without either one consuming her. Either Kylo will join her or she will destroy him. Either way a new generation of gray Jedi will be eventually created.

It will still be fun to see how bad they fuck up ep 9 tho. I'll just be reading the reviews, they won't get a ticket sale from me. I want it to tank bad.

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Kiri Heart is out? This actually sounds like the beginning of good news. SJW needs to be fucking OUT.

>When does a soldier have to blindly accept an order from a superior officer that he feels jeopardizes the life of either himself or his fellow soldiers without good cause?

>7% When he's a man
>7% When he's a protagonist
>8% When it's frustrating
>78% Turns out never


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>Kiri Heart is out?
Wait, you didn't know that till now? It happened months ago.

This is them all being coy by the way. The title is Star Wars: Into The Unknown. It deals with time travel (say goodbye to the OT) and the consequences going forward of altering the past. Cat is out of the bag. You're welcome.

Just like my skyrim character

That's hilarious if it were true, people will bring up, "hey, didn't JJ do that for Star Trek?"

Yeah man i didnt know. SJWars is pretty much dead to me. I just show up to shit on it from time to time.

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That second quote is literally the same thing Refn said about Only God Forgives and Yea Forums worships him and that movie.

So many basement dwellers frothing at the mouth who will never be happy no matter what comes out has caused them to panic and desperately try and figure out what you mouth breathers want from them. Unfortunately as I said, nothing will make you happy and you will spew vomit over everything they do with simplistic and unfounded vitriol. The best thing they could do is tell all of you to suck a dick and take the series where they want to go because at the end of the day you are irrelevant.

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Don't be fooled. They'll do shit like this right up till release. They're all half-ass, insincere, cynical extensions of the hand of "goodwill," meant to fool alienated fans with a bullshit illusion that a course correction is taking place. We know better. Know why?

Because to correct a course you have to fucking *have* one first. It's about three movies too late for that.

Sounds like you got triggered by the truth

That's kind of a harlequin romance-tier finish to a nine episode saga. I was hoping for more.

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>if it has a title
Stupid little fat faggot.

The only people getting triggered are the star wars fans that populate this board who pop a blood vessel because the new movies aren’t exactly what they imagined they would be for the last few decades.

That's really cool, it's too bad none of it was in the movie.

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No it didn't. Johnson treated hyperspace like lightspeed. Hyperspace isn't lightspeed. It's a different dimension. I'll explain it for you in a simple Minecraft analogy.
Hyperspace travel is like Nether fast travel in Minecraft.
In the Nether every 1 block you travel translates to 8 blocks traveled in the Overworld.
If you enter the Nether and then travel, say, westward for 100 blocks and open another portal to reenter the Overworld, you will pop out 800 blocks westward from your original Nether portal.

So then.

I agree as far as the current nu-wars storylines. But i think it means good things for post-Rey movies? Maybe the CEO finally grows some balls and shows up to lucas films and gives the "coffee is for closers" speech?

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Fqntas5ically tone-deaf from a karmic standpoint, too. Ben's been just a tad to murderous a rage monster to deserve the "happily ever after" treatment, but I don't expect the remorseless corporate psychopaths writing this shit to get that.

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I only imagined they wouldn't be complete disappointments, but that was just the wide-eyed optimist in me. I didn't expect them to be impressively shit.

What? He killed Han and that's basically it. Nowhere near the level of Arya Stark who executed dozens of people and smirks like this is supposed to be badass.

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I guess that explains Luke standing over a student's bed with a lightsaber, right? If he did go through with offing little Ben, next step would be the rest of his class, just to be sure. Then go full murder suicide of course, to complete the elimination.

It’s literally all through the series user. Don’t you remember anakin being the chosen one who would bring balance to the force? He did when he helped decimate the Jedi. The entire Star Wars series is obsessed with the idea of balance within the force. It permeates every single movie. The series begins completely unbalanced with there being hundreds of Jedi and only two sith and has come closer and closer to true balance with every movie. At the end of the return of the Jedi is close to balance with the pure dark side empower bs the pure light side Luke with the ultimately conflicted Vader in the middle. When the emperor and Vader die the force now inherently becomes unbalanced again with no sith but a powerful Jedi in Luke skywalker and so rises snoke.

