What the fuck was the point?

what the fuck was the point?

Attached: Salo2.jpg (640x279, 34K)

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Fascists like to eat doodoo.

you just dont get it, it was an artistic master piece about the oppression and exploitation of the working classes

le epic allegory about fascists

It was entertaining enough as a sort of spectacle but the 'social commentary' is undergrad antifa tier retardation

Faggot commie projection to the max

>dont make fun of fascists!
The absolute state of you degenerate niggers


I-is he getting fucked in the ass?

No, they are cutting out his tongue.


you can make fun of fascists all you want, you're still a retarded commie. Where would you prefer to live, Mussolini's Italy or the USSR? I imagine neither of them, but Id pick Italy if i had to

Because they are sexual degenerates that get pleasure from sadism.
Reminder that the scenes in this film were almost identical to the scenes that were cut from Eyes Wide Shit.

So no other reason but because they want?
Italy all the way. Fascism wasn't as bad as Nazi.

>So no other reason but because they want?
Yea, they were bored.

Read up on Marquis De Sade. If i'm not completely wrong, this movie was inspired a lot by his acts. Might help you understand the movie better.

>the scenes in this film were almost identical to the scenes that were cut from Eyes Wide Shit
Yea, and then just like Kubrick the director of the film was murdered under suspicious circumstances after the movie was released. What a weird coincidence!

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the movie was based on one of his books, but the social context is entirely different

oh it's based on Francois de Sade, yeah. I know "Justine- The Misfortunes of Virtue" but couldnt get into "120 Days of Sodom"

Which scenes?

>Reminder that the scenes in this film were almost identical to the scenes that were cut from Eyes Wide Shit.
Any source on that?

This is what the elite really do to kids, Wikileaks 2016 show that’s the case. That’s when I knew this movie was closer to a “base of a true story” type shit more then anything.

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destroy christian morale by pushing this degeneracy to society

Fucking prove me wrong mother fuckers

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Nothing. It's a pointless disgusting film produced by a godless communist.

>literal faggot project his sick fantasy to """"fascists"""""".

Its all so predictable.

Out of the strong came forth sweetness
Out of the strong came forth sweetness
And murder me
In Ostia

What the fuck is this shit, Italy and France deserve a nuke

>directed The Gospel According to Matthew

You /pol/rats are a joke. You don't know fuck all about anything except what's been regurgitated in your echo chamber.

Pasolini took a stand against the horrors of fascism in his country, and yes, clericalism. What you /pol/ incels don't understand is Christianity is so often perverted by its very hierarchy to be used as a means of keeping poor people poor and subjugating the lower classes. In Italy this was especially felt in the North vs south Italy divide.

cry more commie-fag

>a-at least it wasn't soviet russia
ah well

>imma defend fascism against these commie trannies, i'm based!
>imma insult fascist because i'm a commie tranny, i'm based!

Fascism is socialist and Mussolini was a communist. Why is literally everyone on both sides of everything a bunch of brain dead morons?


theyre not the same thing though. I prefer fascism to communism. Id prefer neither of them at all and that the government just completely fucked off but small chance of that ever happening

Mussolini was a FORMER socialist and persecuted commies, as all fascists do.
I do agree both ideology are cancer and must be fought at any cost, but don't mix them up. You will sound like a complete ignorant.

there's nothing more brainlet than a right-wingers take on film

why are they so intent on sharing it even outside of their /pol/ circlejerks?

Wrong, Mussolini persecuted communists, not socialists. The Fascist Manifesto is very clear in cementing that the working force is the foundation of Fascism, it condemns capitalism, the elites, merchandise fetishism and the bourgeoisie. Fascists believe the state should have total power over market and art, EXACTLY like socialists.
They are the same thing in effect.

The Doctrine of Fascism has no intention of ever reaching a stateless society with no hierarchy, it explicitly praises hierarchy.

