>What is The Last Drive-In?
The Last Drive-In is a double feature of horror flicks hosted by the worlds first and foremost drive-in movie critic Joe Bob Briggs.

>Who is Joe Bob Briggs?
Joe Bob Briggs is a redneck movie critic and horror host from Texas, famous for shows such as "Joe Bob's Drive-In Theater" and "Monstervision". After 18 years of absence, he finally returned in 2018 for his revival series "The Last Drive-In".

>Where can I watch The Last Drive-In?
On Shudder's livestream channel "It Came From Shudder".

START TIME: 9pm eastern / 6pm pacific


While they usually like to keep the movies a surprise, Joe Bob has announced in advance that they will be showing "Q - The Winged Serpent" tonight in honor of Larry Cohen, who passed away last week. The second film will remain a surprise as per usual.

Q - The Winged Serpent: NYPD detectives Shepard and Powell are working on a bizarre case of a ritualistic Aztec murder. Meanwhile, something big is attacking people of New York and only greedy small time crook Jimmy Quinn knows where its lair is.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Awesome, never seen Q before, or any Larry Cohen movie for that matter. I hope the second movie is something more modern, I don't think he's shown anything post 2000 besides the newest Phantasm movie.

What will the mail lady wear tonight?

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I have a six pack of Lone Star tall boys on ice for this.

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Might as well make the second one The Stuff.

Also, they need to do a Cannibal Holocaust/Ferox double feature at some point.

Any Italian cannibal movies would be welcome imo.

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hopefully a mask

why would you even want him to show something recent?

I'm here for Ernie

I don't like those italian movies because whenever a dog is in danger I'm pretty sure they actually killed the dog.

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Hopefully she won't appear at all. I don't understand why all of you want to see a 40 (yes, she's 40) year old caked out in so much makeup you can barely recognize her as human. She's practically Michael Jackson level of fake-looking.
Kino poster
There have been good movies in the last few years, "The Void" for example shows that some filmmakers still care about practical effects,

Attached: TheVoid.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

How long will Ernie's hat stay on tonight?

stream with chat on bretty good dot com

He seems to knock it off about every time they cut to the movie and they put it back on every other time.

>I don't understand

She's fun.

Attached: darcy.jpg (1001x603, 61K)

Joe Bob doesn't really go for "Good Movies" though. He's more into Exploitation and Drive In B-movie fare. They don't really make movies like that anymore, so we typically get older stuff.

That said, I liked The Void.

She's /our bimbo/

joe bob's out here doing a public service showing these zoomers flicks they never would've seen before. that said, i also enjoyed the void.

>I don't understand

She knows her shit about the horror genre and isn't faking it. She has huge milkies. Also, she's pretty good at bantz with Joe Bob.

She's a nice lady who genuinely likes horror movies. I don't really care if she wants to get weekly plastic surgeries and wear 10lbs of makeup.

This. I'm 40, have been into horror since being a teenager, and I had actually never seen The Reanimator until Joe Bob showed it during the first Shudder marathon. I loved it just as much as watching some of my favorites get the Joe Bob treatment. Also, I haven't seen too many of the 1970s films he shows.

I'm 30 but there always seems to be this or that "classic" I missed despite being into the genre. This'll be my first time seeing Q and last week was my first time seeing Castle Freak.

I'm hoping he doesn't just stick with older films. Late Phases, The Void, and We Are Still Here are all more recent movies that deserve more attention.

I love that bearded dragon hats exist

Tonight's challenge is to get as close to as drunk as Michael Moriarty was every fucking second he spent filming this movie.

Well I'm drinking Wild Turkey 101 so I'm off to a good start

I ate like 6 cinnamon rolls so I think I'd throw up before I got even half that drunk

Ernie's looking pretty dapper tonight.

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Not to sound depressing, but I'm glad this exists. Finally gives me something to look forward to on Friday nights.

Between this and Doom Patrol, I'm loving my Fridays currently.

