Can someone explain to me why we don't have separate boards for capeshit and Star Wars?
There is a fucking Pokemon board despite Yea Forums still existing.
Can someone explain to me why we don't have separate boards for capeshit and Star Wars?
There is a fucking Pokemon board despite Yea Forums still existing.
Other urls found in this thread:
wb and disney pay the mods to keep capeshit here
Yea Forums and Yea Forums want /capeshit/ too and they usually get what they want, but for some reason it still hasen't happened
because splitting the board would require more moderation, and the mods don't want to put in extra effort for that
Well then I propose we double their salary, that should make up for them monitoring twice the boards.
Yea Forums still has daily pokemon threads despite having /vp/. Containment boards don't work unless mods and janitors do something to contain them (like enforcing the GR15).
I don't even understand why there are so many capeshit and Star Wars threads to begin with. Didn't Yea Forums use to be contrarian at some point. What the fuck happened?
bane cancer
Yea Forums (and most of Yea Forums) is mainstream.
influx of normalfags from:
>phone posters
>2016 elections
>r/Yea Forums
>"dank memes" and pepe going viral
Compounded with the fact that nobody lurks before posting and shitty opinions don't get shot down anymore, it's a breeding ground for all sorts of newfaggotry
>/pol/ almost twice as quick as Yea Forums
wew, times have changed
A bunch of boards could be split up.
Yea Forums is all just classics and philosophy
/biz/ is only crypto threads
That amount of hotpockets could kill a man
I just made a thread about the possible creation of /film/. Shit got deleted within 30 seconds, they REALLY don't want any discussion about it.
have sex
because it's funny
splitting up Yea Forums was an experiment, it failed.
the spike that people tried to meme into being caused by gamergate was the fappening.
oh shit, i completely forgot about that, how long has it been?
/cel/ is what they need to make anyway. /film/ is a dumb idea.
nah, make a /cape/ board (and throw star wars in too)
its safe to say it was about the same time as gamergate
>/pol/ on top
>/po/ on bottom
poetic pottery
that will never happen, as 90% of the posts you think would move over to such a shitty board are being made by paid shills, making them here to advertise.
/vp/ isn't a means to shut off pokemon threads on Yea Forums.
2 x 0 is still 0
but perhaps tripling it might make a difference
There are barely any Pokemon threads, you're a capeshitter trying to stay on the board
Honestly, I used to think that the "paid shills" shit was another /x/ conspiracy, but I've changed my mind after seeing all the capeshit box office spam - who gives a shit if X just broke 500 million dollars? that's not how normal people speak, nor is it a solid way to judge the quality of a film
It would make viral marketing less effective
yes it was. but it failed.
the only reason it seems like a conspiracy theory is because when someone says "paid shill" you will automatically imagine someone sitting in an office getting 30-40k a year to shitpost on Yea Forums. When the reality is hiring an office of a hundred indians for less than $100 a day to shitpost for literally 24 hours a day at a wall of shitty smartphones.