should Joker be edited so it doesn't appeal to white males, or should it just be banned?
Should Joker be edited so it doesn't appeal to white males, or should it just be banned?
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Doesn't the trailer imply that Joaquin is already mentally ill and something pushes him to the edge?
Should Twitter threads be instantly removed so OP can't be allowed to be a faggot?
>himself a mediocre white man
This making this thread you fucking nigger
The Joker has always been a degenerate white dude. Incels and sociopaths liking the movie isn't relevant
Reminder facts don't care about your feelings. Stay triggered, incel snowflake
Whyyyy WHYYYYY why do they fucking do this I just want to enjoy a goddamn film
sorry pls no bully
I don't get why he inserts the word 'mediocre' in there. Does he know what it means?
The vast majority of the people in the audience will qualify as 'mediocre', so they should especially be able to sympathise with a mediocre man [regardless of race]
>white male
have sex, incel.
have. sex.
Why are these people ALWAYS freaks.
>It's a screencap of some kike on twitter thread
I ,on the other hand , can only sympathize with outstanding and spectacular white men
said the... twitter ... ""journalist"""?
>we live in a society where freaks are empowered to give their mentally ill opinions in public
where did we go wrong lads?
Great counterargument, enjoy you "he sad white male, I sad white male, I relate" movie that's been done a million times lol
>Falling Down
>Taxi Driver
>One Hour Photo
> a million
> actually four
> two of them are from the 80's of whenever, one from the 90's or some shit
MMMMM love white male tears.
didn't you hear me?
What’s wrong with her eyes
His eyes look as sad as that smile is forced
Nah, retard boi there are actually more. It's called the "silent man journey" trope we've seen many many times. This movie isn't deep, and you're not deep or interesting because muh stoic and muh misunderstood character
Can you read, cuck boi
social media gave them an outlet. most of them would have suicided themselves before 2000.
At first I wasn't convinced by what he said in this tweet, but then I saw that blue check mark and now I 100% agree.
That's not him. Nice try, dum dum
>literally nothing negative about women in the trailer
>in fact, the only good people in his life it seems are women (his mom, his gf and his therapist)
>his bullies were all white men
>generic twitter roastie still somehow thinks it's anti-women
Why do roasties have such a huge persecution complex?
It's just a movie. If there is a lesson, it should be discussed like a rational civilization would discuss such things. Only animals would need their environment carefully controlled.
ohhhhh, that's odd then , how comes the only ones that get mentioned each time are the same few old ones from the 80s
very odd, almost as if its bullshit
But he's right, moron
Dylann Roof, a white supremacist turned into a mass murderer quoted Sion Sono's Himizu as his favorite film so editing it wouldn't help
I don't need to know what a 30 year old soiboi has to say about a movie that isn't for him, thanks.
The Culture of Critique does not rest. It's a psychological battle and only one side is fighting
>when the antifascists are so antifascist they become fascist
So just like all white boys?
Why can't you autists see this movie (along with Taxi Driver, Falling Down which are like the same movie lol) is attempting to get people to feel sorry. Ahh, poor white man gets bullied so lets feel sorry for him when he shoots a bunch of people... If Joker was played by a black man you all would hate it and call it muh propaganda muh liberal hollywood
immigrant and conqueror are two different words user
that is him faggot, look it up on his twitter.
Because those are the most popular ones and you all circlejerk to it here cause Yea Forums has no taste. Fucking retard lol
Question for white people: Why are your "I'm white but I hate white people" types always jewish?
A movie made for the incels on pol basically.
So you're incapable of viewing a movie without a racial lense... and then you're complaining about other anons being racist? Fuck off, you dumb hypocrite. You're part of the problem.
That's true but Yea Forums isn't known for its empathy and they're already biased to anyone who isn't a hardcore white supremacist like them
Conquering is the inhiation of force, so it's evil. They didn't need to kill anyone
Why are the shills spamming the same few tweets over and over when the majority of plebs and sjw plebs think it looks good? Even the response to it on Yea Forums was far more positive than Yea Forumss
Are they trying to start a viral movement to keep this trash in the news/on peoples mind until release?
>goes back to calling everyone a white incel and pretending that you're not racist at all
why are they calling jokester white when he's a jew
Reminder :) he still makes more money than you and has more followers than you. Enjoy your 7 twitter followers and posting on a pathetic imageboard with 45 people lol My spidey senses tell me you have no date tonight lol
>Why can't you autists see this movie (along with Taxi Driver, Falling Down which are like the same movie lol) is attempting to get people to feel sorry
>Falling Down literally ends with a speech by the white detective about how he's been under as much (if not more) pressure than d-fens and still didn't crack, and take it out on other people
>"Falling Down lionises white men that act out. I r smart"
But statement was true, even if a little reductionist because I don't think it's necessarily only about feel sorry but about the social isolation of the big cities and reflect about it. For better or worse, white is the default so Joaquin Phoenix can play this kind of role and even he might win an Oscar but a black man can only act either as a gangsta or a wise black man, which mean the roles are limited. In both cases, Yea Forums always get mad because they're either thugs or liberal pets.
>Conquering is the inhiation of force, so it's evil.
well duh, thats why we condemn it now.
Makes me want to pick up arms.
lol that end of the trailer where he walks down the stairs pissed these people off so much
>sympathize with a person who has mental issues
Has this now stopped being the case?
No, retard boi. I'm saying, you all would HATE this film if Joker was black cause muh liberal propaganda. Every movie is viewed from a political lense, even your uncle tom critic, Armond White, agrees with me.
"If you think you don't see movies "through a political lens" then you're not thinking." -Armond White
the mods might make you think otherwise, but make no mistake
Yea Forums all the others boards save for /int/ are for white men and some women, mudboy