Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:
I'm gonna watch this tonight with a couple of beers. Looks like a fun time.
Alitas hair was always going to be blonde, and yukito changed ot for some reason.
this movie doesnt need a general but since you guys have autism(no joke, people with autism latch onto characters since they can relate with someone so 2d) have fun
Blonde Alita is kinda cute
>bimbolita op
Gas yourself.
Zapan a good boy
He dindu nuffin
why did you stop numbering generals?
when will Alita be released on torrents in blu-ray quality?
They came today. Thanks user!
I'll consider this canon from now on
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita.
blonde alita looks like my irl waifu Nadyasonika
Shes blonde on like the first 15 comic issues
>peck on nose
haha gotcha
>born too late to have Kishiro use your donut steel OC for LO
bitch broke his nose
Nose nigger mouths look like shit
anyone got some nice Rosa axila pics?
that's how I'd usually see it. Just enough to not have to pee halfway through.
And for what purpose would you require these images for my good sir?
im just working on ym axila drawing i need some inspirations to get the shadows and shapes correct
why ain't y'all just put the thread number in the op?
The left side of Romo's face is from a woman. It's hard to tell in the movie but concept art and stuff shows it pretty well
Come on, I collect and share images all the time.
I was thinking about yesterday's drama stirred up by Jerome and realized the scene at the kansas where Grew bursts in would be perfect for a recap lol.
"It's JEROME, what's happened to him?"
"Well to answer your question..."
-rips through user w/comment about voiceanon/LA meetup anons-
"I've had a little upgrade!"
how to get cyborg gf
>Hey, Alita, I gotta pop out for a second.
>Don't eat my chocolate, okay?
wait this isn't google
1. get gf
2. start replacing parts
he did good,
everyone sucking voiceanon's cock was pretty pathetic
'Cause bitches be forgetful, ackin' like Alita with amnesia
well shit I finna make the next thread then
I'll show you losers how easy that shit be
Hard mode: use an image for the OP we haven't used before
duuuude I'm low-key high as Zalem rn yeeeet
>Ayyy lamo
PLease post more images of chocolate. God bless this movie, it's made people start posting amazing looking chocolate bars.
> “hey user, I’m so happy to see you”
Hey frens I just took some photos from the art book to upload here. List:
- All the graphic design/logos for use in the movie, like on signs and shirts
- Gelda's face (Michelle Rodriguez)
- drawing of the bottom of Zalem from the cover of Ido's journal, uncropped
- Rosa's head on the doll body, front and back
- Rosa's head on the berserker body, front
- 2005 concept art of Alita's face from
- 2005 concept art of Alita's full body in motorball gear
- Rosa's head in the motorball helmet
- alternate concepts of Damascus blade
- Ido with arms crossed
- shot of Alita sitting on Ido's table, from the left side
- funny concept art of Grewishka's core being removed from his body
does anybody want a specific one right away
ain't nothing a quick hash search through the archive won't show
I got this you just sit tight
Jesus christ. How far are you guys gonna take this? Until James officially announces a part 2?
This is going to make a great tattoo
>I shouldn't...
>Hey Alita what ya think of this?
nice SHOT
>I'll keep it safe, user. Don't worry.
I always thought I'd get the Praedor dragon on my left arm. And that's the only tattoo I'll ever get.
I know, it's so cool
I love stealth nerdery like this where only fans will recognize it
Yes, but, ironically, as soon as that happens, we'll probably fart around on here even more, waiting for the second movie to come out. This won't end the way it's going at now until after the third movie has been released on home video format. We'll be here for a decade and more.
Just went back and read it, I'm honestly disappointed you all fell for such obvious bait.
Reminder: Alita is for hugs, cuddles, holding hands, kisses on the cheek, walking arm in arm, and for things otherwise pure and wholesome.
Find an amputee gf with robot limbs
>2005 Alita concept
I cropped and color balanced these as best I could but I'm just using my phone
I didn't. I was untricked. I was one of the few anons to point out the bait.
>that shot where ido walks through the door looking ready to scold her
>he instead switches back to helpful dad mode probably realizing it wouldn't help to scold her given the circumstances or at all
Ido's a good dad and I don't have enough pictures of him
Zapan a BITCH
That thing is based on an actually existing creature btw
Assuming you remove the buildings, it'd look great.
> Alita should not enjoy a sex life because of muh pure cyborg girl.
Purity fags are now officially worse than waifufags.
>*puts broken beer bottle back in it's place*
>It's the adaptive technology. It's making microadjustments across all systems to conform to the Male Gaze! I've never seen anything like it.
