Ledger's Joker was a mary sue

Ledger's Joker was a mary sue.

Fianally we're going to see a Joker that truly reflects the madness inside the common man.

Do you disagree? Don't worry, you're wrong.

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define mary sue

How was he a Mary Sue?


The term is villain sue and yes he definitely was. He was hypercompetent because the plot demanded it while his behavior contradicted this, with dumb shit like burning money. As if anyone in the criminal underworld would follow someone who burns money, give me a fucking break.

>I want my kids movies to be realistic
hello autism

Unrealistically competent.

not n argument
It's obviously not a kid's movie, retard

Hi! is this the Kinomart? i'd like one original story please, even if its based off a book, as long as it's original in some context, that sounds good. Oh all you have is literally rung dishrags disguised as screenplays put on stilts by macdonals arthouse faux intellextual wannabe taxi drive nonsense? Oh.

I'll pass.

Unrealism in a comic book movie? Get out of here lmao

Ledger's Joker was shallow. He's just a supporting character, so that's fine, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. Not saying anything against Ledger's acting, it's just the way the character is written.

The films were clearly Nolan's attempt to turn Batman into serious crime thriller shit. They don't get excused simply because they are based on a comic made for kids. Hell, even if it was a kid's movie that doesn't make it immune to criticism

>macdonals arthouse
That's an oxymoron lmao

>I've watched the trailer and I think i've seen the movie.
based retard.

t. pseud

>people still believe that joaquin is playing THE joker

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wow, congrats, you've just discovered something called "the point", fucking brainlet

It has been known for years that the Joker is really fucking smart underneath his retarded theatrics. It's why he can outwit even prep-time Batman and everyone else put together at times, and he doesn't, it's because he's too busy pretending to be retarded so people underestimate him.

But you already knew that, bait shitposter-san.

Attached: joker trailer.webm (600x338, 551K)

It's targeting an R rating, dipshit

pot calling the kettle black, single cell



so was Deadpool, thats also a capeshit movie for kids.


Yeah except when you have a movie like TDK with terrible writing where the Joker has apparently read the script so he can predict other people's actions down to a T, it makes him seem like a clairvoyant retard instead of the chessmaster they were clearly going for.

who is he playing, then?

Whatever, you're braindead. If you can figure out the tone from the trailer, I can't help you.

Being a teenager is wanting a "we live in society" Joker tier

Being adult is wanting Joker being a fun "The Mask" type of movie

Exactly. Joker has always been super clever and competent from his very first appearance.

Why Batman always says “nothing is easy when it comes to the Joker.”

The difference is that we know how batman acquired his competence.

>I need everything explained to me

Villains can't be Mary Sues you stupid fag

>it's okay to write Mary Sues as long as the movie isn't realistic/is for kids
So rey and bella were good characters all along!

Look up "villian sue"

>call the movie JOKER
>MC is not playing JOKER but the guy who inspired future JOKER
why would they do this

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To deflect criticism, same reason they said MJ in Spider-Man Homecoming wasn't Mary Jane Watson

I watched this trailer like 20 times last night

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joker started out as a loser and a brainlet canonically. After his mental breakdown he aquired supernatural genius intellect. He unlocked his inner 99% of what humans don't use or whatever.
All due to his insanity. He is a high functioning psychotic.

A joker

Attached: hes just like -m-me!.jpg (1274x849, 172K)

MJ is going to inspire Mary-Jane Watson?

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>still falling for the trailer looks awesome so the films will be too meme
brainlets, will they ever learn?


Ergo, a mary sue

Finally, an incel superhero movie.

Joaquin Phoenix isn't "The Joker". That little boy in the trailer is.

joker is still physically sort of normal. Is a character a mary sue if they just possess genius intellect?

That's why he recruited other mentally ill people.
All his henchmen came from arkham asylum

Have sex

It is when they dominate every other character to a ridiculous degree just to showcase how amazing he is, like they did in The Dark Knight. It felt like fanfiction by a Joker fanboy. There's being a competent villain and there's being an annoying villain sue that the plot exists purely to make look cool

>gets genius intellect out of fucking nowhere



but joker is a very flawed character hence why Batman can beat him.
Like hes competent but hes incompetent at the same time.

Nah MJ is gonna inspire a lot of people to touch little boys. SHAMONA

The way I see it, Joker is intelligent (but not a genius) who trips Batman up simply by being unpredictable. Even a great detective like Batman cannot tell what he might do next. It's not about being some super-smart genius it's because he's completely bonkers.

I hated Ledger's joker so fucking much. A hypercompetent mastermind edgelord who literally cuts himself.

Mary Sues dont lose due to failure on their part.
Joker did that.

He lost after Batman had to utilize fucking NSA-level tech just to track him down

>Batman won using high tech gadgets
you don't say?