>tfw only one beer left

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Aw, shit. RIP Larry. Need to find me a The Stuff t-shirt.

Mr. fancy german automobile in your gucci loafers

he played the "useless as tits on a bull" employee in Casino

Absolutely kino opening

i wanna get hired as one of the guys who laughs at joe bob's jokes.

gluten obsessed terrorists
glut of food involved
glutes - chippy fitness trainer

really makes you think

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>Lone Star beer can is the Texas Independence Day version.

This was definitely filmed pretty recently.


David Carradine is in this?

You are in for a treat if you've never seen this one before. That Moriarty jazz piano scene alone is a miracle of cinema.

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Aw hell yeah dude

Samuel Z. Dummkopf

My problem with Q is there isn't enough Q.

Joe Bob seems so much happier talking about a movie he genuinely likes. He seemed like it was chore to have to sit through C.H.U.D. last week but the shade he threw at it was hilarious.

It's been on my backlog forever. I would have gotten to it sooner if I knew David Carradine and Richard Roundtree were in it.

I hope it’s not The Stuff, genuinely disliked it. Feels too fake I guess. Not authentic or something.

Welcome to a Larry Cohen film, people.

David Carradine feels oddly sober for this

It will be even better with Joe Bob presenting it.

it is like 80% police procedural 20% monster movie. and i might be being too generous with that 20%.

Michael Moriarty is drinking for twelve.

Yeah. He probably only has 2 peyote buttons stuck up his pooper while filming this.


Usually, I'd be referring to the boobs in that shot as "the cheapest special effect." Not today, though.

What's this tool?

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Saggers best titties

Far-sighted scope

This scene is pure magic.

Holy shit dude you are so right

Enter: the B plot.

Apparently Michael Moriarty played Hitler in a movie called Hitler Meets Christ

So I just signed up for the free trial tonight and if this is any indication of the quality in the future I'll be keeping the yearly subscription

"Sounded okay to me."
"What the FUCK do you know?"

I miss old New York so damn much.

She's wonderful. What's her backstory?

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This might be the first movie that makes 80's New York look good lmao

Neil Diamond cameo!

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It is worth it. There is a ton of Joe Bob on-demand on there now plus a lot of the non-Joe Bob stuff is pretty tight too.

Is the character also supposed to be drunk?

wheres the stream?

You have to eat all the egg

The critters thing was fun

Q must be a pretty dainty eater if he left a whole fucking skeleton intact.

>tfw I had work and never got to spooky post

Every frame a work of art in Q.

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I actually really liked the podcast thing they have with the white box vhs tapes. There's a bunch of other podcasts like it but it's definitely one of the best horror-fiction presented as real podcasts.

I swear to God, Frank Gorshin would have never paid for his own drinks if I got to drink with him when he was alive. Fucking legend.

In his only movie role. Incredible.

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Sandwich cucked

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Pick Me Up is a really good episode of Masters of Horror, if you ever get the chance. Michael Moriarty and another highway serial killer compete over who gets to kill a hitchhiker, played by Fairuza Balk.

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It was good. As soon as I figured out the premise, I told my brother I had money on Balk though.

>I better take my birth control pill

“I’ve got to take my birth control pill.”

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Kinda cute tee bee aych.

Balk is top tier ugfu

Take your pants off and show me your leg

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This punk bitch has a cutie redhead supporting him and I’ll die alone. It’s not fair.

it's just a movie, user

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Have you tried being a junkie and hitting women?

Just bee yourself

Me beeing myself

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It works better than you think

This apartment is labyrinthine.

>There are literal homeless junkie white rappers with face tattoos on my normiebook feed with gfs and I'm sleeping alone tonight.

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any stream?

>stream with chat on bretty good dot com

>this music out of nowhere
>ends with a brief scatting section

Attached: DmrjlK8XoAUntNj.jpg (261x344, 16K) has a pretty high quality one.