You retard. There is no "light" or "gray" Force. The Force is The Force. The Force is like an ecosystem. With the Dark Side being the corruption of it. The Force is a pristine, rich field and the Dark Side is that ecosystem being raped and exploited for the selfish gains of individuals.

What does any of that have to do with being male?

He knows.


Well? Are you going to post the rest?

>where Luke just goes around wiping out armies with his force powers?
That's not what a Jedi does.
>knowledge and defense, never attack

You have a deep misunderstanding of how explosive munitions work. You're example is only possible due to the armor piercing head of the missile breaking the bulwark of the AT-TE and exploding inside, which it was designed to do. he bigger a thing is, the more difficult it is to get your munition inside of the outer defenses where all the energy of the explosion can be directed at fuck all. Hell, I want to believe you are trolling but for some reason you didn't use the example of Lukes proton torpedo destroying the death star. I mean, the size of that explosive was so tiny! And it blew up something so unbelievably huge! Not to even mention the fact that when the Raddus charges the Supremacy the impact also damaged nearly every shift behind it as well, which for any kind of munition is fucking unheard of amount of collateral damage on armored targets.

he didnt really even ruin it though, JJ abrams and disney did

All of Rian's movies are terrible, including Looper.

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Because that fit within that movie. That sort of pessimism has no place in an actual STAR WARS episode. Even AotC and ESB ended on a hopeful, uplifting note.

I understand all that, but Luke never once implies that he removed himself from the galactic stage to prevent a dark side threat equal in power. If anything, that equal was Snoke or Ben, and he simply ran off.

How do you proclaim to know so much about Star Wars and then forget that the proton torpedo only blew up the Death Star because it went down the exhaust port and caused a chain reaction due to a flaw in the Death Star's building.

Can we just all finally agree that fuck white men (people)?

>Star Wars is different for some reason!

It would be kino

>"seeing stuff we haven't seen before in Star Wars"
>you know, like he did with The Last Jedi
you mean awful character decisions, shitty character arc writing, and out-of-character dialogue and actions?
yeah, we got a lot of that in this movie

iqlet confirmed.

That was the moment he realized what he had created and that’s when he went into exile. He realized that he had fallen into the same hubris as the original Jedi who sought to extinguish the dark side. That’s when he wnt into exile, to attempt to stop himself from contributing any further to the rise of the dark side. The scene where he is teaching Rey and she is drawn into the darkness underneath the island is really important because it shows that she is fundamentally different than him. She does not defeat it nor does she allow it to consumer her. She is not afraid of it and doesn’t immediately try and destroy it like Luke did during his training with yoda. Where as Luke struck out and attacked his vision of Vader instead Rey slaughter to explore and understand the darkness. This is the concept of the grey Jedi. They don’t wall themselves off from the light or the dark and are therefore the only true way to bring balance to the force.

>a literal who on Twitter

i can say things on the internet too user

His seclusion has created an imbalance though. Kylo is out there using the force to effect the course of the war, supposedly along with the other remaining students that joined him, with no light side opposition.
Turning away Rey. Telling her to give up on the ways of the force. If Luke was successful at that, he'd just be further perpetuating the imbalance.

Maybe, but you know what they say:

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I will come after all that you love."

Over this past decade, I have seen very, very little from Disney that doesn't smack of creative bankruptcy. All they give us are unnecessary, uninspired sequels, retreads, reboots of "acquired" IPs, live-action remakes of cartoons that rob them of their unique aesthetics. Because it's no longer about art or creativity to the people calling the shots. It's just money, safe investments. Those are suit decisions, not storyteller decisions.

That's not likely to produce any story I'd be prone to find interesting. These days, all the creativity is centered in their marketing and accounting departments. Fuck that.

Wong. The force is balance. You can’t corrupt it but you can divide it.

Not an argument.

She's still credited on the Resistance as one of the producers.

Hes mad cause he got sidelined. He legit thought he was the main character with a Force sensitive plot and shit.

Nobody is to blame but JJ for misleading him.

>awful character decisions, shitty character arc writing, and out-of-character dialogue and actions
He said stuff we haven't seen before. We got plenty of that in the prequel trilogy.

