>American character has to drive a manual shift vehicle
>sounds of gears grinding and over revving
American character has to drive a manual shift vehicle
>european getaway scene
>both the getaway driver and police drive sub-1.2 litre diesel shitboxes
>scene takes place in Europe
>no Europeans in sight
>film takes place in 2030
>European Union still exists
>European teenager prepares to rub one out
>enters his government issued creditials and then jerks it
>police bust down the door for an emergency butter knife confiscation
>ends up noticing he doesn’t have his TV license
>fined and is late to his Muslim Appreciation class
Is there anything more pathetic to be proud of than driving a stick? I learned in about 2 hours. It's like being proud that you memorized the rules to gin rummy.
It's just pathetic to begin with. I'm happy technology progressed to the point where I don't have to do shit when I drive.
He’s right, stick isn’t too complicated and I...
hey fuck you user, that a complex game. I mean, I don’t have to relearn every time, but I have to be reminded how to start. I only play once every couple years maybe.
It does have its uses, but most drivers don’t need them.
>European Union still exists
>It's called the United Caliphate now
I never knew Americans were so self conscious over being shiftlets.
Nice try sovi/o/t
>I learned in about 2 hours
Why would you go and lie on the internet, user? It took you 2 hours to memorize the gear movements? You aren't a bright kid, now are you..
You’d think a place where almost everyone has a car they’d know for driving other models, but maybe the fact that they (we) drive so much and Americans are lazy led to cars that focused on ease of use and comfort. Most people I drive with seem content to let the car do as much of the work as possible. They barely seem like they’re paying attention.
Manual is a life saver in the winter though.
“Oh, you absolutly need snow tires up here!”
No, you need to learn how to actively drive.
Yeah bitch, I don't drive a stick shift.
So what?
I drive a $80k suv with a 6L v8.
Bought it new and it's not even half my salary
Suck my dick and God bless America.
>someone touches a sword
>sound of metal pieces snapping together
How old are you?
Serious question.
Because I remember playing racecar as a kid and making the noises, then when my dad taught me how to drive stick he said, “you know how you play racecar as a kid? When you pause is when you shift” the concept is pretty easy. You don’t have to memorize the pattern, it’s pretty intuitive. The hardest part is the rhythm.
Was talking to an American about cars. Told him I would kill myself if I had to crawl the heavy traffic back and forth 40minutes to/from work with my car (stick). He told me proudly that wouldn't be a problem for him.
Out of all the people I've spoken to only American lied he wouldn't mind driving stick in heavy traffic.
>American teenager prepares to rub one out
>has to use lube because he has no foreskin
I can understand with all the long straight roads people would prefer automatic. Manual is more fun to drive imo though.
Don't forget car time is prime snacking time for Americans.
27. Rhythm of what? The hardest thing of stick is clutchwork and I swear on me mum, you did not get even half decent at that in 2 hours.
>drive automatic on freeway
>have to constantly check to make sure I’m not speeding
Only underage fags meme about manuel shift.
My driving school car was manuel and my first car was automatic. Never missed the shift. Driving becomes so mundane anyway after a while. I'm glad I don't have to manuel shift all the time like an idiot, instead I can just lean back and listen to music. Automatic is truly comfy.
>live in UK
>only 2nd hand autos that exist are 1.0 granny cars
dude wow you can't drive this thing that was last relevant in America in 1970
So historicaly speaking, How did Autimatic become the main shifting method in NA?
Innovation and women.
There's honestly no reason to drive a stick shift in a normal commuter environment.
I meant the rhythm of when to shift when shifting but that’s only because I’m an idiot and forgot how many times I stalled my dads jeep because I didn’t understand the clutch. You’re right, that is the hardest part. My dad didn’t do a great job explaining it, but my brother in law showed me how if you slowly lift up the car starts to move, and that helped quite a bit. Seems obvious now, but man that really connected the dots.
30 here btw, but I didn’t know if maybe the sounds of shifting is no longer prevalent in our culture. Though your culture may be different.
fucking lost
daily reminder eu cucks btfo'd
>Americans buy a certain car in manual
every car is manual in the eu, if you had an automatic you wouldn't be able to get up most banks
Whiter than you, Ahmed.