How long will Chris Evans wait to come out of the closet?

How long will Chris Evans wait to come out of the closet?

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first he needs to virtue signal some more

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He's keeping that trump card until his first big scandal

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Has he said anything about this since?

He is a WHITE MAN in hollywood. He is shitting his pants daily, DAILY, cause he knows he fucked up in the past. so he virtue signals as much as he can hoping it will shield him from #metoo

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He really doesn't seem like the type. Virtue signalling aside, he seems a lot more sincere than Pratt or Renner

anyway, he's absolutely gay

t. homosexual

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When he's no longer playing superheroes. His agent will tell him that no one will hire a faggot as a tough guy.

>tfw no big tiddie bruins daddy Chris bF

Actually physically painful

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Based drufren.

i hate marvel flicks, and evans liberal retardness, and his vulgar, over demonstrative laugh, but he doesn't strike me as a closeted faggot: he probably would be proud of being one

>He is a WHITE MAN
No he isn't

He doesn't seem sincere at all, he seems like a typical obnoxious liberal faggot that points the finger because he knows if he doesn't, it will point at him

nope, he's fucking shameless

Renner is a good lad who told JLaw to go fuck herself when she bitched about le pay gap despite making millions. Hes wsy more sincere than the likes of Evans, Downey Jr. or Ruffalo.

he's not really closeted, it's just that gay men don't usually land starring roles and it's better for him to just lay low
so many hollywood actors are out to their friends and relatives but coming out publicly would just hurt their careers

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Yeah well he is just some guy with a bow

Probably longer than it takes him to unzip his pants.

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That's being closeted user

The way Jenny Slate talked about him solidified this theory for me desu

Tom Holland is also gay

That Achillies wannabe is gayer than a bowl of oatmeal.
Good PR move though.

When he's 60 and can't use sex to sell tickets.

Smashed prime Bielfu tho.

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>crotch tattoo

Inbred swede

Being a gay man and fucking a woman is like a hetero guy fucking a dude. TRAAAAANSLATION: IT FEEL GROOOOSSSSS

The movie they were in was really good.

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lol holy shit this cringe

His smile and optimism: gone

This is a real life Chad & Stacy meme.
The 00's dresscode sells it.
I can almost physically hear Usher's Yeah, Yeah, Yeah in the background.

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He does look faggy. Too faggy to be Captain America in fact. Hemsworth, Cavill, and Affleck were the only ones with proper skulls to be non-weasel tier characters.

in nowadays hollywood, NOT being a faggot is more harmful for a white male's career

He looks so ridiculously average in this picture.

my anatomy expert

No he doesn't

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>h-hes just like me guys

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>start with them having (probably real) sex

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>real sex
>in a movie

Disney bought tickets to showing of Captain Marvel.
Johnny Depp lawsuit with Amber Heard

He's clearly a faggot, but he's clearly not a homosexual

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he'll get #MeToo'd then come out as gay

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(((Captain America))) everyone

Well, they were a couple at that time and I'm not saying you can see a penis going into the vagina. you need to check yourself

This faggot. 10/10 would murder if he threatens Chris again with this direct threat shit.

Kill yourself. fake news bitch.

ITT: triggered incels

Soon enough.

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>has a panic attack because a girl hugged him at comic-con
>tweets the most retarded shit for muh attention and praise
yea, he's definitely a faggot.

Who the fuck hasnĀ“t.

Gay men who are handsome and muscular piss me off. They could be fucking some 10/10 thots regularly and they choose to....fuck hairy guys in the ass? Makes absolutely no sense.

>>has a panic attack because a girl hugged him at comic-con

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Holy fuck. I just looked this guy up and I feel like I just wasted 2 minutes of my life. Who is he and what is his beef with evans? His form is fucking terrible and he doesn't have any centrifugal force behind his strikes. Does he even compete? I boxed for 10 years and haven't touched a pad or bag in a good half decade. I'm pretty sure I'd fucking destroy him. Everything about him is poserish.

imagine the babies

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>fuck off back tumblrina faggot

Who are you quoting?

he knocked out a 120 pound somalian in a street fight and he thinks he's tough now.

gay means happy you know

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clearly not a fag
why do you want to make this a thing? not even funny

Honestly I'm impressed he knocked anyone out at all. The moment i saw his face I thought this looks like one of those nerds that does roids and larps with swords in his backyard (like that RL Trunks guy) and thinks hes bad ass and knows how to fight. Then I found out he's actually a larper?! It it really this easy to convince zoomers ur a bad ass? He talks about being alpha and there's nothing alpha about him except he has good hair.

poor evans is clearly in love with trump