Cast a female Joker

Cast a female Joker

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chloe moretz

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Female Joker, Not Bane

Get that Nanette fella, he's pretty funny, right?

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Fuck you, Hollywood shill. I know *exactly* whom she would be, but you aint gettin it for free

you can't be intimidated by something you want to have sex with

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then how come i'm intimidated by cute girls

Could see this working


nigga wut?

oh my sweet summer child... how very wrong you are

That's only because women are rarely accused of sexual harassment, since men don't run to human recourses every time they feel uncomfortable.

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I'm sorry for the wrong character but you can have an idea

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>human recourses
typos like this, I feel the universe is speaking through us

>no scary daddario edit yet
you guys disappoint me sometimes

men are the only ones capable of rape

she would look pretty scary with clown makeup

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DC already said since there is no longer a shared universe, that all the non-Flash Family characters have been removed from Flashpoint (meaning no female Joker).
It's literally just about different Speedsters now. Another totally new, unique and different take from the brainchilds at DC.

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That faggot who played Green Goblin in Spider-Man 2001. Except he's a tranny. And the movie is a fuck you to trannies not some pretentious "abloo abloo 1 bad day" shit everyone thinks is deep and cool these days.

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tessa thompson

>calling dafoe 'that faggot who played green goblin'
jesus fucking christ i hate zoomers kill me

Both would be kino

I'm not a zoomer you faggot I can't remember the name of every random actor off the top of my head. Spider-Man and Boondock Saints aren't that special.

Imagine the incel tears

You've never had to deal with a bitchy girlfriend if you think this.


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Unironically this succubus. I find her hot and also soulless looking at the same time.

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>woe is me

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those feet look like trussed pork loins

That number seems low

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This is fake obviously but if you can't drop a woman, whatever size, you're either a faggot, a retard or not a man at all

>kill the batman
>kill the batman
>kibbuh-ribbuh-rigguh-rigguh-bill the batman

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Agnete Kjolsrud

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right now this is the best choice, though I would like to see anne hathway try it

Tyler Perry's Madea as the joker would be kino

Perfect. The goblin-type is right for the jokeress

Brittany Murphy's exhumed corpse.

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>the sucker

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Imagine the rough handjobs.

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>braps on The Batman
She is the only real answer

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>Your face here
A-all right then

some ugly black dyke

Why do you have this saved lol?

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Lori Petty

Elizabeth Moss would be perfect

Women cant be the joker

Women are afraid to say the N word

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You mean Harelequin, retard?

audible kek

This is unironically what feminists think and it's how they come up with stats like "99% of rapists are men". They just don't call it rape when women force men to have sex

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Eva green
This, he's the straight guy that played that faggot in Boondocks Saints

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>the absolute madlass!

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She's got the look.

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He said female, you idiot

I agree, Chuck Schumer in drag would make a good Joker.

>random actor
>Spider-Man and Boondock Saints aren't that special
If you seriously aren't a zoomer yet think Dafoe is just some random actor and have only seen him in those two films, then you have no business being on this board. Get the fuck out, you embarrassing moron.

Well hello, beautiful

looks like Madd Hatter from Gotham

sarah jessica parker

I imagine her jerking me off like Lilu. Just massacring my cock with her pumping hands looking up at me smugly as I tremble and groan and shake, I've shot a massive load but she just keeps pumping and it's agonizing.

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actually, that would be pretty cool! I actually love Rey, but it would be great to see Daisy Ridley play against the hero type.

another suggestion along these lines, Emma Watson

she's too beautiful to play the joker

AH! SHE WOULD BE PERFECT! at least, if the movie were made 15 years ago. I am pretty sure Fairuza Balk is too old

Harly Quinn is a female anti-hero. Joker is just straight up villain.

Paint her face white

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unironically based

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She looks like she farts sparkle dust


its puddin powder ;^)


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Something about this actress pisses me off.

Eva Green, and she’s topless for half of the film

I don't know why, but without even reading your comment her eyes scare the shit out of me

100% chance she'd insist on her boobs popping out during her fight scene with Batman

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Cause it's fun! Ezra quit DC anyway, the Flash film is cancelled indefinitely.

lmao tasty