>has a pretty high quality one.
s u s p i c i o u s

Pure kino

Suspicious fishes?

Need more sticc bitches

Imagine hanging out on the top of a skyscraper with these fit girls.

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I the jury fucking owns

Man, I forgot it started at 8 and not 9, fuck me.

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Just negging on them while they do push ups. Absolute Chad.

>script was written in 6 days
>film was shot in 2 weeks
>Cohen had to trick David Carradine into starring in it
Funny how great this movie turned out

>central time
Flyover cuck

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You're early for the second feature.

Man, Moriarty could not be more of a scumbag in this movie... but I really want this to go well for him, and it's not a spoiler to say you know it won't.

Ellie Kemper should play her in the inevitable remake

If they remade Q people would complain that the monster isn't on screen enough like they did with 2014 Godzilla.

Rooting for a low life petty criminal?

Come on!

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Moriarity's character feels like an O&A character

Is he based like Svengoolie?

He's pure kino in this film.

Aw, shit... "if he continues writing."

Damn, Joe Bob.

Please leave

Yeah, I’m not a fan of Darcy. She just comes off as fake as hell, in both looks and personality, and she’s so fucked up from plastic surgery that her face barely moves. She’s more creepy looking than attractive. I really miss Rusty.

He already addressed this

Was just asking a harmless question, user.

he's gonna get comfy nest egg from all this

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Both spook and nigger in the same sentence, well done.

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for me it's honey

Idk, she’s nice on Twitter and the first pic on her feed is her tits. I’m indifferent.

guys if you arent here already come watch stream at bretty good

Man the Last Drive In/MonsterVision set is so comfy, it's the only presenter set that looks like something I'd want to actually hang out in.

>Night of the living dead
Mr. Rogers would approve.

shut up bigmeme


Carradine just unloading on a baby Mexican dragon.

/k/ would love this we should invite them next time

They're both drunk as fuck

Carradine in Q is just dickhead NYC cop Fox Mulder

Did James Rolfe bring this back by talking about it?

They tore up the Chrysler building!

Half the budget spent on helicopter shots.

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Why is he a clown? Did I miss something?

Would Moriarty make a good joker?

Would you let this man date your black daughter?

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Who's gonna believe a ritualistic sacrificial murder in 1982?

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>Who the hell is gonna believe in a ritual sacrifice murder in 1982


Who the hell is going to believe a powerful pedophile ring is operating in current year?

He definitely helped get the ball rolling.

Play Pagliacci

I want this girl to spit in my mouth and step on my balls

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No, Joe Bob always brings Cohen and Q specifically up in his monologues. He enjoys well-crafted fun schlock.

>Tfw you know James is watching Joe Bob right now with us on a Friday night.

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I think he was referring to James talking about how much he missed Joe Bob Briggs and how much he loved watching Monster Vision back in the day. Shortly afterwards, Shudder approaches JBB about doing a marathon.

Okay, that bit with the priest getting shot is one of the funniest fucking things I've seen in a long time

so is Barbara Crampton apparently




second feature

I love the Indian guy from Paul blart

society next?

Her pussy game is strong.


We live in a society


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Are you autistic like her child?


honk honk

Society is great

You think Joe Bob fucked her?

Ernie lost his hat again.

He's threatened to replace her with Honey before.

She seems like a pretty nice milf to hang out with.
Christ Ernie get it together already

preach joe bob

The previous thread still has 130 posts left.

Nigger don't fuck this up already

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I can do fap to this?

What is shunting?


Shunt incel

/d/ would love this movie. Should we invite them?

You’ll find out

Some one brought up Frankenhooker on Darcy’s twitter, I really fucking hope they show it, it’s one of my favorite horror movies, really exploitative, fappable, and cleverly funny.

>that jeep


I miss real white girl ass

It's really fun. I loved the push button on the box at Hollywood Video back in the day.

Really interested in seeing how far they take the incest

Holy fuck those redhead milkers over her shoulder.

