how do you do fellow kids
How do you do fellow kids
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Wait, the alt right is slavery? Or are they in favor of it? Doesn't the alt right as its worst want to not live alongside blacks achieving that by either just killing them off or deporting them to their own black country?
the trickster storyteller dude is asked why he wants old gods to go to war with new gods such as media/globalism/internet and he launches into this non-sequitur facebook rant about black people getting kidnapped every 30 seconds
Didn't watch the second seasons. He always was a retard in the first season and thankfully he was treated like one.
why do they try to shove this sort of crap down people's throats at every opportunity
he's a good actor playing a good actor, a metaactor
Is he the God of Black Victimhood?
Well, he was brought over by slaves, and he made the slaves start a fire on the ship in season 1
If he was brought over by slaves shouldn't he know that a good percentage of black people in america are actually descendants of the African imperialists who enslaved their tribes and if they had stayed in Africa their lineages would be gone by now? An African slave should get that things aren't "black vs white" more than anyone else, innit?
I used to feel bad about the thoughts in my head. Not anymore. The day of the rain can't come soon enough.
this show is all kinds of retarded, new god of tech just got deleted by ai? ok but thats still tech so thats still him, its not even an update like new/media. i'm 100% convinced they just replaced him because the character is white.
also now all the black gods are what joining up together against both the old and the new gods? why because racism? they going to re-brand as the god of repatriations?
fuck this show i just want the comfy Lakeside segment of the book
how do you people watch any television and film at all without having an epileptic fit? not everything is supposed to cater to you in every respect, not everything is something the creators want you to believe
what did she mean by this
Oh that's from that American Gods show I never got into? Shame, was thinking of maybe starting it.
Based oldfriend
name one show with more than 2 black characters that isn't constantly complaining about racism and slavery. hearing the same shit in everything is tiring and every time they try to be woke its always so trite
he's trying to rally the African gods together
Can a nigga borrow a french fry?
can't wait for Odin and Mr World to push their shit in
Western blacks have white ancestry and would be eating mosquito pancakes and dirt cookies if it weren't for whites.
Also, Jewish fingers typed that script.
What ep is this from? I don't remember it.
Can an American please translate this? I genuinely don't understand what she is trying to convey
last sundays
slavery never went away and racism rebranded into alt-right. its retarded and doesn't work because the kike writers have no idea what the alt right is because everyone juts uses it as a catch all term for not-progressive
Oh, I just ignore shows and movies like this. They have nothing of value to offer me and most of the time they're poorly written or unfocused anyway. I mean, do you watch every bad media thrown your way?
The thing that bothers me the most about these things is how badly it dates a show. I mean imagine watching this in 20, 30, 40 or more years, and all of these things like "the gender pay gap" and "the alt-right" will be meaningless and not resonate with anyone. The reason shows like Star Trek TNG for instance are so beloved is because they are timeless, and their social commentary are written with analogies and in a way that they are broad enough to be applied to any similar situation, modern or old, while with scenes like OP's you still need to know the context of these things just to even understand them.
I don't know, shows that date themselves are just a pet peeve of mine, and sometimes i think its just because the writer thinks that their time is more important than any other, and so people will still know the context and history of it, when in reality it will be at best a small forgotten paragraph in someones history book.
>nazis got rebranded as the alt right
>slavery got rebranded as for profit prisons or the welfare state or whatever else they're told to complain about this week
i don't watch it this is my guess from knowing these kinds of people
this american gods show sounds appealing shame it has too many black and brown faces in it
as a latino if I wanna see white people i have to tune in to Telemundo now
*yawn* this show is a mess
Who the fuck knows what they think the "alt-right" is now, it's not fair to even call it a caricature. The writers are probably the same people that think Yang saying he wanted to help struggling Americans was an "alt-right dogwhistle"
What shows cater to edgy Yea Forums types?
The alt right isn't a political ideology. Its just the left's strawman for any opinion they don't like.
What do you mean? How the fuck can you begin to tell what show this is? A generic so ugly it's funny """woke""" niggerfaggot it could be any show.
slice of life anime about grade schoolers having tea parties
The story is kind of shit but some of the visuals are worth enduring the worst of it. Its a feast for the eyes.
Literally every black person who made it out of the hood will tell you it's the other blacks who tries to keep you down.
If you try to get ahead in life, you're an "uncle tom"
Doesn't hurt the sopranos any.
I recognize him as Anansi in the pretty good show American Gods
>the world assumes white people are naturally good
lmao what? You can tell this movie was made by Americans.
I didn't screencap it but the beginning of his rant actually made sense. He said slavery is not a condition but a cult. The turn was quite sudden. But I imagine him as a god who bullshits so much that he can't shut up sometimes.
ironic fanservice anime
Am I the only person on this website who doesn't care about anime?
Its too bad, he was a pretty good character in the book.
>Alt right are Nazis
>Alt right are slave masters
>Alt right are racist
>Alt right want to kill all blacks
Literally the cringey shit and an instant red flag that the person saying it are mentally retarded.