Proud of you! Everyone else is dumb as fuck and should be ashamed.
>Over here
>Ive got some of them Alita Blu-Rays you guys wanted, whats it worth to you then, huh?
>You're still here? get the fuck out before I smash your tiny skull
will the next thread be 321? just want to make sure I get this right
when will this end
perfect timing as I was talking about this yesterday.
>2005 motorball concept art
idk I don't even think it looks necessarily bad but it's a bit cringy
I'm always here, I just post different things each time. I am not the flopkun tho
>Iron City graphics and logos
I think some of these would make good stickers or t-shirts
That's actually kinda cool in its own way, even though it makes Alita look way more punk/alt
Ey mang if u got the stuff I got da billz
I'm getting a Mad Max vibe from the shoulder armor
i need a decent torrent. why is it taking so long?
goddamnit /pol/ was right
Any with Rosa's face. I saw this fan art the other day that looks more like Rosa than Alita and I want more.
>Alita will never look at you like this
That's viz print OC. She's got jet black hair in the manga. Can't mistake it for blonde.
> It’s so small user. You’re funny
>Alita will never look at you
>We'll be here for a decade and more.
I´d really like to see more of Gelda, please.
Fuck dudes I got like 5 minutes before I gotta go to work, I need cram as much comfy as possible!
Probably because nobody cares about it and it doesn't matter.
Is that what these pictures are supposed to accomplish? Make Alita look like she’s a bitter NYC/SF spinster writing social justice clickbait for VICE or other clickbait farms?
>Listen kiddo, I deal in hard copies only,
>I don't touch them internetz
I blame all the CM posters for this startling development
>Rosa berserker concept
Feel the power of my tranny rumor! It cuts right through the mental armor of anons and shreds their sexual insecurities!
no m8 I don't think that's it
>Rosa doll body concept
to be honest if she's got adaptive NANOMACHINES she should look more like Alita than Rosa, sorry.
/unpopular opinion
All these look unnatural to me.
This was the only one worth taking a picture of:
One last time to see if I can reach kissu-user. This one is for you, along with the person who suggested Alita getting invested in board games. Love you all lots. The request bin is now open.
> “Hey loser, I love you”
I think it's partly the stiff pose and partly because she has no hair but yeah they are a little weird
God, that whole scene is just the epic cherry on top of the whole epic bar fight.
Alita, completely cringing out, simply too adorable for words.
>mfw this scene comes on,
>And I NEVER cry at movies.
Jeesus, ok.
REALLY not my thing tho, but it´s a fetish all right.
I was actually referring to the scene after Alita brings home Hugo’s decapitated head hoping he can help him. But the same thing happens in the bar scene too now that you mention it
lol perfect
This still shot is just too good.
alternate version
Always remember - feeling feels is okay as long as you don’t let it cloud your judgment, user
Nova is such a tease
You have to accept the facts.
I love how a few of her shirts are just wide enough at the neck to show a bit of her cyber body, I'm sure they did that on purpose
>that one outfit that shows off her shoulder
can't believe Ido lets her out like that haha
it looks disgusting
This is the kind of positivity in this thread that I love
Nova's a fucking weirdo
It's hard to tell what he's feeling at that moment. He's probably just upset at the whole affair, because his next line is
>This city corrupts even good people.
It's the beginning of the end for, really, everyone.
>no one will ever say this to you
Having a real hard time breaking out of watching the loop on this one.
>me on the right
so... how many times have you guys mimicked Alita in webms like these in front of your monitor
But isn't he really cute, though?
>that faint Alita's Theme when she sees Hugo
Sucks how much the colours are fucked in chink rip
>she punches you in the shoulder jokingly and takes a seat next to you, leaning against you, leather jacket rustling softly
big thanks user
based spaz & thread number poster
You do realize that anyone with prosthetic are cyborg right?
When something else worth talking about hits theaters.
The score to the film is beautiful, way too fucking overlooked.
yeah he's just adorable
Which is probably nothing until Alita 2.
It also fits the idea that she is wearing someone elses clothes.
Competitive Alita is absolutely precious.
My heart wasn't ready for that ending.
Cool, thnx a bunch.
She´s still modeled on the old too realistic template, I guess.
Looks borderline creepy.
>m-mr goose? are you ok?
skimmed this and jesus it's stupid. I really wish the Alita challenge thing had a more benign outcome. Idiots like James Woods fucked it up and mired us in this bullshit.
