oh norm
Oh norm
I just spent that money on a transmission repair!
He's been wanting to get paid for his dumb voice forever. Top dollar, more than Gilbert or the Weasel. Also now that I'm Not Norm guy can stop pretending Norm is sending him videos
This boomer still has a physical landline.
I guess his Netflix show didn't pan out.
I want him to pay him to say
>I'm an unfunny boomer who got popular in an era with 1/10 of the competition and im bitter towards younger people who are funnier than me, also my fans are mostly retard autists, real jerk lol!
>implying there are better comedians today
Lmao that's pretty funny user
>fuck podcasts and fuck netflix give me a network show or i'm not trying
>i'll say whatever you want for $150
Norm is in a hell of his own making.
i like when the O&A reddit got him to make a FEED NANA video
>in an era with 1/10 of the competition
>younger people who are funnier than me,
Double what?
>my fans are mostly retard autists
HEY! I resemble that remark!
Poker Stars needs additional pylons
If Norm isn't hilarious then why do I know to do a YouTube search for this Chinaman
Too bad he hated doing NML. Literally peak Norm.
Honestly I think I'd rather pay for Gilbert Gottfried or Pauly Shore, and they cost less too.
Part of me thinks this is just an expensive cheap gag and you're stupid for paying for it. The other part of me thinks it would be hilarious to send Gilbert Gottfried directing filthy jokes at a friend with no context.
Worth $150? By any means no, but I would laugh anyway.
It's kind of like the time I paid my college roommate $20 to go take a shit while the dorm neighbor we shared a bathroom with had a girl in the shower with him. It was hilarious at the time but the next day I felt kind of stupid for wasting $20 on something like that.
It's material for his new book, How to Be a Successful Comedian Without Actually Being Funny, which he will promote in heavy prosthetic makeup. He will expose the tricks of hucksters, frauds, flim-flam men, etc. like Houdini.
He literally did it for free so that he could enjoy it and so David Kellison could try to sell it. Your contention, since David Kellison sold it, is then that Norm did not enjoy doing it?
Our agents make us do these.
I add that I am literally aware of the impropriety of the word literally being liberally used in defense of Norm.
What ya gotta do is, you gotta
>go into club
>do act
>bartenders and bouncers watching
>go back months later
>they're on stage
>they've been watching
>they've learned how to manipulate / guilt / ruse / mindfuck audiences into laughing
>mock one guy to silence everyone's scorn as they reflect on their own inner faults
It will most likely not be the followup book, as he long ago said that it would be so revolutionary that it would destroy comedy forever. Same reason the Masters wouldn't allow their techniques to get out, as the discipline to use such technique must be acquired first. Otherwise everyone's spamming "real jerk" verbatim like a witless idiot. Also no one does The Aristocrats except Gilbert.
Fuck that, middlemen take 70% of a good front row Norm ticket. Let him make over 100% of the ticket all to himself without the theater, Ticketmaster, StubHub all taking this huge cut leaving 35 for the seat to give to Norm and fucking Stoller or something. More time to crank out those sick jokes, he's got new material and you haven't heard it because you're all a bunch of secret fruits.
LoJo found a way to make the computer deposit $175 in his offshore account chip stack at the computer without leaving the couch. Piss bottles are coming back, boys.
This defeats the Netflix Jew, don't you see? Ted pretends to be Norm's friend, pretends to be one of the ones who Likes Him. Now Norm is Prohibited Contractually from appearing on any shows because they're afraid leftists will attempt to manufacture a scandal and harm their second season.
Netflix has taken Norm away from you, not just the NML and their bowdlerized version but also upcoming appearances on television, radio, and podcasts. Feel free to send him your money to get some goofy message. Real Men will be in the club where he's always been like Jack in the Overlook.
I wish I could see norm live
Once a month except for when he's writing. Twitter reports he's writing every day. He just slayed in Boston.
Fri, Sep 20
7:00 PM
Royal Oak, MI
Royal Oak Music Theatre
Sat, Sep 21
8:00 PM
Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Masonic
Sun, Sep 22
7:30 PM
St. Louis, MO
River City Casino & Hotel
Oh also these, Google is retarded. Some retard runs this website for him.
Who would win:
Pilkington's dad vs. Norm's dad
Thanks a bunch for this but I live in a 3rd world shit-hole and the travel expenses are a bit too much for my wallet
I'd say hit up some autistic reddit shithole then for a bunch of links to bootleg shows. They're always missing something without video though, there's a lot going on. Fucking with his opening act on like 5 different levels and shit.
Why is this I'm Not Norm guy phoning it in, every video now is 30 seconds long. Where's my Stevie Ray Fromstein supermix and David Lynch cuts
will do user, thanks a bunch
you just don't like him because he's not a leftist. fucking shill leave
Saw him last month, fucking incredible. He even went over by like an hour talking about life and God while taking jabs at Bill Maher here and there.
based manic poster
Yeah I've been guzzling fistfuls of Xanax trying to knock it out but refuse to intervene with more harsh remedy otherwise I won't be able to have conversations with myself all night where all the voices are different versions of Norm (gravely serious Norm gets all the best lines)
I'm one of those voices and we all wish you would quit touching yourself so much...
With The Holy Atheist as opener? Fromstein presented himself like an angel and The Wilbur's dour Massachusetts audience did not respond with the ancient custom of hospitality. BE FUCKING FUNNY was his greeting, while I hyped up those around for circumcision and glory. Holy Atheist trying to do his new material now that he's converted to anti-left comedy and they drowned him out. Rolled them right over just as Norm described it, atheism leading into brutal circumcision.
Only then did the angel reveal his divinity, and long history with Norm. Audible gasp from 90% of the audience, all the normie Norm freaks who watch clips but not even all the clips. They were turned to salt while we turned into a fucking tree.
Someone make him say hannah gadsby is his favorite comedian
He was ok. He’s just old and tired a d only doing this cuz he gambled his retirement away
He already did man, you have to listen to what he isn't saying and you have to read the Tweets he deletes immediately after the intended recipient reacts. Re: tweet to Jim Jeffries congratulating him on all this buzz about the new Australian comic who is changing comedy, issuing congratulations, forcing cucked response
>Norm goes 2 hours
>high energy as fuck
>weaving material from the last 30 years into his act
>including at least 3 things I'd thought were just for me, hilarious things in conversations he'd had with others years ago
>does one joke that I'd wanted to tell him except 15 times better and more layered
No one who's seen Norm or knows his ways would say that. Lost everything he owned 3 times (third was stolen by overseas crooks) on purpose so he could keep doing standup forever since it's all that matters for some reason.