>Kids watch this in school
>"Yo, teach, y'all be saying dat back den dey din even know da alt-right was a Jewish controlled opposition, for real?"
>"That's right"
>"Lol, what a buncha dum asses!"
>Class laughs
The actual sad thing is how understanding race makes you a BETTER person. All the grandstanding and signaling you see throughout history. So much just boils down to having an average IQ on standard deviation lower than whites. Then all you feel is sadness and pity. If there was justice in this world the black leaders in the USA would be pushing for HARD eugenics
the look on the woman's face always made me kek
>no mention of high titty women whatsoever
Fuck this show tbqh
To be honest, some prisoners in the U.S. easily fall under the label of slaves. The 13th Amendment doesn't apply to prisoners.
>isn't a political ideology
Boy, I sure love 2016 newfags.
what even is alt right then because it seems to be a nazi ethnostate group thats also full of gay coalburning jews
So he's a god, and he's crying about the alt-right's disapproval of Colin Kaepernick? Shouldn't he be way above this shit?
yeah from my limited understanding i don't disagree with that, or with the arguments about the war on drugs being a trumped up reason to pad out said prisons, i was just trying to explain the thought process of the writers for that analogy
It was a reactionary movement created to answer the failures of traditional conservatives, mainly with immigration in Europe. It easily attracted white identitarians, which in turn was easily linked to Nazis by normes, one of the most well known white identitarian movement of all time.
Does he mention how 13% account for 40%?
by that reasoning every democrat that doesn't support hillary is a commie, wait thats quite accurate
Now that's a strawman if I ever saw one.
>50%. 40% is the tranny suicide
kill yourself weebshit
I enjoy Fairy Tail, can I stay?
oh right, I'm an Ausfag.
Our 0.3% Sudanese population accounts for 1.5% of our crime which per head means each of those niggers is doing 10 crimes
no didn't say you were wrong, but it is disingenuous to then say all alt-right are nazis. also considering hilary pushed bernie out of the running using underhanded tactics and how popular aoc has become you'd be hard pressed to find a democrat non-hilary supporter who wasn't a commie
>how do you people watch any television and film.
Lol where the fuck you think you are.
I didn't claim they were either, but normies view them that way. White identitarian ideologies are malign (for good reasons) and are often automatically linked to the Nazis even if they are not.
The alt right are so laughably insignificant that I don't see why anyone takes them seriously. Hell, they aren't even an organised group, just pockets of people who share a vaguely similar ideology. The media blows it so far out of proportion with their fear-mongering purely because they're easy for normies to unthinkingly rally against.
there is no fucking alt right lmao, its several pockets of retards who got together with kekistan shirts/flags and took pictures. Has there even been an "alt right" rally? like anywhere? even 1?
Isn't it kinda racist of Goldbloom to wear a blackface?
the alt-right isn't just 1 person unless you want to lump all muslims in with isis or feminists with valerie solanas
Naturally assumed good by the entire nation.
>sometimes i think its just because the writer thinks that their time is more important than any other, and so people will still know the context and history of it, when in reality it will be at best a small forgotten paragraph in someones history book.
absolutely based post
i don't watch anime. can you give me an title and i'll check it out? i want something that caters to the shitposter inside of me.
Azumanga is a classic, cute girls doing cute things, and a pedo teacher
This scene was kino, cumskins won't understand it.
Asobi Asobase
boku no pico
Remember all those shows you watched as a kid, full of stuff you took for fact/the norm? That's what they're trying to do. Probably succeeding too.
>not including the rest of his post
based retard. let me help you understand. the alt right is a strawman used by the left to attack oppinions which they find unacceptable. they don't "exist" or function in any real capacity.
nice post
look he's a god not some fucking history geek
>Alt-right is a very smartly done rebranding of white supremacy. It's legitimately incredible they managed to fool so many people into thinking they have legitimate political ideals that merit engaging with.
But literally no-one is "engaging" with the alt-right you schizophrenic fuckwit, that's the point. Richard Spencer is a clown that has zero political power, forcing you paranoid fuckwits to insist that everything and everyone you don't like is "alt-right", or somehow "dogwhistling to the alt-right".
Seriously how the fuck can liberals and leftists reconcile "being openly racist will get you blacklisted from pretty much every major corporation, and harassed by antifa activists from small businesses" and "the US is on the verge of a white supremacist takeover thanks to the Drumpfenreich"
>the world assumes white people are good
there is one legitimate response to such a statement
slavery got rebranded as overseas manufacturing, tho
>says how according to the CDC, in America the black woman has chlamydia at rates 10.4 times those of a white man's
weird that they included this in the script. was Raimi involved?
thanks bros i appreciate the recs. have a (You).
This can't be fucking real.
I thought this show was good, isn't this the one based on Neil Gaiman's books?
My brain got fried with that, how are there still people believing and parroting the pay gap?
Are you fucking disabled? The actor is a big giveaway as to which show this is.
I recommend this video to explain
the fact that youtube feels the need to shadow ban this from search is reason enough to watch
made me giggle
Why would I know who this is? Give me an honest answer.