Why did they give it to this hack in the first place? Who's dick did he suck? I don't follow capeshit politics but why not give it an artist if they want it to be good.

>the main character isn't interested in something so the audience shouldn't be either

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His equal in the force was snoke. Kylo was to balance Rey.

>he simply ran off
So did the few Jedi who survived order 66. So what? He decided he was done with that shit.

Many fans incorrectly assume that balance refers to an equal mix of both light and dark side users. However, as George Lucas explains in the introductory documentary for the VHS version A New Hope, Special Edition, this is not the case:

"[...] Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe..."

In an interview, Lucas compared the difference between the light and dark sides as being like the difference between a symbiotic relationship and a cancer. A symbiotic relationship is one which benefits both parties and in which neither is harmed, whereas a cancer takes without giving back, eventually causing the death of both parties
- Wookipedia article about the "Chosen One", Section "Behind the scenes"


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Hate the movies all you want but I've liked John Boyega in every non-Star Wars thing he's done and Finn would have been a likable protagonist in a standalone film that didn't set out to defile Star Wars.

Nobody complained about this form of storytelling when Blade Runner 2049 did it.

So why did he fall so far morally as a teacher from the man who couldn't even bring himself to kill the irredeemably evil Vader to someone who would come close to killing a boy who hasn't even done anything yet?

Looper was a scifi movie that made about a bazillion dollars on a $2 budget so giving their sci-fi franchise to him was a no brainer from a financial standpoint.

>The interview also touched on other topics that are important to fans of the franchise. So, no, as should be obvious from the previous quote, he does not know what’s going to happen in Episode IX.
Doesn't this just say it all, really?

How can a multi-hundred-million dollar production be such an embarrassment?

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Nobody cares what you think. Daisy was cast first, then Driver was cast 2 months later.

Only around april 2014 was John cast after months of auditioning, they didn't even told him Daisy was cast while he was testing with her.

And if you gouge interest in the characters using google trends and stuff, the dude has no interest and neither did his char after TFA.

Everybody was interested in Rey, Kylo and Luke.

>ignoring George Lucas's quote, the creator of Star Wars, makes me right.

Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a good actor who got done dirty.

And so wihout taking a single step to rectify the imbalance, he fucked off, shut himself off from the Force, and thereby created an even greater imbalance, one that's ultimately responsible for the deaths of billions of people.

I stand corrected. Jake Skywalker is the hero we deserve.

>Hell, I want to believe you are trolling but
Try reading idiot. I was saying i really wish you weren't actually as stupid as you sounded, but if you were just arguing for a laugh you would have used the most absurd example just to make people angry. The key words here are TROLLING and ABSURD, for the act of trolling is about purposefully using logical fallacies or INNACURATE INFORMATION to elicit a response. Fuckin illiterate.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of everything that was said about the Force all throughout the first 6 films. The Light Side is never once mentioned. The closest they come to naming it is "good side vs bad". The Dark Side has always been the Force corrupted.

Nice damage control.

He actually explains that in the movie I believe. For a moment he considers how much easier it would be to simply kill him now rather than allow him to turn to the dark side and kill potentially millions or even billions.

Finn started out interesting but his entire characterization gets thrown away the instant he defects.
Why does Finn defect? He doesn't like fighting and killing.
What does he do when he defects? Whoops and hollers with glee as he kills his former comrades as he makes his escape with Poe.
Finn had HUGE fucking potential to be a great Star Wars character but JJ dropped the fucking ball by undermining Finn's entire moral fiber and primary motivation for wanting to leave the Empire.

So did all the Jedi that survived order 66 but you don’t seem to have a problem with them. Obiwan literally sat on his ass for decades in a desert while the empire conquered the galaxy killing countless millions.

Better than the ones you've given, that's for sure

>explain how you misread a part of my post because you can't read
>response is a non argument
Listen man, I get it, reading is hard. It's taking me forever to learn how to read french and japanese, but pretending like you can understand language when you obviously can't is embarrassing, especially on a text based imageboard. Try starting out with some simple news articles to begin comprehension of basic grammar and syntax. I'm sure there's an english version of tangoristo out there somewhere that will help you greatly.