Peaches I just wanna say that the webms you're making in the other thread are fantastic
Thread Man I love how you seem slightly insane and idk why I find it so amusing. Don't change.
yeah it seems like they get more and more fitted as the movie goes on
Goddamn it writefag why must you always make me jealous I will never be in the place of that user in the story.
how's it going anons?
I just want to enjoy my budding franchise. Why does everything have to be weaponized in political battles?
this made me audibly chuckle
Of course, I got nothing AGAINST it.
Just the guys that ACTUALLY GET TURNED ON by stumps etc. are freaking me the fuck out.
time to get to work
Thanks. Any requests?
Yeah most of the concept art is just for getting a general sense of what everything looks like, up close a lot of the stuff in the book is obviously just quick photoshop work
Don't look up what 'nugget' means then
I just like the manga and the movie. are we the bad guys?
Ill take one copy of the Blu-Ray called Alita: Battle angel, frog.
>disney kills /ourgirl/ because their talking heads and bean counters point to the “alita challenge” and articles like that and convince them that the ip has been poisoned/has had its image tarnished/isn’t worth the pr trouble
Just fucking kill me already
Actual picture of Thread Man taken from his webcam
do you guys know what this hand gesture is about? rosa seems to be doing it quite a lot.
There's a lot of images that would look great in color
I'd do some but I don't have an image editor on my computer yet, my old one has photoshop but it's so slow
honestly I don't think these people complaining actually care. They just want attention and what's easier than deciding the competing action movie with a female lead is actually an elaborate trolling attempt by retard MRAs. I am pretty far left and this shit is just revolting to read. Alita should've been a massive triumph. An old Japanese manga, adapted by one of the most famous directors, handed to a Mex-American director, starring a Peruvian-American lead with an extremely diverse cast AND LOCATION (how many movies are set in Panama???) and yet people seem intent on demonizing Alita and the fanbase for a what a small handful of absolute smooth-brains did.
sorry for the rant
she's pretending to grab her fans' tiny balls
nah it's a korean love gesture or something
It's supposed to look like hearts
I think it's a Korean thing
Because that's the world we live in today.
Everything good is destroyed and everything bad is propped up as great.
It's kind of random, yeah. Kishiro probably wanted to write a story like that but couldn't do it since he's stuck with Alita. My point is that it doesn't detract from the story in anyway and the criticisms about v-type mutants are completely overblown.
Then how come the team supported the Alita Challenge?
Means “heart” and “love” in South Korea
shall i remind you that Disney has no power in the grand scheme of things?
Jimbo has the last word not some talking head or some bean counter.
The only PR-trouble was the unfair handling of Alita by some parts of the press.
I hate how it just takes a few people to tarnish the reputation of a group like that.
Then the media always hyper-focuses on it and makes a huge thing out of it
Mr. mouse, you do know delaying the blu-ray only stops pirates right?
The Alita movie team, multiple people who worked on the film have liked posts about the Alita Challenge and liked straight up anti-Captain Marvel posts. Alita's social media page has been caught doing it. And besides, Cameron doesn't like Marvel at all, this is known.
Well said my child, expect payment soon.
GenX nicely ripped that lying hit piece to shreds .
Of course got immediately demonetized for daring to point out the truth.
Caerula Sanguis was born in 1808. Victor Byron was born in 1066. The berserkers are believable because they're created hundreds of years in the future, with theoretically plausible technology. The vampires are not, and don't fit in Gunnm.
Competitive Alita is the cutest. Also I genuinely believe most people like being carried by someone strong and loving but they're embarrassed to admit it. Glad you guys liked it!
Uni is shit but otherwise things are decent. I also have to go and deal with the fact that I'm just not really feeling the vibes with the girl I'm currently seeing. She's really lovely and sweet and supportive and it's not fair at all that it's just not clicking for me. It's gonna be a hard conversation, especially after we caught up recently and she mentioned how much she liked me. Fuck this. How about you friend?
that's super cute. thank you guys!
They have the distribution rights to Battle Angel, so they could theoretically refuse to release the blu-ray, but that would be retarded.
Any good scene with Alita talking would be cool, I haven't watched the movie in like two weeks and I love hearing her voice.
Aw yess one theater near me is still playing it maybe I'll go tonight
Never forget the petty joke of blowing Ahnold's head off on a True Lies cutout in CM.
I don’t know? They didn’t know what they were getting into? They didn’t foresee rags calling it an MRA cause? Or were you asking rhetorically?