Nope, I'm here too.
i don't care about it but I do like to post the smuggies every now and again. it's especially fun when the spergies on /fit/ start freaking out about it.
>I thought this show was good
I think you are wrong. I watched the first two episodes and it had already become apparent it was sjw race-baiting trash. i had to stop watching it cause my japanese friend was there and asked why they were lynching a black dude in the cemetary in episode 2.
I couldn't explain the intricacies of how delusional the sjw left are and it dawned on me that this show was made by them and would be like this the whole way through.
problem is it doesn't make everyone a better person. there are assholes who assume iq is a persons worth, and will pick on different races because of this knowledge.
the censoring of this stuff is "for the greater good" in the minds of those who organized it, to prevent those idiots being missled toward bulling different races by missleading them in the opposite direction.
at least for white people this is the case. every other group bullies other races freely still.
As strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
The fuck show is this?
american gods
I'd love to see african asgard
It's gibberish by insulated privileged Jewish writers who are wholly disconnected from political reality.
Mr. Nancy is such a weird character since he can clearly see the future. His motivations are incomprehensible.
I like American Gods in general since it doesn't try to box the gods into human morality systems. Nobody is really "good" or "evil"
They are the boogeyman for mainstream types
>a god in a show of gods guilty of killing people and worse frequently
>the alt right, guilty of saying some naughty words
makes you think
journos are still bringing up gamergate as a boogeyman without a shred of self awareness
>would be eating mosquito pancakes and dirt cookies if it weren't for whites.
Fake news
The show you recommend to people and then promptly feel embarrassed about recommending to people because of the overwhelming creepy libcuck shit in that's alienating to anyone who doesn't suck dicks in san francisco while attending anti-trump rallies.
you say mainstream, i disagree. it's old media types, who are the minority now. the people who believe it are the upper class, journos and brainwashed degree holding institution workers.
t. /r/the_Donald
You know a writer can just be a hack and not necessarily part of some sort of zionist conspiracy.
>fake news
not that guy but how? care to explain your assertion?
oh! guys look! he's arrived!
That's virtually every show these days. Alita was the only movie/show/program in recent memory that had no libshit preaching in it. It was just a movie with a beginning and an end and a plot. Remember when that used to be the norm?
Fuck I wish slavery was a thing still. 5 black slave girls please. Darkies don't know how lucky they have it.
It's like the entire nigger race has a case of down syndrome
>arrive and start teaching them how to farm
>explain how to till the soil in a straight line
>they start doing it and going all over the place like a child incapable of coloring within the lines
>try to show them again and they keep doing it
>just till the whole thing for them and move on to the next step
>show how you need to spread out the seeds
>give them seeds
>proceed to drop the whole pile in one location
>scoop them back up and show them
>they start doing it and barely manage to space it out right
>like the whole concept of measurement is beyond them
>multiple times we had to stop them from eating the seeds
>show them how to get water from the well that another group made them
>well had to be fucking repaired because it was literally filled with dirt and shirt and grass
>show out to slowly water to not erode the soil
>proceeds to dump the entire bucket and destroy the seeds
>end up doing everything for
>each day we come back something has gone wrong
>forgot to water, flooded it, literally shitting in the field, getting hungry and digging up the seeds to eat them
They can't think past the present. They have no concept of time at all or waiting for things and that's either because they are retarded or that way of life has made them retarded.
Two moments stand out in scarring us. We were trying to teach a woman and a man comes up behind her and pulls her bottoms off and starts fucking her. We are literally standing there mouths open in shock and she just said, "Daddy wants it." Like her actual fucking father.
Then one day we found a baby dead drowned in the field with horrible head damage like he was beaten by rocks. The mother just shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't want him anymore and she thought he could work the field.
Literally this is and was my face. Total shock in trying to accept what should be fucking impossible.
>go to nigeria as part of a deal
>you give us oil, we help with local locations
>we start giving out vaccines to kids is the plan
>we get to a village outside capital city
>get there, chinese are already there
>of course
>chinese don't even care anymore, they just don't care
>start up clinic, handing out nets to stop malaria, vaccines to stop it, plus malaria pills
>explain what's going on and why everyone is dying
>everyone is dying,
>go to next village, repeat
>next village and etc
>month later go to check in
>kids who had vaccines are called witches because they don't get sick, they are thrown in ditches or wells, or had tires put around their necks, filled with gasoline then set on fire
>malaria pills are out, all the alpha men at them "to increase their vitality" turns out they are all bleeding to death from the ass slowly (they blame on witch babies)
>nets, nets are now being shoved inside little girls and women to "prevent pregnancies by catching all the sperm"
>so you have dead kids everyone
>all the guys are bleeding to death from the asses
>all the women are dying slowly from having multiple nets shoved inside of them
>chinese just shrug
>"it's the same thing"
>same thing
>36 villages
>"it's the same thing"
I'm never going back to that shit hole
>>nets, nets are now being shoved inside little girls and women to "prevent pregnancies by catching all the sperm"
What the fuck
Wow just wow.
Daily reminder that massah will maker her squirt.
