Doesn't handle the Fisher account

>doesn't handle the Fisher account
>doesn't have a tanning bed at home
>doesn't have a watermark on his business card
>can't see Central Park from his apartment
>can't even get a reservation at Dorsia
what a dork

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At least you can get! Who are you?

But there's one thing he can always get

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It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is my post.
No one cared who I was until I rolled the dubs.

At least he got dubs

Ha-ha, have another drink Paul.

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very nice

He was 26 or 27 when he filmed this. I'm the same age but look like a 20 year old.

he has strong aryan features, makes him look mature earlier in his life

be glad you don't look 30 instead

I believe the Fisher account was on Mark Halbostramms payroll

I'm on the verge of tears by the time I post in OP's thread, since I'm positive I won't have any repeating digits. But I do, and relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

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Sounds like someone needs to get Huey Lewis and The News pilled

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Hello yes, I'd like dubs for two please.

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OP had a pretty good opening salvo but so far this thread has been lacking a little something

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something like... trips?

Aye but dubs will do, don't be shy lads

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Sufficiently based and moderately redpilled

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i'm his age and bald and have no real prospects

Dumb confirm

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At least you have a nice pair to compensate

yeah but you got dubs so it evens out

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Check THIS out

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you're ok Yea Forums, you just need to chill out

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Weeb cuck BTFO

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Let's see my dubs.

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No can do

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hey paul!

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based and bullypilled


Attached: 8bithueylewisandthenews.gif (404x416, 180K)

alright check these

there's not nearly enough dubs

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Attached: ogmd.jpg (255x198, 9K)


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

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