
Aside from the awful speech at the ending, this was actually pretty fun. Also Amber is was distractingly beautiful.

Attached: Jason-Momoa-as-Aquaman-and-Amber-Heard-as-Mera.jpg (963x491, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If she had a decent ass she would be perfect

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I mean, she's basically a grown up Ariel with combat training.

Snyder is responsible for so much wasted potential with the DC movies. Also, amber is a goddess.

Literally the only movie that disappointed was JL. BvS only if you only watched the theatrical cut. I really don't get why people are so hateful when it comes to the DCEU because apart from JL, every movie has been unique and interesting to watch and okay at worst (SS). MoS, WW, Aquaman, and Shazam are outright great movies. Obviously not masterpieces but when it comes to cape movies, they're top tier

I think people just hate Snyder and how he squandered all that oppertunity.

>Shazam comes out
>It totally sucks

Cue... "Hey guys, remember Aquaman?! That was good!"


Attached: DC fans guilty of being sad little losers.jpg (275x183, 10K)

jellyfish dress

Attached: jellydress.jpg (450x450, 41K)

here before jellyfish dress post



It's amazing how good a film can look if you dont desaturate the hell out of it and mess with lighting too much.

But people always act like it was his fault when it wasn't. Mainstream audiences prefer funny movies, which he doesn't make. Mainstream audiences prefer whole movies, which he can't provide due to WB. WB knew his way of film making and still hired him AND forced him to cut his movies down. It's just retarded
It's not his fault he's hired to act out on his vision and gets fucked in the ass all the time because the studio decides that it can't handle what he's making

>amber is distractingly beautiful.

Attached: images (2).jpg (783x391, 40K)

Just what was his vision then?

This movie was entirely too long and predictable and generic. Nearly every other scene was a "surprise ambush", his brother was boring as fuck, and the whole movie just rang of trying too hard. I did like the scene at the bar with the photo montage though.

Aquaman sucks, the ocean blows.

Manta plot could probably be cut completely.

Not if you want d i v e r s i t y

Literally completely irrelevant to my post.

Lead is polynesian

I loved it. It felt like an old-school adventure tale.

I mean I’ve hated capeshit since before it was cool but even I have to admit some of the visual setpieces were pretty effin cool

Every bit of this. People are also appallingly unappreciative of the world-building his films accomplish. For the uninitiated, "world-building" does not mean origin stories and Easter Eggs. If that's all it meant, then George Lucas and Tolkien would be considered terrible world-builders. It means establishing conventions and suggesting the internal mechanics of your world. Snyder managed to do that with practically zero exposition, all through what his visuals were conveying. I find it telling that the very people who should pick up on this and praise it lack the intellect to understand it.

Im never sure if people are being serious when they post stuff like this.

Not him, but a world where pretty much every myth imaginable from ancient to modern could all coexist and actually make some degree of sense. That's just the world-building part. From what I understand, his vision for the story was 5 movies long and covered at least two Justice League films.

Dead serious.

The only good thing Snyder did for DC is cast Momoa
Also, damn you OP, its been like a week since i watched it now im gonna have to watch it again... for like the 15th time

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More like completely relevant faggot. Everybody had a crush on Ariel.

To the niggish audience he's white.

Pretty sure thats the exact same shade of red Ariel has.

Just to further illustrate what I'm talking about, check this out:

I called this literal months before the "tall building" clip was leaked for Shazam.

>The only good thing Snyder did for DC is cast Momoa
and Gal. The director of Wonder Woman said she’d never work as hard as Zach did to find her.
Also his actions scenes. Anyone who says his action scenes aren’t astounding is an eyeballpleb who thinks a good action scene is one they can follow from the kitchen while nearsighted

Is this like the mario nahaaris poster?

ya thats true but i like Snyders other movies much better than his DC movies

With how good they are it makes it even more mind bogglingly retarded that they wasted that time on the snow mountain when they could have used those 7 minutes to show Batman going Predator mode on the people at Lex's R&D center to steal the Kryptonite. Massive wasted opportunity.

It's also Snyder's fault we lost Affleck, the Arkham Asylum movie, and the Red Hood movie since Affleck didn't want to be attached to a sinking ship.

Amber heard also gave a distractingly awful performance(was probably too busy fantasizing about kicking the shit out of hubby). It's a good thing that Momoa is a charisma singularity event, otherwise her scenes would've been completely unwatchable apart from tiddies, obvs

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Based jellyposter.