It's not unified
>wait thats quite accurate
>what even is alt right
a label attached to anyone on the right that isn't approved controlled opposition neocons
more stories user, or this is just shitty copypasta.
That's not how statistics work, Bruce
>he missed the empire of dust thread
>The Alternative Hypothesis
Real trustworthy
Is it good or bad that I don’t know what show this is?
It's not like those are a constant staple for most Haitians.
t. read a lot about the country
Isn't Anansi kind of ackowledged to be a dick in the show though? He acts all put down to get the worship of black Americans but he's really in it for himself, like most gods.
Looks like someone doesn't know basic economics, geography, or history.
Anansi can see the future and likes fucking with people so he likely would have just gotten the suffragettes to kill their husbands if it wouldn't have worked out.
All pretty typical of Africa.
There is one thing, and one thing specifically, that more than anything else is indicative of their failure as a race: White people having to dig wells in Africa. Because digging a hole and lining it with stones is apparently something so monumental, so trying, so difficult, that it requires having white people fly 5,000 miles into their countries to employ their superhuman cosmic intellect to do it for them. Something every other race on the planet mastered roughly 15,000 years ago is still, to this day, beyond most Africans.
It's a fucking hole. They can't even manage to dig a fucking hole. And then even if you dig it for them, they'll throw trash and dead animal carcasses down it, all the while complaining white people didn't give them any clean water. They reach a level of ignorance that's almost insulting to witness. You help them, and they shit on you for it because they're too stupid to realize they're stupid. It's impossible to do a year of aid work in Africa and not come back sounding like David Duke. These fucking idiots refuse to stop eating bats even though they know it gives them ebola. There's just this assumption whitey will come and sort it all out when the next outbreak happens. They're in for a big-time population crash this century. I'm talking hundreds of millions dead.
When's the last time you tried digging a hole?
>the world assumes white people are naturally good
Yeah, they think we're altruists and they take advantage of us because of it.
The NPC meme was long overdue
I genuinely wish there was some radical plan we could implement once and for all to actually see if we can help black people. Give every black American 1 million dollars, a free ride to any university of their choice and whatever else. For two reasons:
1. To maybe actually help them
2. To get them to maybe shut the fuck up finally
some sort of
Imagine defending sub 70 IQ niggers
Two weeks ago to move and replant two trees.
But if you are law abiding and work then you avoid slavery? How is it slavery then?
Now try digging 50+ feet without any modern or motorized equipment.
He was an evil asshole in the first season. Is he a good guy now?
It just makes me wonder how much of history is taught misleadingly.
Like, why do Australian kids get taught about Emmet Till but not the yearly occurance of some gang of blacks breaking into a poor whites home, torturing and raping them to death? The stats are completely skewed so whenever an incident happens they have to talk about it for decades.
>beyond most Africans
>most Africans
This is what finally convinced me to quit the continent, there are smart, hard working Africans who understand that what they have could be even better. These Africans are out numbered 1000/1 and they always always always either get killed for being different or they become a dictator. You want to know why Africa is such a corrupt shithole? Anybody in Africa smart enough to help build a country are smart enough to realize it's safer to just bilk their countryman and then gtfo.
He's a trickster god, I don't think you can put him on a morality scale same as most of the gods.
Cringed so hard at this. Shame, enjoyed the season quite a bit up to that point.
>but not the yearly occurance of some gang of blacks breaking into a poor whites home, torturing and raping them to death
Maybe because such perpetrators usually get jailed, while Till's murderers weren't.
Imagine believing Nazis on the internet.
Do shovels count as modern equipment?
Good luck drilling 50-100 feet straight down with a shovel.
Well I believe all women so Emmet was a rapist and deserved.
Didn't that other user say that people all over the world were doing it 15,000 years ago? I'm not a historian and I don't have a dog in this fight, I just feel like that point needs to be touched on in some way.
Imagine being black and every black character in everything is just "that guy/woman who bitches about whypipo and about how hard it is being black and how opressed he/she is". It's like every black character is Lisa Simpson. No fun black character allowed. It must truly suck.
Richard Spencer isnt a white supremacist advocating for genocide you ignorant retard.
Fucking christ redditors are unable to listen to people to form their own opinions. They are told what to think by buzzfeed and huffpo
That's why, not how. How do they reconcile the fact that they supposedly care about black people and that black unemployment is so high but support illegal immigration which competes directly with the labor of most blacks?
Or that they are the people of science but then embrace delusional pseusoscience like transgenderism?
Or how they claim white supremacy is holding blacks and latinos back meanwhile east asians and south asians with skin just as dark are the richest groups in America?
Or that only the left's sociopolitical dogmatic rabbit hole has sculpted the turd of ideological pedophilia?
Many such cases of cognitive dissonance. A lefty himself, George Orwell's brilliance was dissecting such critical flaws of the left. For instance all the disgust and vitriol directed at poor and working class people by bourgeoisie liberals, in The Road To Wigan Pier Orwell examines that phenomenon; them not really caring about the poor they just hate people richer than them. Here in America they just run their classism through a racism filter: I cant say anything bad about the trash if they have darker skin.
