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Just have Deathstroke lead the Suicide Squad.

People won't know the difference.

So why does deadshot need to be black? Is he black in the comics or something?

Gonna guess Bronze Tiger.

Attached: bronzetiger.jpg (420x640, 99K)

They need a diversity hire.

nigga just bring back katana

>So why does deadshot need to be black? Is he black in the comics or something?
No. He was always white, but i'm guessing they were trying to make SS2 a soft reboot but now it looks like they're going for direct sequel with Joel Kinnaman returning and Elba playing a different character.

Attached: harley deadshot 2.gif (500x282, 962K)

Just said its gonna be a reboot.

Does Joel Kinnaman have so much star power that his return prompted them to change their plans?

so they didn't bring him in to play deadshot, they brought him in the replace the 'black guy' on set, as what character doesn't even matter ?

wtf ahhahahaa

This, with more cleavage

You do know Bronce Tiger is basically a SS mainstay, right?
If anything Will was replacing him with...himself because he didn't wanted to play a kung fu dude.

No? WB just being incompetent as usual.

>anyone but Michael Jai White being Bronze Tiger
hahaha whatever. Everyone knows Idris is going to be King Shark

Can someone explain me why WB is rebooting Suicide Squad instead of making a sequel? Although the first movie was a mess, it still was successful. Also the characters were well casted, especially Captain Boomerang.

But what about Slipknot tho

They aren't otherwise they wouldn't bring back that white dude and Cap Boomerang and Elba would be Deadshoot.
They are probably gonna ignore what happened in the first one thou.

GoldHammer is it you?

He dead.

Hopefully in the sequel they will have them fight another magician. Because you need fighters that specialize in melee to defeat magic.

Kind of like how Jackie Chan killed Voldemort

As he could climb anything, he climbed to heaven.

Its Bronze Tiger. Nice

Whats to ignore?

I'm glad that the movie is turning into more of a sequel. Deadshot was perfectly fine in the first film and making more of a soft reboot without destroying the previous movie is the better option. Whether WB likes it or not, SS made a shit load of money at the box office and to burn the movie that made them mo eh would be retarded. Although this is WB we're talking about.

He's playing Poison Ivy.

Gentleman Ghost

I just want to see her again bros, please WB bring she back for the sequel.

Attached: Katana.jpg (351x700, 24K)

This is Katana

>Can someone explain me why WB is rebooting Suicide Squad instead of making a sequel?
Pretty much all the actors are coming back. It's a sequel

You guys seriously dodged a bullet here.

DC did not need another character recast red mark in their ledger (and that's probably why they changed their minds, with a new Batman on the way and Cavil/Miller quitting, they're gonna be recasting like a motherfucker).

Plus Deadshot sucks. Now they can move on to all those other awesome SS characters like, um, Blockbuster and Count Vertigo??

Attached: Rodger that, we have an uh-oh.jpg (480x360, 28K)

>You guys seriously dodged a bullet here.
What do you mean "You guys"? Everyone who saw Suicide Squad saw the Marvel movies. Capeshit has the same audience

Idris Elba.

>Suicide Squad is special in that all their team usually dies
>DC brings back all the actors and DCfags see this as a good thing

Kek. Fucking retards. How bout we make a new Superman film, but this time make him from Earth not some alien planet! That sounds awesome!

Deadshot is not a character the public was extremely concerned with

Why does it matter about his race? They are picking an established A list actor and demographics do matter with the business of getting different types of people in theater.

This isn't making Thor black or Captain America black, this is making a literally who character black.

always thought deadshot was from south america

Or how about we make the Mandarin an actor or Zemo just some guy?

Literal whos.

Face the truth shill, Suicide Squad has a formula and DC totally ignored it. I mean it's literally the SUICIDE squad and nobody dies (they even spared the villain).

As long as DC does not know how to execute their own properties, they will always be beneath Marvel. And as fans, DCfags will always be beneath Marvelgods. That's the way it is, the way it was, and the way it always will be.


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>implying that wouldn't have been cool

Not with that mask. Won't play in china

Got your BabyDoll right here

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Is Elba really A-list though? Or is that the meme that you fell for?

Yeah him or Black Spider.

Attached: assault-on-arkham-black-spider[1].jpg (1920x1080, 76K)


Based Slipknot poster

Bronze Tiger

Rumored roster.

>DEADSHOT (Idris Elba): Team leader and surrogate father to Ratcatcher.

Probably replaced by Bronze Tiger now.

>HARLEY QUINN (Margot Robbie): Former team member, appears in a "limited capacity".

>RATCATCHER: Teenage girl who lives in the sewers of Gotham City, can telepathically control rats and is an specialist in poisonous gases.

>POLKA-DOT MAN: Struggling supervillain ashamed of his meta-human ability to turn the polka dots covering his costume into a variety of weapons and powers like knives and fireballs.

>KING SHARK: Sentient human/shark hybrid and self-proclaimed long-lost price of a race of Atlantean shark-men, dismissed by others as a failed science experiment.

>PEACEMAKER (Dave Bautista eyed for the role): Unhinged pacifist biker who loves peace so much he's willing to kill for it.


Plus a "buff female alien bruiser" theorized to be Rampage or Mongal.

Attached: The Suicide Squad.png (938x549, 884K)

He had a high were he was in a lot of productions and treated like one. Tough in the last couple years he fell off more and more, refusing to play Bond surely didn't help it.

Please tell me you're trolling. It hurts to think there might actually people out there who are pathetic enough to be invested in which multi million dollar company makes more money.

will they actually show her sword trapping souls?

What kind of fucking idiot turns down the roll of James fucking bond.

It's just easy because he's usually covered from head to toe in his costume. It's like the Human Torch being black, I don't personally care because I'm just used to seeing him being covered in fire anyways.

He said he didn't want to be the first BLACK dude who play him. He realized that they only wanted him becuase he's black, not because of his acting skills.

No one respectable wants to typecast themselves as a "black guy whose safe for white people" like Will Smith.

hes a mulatto

Kevin Spacey is rumored to play Rainbow Raider


Go back to Plebbit faggot

Lex Luthor and this fag still in DCEU?

Or is just Aquaman, Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie now?
What im really going to miss is Jeremy Irons as Alfred.

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good point, they had a chance to kill off Deadshot too and at least make the film memorable and they fucked that up, DC cannot do a single thing right, no wonder Shazam flopped and marvel is kicking their asses

>ayo linden, this is katana...and she's not gonna be in this one

Idk dude it seems kind of joyless. The run your life. Craig hates it. the only ones who seemed to enjoy it were connery and moore

>Lex Luthor

I hope he's in, but not with Eisenberg.

Idris Elba would be a good choice, given that Mark Strong is Sivana already.

Brosnan enjoyed it too. He was pretty upset when they fired him.

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