In practice socialists ended up creating dictatorships similar to fascists because a 'stateless society with no hierarchy' is a ridiculous meme. But socialists had a completely different goal than fascists, at least ostensibly

No they are not but you are beyond hopeless.
The fact that they share parts in common means nothing.
And de facto nazi helped capitalists and fascists helped land owners. The rest is lip service.
Because you need those people to win.

Did they actually do stuff like rape men and cut out people's tongues though? I read that they went around in groups and force fed political opponents castor oil to make them involuntarily shit their pants, because it was embarrassing. Compared to getting your tongue cut out that doesn't seem so bad.

no actual harm, humiliation yes but not much more
that was more of a nazi thing than italian fascism

If it were at least a coherent strawman

But no it's just le epik nazi poop jokes basically except tailored toward pseudo-intellectual libshit hipster frauds

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You're confusing your own bolshevism with national socialism again, Chaim

What did they do with that tongue then?

fuck nazis, fuck the alt right , fuck antifa you're all full and filled with shit.

based triggered nazi incel

>The Doctrine of Fascism has no intention of ever reaching a stateless society with no hierarchy
Neither does socialism. You're describing communism.

De Sade was a sick fuck and the director probably fapped to it, and wanted a film version to fap to

Id pick neither.

So did the soviets. Cause all socialists had realized a long time ago that Marx was a fucking moron and his rules of marginal and surplus value made no sense and were created from a complete alienation to reality.
All socialist regimes that lasted more than 5 years helped the capitalists, as long as they were in ties with the party.

Marxist socialism is the state in between capitalism and communism, and self-described socialist want to end with a society where the workers own the means of production. Equating it to fascism is a meme

There’s no point to it. The claims that it has any sort of social commentary is ridiculous. Everyone knows that the rich as sick fucks with the big bucks, the only reason this film was made so that it could push boundaries on what was acceptable to put in a film. In this sense it is a wretched piece of work that exists for the sole sake to create evil for the sake of creating evil. Every last copy should be burned. I’m genuinely convinced that fascist governments like Italy’s and Germany’s were put in place for keeping their degenerate population under control

I am not arguing that commies are any less hypocritical or dangerous. The post I was answering to was about a different thing.

I'm genuinely convinced you need to have sex.

>Want to put your depraved fantasies on celluloid
>But you can't get it past the censor
>Just make sure the bad guys are Fascists

Every single time.

>icky yucky pictures are evil


It's really easier to trigger /pol/ than /tumblr/

There is no point in arguing about Marxist socialist, it's a fucking joke, it can't be taken seriously and even the ones called "marxist-leninists" were "engel-leninists". Marx was a retard and everything he wrote about the practicalities of socialism was literally impossible. It's irrelevant to any discussion that isn't about semantics or epistemology.

This movie is pretentious garbage schlock that only a psuedo intellectual would pretend to like. There's nothing to deep to look into here. It's a movie made with the sole intention of shock value and therefore it has no substance

behold the intellectual might of the right wing

I thought it was hot until the shit eating

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What happens to your tranny super squad when you realizes you pet names are dog shit in terms of creativity?

Am I crazy or was this movie kinda gay, I think the director might have been a little light in the loafers himself to make this film

>haha you don’t like people eating shit and sodomizing kidnaped teens? Haha retard
I don’t browse pol but you make them sound like pretty cool guys who don’t afraid of faggots

>>haha you don’t like people eating shit and sodomizing kidnaped teens? Haha retard

it's not real

1. you can't prove intent
2. if you COULD prove intent, it would thus prove substance

There's a part in the book where they impregnate a goat and fuck the goat baby, I think. Salo isn't a statement on anything. It's just comical bullshit.

This is one of the most linguistically challenged posts I've ever read on this God forsaken board

I don’t want to immediately assume you’re retarded but when you don’t have the clarity to realize that visual representation of acts despite being only an imitation still have imparts in viewers psyche it kind of makes you look like a retard

It's exactly what it looks like, faggot. Garbage. I bet you also enjoy modern ''art''.