That’s the hubris of the Jedi. They believe themselves to be the sole true representatives of the force and it’s why they fall at the height of their power.

Zootopia was pretty unique and did some daring things.

That's an explanation of what happened, yes. Not of how he got to that point.
And if you're in his room holding a weapon you've been more than just "considering it for a moment".

>Better than the ones you've given, that's for sure.

>misunderstanding the themes of star wars this fucking badly

No hes not, and the fact that people aren't even interested in him more than Poe or Hux since 2015 means hes not either a good actor or Finn was a good char.

Nobody is fighting over him, the only things hes got going these days is bit parts on BBC or things he is producing himself.

Pacific Rim Uprising and The Circle fucked up his career.

Is Boyega, being Britisb, aware that his "progressive" director gave his charact9er a name that is essentially ebonics/American street slang for "About to commit murder?"

Jesus Christ you're stupid. You got the hubris part right but that is it. Everything else you've been arguing like light side and gray is just flat out wrong.

Those Jedi lost a war, and were forced into hiding to survive.
Luke made the decision himself when there seemed to have been peace, and as a result the society he once helped save fell all over again.

Dude don’t go to George Lucas for Star Wars lore. If it was t for his wife in the editing room “a new hope” would have been a movie on mystery science theater 3000. The Star Wars universe is so much deeper and expansive then George Lucas ever intended or dreamed. It’s like asking the guy who designed the first steam boat for his thought on how the latest nuclear reactor powered aircraft carriers run.

The thing is you just KNOW that in episode 9 they'll have some character all but look at the camera and make some smug comment about how everyone obviously knows that hyperspace ramming was a non-repeatable one time thing, and how stupid whatever character suggests doing it is. And all the shills will smugly talk about how the "fanboys" were “put in their place” by this scene. Despite the fact it will be a blatant bullshit retcon.

It really makes the whole trench run at the end of the ANH a horrible waste of Rebel lives when they could have just rammed something like a transport with a droid driving it into the superlaser and ordered pizza. It wasn't so much that Holdo rammed her ship, that happens in the movies (and books etc.) all the time. It's that when she did it she took out an entire fleet of ships as big as the Executor (and the biggest ship in the franchise) when they were shielded and trying to shoot her down. Ramming in Star Wars has always been portrayed much like it was in the traditional naval combat it homages, something that was only effective if of similar size unless the shields were down. We see ships ram and collide a ton in RoTJ, RotS, and RO. When it was a small ship it harmlessly poofed on the big ships shields, when they're roughly similar size they crumple and tumble. In both cases ramming was clearly portrayed as not being cost-effective or even being likely to succeed. Holdo on the other hand does so from outside the FO's firing range while they're shielded (meaning there's no defense against the tactic) and takes out the aforementioned Ultra-Doom Fleet at an efficiency ratio any military leader would salivate over (And much better than the horrible losses the Rebels sustain every time they sortie in the movies). If one cruiser can do that, then an X-Wing with a droid pilot could at least one shot a Star Destroyer, a rebel transport several of them, and a big ship render useless any super laser the Empire builds this week.

Didn't Fran Drescher get raped by two black guys while her husband watched?

The Jedi were outnumbered by literal millions and under a totalitarian regime. Jake Skywalker has no such excuse.

Wrong. The first order took over almost immediately after the fall of the empire. It’s not like the first order appeared a year or two before TFA.

The only reason either of you know the word hubris is because they insisted on using it multiple times in TLJ.

Cool, I disagree with you.

When was that released again? It seems so long ago. Has it really only been three years?

Actually it’s because I had a college reading level by the time I was in sixth grade.

>Wrong. The first order took over almost immediately after the fall of the empire.

Is this what they're trying to claim in their supplementary materials now?

>The first order took over almost immediately after the fall of the empire.
If that were true, than these sequels would be even dumber than I thought.

Cool, you're still a retard.

Cool, you're still a retard.

That is actually true, in casting phase Finn was supposed to be a blonde white dude.

Then Boyega wound on casting and reminded JJ that he promised him a role after he saw Attack on the Block.

