LoL can you imagine?
LoL can you imagine?
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I know right haha who could even do that?
It would be way more impressive if it was a woman.
That dude must've been going insane haha
from what i've understood from my studies, normies consider a few months (between 2 and 4) to be the absolute limit
im 20 years old i never had sex in my life.
i just want to love and touch a girl i like.
How having sex feels like?
>i just want to love and touch a girl i like.
fucking disgusting freak
We all larp about being 18+ virgins on Yea Forums, but it's still weird to consider that there are some people like that out there
You still have plenty of time to marry a young girl.
I just did this like twice in a row or something insane
maybe even 3 times
I should check in with a therapist to see if I've suffered long term damage
Regular or attractive normies? Regular normie guys lie a lot about their sex life. I know guys who party a lot and don't fuck often because they look average.
>but it's still weird to consider that there are some people like that out there
I don't think so, most of those people would surely kill themselves right haha?
oh shit didn't know that
I was talking about regular normies, you know, your average joe
so the pareto's rule spares no one
>so the pareto's rule spares no one
One of the only parties I went to was embarassing in that regard. 5 or 6 girls were orbiting the same 6'3 Chad. I had no expectation and I was still disappointed.
You know he also didnt fap for 40 days.
gotta leave your house if you don't
only way to meet a chick unless you use tinder and shit
won't happen if you don't try though
and if you're ugly just find an ugly fat chick
That's definitely not true. I know lots of normies who go months to years. I know a total Norman who hasn't been laid since college
20 is nothing, try 29. Also, Sneed.
One more year and you will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
I saw this movie years ago and I recall he wasn't allowed to masturbate either.
have sex
I can't user I'm gonna try to make it.
It's like 26% of 20-odds males didnt have sex last year. It's hardly out there anymore. We got better shit to do in our spare time now
>never had sex
>never kissed
>never hugged
>never held hands
>never touched a woman on purpose
>never been in a relationship
stop with the anime for a start
You are entitled to love you disgusting incel freak. No woman will ever touch you. No woman will ever love you. Get the fuck off over it.
Consider suicide.
Is this the thread where we pretend to be kissless handholdless virgins, who say things like "that feeling when no girlfriend", and post pictures of the feeling man?
Seriously like fuckin imagine dude if you were fuckin like a virgin when you were 29 dude fuckin just like how lmao haha my dude like what?
It’s called marriage. Don’t fall for it. I’ve been having sex since I was 14 and my longest dry spells have been post marriage. Stay single and fuck whomever whenever.
t. former chad
nice dubs
chads don't reddit space
I'm 22 and I already feel like a fucking loser, how do you do to not hate yourself to the point of suicide?
18-year-old virgin is a strangely comfy movie given the terrible acting, commercial-tier cinematography and paper thin plot.
I lost my virginity at 20. Don't sweat it user.
I turn 30 in two days and still a Virgin.
Will report back with gained powers.
Start touching women on purpose then
"Whoops my bad"
Yeah, it probably seems really weird since you're just 22, but you have to remember how insanely horny you are at that age. When you get older it really does subside somewhat. I don't hate myself and don't go into pathetic depressive sobbing episodes like I did in my late teens and early 20s, I'm just left with a feeling like "damn that really didn't pan out."
I meant to say it subsides significantly, not just somewhat. I've had a few drinks.
I had a plump gf for 9 years and she left me for someone even more onions than me.
Getting less horny with age definitely helped, so I don't know what I would do at your age. Just try to reason that women are wastes of space with no personality. You should be a better friend to yourself than any woman.
19 year old virgin reporting in. Never even touched a girl in my entire life.
It's not even about being horny, I lost my libido 2 years ago because of medication. It's really about seeing couples everywhere you go, in theater, in college, on the streets, I can't stop wondering what these guys have that I don't. I feel like shit every year at the beginning of spring.
This is a good movie, shut up OP
Just fucking touch them then faggot, what do you have to lose?
I am too insecure to even grope them.
Same 29 year old guy replying to you again. I did definitely feel those things when I was your age, but I honestly don't at all now. I still think of what it would be like to live a "normal" life with a woman at times, but I don't look at other people's lives like that anymore. And I used to a lot. I just can't see what other people have as anything I want anymore, like it has nothing to do with me.
Have sex incel.
I've been really wasted at parties a long time ago where I honestly felt like groping random girls out of insane horniness and to a degree loneliness, but I didn't do it and it was a better decision. It's really never a good decision and I'm glad I didn't do it. Besides dude look around you these days, it's probably exponentially less acceptable than ever.
What were they thinking with this movie? I know plenty of normalfags that have gone through this normally.
yeah imagine being 25 and virgin
Imagine existing.