I don't think it will be censored. Shudder is really good about that kind of thing.

yeah they got cannibal holocaust on there, they dont censor stuff

Well that was unnerving

They already had milkers and said the nigger word, I wouldn't pay for anything less

Would Attack of the Killer Tomatoes be considered Drive In enough to get the JBB treatment?

mmmmm high cut bikini

Is it currently streaming on Shudder? Haven’t you people noticed yet that he’s only covering movies that are already available on Shudder?

Yes, but it wouldn’t be Shudder enough me thinks.

Also, god I miss big 80s hair.

Id be all about return of the killer tomatoes

Movie is really making me uncomfortable. Definitely not as entertaining as Q so far.

this first hour isn't great. it's the last half hour that's legendary.

Turn it off and go to bed. You won't like what this movie shows you.

> You have to be 18 to post here

It's not a comfortable movie

That could work too. George Clooney's first film.

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Blanchard is an incel

A lot of times they add the original film after Joe Bob shows it on TLDI.

Return to horror high would be fun too

Based Joe Bob dissing on forced feminization.

I think my upstairs neighbors are shunting again.

I want to be rich

I think the thing I'd be the most upset about finding out my family is secretly having orgies behind my back, is the fact that I wasn't invited

Did Devin DeVasquez read the script before agreeing to the role?

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>sister acts all pissed when you almost see her tits but she's getting fisted by your mom while deepthroating your dad

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Redhead cutie is back, hurrah.

Serious fapping material right here

Dem nips

pee in it

Honey’s got to be in her late-40s/early-50s at this point.

Both Honey and Rusty are Lawyers now, believe it or not


That corpse is clearly breathing

What do you mean, SOCIETY?

We live in one.

Does this movie have any mangled dicks in it

Joe Bob trying to make Darcy laugh is cute

If only you knew

>Implying her face will move

I wonder if this movie is even more of a trip if you know the twist but have no idea how it gets there.

This movie really freaks me out to be honest. Shit like this and Jacobs Ladder really get to me.

Personally I think this movie is way creepier than Jacob's Ladder.

Ernie lost his hat again

Attached: ernie_no_hat.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

Its mainly just the aspect of being denied the horrible truth, no matter how close you get to it.

Let's get on with the shunting and the Aardvarking.

How many weeks of this in the first season?

9 weeks, 18 movies

The "everyone i know is in on some conspiracy" thing creeps me out. It's very Shadow Over Innsmouth

>I can fap to this

Here we go.

Thanks, friend.

OP, are you cheating on Svengoolie?

We live in a society


Ernie's hat turned from red to grey

Attached: grey hat.jpg (737x306, 28K)

Everything is fine again.

Attached: ernie_yes_hat.jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

Please leave

Svengoolie is fast food
Joe Bob Briggs is a nice restaurant

Screaming mad George

>this twist

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I want off this ride

You know the fucking rules.

Just like one of my Japanese hentais

>This fucking film

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Well, I expected something weird, but not exactly this

That wet cigar.

>joker scars
Did we just run out of ideas in the 90s or something?

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Still would

Based dad jokes.



Fucking Californians

Fucking japs

Was that reviewbrah?


Therapist is that one guy at the party that doesn’t drink or do anything fun but cheerleads and takes pics.

Hate that guy.

holy shit he spinning bird kicked him

Based fatgirl

Who here would shunt the weird fat chick?

jesus christ that sound effect

>tags: yaoi, fisting, all the way through, blowjob face

I can't stop jerking off

Fatal mistake making a manlet angry

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she looks like she fucks black men


She's pretty equal opportunity.

Glad I ended up staying for all of this, first hour was boring but that ending was worth it

It's been fun boys

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Penis comes out now

>Frickin rad

Darcy's tits are pretty swell

Corey Feldman has a mansion

Another great Joe Bob week. See y'all next Friday.

Did Darcy's nips ever slip out?

She's nekkid on the internet...

You don't know about Corey's Angels?

