Some Western nations are playing with the idea
Should we lower the voting age to 16?
No, in fact we should abolish elections all together
also fuck industry plants
What a fucking dumb fucking quote
teenagers are faggots who don't know cowshit from apple butter
fuck she;s hot goddamn i want her feet in my mouth
I don't know who that is but I'd really like to chuck them off of a bridge.
teenagers are retarded
but what does that mean for the other thing
she has such and ugly jew face
people should not be allowed to vote at all
democracy is a scam
Reminder that this slut promotes adult men dating underage girls as well
Why not, Most people don't mature much past that anyway
No we should raise it to 25 and not let women and niggers vote
Only if we lower the age of consent to match across the entire country
Voting should be reserved for property owners over the age of 35 like the founders intended. If you cannot run for president you should not vote for a president either.
Age is just a number
Why does this bitch have that look plastered on her face constantly
Also these
this bitch has the balls to say she doesn't do drugs
any nudes of this chick?
i wonder how long the country would have lasted if we hadn't enfranchised so many retards (women, people under 35, people who didn't own land)
why am I seeing this ugly wigger larper promoted everywhere
nothing's cringier than an upper-middle-class white girl that thinks she's ghetto because she fucks black men
imagine if she sat on my face lol
t. Yea Forums
Something is coming, it's on the precipice. Something huge and dark and violent. If they don't cool off soon, all these people are going to get shot.
She’s an industry plant
It should be raised to 28.
It's time to log off
Quality Yea Forums - television and film discussion
i have a sister who has that exact same look. It's something women develop when they lose their viginity early and become sluts or something. My sister lost hers at 14 to some 18 yearold asshole
>we want the Kevin Smith audience
We should increase the voting age if anything, given majority of young people study into late 20's and have no clue what the world is like
Vote should be qualified. People should take a test to demostrate they can interprete the meaning of the laws the candidates propose. They´ll also should be able to understand economics. People that can´t do this should not be allowed to vote. Now fuck off back to /pol/.
if you fall for subliminal brainwashing shitposts like this you're literally a fucking brainlet
she's 17
teenagers can already vote
nothing in that quote says 16
Based and rationalpilled
who the fuck is this whore, and why is she suddenly a huge deal getting on talk shows
The voting age should be raised to 30 with exceptions to those who own land or a business. Brain development doesn't really finish until around 25, and most people these days have the shielding of teenagers well into their late 20s.
>Something is coming, it's on the precipice. Something huge and dark and violent.
BBC in your wife's pussy???
I want to fuck this dumb bitch when she turns 18
>Should we lower the voting age to 16?
Fuck no, children have absolutely no chance of having well reasoned political views. Most adults don't.
If anything, the age should be raised to 25.
get laid virgin
Only if you lower almost every other age accordingly.
Driving, Consent, Alcohol, Tobacco, Guns.
Making 16 the new "adult" would unironically be both based and redpilled tbqhfamalam
But their opinions are formed by their teachers and celebrities. Oh wait that's the point isn't it?
is that an offer? honestly i'm horny and down to clown, chick or not
How about we go back to only white male landowners, then maybe our country wouldn't suck any more.
As long as I can legally have sex with 16 year olds too, but this is just liberals picking and choosing which parts of adulthood they like.
Democrats would love that!
We should lower it to 6
Absolutely we should! We should also allow illegal aliens to vote as well!
t. socialists faggots
Today's youth have been taught a revised version of history, collage kids don't know who Thomas Jefferson is and why he is important, only that he owned slaves so he must be erased
>he thinks you have to be socialist to hate democracy
Tbf in some states you can. The issue would be to make it social tolerated, if not social accepted
FUCK I need a Billie gf NOW
where can I meet girls like this?
Give voting rights to 16 year old kids:
>no education
>no job
>no property
>no bank account
>no money
>no life experience
>no taxes
Boy, I wonder who these extremely sheltered and sophmoric individuals who spend all day doing fortnite dances and huffing paint thinner are going to vote for. Probably whoever promises them "free" stuff.
>Why does this bitch have that look plastered on her face constantly
>collage kids don't know who Thomas Jefferson is or why he is important
lol not true, you should've gone for someone more obscure if you're trying to do the "college kids are stupid" thing. It's fucking bullshit.
We should toy with the idea of summary executions for anyone espousing left wing ideology
Nobody under the age of 45 should be legally allowed to have an opinion.
At your nearest whore store
Why does she look like a monkey?
>not 50
Only if we also lower the age of consent to 16, where it isn't already of course. Reminder 78% of the US states have an AOC at 17 or lower.
If it were any other generation, i would've agreed, but we currently have some of the shittiest under 18 citizens we've ever had in America.
The Future is Now Old man
Go to the nearest city and find out where all the hip record stores/art galleries/venues are
Voting rights should only be granted to people who are net-positive taxpayers. "No taxation without representation" also means "No representation without taxation."
Oh and it also helps if you smoke. Lotta art hoes smoke
>09/12/2013 - If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth
>Jaden Smith
Now tell me how that article shows how those
college students don't know who Jefferson was or don't know why he was important. I'll wait.
That quote. Lmao
The west is in decline.
i just WISH I wasn't in Pakistan fuck this country man, is a cruel joke that I wasn;t born near Billie
The fact they want to remove his statue
No they should raise it to 25
That doesn't prove either of those things. Nice try, though
democracy is retarded and thankfully only used to give the slave caste the illusion of political power.
That is exactly what I meant
Dims will do anything to win an election except the right thing.
The right thing to do is Billie sitting on my face, feet wrapped around my cock
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee I hate this dumb bitch so much
No but we should lower the age of consent
Remove voting all together, and have a random lottery each year that picks 12 or so random citizens to run the country for a year. Kind of like jury duty.
umm, dare I say...BASED
no if anything we should raise the voting age
I think only land owning, white men should be able to vote tbqh
Are you trying to get me to like her?
Not that guy, but it proves his point. They only know him as a save owner whose legacy must be erased, because they're brainwashed retards being taught by brainwashed retards. Academia outside of STEM is in desperate need of a purge.
The voting age thing should be scrapped all together.
They should have a test you need to pass that shows you can think logically and for what is best for your country.
nerd shit lol
Modern elections are broken anyway. Don't change the voting age, change campaigning and how the government is chosen.
Can someone tell me how this bitch became so famous suddenly?
Increase the age imo, make it 25