What is the modern equivalent of living a life like Conan the Barbarian, as depicted in the Schwarzenegger film?

What is the modern equivalent of living a life like Conan the Barbarian, as depicted in the Schwarzenegger film?

A life full of adventure, fighting evil, and growing wise. Becoming the Nietzschean Ubermensch?

I am not interested in material wealth, or consumer goods. I just want to spread my influence and reproduce my powerful genes.

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probably being some delta force guy

go outside maybe, ya dingus

Read BAPbook
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Find qt Northern Italian waifu who will cook for you

You aren't allowed off the (((grid))), retard. Don't you know about Ruby Ridge?

Go live out in the bush

>guy who made the character was an incel who lived with his mom and then committed suicide

no wonder his material is so popular here

You will never experience it, since you will never suffer the greatest loss, nor the struggle he has dealt with

>A life full of adventure, fighting evil, and growing wise.
Go to Africa, live among the natives and run a charity.

Being the CEO of a tech-based firm is probably the closest equivalent.

>Build a warband of all sorts of merry different and discarded characters without a home
>rob and raid trade caravans on horseback (trucks and trains)
>burn down Walmart’s and chic fi las and mcdonalds
>write a manifesto
>get killed by government
>I make the kino adaptation of your life and become a millionaire while starting a movement

>being the giganerd is equivalen

this seems to be the best choice out of all of them

to the people who say to go off the grid, you cannot BE MORE KEK.

part of a fundamental part of conan is for him to stop being a barbarian and to become conan, the king a leader of men

you people are just like nostalgia critic who didn't understand last action hero when u say stupid cuck shit like lolinnawoods xDD

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isn't that isis?

The keyword here is merry. The characters and yourself are supposed to be merry, like robin hood or some shit. Also don’t use guns, use bows and arrows and swords and also TRY not to kill anyone

Yeah this. Also Conan isn't supposed to "fight evil" like OP said. He's an amoral character who enjoys plunder and conquest.

Just read the wiki summary. What's the significance of Ruby Ridge?

Also, OP, this is for you:

where is the italian american vocaroo guy when you need him

Not the way Arnold plays him, I don't think.

Read Hoppe

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fuck off technocommie

the people who dream about living off the grid are the commies

for me, its a strong family unit

be gone city slicker


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>what is best in life?
>To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!

moe detected

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He's a fucking thief.
Him and his thief girlfriend along with thief best friend get caught stealing from that old king, who then hires him to find his daughter and "steal her back".

*hits juuls*
i had enough of ur shit u stupid discord tranny

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>nazi revolution mask
I'll pass