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In 2000, he actually had a band and came to my college to play. He hit on my girlfriend pretty hard but thankfully I was not cucked by Corey Feldman.

Nooooooo not Mindy Robinson

oh hey Army of Darkness is starting

Fuck army of darkness is on

Anyone sticking around for Army of Darkness?

Holy shit! Army of Darkness

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It's weird how many famous people are from Fall River, it's not even an interesting place.

Who needs sleep?

Thank you based Shudder.

These Joe Bob threads are probably the comfiest thing on Yea Forums

Usually, I put in headphones or turn the volume down on my laptop at a certain time but my Muzzie neighbors were shunting loudly upstairs earlier so now they can enjoy Army of Darkness along with me at full volume.

Bruce is a national treasure

Only way to do it

I had no idea this was a Dino de Laurentiis production.

She can get it

Fancy pants

Embeth Davidtz was a qt back in the day.

I like the Syfy tv edit of this

Best scene, I think Skyrim copied it.

She still has a gilfy vibe.

WWE has nothing on this

>every other time Joe Bob has done anything for Shudder, I've just done a week free trial and binged it all in a few days
>this is a weekly show, meaning I'll have to either buy a subscription or pirate it
>it's impossible to pirate it because no one fucking uploaded it anywhere, even his previous Shudder specials

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Shudder is the only subscription service I pay for (other than Amazon Prime I guess) and I don't regret it at all.

I thought I wasn't going to stay up too late tonight but oh well. It's hard to turn off Army of Darkness

I really appreciate how Army of Darkness gets right to it

There are quite a few torrents out there

I picked up Full Moon for cheesy horror and fappy times. Do not regret. Shout Factory for the same reasons.

I like how this movie ripped off Duke nukem

Shop smart boys

Autolycus is the best character in Xena/Hercules

If you have 5 dollars per month and are a horrorfag, Shudder is actually worth it.



My favorite thing about Army of Darkness is that you just become a hyper competent badass if you manage to survive 2 previous horror movies.

I'm ok with this

I have Prime and Shudder too. I use my sister's Netflix account in exchange for me letting her use my Shudder account.

Mine is the fact that he has a functioning hand in less than 60 seconds.

> Implying you couldn't do this with high school textbooks

So, was the first part of Evil Dead 2 a remake of Evil Dead 1 or is Ash actually dumb enough to take a gril back to the exact same cabin where previous events occurred?

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I feel like Ash would totally go back to the same exact cabin

Supposed to be a remake/flashback, that ends the moment Ash gets grabbed by the roaming force then its all Evil Dead 2.

I mean he got pussy the first time so why not

wow I can't believe Lord of the Rings ripped this movie off

Technically don’t they all die in 1? It’s been forever since I’ve watched it. At any rate, it doesn’t count, 2 is a do over.

Nobody could ever accuse Army of Darkness of being slow paced.

Ash survived Evil Dead 1.

Kek. I honestly could picture him using that rationale.

One of my favorite practical effects ever

Remember. She was a Joss Whedon fan who came to Hollywood to star in Whedon's Wonder Woman. No matter what she's gone through, she still seems to be a genuine comic book and sci fi and horror dork.

>You are now aware chop top plays evil Ash

Ash is weird. By the time of Army of Darkness Bruce had fleshed out this character to be kind of dumb but his tongue was firmly planted in cheek. He's in on the joke.

In Ash vs Evil Dead, he could be a dumbass but he had a mutant power for fighting Deadites. He also used acting retarded as a ruse several times and was the ONLY character who knew he was rusing them. Like when he outsmarted a 3000 year old demon and made him fight on his own terms.

Also, I've never seen this written about but I think Bruce took several liberties from character actor, Robert Culp.

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I'm going to say it

Is there any chance of Last Drive In coming to Blu Ray or is that just antithetical to the watching live aesthetic they are going for?
Never mind all the rights issues. It'd have to be like a special edition of the movies themselves.