And even after that he had to audition 9 times, and JJ reggreted the casting choice according to a friends of his cousin's in Peckam. The dude is also a massive cunt and diva, thats another reason why nobody wants to work with him. Him and his agent think they own Hollywood or something.

Hopefully they learned something after the chinese jews at Legendary scammed the shit out of them with PRU.

>It’s not like the first order appeared a year or two before TFA.
About 6 years, actually.
>Set over 20 years after the events of the 1983 film Return of the Jedi and several years before 2015's Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it follows Leia Organa as she navigates troubles brewing in the Galactic Senate.
>The seemingly frivolous Lady Carise Sindian, a Centrist senator from Arkanis, is actually an agent of the First Order, a clandestine organization made up of Imperial loyalists plotting to depose the New Republic and reclaim control of the galaxy.

Leia's Resistance was just a fringe military group separate from the New Republic only a few years before TFA. Nobody on the council wanted to support her beliefs in a return of the Empire, OR the First Order. She was tantamount to being a conspiracy theorist in the eyes of the galaxy.

There is a difference between small lore bits and the underlying theme of the force. The dark side is not in balance with the universe, it is specifically antithetical to it. The dark side is explicitly evil, focusing on destruction and fucking necromancy, and the themes Geroge talks about in the special features are very clearly shown throughout the movies.

>a centrist from Arkansas is a foreign agent
Sounds familiar...

io9 basically exists solely to promote diversity in scifi now. Treating their writers are legitimate critics or fans doesn't do anyone any good.

bud they're a clickbait site, they say whatever will get them hits

i believe the Diva shit but I actually like him as an actor and he's great as Finn

>"Siri, find Diet Coke"

>the director of the second part of a trilogy doesn't know what will happen in the third part
>>>>>And that's a good thing!!!

Except George is the retard who made the god awful prequels. Honest to god I view George Lucas as the single least important person to the franchise. His wife who saved ANH in the editing room and the couple of writers that almost completely rewrote Lucas’s later scripts for the sequels deserve all the credit. George Lucas is the definition of falling upwards.

What blonde white dude could they have possibly cast that would be young enough to play Finn?

Jesse Plemons

>It's a "George added nothing to Star Wars" conspiracy theorist

She didn't actually take out the Supremacy, nor did she take out most of the ships. She only took out one wing of the obnoxiously big Supremacy and the ships that were in her direct path. Hence why the First Order did not end there and was able to land on Crait and continue to obliterate the Resistance.

He's busy with Star Wars. After he's done with IX he'll have plenty of work. Keep in mind that Poe and Hux are far more minor and thus have more time for other roles.

It’s not a conspiracy theory lol. It’s pretty well documented that he had to compromise tons of stupid shit he wanted to do because of budget constraints. There’s an entire documentary about his wife recutting and completely restructuring the sequencing of the movie in the editing room. Look at movies where George Lucas had complete control and you get “Howard Duck” and the Star Wars prequels.

Yeah, if it was that simple, the sequels would be better movies than the prequels.


That did create a giant plot hole of why don’t they just make glorified rail gun projectiles propelled by warp drives and decimate every large ship they come across?

So what, if Gerge said in a special features that the empire was supposed to represent evil and corruption and that it was throwing the galaxy out of balance you would discount it? As much as I agree with you hating George Lukas for making bad movies once his best editor left, the themes he wrote into the movies still remain. Beyond that, the entire jedi order, their fall, and most of the ideas behind the force were all introduced in the movies he specifically wrote, so of course it's cannon.

No, this is just a bump in the road.

Lucasfilm can reboot and act like this era never happened.

Because the Resistance does not have enough resources to do something like that and the First Order has Starkiller Base which is far more devastating than a hyperspace ram could ever hope to be.

They are. The prequels are impossible to watch. Every time I try it feels like my face is going to implode with how hard I’m cringing.

I will be so happy when IX is done and we can stop hearing people talk about Star Wars in relation to the OT.

That's more a condemnation of the sequels for underperforming by the low standards set by the prequels.

I’m just saying I don’t care what he has to say. His ideas don’t hold any weight to me. The Star Wars universe outgrew him as soon as the return of the Jedi hit theaters.