Dubs get
i lost my virginity at 22 so fuck you
I went 3 weeks after giving up porn for lent. I made it until last night when I noticed my coed neighbor across the court yard take off her top and undress (window was open and it's an apartment complex). I jerked off in the bathroom 100 seconds later and felt shame ever since
I literally don’t understand how this happens. Like I get you were the ugly anime guy in middle school and high school, but at no other point did you ever have a time where you regularly came into contact with women? No college, no job with human interaction? No walking around the mall or the fucking grocery store?
God I hate normalniggers so much
I'm 31 and I've had sex with 8 grils and 2 prozzers. Had an 8 year relationship too lol.
Quit being fat, fix your acne, buy new clothes i.e take care of yourself. Also stop moping and being a drag in general, no one wants to be with someone who is negative all the time, about everything.
So you're literally a NEET that doesn't leave the basement? Legit consider suicide.
>No walking around the mall or the fucking grocery store?
What's with this meme? If you do talk to someone in those situations it'll be a brief mindless interaction. You can't actually befriend people like that.
Have feed instead
>bullied in school
>no girls because fell for the STEM meme in a small town college
>only girl at work is the secretary who is already married
you do the math gnormoid
I guess I can just magically cure my balding, manletism, and beta chin too, right? And fucking lol at thinking acne is easy to fix.
it's ok if you saw it in real life
finding a girl in collage is harder than finding one in high school
No, I work part time and I go to university. Guess what? You’re invisible in university unless you’re a Chad, especially considering its decentralized nature of everyone having different schedules, and it’s hard to meet anyone at work when everyone is 50 or older at your job.
So why don’t YOU kill yourself, fucking normalnigger?
Why even try to do anything if you can just blame your >genetics and complain online.
If you lose your virginity in your 30s and begin a sex life like normies usually do in their late teens and early 20s, and only with women 10 years younger than you (because they are generally more attractive and don't come with 3 3 kids), will you be looked down and ostracized for it?
That's falseflagging, I hope. I can't believe this place has become infested with normies.
I'm around women my age and I'm not even ugly or anything and for the life of me I don't understand how sex happens. Am I supposed to be flirting with them or what? How come I don't see anybody else flirting with each other but they're supposedly getting laid? What the fuck am I supposed to be doing?
hit them in the head with a club than drag them to your cave.
>we all larp
I got the solution user don’t worry:
After you watch that video, women will come to you
>former chad
Chad’s don’t retire, you would have known this had you been a Chad. A lot of men think themselves Chad without obtaining Chaddom, because their is no governing board of Chad, people are allowed to go about loosely using that term as if the understood exactly what it meant.
Here are the the laws of Chaddom, listen and consider diligently:
1) You lost you virginity before the age 14
2) You are taller than 6’ by the age of 16
3) You have a well-paying job and married by the age of 18
4) You have at least 3 kids by the age of 20
5) You are not fat
6) You do not show weakness, not even when tortured
7) You do not retire
If you do not follow the les of Chad, you lose your Chaddom and are worse than a beta. Better to be a beta that was never a Chad than to lose your Chaddom
i don't care about portrayals in fantasy as i don't think they are indicative of reality, but just going to point out that this movie never being mentioned in the feminist debate is a good example of hypocrisy.
>main character gets legit raped
>apologizes to romantic interest for being raped
>main character treated as being in a morally grey area for allowing himself to be raped. he should have moved time and space to remain pure for his waifu
Don’t give it too much thought. Honestly find an ugly girl that is socially awkward with some good qualities. Ok face or an Ok butt or Ok boobs. Just make sure she is not a serial killer or not fat and make sure she has good hygenie. Marry her, deflower her and be happy. Most girls are 10’s when bent over
It's really disgusting that normal people think it just happens because you are in contact with women. I'm really beginning to think it's hardly different from autopilot to you like you can't even choose.
Didn't lose it until 24. I've been here since 2005. I'm turning 30 this year. Nobody here is LARPing.
This literally has to be what normalfaggots who infest this site say when they can't come up with anything else, because they see it being done to other people. The biggest question is why to you even come here, it's insufferable that you do so.
You're the one larping here. Doesn't matter if you're a virgin or not.
I don't think I could go 40 days and 40 nights without jacking off at this point. I think they don't masturbate in these kinds of stories
I have touched the head of my penis to the opening of a woman’s vagina but did not penetrate, I got too scared. Am I still a virgin?
That actually was a stipulation in that movie that you couldn't jack off.
Also it's like damn imagine not having seen this movie and all the zoomers who infest this website now.
I developed unrealistic fetishes so now I have no interest in sex with another person at all. VR + Sexdroids are my only hopes and since that technology is still in its infancy I find myself able to wait patiently. A guy that wants to fuck a normal looking chick has to deal with that temptation a lot more often so I can understand it being harder for them.
If no one knows you lost it in your 30's than you are just the local boomer that bangs 20 year olds in the club.
Lol I know right. I would just kill myself if I ever got to that point
Does this include masturbating, or just sexual stimulation from another person?