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I really do wonder what will happen to this show when Shudder loses rights to particular movies and whatnot.

Definitely an n-word.

Does Shout Factory have all the MST3K episodes?

the regular versions of several movies from the original 24-hour marathon aren't on shudder but the joe bob version is still up


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All? Nope. Not even all the “best ones”. Some are on prime proper, some on Netflix.

Nice they stole that line from blood

There's torrents of the other marathons, check or iptorrents.
They quietly remove them. I think both The Prowler and Legend of Boggy Creek are gone, even the Joe Bob versions.

That’s a shame. I would have figured Shout Factory would have a pretty comprehensive list of episodes, considering they own the show now, but I guess there is still the issue of individual movie rights.

This movie has breakneck pacing.

Yeah that's too bad. Who could have guessed the Boggy Creek rights weren't super cheap. Boggy Creek is one of my favorites he's done so far.

Prowler isn't on the official Shudder streaming service, but you can still see it on Amazon Prime

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Would be great if they did them by seasons, they don’t. You could search by MST3k and still miss some.

Boggy is also on amazon

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>evil Sheila

Still would. Even more

Yeah, I have Shudder, but I like to download the marathons for archival reasons anyway. Just check those sites, theres torrents out there.
That's good then.

I like to think of Ash as sort of a proto-Deadpool where part of why he's so strong is because he's somewhat aware he's in a movie or is at least that he has innate protagonist powers.

He’s descended from the 3 stooges, he has stooge power.


I think this is my favorite montage in movie history.

You can really feel the proto-Xena and Hercules vibes in Army of Darkness. Evil Dead 2 too, to an extent. Good movies and good shows.

I love you flute skeleton

This ost

Why are skeletons so great? Knowing that such a wonderful creature resides inside my worthless flesh pleases me.


Imagine if humans molted like tarantulas

So many Warcraft 3 quotes came from this.

You know they fucked the torch boys

They should have used exploding arrows at Helm's Deep, Ash is way smarter than Legolas

She's a Wonder.

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You could say that

She has a pretty nice butthole


She's 40+ years old and has a kid.

Making this movie must have been a blast

Don't put pussy on a pedestal

*Autistic kid

On the Shudder amazon app, the Joe Bob versions are still up. And thank God re Boggy Creek. I think his commentary nails the appeal of the movie. I'm an NYCfag now, but grew up in rural western ny. and that movie perfectly captures how stuff that sounds like stale creepy pasta just cuts to the bone when you live in the middle of nowhere.

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I don't usually go for plasticy gals, usually prefer natural ones, but hot damn she's fine.

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Hard to find with google.

I wonder what it's like growing up with a slutty pornstar mom who constantly has plastic surgery

top 5 skeletons
1. Flute Skeleton
2. Skeleton that gets backbreakered
3. Flaming skeleton who's head falls off
4. Bagpipe skeleton
5. Skeleton that got his head kicked off and seems only mildly distressed by it

Boggy Creek was surprisingly good, honestly. It could have been the music, but I think just the whole thing worked well. The fact that it was real people filmed on location, and it wasn't done in that super shitty Hollywood Southern stereotype type way. I'm from the rural South, and I really liked it. It was about a kinda goofy topic, but played straight and used real people.

Has any other good guy killed as many thots as Ash?

I'm ok with this

Try pornhub

Boggy Creek's entire aesthetic is fantastic, it's very sincere. It even has a catchy folk song. Joe Bob's commentary for it only makes it better (plus breaking it up a little bit helps since it's budget of $12 gets a little bit hard to watch at times)

You can bitch all you want during the marathon, but it's maximum comfy

What about skeleton that mugs as the exploding ballistic descends on him?

It wouldn't be hard to make a top 10 list but thoe are the ones I'm really passionate about.

>no seeders for any of them
Whelp. Guess I'm fucked.

Which ending is Shudder going with, bros?

Oooooh, no clue she was an actual porn star.



I like the alternate ending better