Daily reminder that he did absolutely, literally and figuratively nothing wrong

Daily reminder that he did absolutely, literally and figuratively nothing wrong.

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But did he masturbate?


oh cypher did nothing wrong?
you mean lu cypher? hmm

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He didn't immediately kill Neo and Morpheus. He didn't make sure that he killed Tank and Dozer.

>human beings are batteries neo, battieries that need to have energy put into them in order to produce energy, and that energy they need to consume, has to be produced using more energy. In fact, more energy is used to sustain humans than is produced by the humans. Seems retarded? That's because it is.

The original script was they used humans as a parallel processing system, but that would let the DARPA secret out to the sheeple

That's retarded. Human brain doesn't work based on 1s and 0s.

>computers can only understand binary
classic brainlet comment

It's mentioned in the Animatrix that they use humans in order to humiliate them

He killed people.

That would have been a much better story because all that "believe in yourself" nonsense as a way to hack the simulation would work much more plausibly if the simulation was actually being ran in your brains.

>batteries need to have energy put into them to work and no energy transfer is completely efficient
woah i think this guy might be onto something

He fried two innocent blacks who were his friends.

you're the sheeple

he was an incel

Couldn't he have gotten the codes without murdering his comrades?

No, they created the Matrix for them because they deeply cared for them. They see humans as their parents. That's also why they don't just fuck off to another planet because it's also their homeworld.

Yes he did. He asked for a mindwipe, which means he might as well killed himself.

bingo. That's what he represents, Lucifer the spoiled traitor of mankind.

>misses the whole point of the movie


do we see monkeys as our forebears that we deeply care for?
they are feral shit-flinging animals that are caged for our personal amusement and nothing else

they were hacking the Matrix, which is highly illegal

He just wanted to lose the memories he had of the Matrix.

Take your meds

Maybe try having sex too

Monkeys didnt create us. AI is something completely beyond classical evolution

>kills some people so he can betray humanity and go live a fiction
he did everything as wrong as possible though

Op is a stupid faggot

He killed his comrades just because he wanted to feel the taste of a steak, literally an amerilard.

Have sex.

>literally an amerilard
Amerilard here, I'd do the same if I was in his position. If I could have pussy and steak at my beck and whim for the rest of my miserable life then hell yeah I'm taking it.

I justify this retarded plot device as Morhpeous simply being wrong in this one instance. Who says Morpheus is right about everything?! I actually like it now, it humanises him. HE thinks he’s discovered the cause for humans being farmed, when irl it’s to both
A- Preserve us as a species
B- Us our brains processing power, and to run virtual thought experiments etc

Morpheus is either mistaken, or deliberately lies to Neo in order to make the machines seem like a stereotypical black and white Villian
>Hey Neo, these machines used to be our slave and then eventually gained sentience and then humans freaked out and tried to wipe them all out and in the process fucked up the entire earth, and now the machines are the only thing keeping humanity alive
>But they’re still evil and need to be destroyed ok?
Doesn’t quite have the same motivational ring to it, now does it.

Please note the Machines themselves never state their reasons for keeping humans alive hooked up to server farms, every interpretation within the movies is biased speculation.

People who make a big deal out of this being some sort of plot hole are outing themselves as bluepilled npcs

If you get a boner in the matrix do you get a boner irl?

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I don't remeber, did he asked for pussy specifically ? If yes then ok, maybe I can understand.


Trips say yes

He killed a beautiful, innocent creature

Haha, imagine if you were plugged into the matrix and got a boner while trinity stayed on the ship, imagine her teasing it with her tongue and maybe even riding on it up and down for hours while you’re plugged into the matrix and have no idea what’s going on hahaha wouldn’t that be gross



he let his oneitis for trinity push him over the edge. dude shoulda just chilled the fuck out until the next orgy at Zion.

i'm a cypher in real life and proud of it

For himself maybe.
But he did wrong in that he was hurting others to get what he wanted, and what he wanted was also something he might not ever even get. With an erased memory, he could have been placed back in the Matrix as a homeless vagrant, at the expense of his comrades' lives.