You have not presented an argument. Dispute the facts in the video, dont whine like a CNN watching cuck boomer
Uhhh dumbass people have been doing just that for thousands of years.
They know how to dig wells in Africa it's just hand dug ones are horribly inefficient. Also not even viable in some areas. My house needed the well dug about 500+ feet which would have been practically impossible if not for the fact that the cost was offset by a bank loan.
This. There are those 1 in 10,000 niggers but why built any business or farm when the other niggers will just come take it from you? Feel bad for those guys. Their only real choice is to become a strongman dictator type to try to make things better and the Foreign Aid becomes a source of income.. We see these cycles over and over.
>Alt-right is a very smartly done rebranding of white supremacy
That statement doesn't hold any water when you consider that a flamboyantly gay jew who brags about his boi pussy getting pounded by BBC is classified as alt right.
what is this OP? I literally do not know what this is
The fucked up thing is nobody knows white people were lynched too.
In India they dig inverted pyramida basically called step wells. Indians are smarter than Africans.
I mean you can very easily make an argument that BBC fetish is inherently racist and likening black men to animals.
Kek the hands cupping the water in the pic on that website are white
Is there any evidence of a step well being built and used by a village of 500 anywhere?
literally what show is this
how far are you going to move these goalposts before you give up?
Is that why cuckholds are almost always lefty white guilt types? As discovered by Vice's investigation.
It was cringey until he said this shit, now it’s just sad.
If you were really oppressed nobody would even let you on the show. You wouldn’t have a voice or a platform. You would be forced into silence for fear of what the retaliation would be.
Is there evidence of a stepwell being built anywhere in Africa, period?
>hurr why don't those small villages just do something that takes about 10,000x the resources of paying someone to bring in a mechanical shallow well driller
You went to a completely different stadium and claimed the goal posts were moved.
are they white or are they (((white)))?
probably need the wheel to build a stepwell.........
Out of touch kikes
>>Is that why cuckholds are almost always lefty white guilt types?
Yes, there's also that study where liberal whites intentionally dumb themselves down while talking to other races.
Pretty obvious when you think for 2 seconds and remember cuck fetish is just a subset of humiliation fetish.
All the coalburners I have known had abusive white fathers.
The entire point of cultural hegemony is to brainwash the public.
bladerunner 2049 didn't either
Ayoooo all black men are gods
>They're in for a big-time population crash this century. I'm talking hundreds of millions dead
Good for China then.
this was by far the worst scene in this show. Tired of seeing this shit everywhere. They are fucking gods, what the fuck do they care about racism. that shit should be beneath them
Do I have to refute Jason Unruhe, David Duke, or any other internet quack myself too? It'd be a lot less energy intensive to just point out that he's obviously a fringe conspiracy theorist with no credibility who therefore isn't worthy of acknowledgement, you know, like you learn when you are taught how to write papers in high school?
BR2049 kind of did. A good part of it is about an oppressed underclass starting a revolution against their masters.
>being this disingenuous
Anything is political if you want it to be
There's little disagreement that lynching was used as a method of terror to control racial minorities.
>how do you people watch any television and film at all without having an epileptic fit?
Watching television? Where do you think you are?
>I mean you can very easily make an argument that BBC fetish is inherently racist and likening black men to animals.
Getting fucked in your ass by someone who you deem inferior is the opposite of dominance and supremacy. That's why the definition of alt-right being re-branded white supremacy doesn't make any sense if they consider milo to also be alt-right/white supremacist, it's in-congruent.
Humiliation fetish for the white guilt cuck boys that participate in the fetish. Beastiality/female degradation fetish for the misogynists that watch the porn. For the black men its a "das rite" fetish of catharsis for all their insecurity and getting back at whitey. For the women its about getting revenge against their white father. They are all seeking catharsis for their individual mental issues.
Fetishes being opposed to someone's beliefs is pretty common.
Then why did they lynch whites too?
For a subtype of fetishists the wronger is feels the more it gets you off. Not all though.
Because images of lynched whites are ignored completely while images of lynched blacks are obsessed over. Confirmation bias.
But the Sopranos is mediocre user-san
It wasn't exclusively used against blacks. I never said that. There's absolutely no denying that it was used as a form of racial terrorism though.
The gender pay gap is a myth. Its an hours worked gap and a deaths on the job gap. I am a lefty and this kind of intellectually dishonesty for the sake of divisive baiting pisses me off so much.
So whites were lynching whites to racially terrorize whites?
Why do AUSTRALIANS get taught about a black american getting lynched? I'm sure there's a case of some atrocity committed against an aboriginal somewhere in there?
>Fetishes being opposed to someone's beliefs is pretty common.
Being a homosexual and opposing the normalization of homosexuality is perfectly congruent especially when you consider that the fetish originates in the desire to rebel against what society considers to be normal sexuality.
>being gay is a fetish
>being gay ia a fetish instead of a mental illness
>I'm sure there's a case of some atrocity committed against an aboriginal somewhere in there?
The emu overlords tolerate any and all suppression of competing Australian fauna.
