What is the verdict on her career?

What is the verdict on her career?

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Large teeth for cracking shellfish

idk but i want to kiss her abs

she can crack my crabs

Hopefully she ends up doing porn.

she cute

i'd kiss her in the lips if she let me

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Almost certainly a poor man's Felicity Jones.

Attached: Felicity Jones-bum.jpg (2136x3214, 1.92M)

She should sit on my face and take a hot wet shit on it.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people


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they cute

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uhh i'm more worried about the guy who took the time to make this shit, who does this?

No woman will ever look at you like this. Cope.

Attached: daisy looking at adam.gif (540x222, 2.78M)

Yes, and?

Attached: Felicity Jones bunny.jpg (1604x2524, 2.17M)

jake having an aneurysm

Literally perfect

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I'd kiss her right on her brown-eye

Disgusting but based

so cute :3

absolutely based!