I wonder (((why)))
I think it's obvious why the media is not defending Cameron or Alita, there's no reason to, in fact, he's upsetting the movement they're trying to push through the Marvel movies and other blockbusters. For one, there's no reason to defend a film that may not make money, it's a rocky investment. And Cameron has criticized both Marvel and even Wonder Woman. The media likes both of those things, so now, he's the enemy.
An absoultely dumb film, weak plot, poor animation, poor cinematography..........crap! I can't think of a worse movie.
>What's under that pillow, user?
there ya go lad
>I don't like this film at all!
>Terrible script, awful CGI, much too cluttered!
>I'm just saying my opinion, that's all!
>Cameron doesn't like Marvel
Actually he was set to direct the original Spider-Man movie and he wrote an early version of the script, but he probably doesn't like them now
He's the one who had the idea that Peter could shoot his own webs, and Jim wanted a scene where he wakes up covered in webbing like he had a wet dream but they cut that scene out.
He doesn't like what Marvel has become now and wishes fatigue for them would set in. I don't blame him, so sick of seeing a Marvel movie come out every month.
>Why not? I want to learn all about you!
>I hope you won't try to stop me.
>Remember what happened last time I didn't get what I wanted.
what if she wants to sit on the pillow
>He's the one who had the idea that Peter could shoot his own webs,
That's one of the worst parts of that movie, though. Knowing that, I'm amazed Alita turned out so well.
>mfw they diss True Lies
N o
t OU c
If anything, even though Alita made money and has potential franchise material, I think Cameron would make Alita 2 out of spite for how the media has treated him lately.
y-you know I don't like that look
I remember that people said that and wondering if that was truly in CM. My anger is righteous now. They can't get away with this.
That's fucking rough man, but I suppose addressing it honestly and directly is the way to go.
I tried :(
In the end we must never forget that it's up to him, we know how much he cares about his waifu.
It's only a matter of time, it's Alita's Manifest Destiny.
Will Alita be playing in the spring babbies?
Guess I'm just posting this whenever yandere Alita pops back up.
>I'm never going to leave you
>I'll find you no matter where you go
>I'm with you forever
>You'll see how much I love you
>You'll see
>And if I can't be with you, no one can
When Titanic came out and it made so much money he called it "fuck you money" because so many people thought it would bomb
Why the tomatoes?
Peaches always does good work consistently. I seriously think we wouldn't have as much of general without his early stuff.
double snap
RottenTomatoes probably
They're evil
Truly. I want to learn how to do it now but I've never really done video editing before.
I really hope he does. He's the only one built for it and with RR and Landau and Rosa on board he'll be unstoppable.
>Caerula Sanguis was born in 1808. Victor Byron was born in 1066.
I know, I just didn't get your point.
>The berserkers are believable because they're created hundreds of years in the future, with theoretically plausible technology. The vampires are not, and don't fit in Gunnm.
How are berserkers more believable than nature producing some weird virus? Nanotech is basically sci-fi magic. You're just being unreasonably stubborn here.
Thanks man. It's gonna be a shitty conversation but you don't make things better by running from your fears. I know now that I need to take a little while off dating and get my feelings sorted. It's not fair to my potential partners to not have that clear. Writing is therapeutic, so I'm glad my issues are providing at least some good content.
Looks like history repeated itself here. Alita was said to have bombed and now outlets are saying a sequel could happen.
>have liked posts about the Alita Challenge and liked straight up anti-Captain Marvel posts
They did?
I need moar yandere, writefag
Enough is never enough and I need my fix
side note: Rosa's teeth are super cute
holy FUCK we hit image limit quick. also with mtg spoiler season coming out now pls criticize my broken alita flipwalker
“Alita, Wonderous Cyborg” 2RW
“Legendary Creature – Cyborg”
2/4, Double Strike, Vigilance
“If Alita would be destroyed by combat damage, instead exile her and return her transformed during your next main phase.”
“Alita, Battle Angel”
“Legendary Planeswalker – Alita”
5 loyalty.
“[+2] Up to one creature an opponent controls must attack Alita, Battle Angel next turn if able. Prevent all damage caused by this creature next turn.
“[+0] Until end of turn Alita, Battle Angel becomes a 3/5 Cyborg creature with Double Strike, Indestructible, Lifelink and Trample. Prevent all damage that would be dealt to her this turn.
“[-3] Alita, Battle Angel deals damage to any target equal to her current loyalty.