Gotta brainwash all whites with white guilt so they can be controlled by emotional extortion.
Oh god don't they think of international audiences before making this junk
I cringed hard
This crap wasn't in the books!
Why didn't our ancestors just kill all niggers?
Know the tools and trade of the enemy
The Frankfurt school used the term "Cultural Hegemony" and "the Culture Industries"
Lukacs and Gramsci both argued that the reason that the Marxist class theory didn’t play out was because Western values were too deeply entrenched, notably the emphasis on the individual over the collective, and Christianity. These had to be destroyed in order for the communist utopia to be achieved. In 1919, Lukacs was declared the “Minister of Culture” in the short lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. As someone in charge of education, he introduced some of the first sex education classes, designed to undermine the traditional sexual views of the West which he believed was a step closer to accomplishing his goal. Gramsci worked on his “prison notebooks”, which outlined his chief insight which is called “cultural hegemony”.
Cultural hegemony stated the various factors that made Western civilization what it was, and was thus preventing the communist revolution. The key was to continue the “class war” but at the same, undermine these factors from within. These factors were:
Sexual restraint
Personal responsibility
Patriotism and national unity Community
Gramsci believed that the media and academia had to issue a “counter-hegemony” message, which would help undermine these planks of Western culture.
>black people getting kidnapped every 30 seconds
Goodness gracious. Who's kidnapping them?
In 1937, Horkheimer wrote about what is today known as “Critical Theory”.
Critical theory is a social theory which is about criticizing the way a culture and “society as a whole” function, in order to change it.
Contrast this with other social theories, which are more just about understanding and interpreting why things are as they are.
Herbert Marcuse uses "critical theory" to push an agenda.
He said that niggers, fags, feminists and other sorts of degenerates would lead the charge for change and is called "the father of the new left"
Marcuse's search for a form radical subjectivity that could serve as an impetus for revolution or social transformation led him down a path not traveled by his Frankfurt School colleagues. Indeed, one of the criticisms of Marcuse is that he gave in to pessimism and gave up on the working class as revolutionary subject. For Marcuse, we must look to “the substratum of the outcasts and outsiders, etc,” for any social change (MacIntyre 1970: 87).
"Cultural Marxism" was coined by American sociology professor Trent Schroyer in 1973.
Who saw all the tools of the Frankfurt school (The Culture Industries, Cultural Hegemony and Critical Theory) and summed it up for what it really was
Archived for the links
>(not archivable)
eh, they're disposable people, so I don't really see the connection to our society, it's an idea of the growth of technology into those ethically untested waters, so I say your charge doesn't hold any
So is he mad about the actual literal enslavement of Africans in Africa by other Africans?
this was the most annoying waste of time fucking ever.
The concept that gods would care about petty bullshit like melanin percent is ridiculous
SJWism always results in bad writing, weird..
what exactly is mr world the god of?
That's the entire point. They managed to get everything past center right put under the blanket of "alt right". That way when people hear about Milo or Sargon, they think "huh, I guess the alt right isn't so bad", so when they come across legitimate Nazis that are also called "alt right", they are more willing to hear them out.
>fringe conspiracy theorist
He isnt, neither is that fag duke or that fat commie. You are intellctually lazy and that video has good points worth arguing over, but considering where we are your unwillingness to engage is weak but understandable.
Yup. "Alt right" is a term largely pushed by the corporate mainstream political and media establishment intended to write off anyone "problematic" as a Nazi or extremist. Anyone on the right who isnt a neocon shill (or even some who are) is slandered as alt right or being associated with the alt right ie lauren southern, alex jones, sargoy or fucking pewdiepie. Its funny because the actual far right hates these people and call them jew shills and cucks. The term conspiracy theory is also similarly used to disregard legitimate points. These are forms of linguistic propaganda that weak and ignorant minds are victims of.
Italians and Jews, maybe
Dont forget about Adorno pathologizing right wing mindsets in his fraudulent work "The Authoritarian Personality".
I don't really think that you can use your own headcanon to disregard that the film had a bit of a leftist message.
They brought in an outsider to find why black students were flunking. They didn't like his answer.
>lynching jews
I wish
Sargon is an alt right loser though. Same with Southern.
No. You're an idiot and a propaganda victim. I bet you unironically read buzzfeed and huffpo. You arent a free thinker.
>They are fucking gods, what the fuck do they care about racism. that shit should be beneath them
Gods caring about trivial things is fundamental to literally every mythology that's ever existed. Greek gods got into hissy-fits about sex. Jesus yelled at a tree.
Good goy
>declaring all of western culture invalid
>following the same 10 people everyone else on /pol/ follows
>following a half-dozen conspiracy articles to the T
>using the same jokes as every other teenager on /pol/ to make yourself feel smart and special
>free thinker
I bet you have a Pepe folder
Ok bro, those two are tryhard losers. Imagine unironically watching that crap
>You're right, so here's a catchphrase
Slavery got a rebrand like the muthafuckingsucking Chuck's
Caspere knew this.
Not any of the names I've seen.
