>marvel dropped the ball SO HARD that even dc managed to make a better movie
holy shit, absolutely pathetic.
Marvel dropped the ball SO HARD that even dc managed to make a better movie
>muh capeshit is betther than your capeshit
Kind of telling that the best dcu movies is basically a marvel movie disguised as a dc one...
>marvel movie
from someone who actually saw the film, it's not DC or Marvel... it's literally DISNEY
so of course the DCucks love it
>Marvel invented light hearted action movies
Fuck off Marvelfaggot, remember Fantastic 4 (not fan4stic)? All it takes is one slip up and its back to being second tier. Marvel used to be the laughingstock, and it could easily happen again
I'm sorry, did this make over $1 billion at the box office? Yeah... That's what I thought, incel
Dcu is the laughinstock and shaflop won't change that
Whoa. Calm down there little DC guy.
Fantastic Four was like 15 yrs ago. Marvel has over a decade of kino under their belt now. Even a series of bad films won't destroy the foundation of good will they've built. They'll be on top forever.
Meanwhile, if DC has another flop like Shazam you'll be selling the film rights to someone who actually makes fun movies (instead of faking it).
Now go drink some warm milk, little boy. Time for a nap.
Buy better bait.
Shazam is better than the last 5 MCU flicks
Cry more faggot.
I'm downloading it tonight so I'll see about that OP
I just streamed it. The movie fucking sucks, don't waste your time.
I'd like to see it for myself desu
I thought aquaman was gonna suck but it was less bad than I expected it to be.
i fucking slept through it
Man I can't fucking wait to see this.
>Even a series of bad films won't destroy the foundation of good will they've built.
Yeah. Just look how well they're doing with Star Wars fans. It amazes me that you fanboys excuse them for all the same sins with Marvel IPs that you eviscerate them for when it comes to Star Wars.
You swallowed a decade of bullshit marketing with nothing to back it but a barely told story and some truly terrible world-building. You could skip fully half the films in their catalog and not miss a thing.
Star wars doesn't have 22 movies spanning a decade
Of course you knew that and were being deliberately misleading.
Hahahaha oh nooooooooo
Star Wars fans actually liked the movies and told Disney to fuck Off after last Jedi
MCU "fans" don't read comics so they don't care when Disney makes an awful marvel movie
MCU movies have so little impact besides being a commercial for the next film people don't even remember disliking most of them.
wtf 1500 reviews?
it should have 100k views to pull it down below 50%
If not it's clearly bought out by WB
Go fuck yourself you pathetic troll
This movie is awful and cringey as fuck, better waste your time playing vydya
This apply more to the dcu fans, they are all so awful and forgettable that every new dcu movie is the new best one
all shilling aside, this was a pretty solid cape movie. i had fun watching it which i did not have while watching captain marvel. however, Marvel (Shazam) has always been a better character from the get go so they probably had more to work with.
but still fuck captain marvel and their fake billion.
>movie still managed to be dark despite being mainly comedic
DC, how do they do it?
Have sex
>He watched Captain Marvel
>He watched Shazam
did you ever consider the kys?
>had to ve sandwhiched in between two of the most profitable movies in capeshit history in order to not be considered a loss.
I don't have even the slightest will to go to the theater and watch this shit. I am going to watch Dumbo tomorrow instead, but I am no fan of Tim Burton. Hated his job with Planet of the Apes, Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Alice's Wonderland... I will give him one final chance.
[angry mouse noises]
shitzam haha
>I will give him one final chance.
what a battered spouse
Shazam is good capeshit because it knows it’s capeshit
>it didn't have feminism and mentally tranny's, REEEE
wew! yikersors!
This. It may have had a low bar but at least it stuck the landing. Also Zach Levi reminded me of Brendan Fraser in his heyday which was probably why I enjoyed most of it
>muh capeshit
grow up
I wish I'd drop the ball so hard I'd earn 1 billion dollars.
>It knows it's shit so it's good
Lmao fucking what
The black chick in the shazam family is hot
Name a decent Marvel movie except Guardians
>pro tip you can't
Goodness me.
dem titties tho
Just a few more days, DCuck
This bitch is put together so well. DAYUM.
Face average tho
Infinity War
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
i liked it but only because i envisioned sinbad's shazam being the shazam genie in this movie and they are in the same cinematic universe.
>The absolute state of zoomer kinlets
Wasnt Shazam that old movie with the genie
Just saw it, I liked it I don't think it was perfect but it was unassuming and well written. They knew how to bring drama without immediately under cutting it with a joke which was a plus it was well cast and the final confrontation between billy and Sivanna felt well earned and the reveal the Marvel family was a pleasant surprise and the ending with superman was great but it would've been nice if they could've gotten Caville to do it but i understand why he didn't. all in all a solid 9/10. It was nice they spent the whole movie trying to find a name for him yet never settled on one by the end, hopefully they just give him the name in the next one.
>No argument
>Anime poster
>Fateshit at that
Jesus fucking Christ
she looked cuter in the movie, the angle is weird here but that's because we've robbed an private moment
Cheap mundane sarcastic dialogs on an infinite loop
Absolutely retarded storylines that even preteens on their righr minds will find childish
Stereotypical and cringy ethical dilemmas
Villains so bad that can't even be treated as a parody attempt
The worst Anime is better than the Capeshit you just posted and you have to deal with it brainlet Marveldrone
>because it knows it’s capeshit
Every marvel movie is self aware
None of Snyder's crap was
>go to rotten tomatoes to see the ratings
>gets a bit mad because it drops to 78%
>realised that it was basedvel captain marvel instead of shazam
not gonna lie i got a bit mad
Watchmen is the best capeshit movie
Batman Vs Superman has flaws but is still better than every Marvel shit
Infinity War
> Blocks your feminist commie movie franchise
Watchmen was good but overrated
BvS is just a mess and inferior to all but like 3 of marvel's offerings
Marvel movies are self aware of the fact that there are other heroes in the MCU. Shazam is self aware of superhero tropes.