“[-10] Place a 20/20 cyborg token creature called ‘Alita, Revenge Angel’ on the battlefield with Haste, Trample, Indestructible, Hexproof, Lifelink and Flying.”
should be "Up to one target creature"
shenanigans with the RT "FRESH" rating
I miss the motorball poster
I'm not going to write her as full yandere in an extended story but I can definitely do some more overly possessive Alita.
what motorball poster
>image limit reached
I would love that.
No pressure, you just keep doing your thing.
>They decided to overlook the fact that he had given up his financial stake in Titanic and, in the wake of its historic Oscar run, wrote him a check for tens of millions of dollars. (Reportedly, Cameron eventually earned more than $75 million from the film.) He wouldn’t have to work another day in his life. “I had my fuck-you money,” Cameron says. “It was time to go play.”
How more based can one man get? All he would need to do is announce two Alita sequels.
Of course. You guys are the best and I want you to enjoy the world of Alita as I see it. Whenever I have a new idea you guys are the first to see it.
Never forget.
Its the
>400 Mill gesture,
Some of the quotes in this interview are great
>Early in our conversation about what he’s been doing for the past decade, he informs me that I “don’t know fuck,” so I try to let him explain how things unfolded.
>Cameron kept a razor blade on his editing desk with a note: "Use only if film sucks". “I just realized I made a $200 million chick flick where everyone dies."
Cameron is such a badass, there's no way we're not getting sequels to Alita
we need new images ahhh
JC is absolutely based
I'm just glad he's on our side and loves Alita.
>the way alita absolutely plunges into that kiss after hugo says he got out of being a jacker because he loves her because she knows she might not get even another second with him
>Cameron kept a razor blade on his editing desk with a note: "Use only if film sucks"
Lol. Editing joke about cutting up film stock with razor, but he meant it as in slit his fucking wrists.
That's our /ourguy/
Is he? How do you know?
it this bait
>would you give your life for one passionate kiss from Alita?
I tried too, but image limit eated it
I miss when these threads were numbered.
I remembered looking forward to #99 and y’all stopped around 80
Super disappointed.
I like this a lot because it's kind of a play on manga Ido building Alita's first body out of spare parts obtained from the girls they murdered.
we'll get it right next time
You obviously havn't been around
Some folks don't like the threads being numbered.
he's all or nothing user.
Literally. He would go bankrupt to realize his visions, he practically did that on Titanic. His Oscar moment where he declared he was kind of the world was MORE than deserved. He defied all expectations and made the biggest movie ever.
So if I'm getting this right the next thread is 322?
>Cameron already had the idea for Avatar back in 1977
>he actually pulled it off
>it's the highest grossing movie of all time
James Cameron knows what he wants, and he'll get it, no matter what it takes.
*King of the world
He is kind though.
I still wish I got to see Jim's version of Alita.
Too bad he didn't conceive of likable, memorable characters or a plot not ripped off from Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas.
We stopped at 99, user.
He's more than happy with the film that exists right now, in fact, it's probably better than what he envisioned. Imagine, his film wouldn't have had Rosa Salazar.
This is really too complicated for me.
That's not true. It was paused but then picked up again. We started seriously numbering the again since #299. Some anons got sloppy past few threads, but we'll rectify the mistake. A few archivists are keeping track anyway.
#399 soon
>This is James Cameron's second Academy Award, having picked up tonight's Oscar for best editing
Hope you're still here and are baking that new bread with its proper number and new OC for the OP.
I'm here.
I calculated it and, with an average of 330 posts per thread, we'll have posted as many posts as there are frames in the film at thread # 534
I'd still like to see his version, because it was his baby for all those years, I wanted to see how he saw it. I'm willing to bet if Jim directed this would've broken 1bn worldwide regardless of if it was a worse movie or not just by nature of being Jim's movie. I mean this movie performed like something Robert Rodriguez directed, which makes sense.
Too late
Nah, even if he directed it, it would still have trouble with the media crowding around it and giving it attention. The industry is different than how it was in 2009. Also, this grossed double Rodriguez's highest film.
alright I'll go fuck myself
Wtf! user Called it and this one aint quite dead yet.
He really wants blond Alitas in the OP
But imagine if it grossed double Jims highest film
and I really want blonde alita in a mating press but you dont bogart another anons claim like that.
If Jim directed it it would have grossed double his highest film.
That's the difference.
But he wanted to get the blond alita in the OP, this was his only shot since someone else already claimed it he couldn't waste time numbering the thread he had to get out ahead.
Stop trying to make this general about posters or some arbitrary numbers. This thread isn't and should never be about that.
Write one where Alita gets sick and she is hopelessly needy. And adorably pathetic.