He lost because the people on the boat refused to play his game. Despite everything, humanity prevailed over his insane philosophy. You nimrod.

There are gadgets and then there are plot-breaking cheats

>the movie shows him recruiting a healthy member from a regular gang
>They all come from arkham

FUck you

My head canon theory is that joker is basically possessed. By what is completely up in the air.
His personality isn't his original personality or who he is at all.
So its supernatural to some extent. Physically the joker is nothing special though i believe they have stated he has retard strength and resiliance and immunity to poison.
I just don't see it any of his depictions he seems like a very vulnerable ordinary person possessed.
Pretty much why Harley falls in love with him. She thinks she can fix him.

Based fauxbrow tryhard poster

He drives a tank that's also a motorcycle and a helicopter.

Yeah, Nolan's pathetic attempt at social commentary that makes his retard fans feel smart.

Ledger still seemed crazier. More unhinged.

Phoenix seems fairly normal.


The only thing I enjoy about this movie is the memes it has produced.

Oh and a Ferrari too but that's hardly consequential.


Are you guys seriously just now realizing no one here knows what Mary Sue means? You may find this hard to believe but Rey is not a Mary Sue. Shocking I know, that a bunch of angry 20 years olds larping as 40 year olds might not understand something that they are culturally equipped to even research or digest due to childhoods centered around devices pandering to ADHD. No one could have ever seen it fucking coming.


You've seen 2 minutes of a trailer you cuck. Ledger seemed like an edgy caricature, wasn't convincing as actually mentally ill. I liked him in that movie, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't convincing in the slightest.

From what we've seen from Joker Jaoquin actually seems like he's fucked up (likely because he is after being fucked in that cult or whatever)

>He said the movie was still "taking shape," and that most of the chatter about the movie online "hasn't been very accurate." He added: "I guess that's what happens when you set out to do an origin story about a character that doesn't have a definitive origin."

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>Rey is not a Mary Sue.
Anyway people already explained how the joker counted if you read the thread.

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He doesn't count though. No one with any mastery in regards to understanding tropes would accept either as a mary sue.

you're a fag my man

Are you doing the whole "b-but not a self-insert" excuse again? Words change meaning over time. Because by that logic, everyone is using the word "gay" and "fag" incorrectly.

Rey is SO powerful! She’s like, TOTALLY, a Mary Sue!

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>You've seen 2 minutes of a trailer you cuck

Exactly. That's all we have to go on so far so Ledger clearly wins at this point.

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soiboys are the type to defend sues and claim that the term is "sexist." Also we've had dozens of threads explaining why she's a sue that goes beyond "muh power".

You're alright, user

Pick one and only one, user.

can a plow horse or an ox not be healthy because he's not a man?
A nigger can be healthy in the same way you fucking mongrel.

Rey isnt even a character she is a post wall feminist's power fantasy trip.

ledger's joker was over-acted out the ass. it was like watching dicaprio play the joker.

>power fantasy trip.
That's basically what a mary sue is

I thought people here were joking about the SJW's projecting all their stereotypes of anything to the right of them onto this movie but holy shit looking at articles and twitter you guys were not kidding!

Rey is essentially flawless to the absurd. Her own arguable flaw is she has no tits.

He won the Oscar because he died, he likely wouldn't have been nominated otherwise.

Anyone else still holding out that ledger faked his death and will reappear in the future as the ultimate cinematic history joke.

It was well over-acted, clearly they were going with Ledger's performance from the very beginning and that's also how I pictured how the Joker would act.

> You may find this hard to believe but Rey is not a Mary Sue

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Because he's an idea

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joker= a person who plays jokes. he is a person who makes jokes, might i say a joker, not the "Joker"

its same ass shit

>omg classical music

Considering there's literally never been a standalone Joker movie, this is actually pretty different

Ledger's Joker had help from 3 different Mobs.
Without the Mob he had no power.
The Mobs had all the Gotham union workers and corrupt cops and judges.

subvert expectations, NZ shooter plays Friday Friday while on spree? Pump Up The Jam?

Are Batman/Joker fanboys the biggest faggots in existence? Always such delulu cockknockers.
>t. Nightwing chad

>omg he has a troubled past
>omg he can't take it no more
>omg stay until the end credits

super gay

Criminal here, can confirm.

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>classical music
>Jimmy Durante
user are you retarted?

but ledgers joker had the mysterious gimmick every joker has had an established gang of mooks helping him out from the beginning.
Even if he tricked them in the dark knight.

If Joker is a Mary Sue then Lex Luthor, Batman, and Superman are all Sues too.

Remember that time in like 2010 when Joaquin was going crazy and acting weird? Did he ever explain why he was doing that?

alcholism and drugs

joker training. Yeah he said it was method acting.

