Some of y’all bout to be real mad at me, but it MUST be said. Spiderverse was good.
Some of y’all bout to be real mad at me, but it MUST be said. Spiderverse was good
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Yeah the parts with the REAL Spiderman peter parker
>niggerverse good
>shit take
Not surprised, Op is a gigantic cumguzzling faggot
>electric invisible spider
It was pretty amazing, probably my favourite capeshit (not too difficult, to be fair).
Spiderverse wasn't merely 'good', it was a fucking masterpiece and I can't imagine anyone with a modicum of taste could say otherwise.
it was a solid 6/10
Yeah it should have won best Animated Feature
it was pretty good, niggers can still suck my dick though.
>it should have won best Animated Feature
It did.
Miles is afro-latino.
Look at the picture user. There’s no way Disney would have put that out if it didn’t win
It was great!!!!
based autist
Although I don't like Miles, it was great.
Only if you weren’t a spider-man fan in the first place
Fantastic film. Gripping from the opening credits to the time 'the end' pops up.
Easily one of the best films released this decade.
Watched it last night for the first time. I really liked it. Would have been an A movie if they didnt blow the dramatic attention in the end for humor. And didnt make every shot last for all of 1 second.
I'm real mad at you.
I'm more upset about your "urban" way of wording your post.
>why audiences loved the movie
The original animation style
>what studios will take away from it
More raceswaps and black leads
Sadly as much as I want to love this movie for the art style and story. I have to agree with the rating cant stand when capeshit blows its climaxes with humor. They did it like 3 times in this thing. The humor was great in the first half of the movie. But when youre fighting and being dramatic dont do stupid one liners.
Yeah. It fixed my main problem with animation where it's just stuff that could've been done with regular actors but in a tame artstyle rather than actually bending the rules of reality somewhat. It actually looked like a comic book rather than an adaptation of a theatrical live-action script.
But that's spider-man's character. He's a snarky asshole all the time
post peni
Some of y'all are about to be real mad at me, but it MUST be said
Some of y'all is fat and ugly and unattractive but that is okay
Just be who you are but you gotta stop blaming Twitter, black men, and society for all your problems
Some of y'all gonna tell me well my wigs fucked up but that's okay
cuz I can go and get a thousand dollar one right now and put that shit back on
Some of y'all gonna say well I am ugly as fuck but that's OKAY cuz a bitch living lavish
My boyfriend a pro athlete he play baseball
And I'm happy and you not
You are what the problem is
Its perspective
I'm happy and you on Twitter complaining about why you not getting clout
It's the first time I actually gave a shit about Miles.
Are you larping as a black woman. Put down the dmt joe.
yeah it's great, but Yea Forums incels pretend to hate it b/c it has a black lead
Speak english, dumbass. It's was a fairly average movie that was extremely overblown critically.
It has a black lead, a female lead with an under/side cut, and every white male is either incompetent or evil.
get with the memes grandpas
Don´t feed the trolls. But yeah, Spiderverse is fucking great. Miles better than any other superhero movie including the bloated Nolan´s trilogy of memes.
Honestly the best Marvel movie ever made
Is this a human being?
>Perfect Pete, Burrito Peter, and Noir
>Wilson Fisk
Liv had more malicious intent than Kingpin ever did. Why are you talking out your ass?
Great movie but I couldn't stand the low FPS animation.
>destroys the MCU in one movies
>3 for 3 when it comes to Sony's track record with spidey (Amazing series and this)
You're right, OP.