"I don't really like to watch that many old movies...

>"I don't really like to watch that many old movies. There's an obvious lack of quality on a technical level due to the primitive technology. Yeah sure, there's no doubt that Eisenstein and Bergman are very influential but in my opinion, their movies don't hold up. The people that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are usually either pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they're cinephiles or just take influence into account when it comes to cinema. I personally like to take an objective approach to film criticism and not take into account influence and other subjective variables."

Do you agree?

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No because he fucks dogs

Any old Movies featuring dogs?

I hear he didn't say that.

His quote about Citizen Kane is just as bad though

He makes funny YouTube vids but as soon as he started talking seriously about films he unveils himself as a furry autist. I mean his favorite film is Shortbus for God’s sake.

how is this animal cassanova never made fun of for his pathetic music?

>I don't like it so everyone else is pretending to

And I'm giving this thread a 6 out of 10.

Doesn't this guy fuck dogs?

He's right, old films are all boring as fuck and anyone who pretends to like them is just being pretentious

Doesnt this guy fug cats?

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Movie egoraptor

yeah, liking Wizard of Oz and Doctor Dolittle 1967.
how pretentious

I'm a brainlet and was enraptured by Wild Strawberries, which I heard isn't even one of his best. Don't know if that says more about him or me.

imagine if some crack head looking furry fuck tried to tie down and fuck your dog while saying it was okay because shes enjoying it

I guess I really can't enjoy Sophocles' Antigone anymore after this convincing argument. Just doesn't compare to the technical level found in Black Panther.

Fucking who? Some faggot called Adam? I think. The mans a retard.

Is this the guy who got banned from all those SPCAs? I didn't know he was a movie critic

A few like that are acceptable but even then I probably only like Wizard of Oz because of nostalgia. Again, the quote in the OP is perfectly accurate; I'm sure Adam likes a few, but by and large, boring old shit.

Let's listen to a teenager that has only seen 5 old films that he probably didn't choose to see tell us about how boring older films are.

Okaaay...anyway...yikes...tell me how you really feel.

A perfectly adequate display of your shit taste in movies, user. You can stop posting now.

You just had to cherry pick the bad old movies

So you admit that every other old movie is good. Thanks for the discussion.

Not funny

Fuck off Adam

The passion this guy uses to defend people wanting to fuck animals is unsettling.

I love kurosawa movies because they look interesting, tend to have some baller characters (Kagemusha is filled to the brim with memorable character scenes, fucking Sanjuro is kino diluted in Samurai form and I mean the character, not the movie, - whiich was also bretty gud) and some intense, meaningful action scenes that last just about as long as they need to exist.
I'll go ahead and admit I am a genre fag and I collect all sort of Samurai flicks, even modern ones (Floating Fortress is fucking good, watch dat shit) but Kurosawa was a pretty good genre director, excellent even. Would even call him my favorite without reservations.

Honestly? People who go "hurr you only like Kurosawa because you are a cinephile" are the most snobs I've ever seen. His movies are easy to get and carry an energy that even if you don't get the main point behind it, it's still gorgeous and are structured as adventures (well his genre movies are). They is much to appreciate and have fun around and it's fine if you dislike it but to pretend people only like it for cred when these are very watchable and easy to like movies is kinda shitty.

Sonic isn't that good, get over it

user, he's gay. He only fucks male dogs.

I'm tired of seeing my favorite film reviewer turned into a shitty joke.

No, he doesn't have sex with animals - and even he did, that would be his personal matter.
You should give him credit as he established himself as one the biggest movie review channels of all time.
No matter what you think of his sexual preferences or whatnot, who cares about that shit..
I'm out

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But what about all the past dogs he fucked tho

People who think only cinephiles like Kurosawa aren't snobs, they're tasteless plebes. Kurosawa is a great pop director, possibly the greatest, but he is in no way a challenging director. He's not even as difficult to get into as Ozu.

