What’s the whitest film of all time?

What’s the whitest film of all time?

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127 hours

The Triumph of the Will

The Sound of Music

Would say this but its about ((them))

Mamma Mia. That movie is painfully white.

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oh shit I'm sorry

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12 Angry Men. Black and white film. Epitomizes angry white men all wanting to hang a black person who did do not anything wrong.


Get Out

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Jews are considered white by the US government as they are a Semite group. Same with North Africa and Europe. So even if it had Jews, it'd be white.

Dindu nuffin: the movie

i dont even have to look it up I can just assume the director was jewish, or the writer, whoever came up with that

Happy Feet

Catcher in the Rye 2007

Sorry for what?


To kill a Mockingbird.

ur mum's sex tape

There Will Be Blood. Capitalism and colonialism on full display. Complete erasure of female and PoC voices

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for being ashamed. but you knew that..

the breakfast club

just think about it

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Whitest movie of the 90s no doubt.

i looked it up. you were right

Griffith was so much more than this movie, but it was the first real blockbuster. Hollywood was nothing without Griffin.

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the breakfast club

Kinda like I can just assume you're a faggot and be absolutely sure I'm right

>the US govt definitively defines terms
okay smoothbrain

The Royal Tenenbaums

Yes, it is whiter than Birth of a Nation


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Reservoir dogs

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Star wars
Harry potter

Most movies before hollyjew started going full anti-West/social Marxist

Hello JJ

Unironically this. It's a white guilt movie. Most "black representation" movies are.

The best kind of white movie. Niggers.

unironically a good time


>Most movies before hollyjew started going full anti-West/social Marxist

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If.... and oh lucky man also

You forgot slavs and medishits

>brown hair

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kek, is this a real website?

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