That doesn’t make any sense.

They should reboot the entire thing, starting with episode 4. Go from 4 to 9 again and forget about prequels.

It only doesn't make sense to people defending the sequel trilogy by going "b-but prequels bad!"

Please, no more reboots.

Shields, the difference was supposed to be the shields. Thats why no one complained about pic related, because they made a point to explain that the shields were down before that kamikaze attack.

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I mean sure, that's fine, but in respect to the cannon you are wrong. Having headcannon isn't a bad thing, a lot of the time it can improve movies or even make bad movies good, but don't try to argue as if it was factual.

Why were the shields on the Executor down?

just let star wars die already the suffering is too much

It’s not my head cannon. It’s the extended universe that’s been build throughout the novels.


it went straight through it, could have easily penetrated a waaaay bigger ship.

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Did you even watch the movie? Here I'll fucking post the scene. A single cruiser both scuttles the Largest ship in Galactic History and vaporizes an entire fleet of Warships bigger than those used by the Empire. With that mass to damage ratio something as small as a Droid Fighter could wipe out any capital ship. Furthermore it would be cheaper. any mention of cost is laughable . The Rebels suffer catastrophic losses every time they engage in conventional combat. ANH, ESB, RoTJ, RO, TFA, and TLJ all have the Rebels getting slaughtered even when they achieve victory. Losing one droid piloted fighter to take out a Star Destroyer saves the Rebels lives, money, and ships. In TLJ alone taking out that one ship at the beginning lost the Rebels their entire bomber division and most of their fighter wing. Instead they could have lost a single fighter sized object and suffered no casualties if they just hyperdrive into it.

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they had a whole scene dedicated to the A-wings blowing them up, you must not remember the movie very well.

End him

Which novels? The only times I've heard the balance is light and dark side both existing is in some of the EU books and games, but not in any of the newer ones like Lords of the Sith or Bloodlines

Because Akbar said "Concentrate all fire on that Super-Star Destroyer!" which is immediately followed by images of Rebel ships bombarding it until they puncture the shields and the Shield Generator explodes. The movie wen't to painstaking lengths to make sure even a child would understand the events, and Rian Johnson was STILL too retarded to understand the shields have to be worn down.

The Raddus only did as much damage as it did because of a reaction with the Supremacy's new technology which was a key point in the film, much like the proton torpedo was only able to destroy the Death Star due to a chain reaction.

And your gif shows that all the Star Destroyers on the right side of the Supremacy were completely undamaged. The Raddus only hit the Star Destroyers in a narrow line.

Man that horrible outfit design

I am Grand Admiral Sloane. I am not some girlish assistant for you to paw or comfort or cajole. Touch me again, and I will have the offending limb removed, and all the nerves of the stump obliterated so that no robotic hand will ever respond to your commands.

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What I hate the most is the way in which they shamelessly and openly discuss just about every movie they make as simple products, designed fron the start to bend over to what the people want, rather than to a articular vision. If you already made TLJ, and it pissed people off, go in the whole way with whatever the fuck the original vision was.

>The Raddus only did as much damage as it did because of a reaction with the Supremacy's new technology which was a key point in the film.

>Literally has to lie to make his movie make sense.

At no point in the film is the Supremacy's Hyperspace Tracking (Which itself is a plothole not just by the original films, but in RO the film that came out directly before it) EVER connected to ramming. Neither directly nor implied. I don't know if your using some retcon excuse some interview gave after the fact, but no amount of retcons can change the fact it's a massive plothole.

Would've been more interesting than Holdor.

You don't get it. The "reboot" is a permanent fixture on the Hollywood landscape. It will always be there now along with remakes.

Film history is fairly young, and modern high technology film history is even younger. The speed with which we can fully realize ideas is lightyears ahead of where it was 40 years ago. So the reboot gives us a chance to refine ideas and hit a sweeter spot in a short amount of time, and the fans will pay to see each effort. If you hit the nail on the head (Ala Batman Begins) then a public longing for franchise upheaval will cease and they will want to come along for the ride for awhile.

But we'll be rebooting things for hundreds of years to come.