39 year old virgin here. It gets worse. Ever since around when the Wii came out my life has been a flash. I am going to die soon.
I feel such pitty for these unfortunate souls
You don't have what it takes to be happy in this life.
if you aren't super fat then find local rub n tugs and shit.
So what's worse, having sex then never having it again or never having it in the first place and being a virgin forever?
They say that's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, surely that counts for sex too
I will be you in 10 years
im not a pussy entrained faggot who lives for others
They also say ignorance is bliss though, and speaking as someone that knows what I'm missing out on now for like ten years I would rather have never experienced it.
Being a virgin forever is infinitely worse. Incels kill over that pain. Nobody kills because they've had sex only one time. Having sex just once still gets you into the club of guys that have tagged pussy.
I've had sex with 4 different girls but I still consider myself a virgin because I never came
But there is no ignorance because we're all constantly exposed to sex. So you either have it, or you're a failure.
>Been offered sex in the past
>Turned it down because I wanted to have a cute virgin girl and build a loving relationship with her and save ourselves for each other
>Virgin women barely exist anywhere now, let alone ones that have anything actually attractive about them
>Can't even find women with a low partner count of 3 partners or under
>Been improving myself the entire while, but now it all just feels like a complete waste of effort
Spot the virgins.
haha no, no I can't
It's basically been the opposite for me. When I was 18-22 I thought I was just le late bloomer. The self-loathing fully kicked in at 23. I'm 28 now.
How does an attractive female having trouble finding a guy to have sex with her?
start lifting
do you even lift?
Do guys really meet women at the grocery store?
I'm close to just getting an escort so at least I know what it feels like
Aren't escorts only legal in Las Vegas?
It's honestly amazing how easy sex is as a ripped person. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to do it when you can't throw the girl around.
Bros my girlfriend has been gone for almost a year after 6 years together. I don't think I'll ever have sex again. She was the only woman I ever loved, or dated. What's worse; she was my only friend. Sometimes I think I was meant to suffer this shit, I just can't figure out the reason.
just ask about how to make a salad in the produce section
Dubs and I get a perfect girlfriend to save me.
>tfw 99 pound gf
Nigger, try no sex for 30 YEARS.
I lost mine at 23. Don't lose hope, bros.
You can always benefit from more muscle though, so long as you don't go bear mode and lose flexibility. I had a girlfriend that was 96 and a shortie, you can get ridiculously deep, hard pumps just doing a vertical missionary with proper muscle mass.
35 this year.
Spot the sneeds
Yes you have to be friendly with them, but also be flirting with them. They have to know you are interested in them sexually. It took me years and years to understand this.
Do normies really think you just fall into relationships by hanging around people
If you're fat/ugly/autistic or some combination of the 3, no girl that you could fuck while sober is going to be into you in a romantic sense, period
How do they not understand that every man is always down to getting laid?
What are you doing with your life?
You have to show interest in them. Otherwise they view you as a friend.
>lost mine at 13
>it was to some Italian slut who barely spoke English and was fucking everyone she saw
>I'm still a complete autist with zero love life
I'm accepted by nobody. I can't relate to still having virginity and I can't relate to chads and normie who still find it easy.
>Do normies really think you just fall into relationships by hanging around people
Because that's how it happens for them, it's not surprising they see the world like that
That's retarded
Women are retarded
I hung out with guys that would just get girlfriends. I never understood it.
I'm builtfat, losing weight, growing a beard, and working a full-time job related to my higher ed degree. The problems are 1) I live with my father so I can't take girls home 2) I'm a pussy ass faggot that doesn't take any risks with women even if they seem to be interested.
that's just the way it is
Oh geez golly that's a long time for no sexy times
love comes when you aren't looking
Joe Jonas fatshames?
>he's over 18 and a virgin
oh boy.... heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee
What is so hard to understand? That some guys never learn to socialize with women?
>Do normies really think you just fall into relationships by hanging around people
the answer is yes
Damn, that's close to home.
I'm also in the same situation.
Im trying to be nice to this girl and successful in my field. I hope it works out.
El Sneedo
>unironically being friends with a woman
Brainlet tier, you deserved what you got
I lost my virginity at 16
good for you
Have friends.
Being raped by your uncle doesn't count.
I'm a 31 year old manlet and literally never kissed a girl
You probably never tried and missed all the opportunities.
Being a manlet isn't an excuse. I have married friends who are shorter than 5'7. I know ugly mother fuckers with total qt girlfriends. The only excuse you have is within your own personality.
What if I'm not quasimodo and can navigate social situations up until the point when a girl starts flirting with me and I sperg out and dont know how to handle it?
What if this has been happening for 27 years and I still act like a 11 year old when a girl shows interest in me?
Dubs and I lose my virginity with the girl I want.
I am. I'm more fit than I've ever been before.