He didn't! There is no evidence whatsoever of that. This pseudo meme is birthed from nothing at all. You made that crap all up

We all know he did. Shouldn't talk shit on the internet about fucking dogs and not expect people to find out.

yeah, fuck dogs isn't funny, it's against the law, adam

Exactly this. Adam has the balls to speak his mind and get's crucified for it immediatly.
That the internet for you..
There is a term i don't use very often but here it is: jealousy.

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no he fugs dogs

All he said was that you should distinguish between zoophilists and animal rapists.
Maybe thats a bit of an unpopular opinion, but it's just his opinion.
He's allowed to share that without it getting made into this conspiracy meme

How could you watch Ikirun or Seven Samurai and not be engrossed? How could you possibly be this wrong.

And obviously I know the answer, he was abused to death as a kid and loves fucking dogs now.


No, Kurosawa films are excellent for the most part.
He’s retarded when it comes to talking about old films and autistically focuses on the technical aspects.

>my favorite film reviewer

>jealous of a gay furfag with shit taste in movies

>he established himself as one the biggest movie review channels of all time.
Nah bro, his legacy will be as a twitch reddit dog suck and fucker

Don't even try to make me go into a debate about defending zoophilia. You either fuck dogs, or you don't. That's all that matter. He proved that he does. End of story.

This is why i avoid discussion of things like movies and music on the itnernet, the topic of discussion always deviates away from he great works of art we are interested in and here to discuss and instead turn into debates over what is the "correct" taste and turns into a competition among a bunch of nobodies i dont care about and we are left three steps removed from actually discussing the topic we are here for and just squabling with eachother.

dude does fuck dogs though, always relevant.

>objective approach to film criticism
This doesn't exist. Any criticism is subjective by nature.

You know you’re dealing with a pleb when he considers Welles, Kurosawa and Bergman as inaccessible and “just pretending to like them to look smart” tier. They’re entry level auteurs for people who’ve outgrown Spielberg/Lucas and capeshit. The only way YMS could embarrass himself more was if he used Kubrick and Lynch as examples.

How do you not like Kurosawa movies. Sure, you can think he's overrated, but his movies are entertaining as fuck.

What about The Adventures of Robin Hood? That movie's gonna be 80 next month and I watched it for the first time two weeks ago. I loved it, great casting and perfectly corny acting from Errol Flynn and others. I also like the sword fight at the end, the sound of all those dueling swords clicking together cracked me up.

>and not take into account influence and other subjective variables
Imagine thinking this is objective and a good way to critique art.

Actual dog fucker

Scenes From a Marriage is still one of the best TV shows. Ran is still a masterpiece. Adam has bad taste, with or without his degenerate furry hobbies.

How old does a movie have to be to become unwatchable?
Do you think Alien or A Fistful of Dollars is inaccessible?

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eww, watch out dog owners!

Gone With the Wind? Too innaccessible. The General? Technically inept. Apocalypse Now? Get out of here with that boomer shit.

I think I heard him praise Paths of Glory once though.

Ralph is better in every way. EVERY way. If yms wasnt a furfag and had a gf, Ralph could easily cuck him.

He actually defends fucking dogs on reddit leafs not even once

He looks like a fag though.

I agree, you can really hurt a dog by fucking it.

>my favorite film reviewer

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What's the difference they have better equipment now? Every other aspect still existed, direction, writing, performance, cinematography, editing, costume, set design, etc. Only a retard would say Booo they're not using IMAX cameras

Better lenses for those sweet dog asshole close-ups.

what if the dog fucks you tho

Have you ever listened to the sound in old movies?

They're shit.

Even movies as recent as Goldeneye and die another dat still sound shit. Spartacus sounds shit.

i used to think like you but i grew up just a few years, also at the same time i completely hate television, its like a graph, your interest in brainlet nonsensical drama shows has to go down in order for you to appreciate old films

>tfw jealous of having dog AIDS

Yes even his mom said he's an adopted virgin faggot-lipped piece of shit