I don't get it.
I don't get it
Life is shit
Go watch porn, that's probably more your speed
We live in a society
the moral of the story is don't be a shitty friend
His parents failed to raise him correctly
Did it really have to be THAT explicit to get it's message across?
Society failed to raise him
You're posting on Yea Forums, so I'm not surprised.
Literally this. The message literally just this, about that deep.
There's no actual message. It's just a showcasing of a sociopath that has just enough awareness, charisma, and luck to get away with crimes, survive abuse, and move on to do whatever he wishes to do (which we don't get to see). If one is to elicit a point / message it could be that the world we live in, no matter how moral, just, or lawful it may be, will end up enabling anti social individuals, end up providing rehabilitation methods for said individuals when needed, and find a way for said individuals to reenter society with little / minimal repercussions. The MC of the film is a stronger, more aware individual than he was at the beginning and he's disposed of the dead weight that his companions brought upon him. It's a fantastic dark comedy, but it offers no message that's worth seeking.
It's about freewill you brainlet.
Brainlet's usually don't.
its about redeeming troubled youth by getting them to help society with problems like homeless people and journalists
If you dress up ultra-violence in a pretentious way, money
This, the book is significantly better at doing this too because it stays in Alex’s Head the whole time. Kubrick definitely didn’t use some of the ideas of the original and most of the political commentary didn’t really translate too well, especially with the scrapped epilogue.
Formerly Hourglass Yellow
Is it morally right to strip someone of their individuality in order to conform to a society that’s deemed “civilized” by those who rule over you? The answer is no and it’s pretty clearly stated in the end. Although the reason for reversing his brainwashing was purely for political optics and votes because society at large viewed it as inhumane.
Read the book for the full picture
Kubrick movies are always about masculine and feminine energies. The book is about the inherent anarchy of nature and how all rules are just backed by force.
a clockwork orange, a thing painstakingly and carefully crafted to work so perfectly and exactly, performing the role of a thing which also occurs naturally - the society made intentionally to support certain ideas and oppose other ideas, attempting to instill or force behavior which should be natural, when the natural desire to procreate and assert one's individuality and humanity rises up from within that control, and the political powers attempting to reform and then condone the behavior, all of which would occur naturally anyway.
>called a clockwork orange
>no clockwork orange in sight
It’s about dysgenic niggerification of western civilization, specifically britain. Also a better critique of communism than 1984.
As if, 1984 was about Fascism as much as it was about communism
>OP on the left
It seems OP is all bollocks and no gulliver.
>Try to show this movie to my four friends
>Tell them it's my favorite movie and one of the most respected out there
>They see the first ten minutes and say it's trash and looks shitty
>Call me weird for weeks thinking I'm some rape-crazed lunatic
>Keep in mind these friends are edgelords that treat sensitive subjects pretty lightly
They don't joke when they call this movie pleb filter. People that say it sucks never made it past fifteen minutes.
I tried to show some buddies of mine Visitor Q one time, they couldn't make it past the first scene either.
this, I worked at a video store a long time ago and I would recommend this flick but I can't tell you how many times the tape came back with only like the first ten minutes played, fuckin plebs