So how did Holdo knew the Supremacy shield had that particular problem? Did she knew all along? If she did then why didnt she sent the other ship (the one that run out of fuel) in a suicide run before it was destroyed by the enemy? Why did she sent the bombers instead of light speed ramming with them?

>Seriously analysing pew pew fwing fwing shooty space adventure written by a complete retard
Star Wars was never good and you are beyond a manchild if you enjoy it.


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Shills dont feel the emotion of liking something in genuine way

>look at all these vague descriptions worded as lightly as possible
>just like the last jedi!
>which was good btw!
it reads like bad propaganda

>After he's done with IX he'll have plenty of work.


>After he's done with IX he'll have plenty of work.
He's a generic black dude who is too short and onions looking to do any typical black guy role, plus his face is ugly as fuck. Not to mention that he has absolutely nothing slated after Ep IX.

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all this nuwars faggotry almost make me forget why you georgecucks were so pathetic

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That's not what was described in novelization, which is canon by the way. Fuck off, mousecuck.

The Last Jedi will always be a steaming pile of dogshit, nothing will ever change this.

my problem with the movie is that it does nothing. it takes every setup and just goes "nope sorry retard, thats nothing". like what do i even grasp onto here? its a nothing movie.

This post is correct. None of these people have ever read the Classic Trilogy Star Wars Annotated Screenplays by Lucas, with his notes he considered canon while writing the prequels.

The setups had nothing interesting going on either, so whether Johnson decided to be SUBVERSIVE or play it straight, it would have been boring stupid shit.
Johnson gave the nu-triliogy it's coup de grace, but JJ's terrible writing and casting already had it bleeding out by that point. If you can take anything away from nu-wars it's that Abrams appears to be very good at setting up situations where he can dodge the blame for fucking up.

Based. The story was stupid from the beggining, if anything TLJ just forced people to see that.

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>If you can take anything away from nu-wars it's that Abrams appears to be very good at setting up situations where he can dodge the blame for fucking up.

But now he has to finish up the trilogy, has he ever had to resolve his mystery boxes before?

"balancing" the Force involves removing the dark side. It's not yin-and-yang.

this post is correct

>But now he has to finish up the trilogy, has he ever had to resolve his mystery boxes before?
That's the point though, rian has already filled up his mystery boxes with nothing, so Rian takes the blame when the third one is inevitably shit. Here's how his plan works:

>Come in as 'JJ the guy who can reboot old franchises'.
>Set up a bunch of mystery boxes.
>Palm off the series to a new director.
>Then one of the following happens:
>A) The new director finds gold in the mystery boxes and JJ's reputation looks even more solid.
>B) The new director finds shit in the mystery boxes and takes the blame for ruining JJ's set up.
>If there's gold in there, then JJ lets the new guys continue directing, while taking credit for being an executive writer etc.
>If there's shit in there, he completely downplays his involvement and then takes back the reins either as director or as a figurehead and shits out some more hackery that automatically looks a bit better than the original shit boxes.
>At that point either his hackery is poorly received and he blames the previous guy or it's well received and he's the guy who fixed the franchise twice.

Classic Credit-taker moves.

If I were him I'd be buttblasted that my character is an utter joke when it could have been a serious look at a soldier's breakdown after questioning the regime he was brought up in.

It's okay to cut out all the unnecessary information if your character is well developed and their journey can carry the narrative. Rey was given the barest skeleton of a character, and tossed in to a narrative where her story is competing with other characters for the audience's attention. Rey is fucking boring, so the audience asks to see more of someone else's story instead.

Finn is a shit character from the outset, specifically because JJ is a retarded cuck.

Originally Finn was supposed to be an by-the-book, militaristic white guy (you know, like every other imperial ever) and poe was supposed to be a cool, loose cannon black-guy who makes his own rules and together they would be the odd-couple buddy dynamic for the series.
Buuuuut then JJ wanted a black guy for Finn and hand picked Boyega despite him being completely wrong for the part and bombing multiple auditions.
So to get around Boyea's total lack of acting ability and general effeminiateness, they rewrote him as a soiboi toilet cleaner, immediately killing off the ability for this character to work with the original Poe. So then poe became a generic top gun pilot and the entire thing ended up so shit and broken that Rian deiced to make up a whole new character for Finn to be buddies with.