Yea, it was all fake, he was making a mockumentary/doing an andy kaufmanesque bit the whole time m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_Still_Here_(2010_film)

Post link to site.

Stay mad europoor.

Too badvthe movie was shitty. All a waste of time.

When will a black KING finally take on the role?

Yea,the only good part was when he trolling diddy in the studio with his rap songs...the rest of it was pretty boring

I can't wait for the scene where he gets a nigger to eat the peanuts out of his shit

the joker is a shit character

me too fellow gamer, gang weed rise up

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I really hope they don't go the route of "he has sex with his mom." Way too cliche for a serial killer origin story. I don't want that.


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there will be nothing to the movie besides "muh mom" and "muh clowns"


>i've never done this before
>does it and masters it first fucking GO
>has no character flaws except "so selfless it can cause her harm because how much she is loved by others and how much others mean to her"
Yeah no faggot, not a Mary Sue. She's a Marilyn Monsue.

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am i the only one that thinks this is going to end up being some sort of pseudo musical? It would be ultimate kino if that's the case.

Schlonking some gang weed on 4:20 bro Rise Up

white-face has been done and wasnt well received

The Joaquer

I don't expect Phoenix to be full-fledged Joker in this, certainly nowhere as extreme as past portrayals. He'll become villainous in a mischievous way but won't truly snap until the very end; as of now he seems like too much of a nice guy to make such a jarring change in personality. The message will be something about how good intentions can become perverted over time.

That's a good file name, friend.


>rey is not a mary sue
Are you schizophrenic? This thread isnt even about star wars


I just hope Joaquin Phoenix will be the Joker in a Batman movie in the future.

>the cuck man

Attached: cuck joker.jpg (340x47, 9K)

>Inside the common incel

In case you didn't notice, none of the other crime bosses were working with him after he did that. He was by himself in the finale.

It's all so sad..

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Let's not go down this path

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>As if anyone in the criminal underworld would follow someone who burns money, give me a fucking break.
this is how a cinema sins retard views a movie

Reminder this guy is a disneyshill who admitted to never bother the hundreds of marvel threads

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I'm actually excited for this.

What's the problem with Joker inspiring copy cats? It's not like this Arthur Fleck character could ever be a Le Clown Prince XD of Crime.

>being a teenager is wanting Martin Scorsese
>being an adult is wanting Jim Carrey

>childhood is watching The Dark Knight
>adulthood is watching LEGO Batman XD

>I'm so adverse to being called edgy that I like poo poo pee pee goofy goober

Horseshoe theory tier

A path is better used than seen!

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go to class kid

I had serious issues with Ledger's being so adept and having a zillion plans he achieves flawlessly with the help of crazy people, to the extent I wondered whether he was a CIA agent sent to infiltrate and destroy the mob (burning their money, etc.)

did you like titans

Under-rated post.
>"We've got a live one, here!"

Marc Maron? Now I have to see this.

Someone post the webm/gif where he dances like a faggot, please. I have not seen it today

He's hanging out with Andy Kaufman.

The antagonist can't be a mary sue. Or he can, but it won't harm the storytelling at all like having a mary sue protagonist so the criticism is pointless.

Here's a real Mary Sue.

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Your opinions are shit

This one' called Martin Scorsese
He makes the best fucking films (x2)
If I ever meet him I'm gonna grab his fuckin' neck and just shake him
And say thank you thank you for makin' such excellent fuckin' movies
Then I'd twist his nose all the way the fuck around
And the rip off one of his ears and throw it
Like a like a like a fuckin' frisbee
I want to chew his fuckin' lips off and grab his head and suck out one of his
Eyes and chew on it and spit it out in his face
And thank you thank you for all of your fuckin' films
Then I'd pick him up by the hair swing him over my head a few times
And throw him across the room and kick all his fuckin' teeth in and then
stomp on his face 40 or 50 times
'Cause he makes the best fucking films he makes the best fucking films
I've ever seen in my life
I fuckin' love him
I fuckin' love him

-- King Missile

Why do people type like his

You just know its going to be pretentious zomg so humanitarian shlock
>le fug drumpf manlet
>that pathetic too-bad-to-be-ironically-bad "joke" on the joke list
>le cultured soulful wise woke black single mama love interest
>90% him walking around, 8% getting his ass beat, 2% mummy care
>look how angry all white men are
>literally 0 crimes committed or implied in the trailer for the clown prince of crime

It was a good trailer and the tone looks good.

leave my waifu alone


...did you have a point with that post?

Seeing as mary sue applies to FEMALE characters I'd say you're wrong. Also heath ledger's joker was inherently fucking flawed. Your entire post is retarded bait kill yourself.