Maybe just maybe they lynched everybody and the left cherrypicks.
jesus fucking christ, is season 2 good or not? s1 was alright but fuller (is he still in charge?) should have stayed closer to the book.
Who are you quoting?
>Literally every black person who made it out of the hood
You don't know any black people you fraud
>the trickster storyteller dude is asked why he wants old gods to go to war with new gods such as media/globalism/internet and he launches into this non-sequitur facebook rant about black people getting kidnapped every 30 seconds
by other black people
>The concept that gods would care about petty bullshit like melanin percent is ridiculous
Yeah, what's really important is whether or not your dick has its natural amount of skin on it.
Not him but my black friends literally only have problems with other black people. Their circles of friends are incredibly diverse across ethnicity, culture, lifestyle, and music interests. But any time we go clubbing there are some niggers hassling them because they dont speak like ignorant trash. My black friends are so put upon by other blacks that they dont even want to hang out with each other. They prefer to be the only black person at a house party etc.
dont't care for them either, like to read some mangas though
Nice deflection, thoughtslave. Lauren Southern and sargoy are not alt right. I understand that me breaking your buzzfeed conditioning makes you anxious, but stay on topic like a big girl, dyke.
Yes, good little submissive goy. Believe whatever the jews i mean (((white men))) in power say.
>That's the entire point. They managed to get everything past center right put under the blanket of "alt right". That way when people hear about Milo or Sargon, they think "huh, I guess the alt right isn't so bad", so when they come across legitimate Nazis that are also called "alt right", they are more willing to hear them out.
>the ADL are the real nazis
Talmud Jews worship the devil, not God.
He's right. Idk what youre crying about, but the ADL are censorious and bigoted like the Nazis.
Do African Americans know that in 1800 there were white Europeans kept as slaves bij arabs?
Sometimes I feel like they act like slavery is something only their ancestors experienced
Ok, what does that have to do with anything?
Just a cool little fact my university prof was telling me at the bar. Thought it was interesting and worth sharing.
I ignored all the "white man bad" stuff in the first season and was able to still enjoy it.
not him but who are the 10 people all of /pol/ follows?
Milo sargon lauren suthern and ben shapiro lol
that show where Lucifer fucks around in a procedural cop show is somehow the better god focused show than this high budget trash.
It's all so tiresome, you see modern Hollywood, modern culture and society today and realize their long march through the institutions is relentless and reaching its goals
It's all so tiresome, subversion of a nations culture and identity with such underhanded and insidious tactics, only a fucking lunatic would have the energy to keep this up for so long.
Nah, I'm a failed normie too. Got into the site through Yea Forums. Tried to get into anime since and it was all meh.
>I can't count lol
This is bait but /pol/ hates all of those people
>All freed American slaves deported to Liberia
>Enforce strict eugenics policy and closed borders
>Superpower by 2020
Makes me think.
What exactly dates the Sopranos? The only things that come to mind are the OJ chase and 9/11.
Those things are already timeless though, people will probably always remember 9/11 and OJ will be remembered for a long time.
Nope, I've actually got a lot of black friends
I'd wager I have more black friends than white friends desu
>protip: I'm not white
You have your own board.
Chances are this is a pol edit to piss people off
You definitely do :)
That would be amazing if it were true, but I doubt it. Life probably just sucks.
Chances are you are at least slightly brainwashed.
>Some guy I don't like claimed to be "Alt-Right"
>that means his values represent an entire nebulous movement
Why are Leftists so easy to manipulate?
And why do endorsements from bad people only matter when they're endorsing people you don't like?
>Do African Americans know that in 1800 there were white Europeans kept as slaves bij arabs?
Democrat-voting blacks know literally jack fucking shit about History. So no. They pretty just mentally associate "slavery" in any context with "WHITES BEIN' MEAN TA BLACKS!!!!".
>He isnt, neither is that fag duke or that fat commie
>The term conspiracy theory is also similarly used to disregard legitimate points
Are you retarded?
/pol/ is so fucking stupid. He's a psychopomp of "black rage" basically. An African trickster God whose introduction takes place by inciting a slave revolt on a boat that kills everyone on board. Everything he says is meant to be inflammatory and pro-black. He might be the one character recently in fiction where that sort of speech makes sense. It'd be like if you had a manifestation of white pride as Hitler and expected him not to say some racist shit.
This surely won't age the show in any way.
Leftists aren't interested in making "art", i.e. something with objective cultural value that will actually last.
They're interested in making big, expensive political propaganda that can fool people into THINKING it's art.
>Lauren Southern isn't alt-right
Maybe alt-lite
>The world assumes white people are naturally good.
Has there ever been a statement on TV more patently false?
Whites are more demonized than any other ethnicity in existence. They're the only group that when claiming to be targeted by racism/oppression actually get laughed at.
is this the second season of Sabrina? if so i'm not even going to fucking bother
No, that's Shaun King.
Is that Orlando Jones? Holy fuck. I haven't seen him in anything since Evolution (2001).
I like how no one can confirm those screencaps because no one has seen this shitty show
>lol please just ignore the fact that the writers are delusional woketards writing propaganda, incel!