Attached: 05-13-Sam-Finn-and-John-Doe-Poe.jpg (1440x808, 174K)

>even more Clone War shenanigans, I love that time period.

You and me both. I grew up with the OT, but I think the Clone Wars might be my favorite part of the SW timeline.

>Daisy was cast first, then Driver was cast 2 months later.

Nope. Driver was approached and cast first. He sat on the role for months. He was actually the only new actor involved in the pre production process along with original trio Ford, Hamill and Fisher. He was cast pretty early. Only announced later.

Daisy and Boyega's roles were up for audition at the same time. Daisy got her part after 4 months of auditioning and screen testing. And Boyega had to go through 8 months of auditioning and screen tests. Daisy obviously was announced first.

And Finn is a supporting sidekick character. Always was and will be. Boyega was told this when he got the part. Not sure why he's complaining now.

ST is a Rey-Kylo show. Everyone else is supporting.

Why didn't Gondor just throw boulders at Sauron's tower?

leave it to disney to not think of writing the entire trilogy instead of making it up as they go

This causes me to angry

That you know of.

The term "rudderless hackjob" comes to mind.

the whole franchise is bullshit, even back in the 70s and 80s there were dozens of science fiction movies better than Star Wars, I hate the cult around these films

No, she had no idea and it was a last ditch effort because the hyperspace coordinates were in the computer from when Poe had punched them in earlier. She got lucky in a few ways and I suppose you can attribute that to the will of the Force.

>even back in the 70s and 80s there were dozens of science fiction movies better than Star Wars
Such as?

Blade Runner, Brazil, Terminator, Alien, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Planet of the Apes, The Thing, Stalker, Solaris, Wrath of Khan, Mad Max 2, The Andromeda Strain it was the golden age for Science Fiction

Well, quite a few of those have ended up as long running franchises that continue to hold onto their popularity to this day and sometimes even receive new entries so it's not like Star Wars is unique in this regard. It's just one of many sci-fi franchises with a large following.

There's also:
Logan's Run, Star Trek, Fantastic Planet, Enemy Mine, Dark Star, Onions Green, Silent Running

>Onions Green
I don't remember a movie called this...

>Onions Green
Is nothing sacred to the word filter?!

Fucking kek, forgot that s0ilent was filtered.

none of them are half as popular as Star Wars despite being better, is my issue

You overdid it, you could have just used a period.

Terminator and Alien have both received six films and Planet of the Apes has gotten like nine, so arguably they're more popular.

>There’s no timeline as he’s waiting on Lucasfilm to figure out their slate.
oh no oh no

To be fair they probably actually are waiting to see if Episode IX is going to flop or not before they give the greenlight to any more films. One flop could be excused as a fluke but two flops in a row would confirm to them that there's no money in Star Wars and that they'd better cut and run.

If IX is a hit I expect to see a barrage of new announcements. If not, we'll probably get that last anthology movie since it's already so far along and then they'll be like "Ahh, well that was nice but that's it, we finished the story."

>People who think the hyperspace ram ruins Star Wars genuinely do not understand science.

Because the explosions in Star Wars in the vacuum of space are scientifically accurate. Hurr durr.

If you're going to say that science doesn't matter to Star Wars then you abandon all right to complain about the hyperspace ram because by your logic there's some magical explanation as to why it only works in this situation and nowhere else.

that's not what popularity means, Star Wars is the second highest grossing franchise of all time after the Marvel Cinematic Universe

He bumbled into greatness and never understood what he started. He should stick to innovating in special effects and leave storytelling to more capable hands.

Box office gross doesn't necessarily mean popularity either. Winnie the Pooh beats both of them when you factor in home video sales.

In this order, he's either killed:

>The old man at the beginning of TFA
>Ordered that guy's whole settlement killed
>Stood idly by while the FO killed billions with SKB
>Killed his own father in cold blood

>SW abides by irl scientific laws or else its a complete magical anarchy, no in-between

Snoke is Supreme Leader so most of those weren't his decision. He was probably ordered to kill Lor San Tekka anyway.


>I'll be back in a bit with some proof.

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