That movie shows nothing. No beauty, no sadness, no sorrow. It's pure and cheap shock value. There's no substance; it's basically a movie made to see how far they would go. That faggot failed to do what Kubrick did flawlessy.

so the object of evil doesn't rest in actions, but rather in the consequences of said actions? hmm, yes yes, very interesting...

Phonefagging isn’t easy. The again shoving a plastic pseudo dildo into your groin wound probably isn’t a easy task but you and me Make do, don’t we.

that's your opinion

Your post reads like a feaver dream. Take a aspirin and try again

can you ontologically prove that what you are experiencing right now is in fact NOT a fever dream?

The statement is that Fascism represents the Id unchained, as long as the state is served. That, and also it is a criticism of the sexual liberation movement, that Pasolini was against, believe it or not.

The concept of ''beauty'' just like what is ''useful'' can be tracked to basic evolutionary human psyche. We find shit disgusting because it's excrement, we like pretty people because they display good genes.

Of courses, being the degenerates that human can be, some could find shit, ugly people and incest beautiful things. But that's still fruit of a corrupted psyche. Fuck off with your modern ''art'' bullshit and go find some real beauty before coming to defend literal shit.

Yes, because if it was a fever dream I would have the sense to will myself to dream up a QT 3.14 to dream fugg. Instead I’m on a Tasmanian Tiger appreciation forum talking to sodomites and overweight Irish men

Same thing happened to Mozart after he made the Masonic opera, the Magic Flute. Kubrick used Mozart's final song, Lacrimosa, in Eyes Wide Shut. He knew what was going to happen to him.

Lacrimosa is part of a requiem so quite fitting.

there's no point to it.
it was written by a French degenerate and sexual deviant. the guy was so fucked, the word "sadism" came from his last name.
I'm pretty sure 120 days of Sodom was written when he was jail for being a degenerate.
it seems to be a recurrent theme from his work to have rich people (people in positions of power) sexually abuse people.
for the record, i only read Justine and i think that was enough for me.

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Is there any proof to this? How do people know what was deleted?

read kristeva

I honestly thought it was just about perverts and human perversion.

It's just rumors. It doesn't really make sense though because the whole point of the movie is that Cruise's character doesn't know if anyone really died at the party. If it showed people being killed, it destroys the mystery of the second half. I think the movie was exactly the way he wanted it but if you want to see the true meaning, you need to watch the movie backwards and forwards overlayed at 50 percent opacity with the audio from the forwards movie.

>take the bitter old dikes Jew’s poison

It was just a way for this dude to masturbate. Same with the movie adaptation. He spent 32 years of his life in jail and he's burning in Hell now being tortured ten times whatever his fictional victims suffered. Didn't even get to torture anyone irl. Whoops.

tbf he was also a degenerate in real life. sodomized his servants and shit. dude was crazy

Literally the word "sadism" comes from this guys name Marquis de Sade

The OSTENSIBLE purpose in making the film was to make a lefty critique of things like fascism, power, the banality of capitalism, etc etc etc.

The TRUE purpose in making the film, was for Pasolini to commit the 120 days of Sodom to film, for its own sake, because as a homosexual pervert, he liked the book itself. The film makes a quite faithful illustration of the novel's first part (its only completed part), particularly how groups of youths are arranged variously around the four friends, played off each other, and how the storytellers tell their stories until interrupted at-will by any of the friends. Pasolini could have chosen any other milleu or setting to make his precious (pseudo) critique of the right. But he didn't, and the reason why he didn't is because /the 120 days of Sodom was an attractive story to him, in and of itself/. The point wasn't to "pick the worst possible narrative" and adapt it to effect the above critique. Again, the point was to film the novel, and give it a vague gloss of a non-pornographic social excuse by changing the setting around a bit. As we know, Pasolini didn't get away with it, although his film survives.

The deep irony in all of this is that Sade's place in intellectual history was most influential to the modern (so-called) left, and not to the modern (so-called) right.

>post finally answers OPs question
>/pol/tards ignore it and keep talking about Marquis de Sade

i know. i read quite a bit about him and one of his books.