That character is "victim complex" the god. Don't take anything he says seriously.
What was Africa like when Whites started penetrating it?
It was a literal fucking Caveman Colony while Whites were in the midst of the Industrial Revolution.
thanks for reaffirming my decision to stop watching this like, 2 episodes in
Jesus somebody stop the record. I'm glad I never put any time into that show.
alt-right is the new muslim turririst. you just shout it as you do undemocratic shit and take away civil liberties
That's not a fact though. You're interpreting it that way because /pol/yps are rightist SJWs. You're always the victim.
>Sargon of Akkad
This is tippified by Wokeipedia's bullshit attempt at making articles on "The Alt-Right".
They list "Antisemitism" as one of its "Key tenants", and in the same table list "Ben Shapiro" as one of its "Key Figures".
Leftists are literally marinating in Double-Think at this point.
>That's not a fact though.
Yeah bro, this show ISN'T SJW shit. These values are totally common and widely-accepted and they're literally THE FUTURE, along with all your other hip young Democrat talking-points.
Except Americans were the most racist towards blacks in the last century, far more so than Europeans.
Quality post
The writing is far too on the nose and garbage. He was very good in season 1, his introduction speech wasn't full of meme words like wage equality and alt right. You have to admit that's just incredibly lazy writing
None of my civil liberties were getting taken away until Leftoids were in power.
As soon as they were making decisions my Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear Arms were suddenly in danger in ways they had never been when Bush was in office.
The hell kinda name is Sargon anyway
Don't /pol/ literally believe they summoned an egyptian god via frogposting? Seems spot on.
>The media blows it so far out of proportion with their fear-mongering purely because it's a good distraction from the fact that there are weekly Islamic terror-attacks on white western nations and Antifa is literally taking over entire blocks in Seattle and has members running Twitter and teaching College Courses.
Fixed that for you.
It's 100% a boogieman meant to distract from legitimate problems that actually pose threats to society.
is this kino?
>Except Americans were the most racist towards blacks in the last century, far more so than Europeans.
[Citation Needed]
In many places in Europe "racism" literally isn't considered a "social problem". It's literally just a social norm, like it is in China or Japan.
What does that have to do, at all, with the post you are replying to?
>being this history-illiterate
Literally the man widely considered to be the first true "Emperor" in humanity's history.
>Don't /pol/ literally believe they summoned an egyptian god via frogposting?
Yeah bro that is a real belief and not fucking meme-posting or anything.
>It was a literal fucking Caveman Colony
compared to what OTTOMAN BVLLS did do niggers its fucking nothing. You dont see niggers attack kebab stands
how is this embarrassing? Bottom left guy is legit handsome.
You can't make this shit up.
These are the same people who think it's possible to "fake" a historical event on the scale of the holocaust all because it would be good for their political agenda if that were true. There is literally no depth of stupidity that is not realistic for a /pol/ rat.
I'm glad I stopped watching at the gay muslim on djinn ass fucking.
I saw the movie Green Book where Dr Shirley says he is treated much better overseas
plus the black athletes were treated normally in Nazi Germany
So some internet incel thinks he's worthy of calling himself that? Cringe.
That doesn't count, man.
But if irrelevancy kills the gods, why are Odin, Thoth, Anubis, etc. alive?
Nobody has practiced their religions' customs for centuries.
I haven't watched the show btw
True but jews bitch about it the most. Far more russians and chinks died under communism and tons of pajeets for starved to death by the brits but you don't hear them moan about it
>believes in “gender” and that all races stoped evolving at the brain
wtf I love Hitler now???!
>So some internet incel
He's literally married and has a son you SJW mongoloid.
t. Some faggot that thinks there's 50 million genders and that the Civil War was entirely because 1.6% of Southern Whites wanted to keep owning niggers.
Tell us again how you mud-slappers had invented lasers and shit in 1800's and the whites just stole it, Mukambe.
Yet he spends his time yapping about video games while using a grandiose handle. Such hubris
He only uses that name because "nigga_killah_420" was already in use when he started playing call of strike 1.6
Why do you even care about the pseudonym some faggot picks in any case?
I highly doubt there's anything reasonable about this nonsense comparison you're making. I'm guessing there are about a dozen different lies and fallacies implicit in this post.
According to that user it's the title of the first emperor in history, it's too much.
Hi jew, my point still stands, you cunts bitch all the time because you get a free pass because of it. The holocaust is the best thing that could have happened to the jews, it gave them a home and the USA as a vassal state. Woah, Hitler really loved you.
cross game
Okay. So when I make a film and start ranting about FBI crime statistics, you have no reason to complain. Get fucked.
>It just makes me wonder how much of history is taught misleadingly.
All of it.
School teachers just teach what's in the textbooks. All professors these days went to school in the 60's or later, and the books were already being pozed back then. We think about how the 50's and 60's were all hoo-rah murica! Well, they weren't, at least not in schools. History changed in the 30's and 40's; the purpose of schools changed. And no one is going to question it, by going to original sources - and even if they do, they'll be shouted down by the establishment.