How come condoms aren't featured in films? Always takes me out of immersion during sex scenes

How come condoms aren't featured in films? Always takes me out of immersion during sex scenes.

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Condoms suck and nobody wants to use them.

I haven't used a condom in almost a decade, kek. If the bitch insists on it, she's dirty anyway, will for sure fuck around on you, and just not worth the time.

This is pretty based

why are sex scenes even in movies? are you supposed to masturbate as it happens? i dont get it

Women just have abortions nowadays. They've been absolved of all responsibility.

Trojans aren't that much bigger than regular condoms, real big dick niggas go for Pasante or Mysize

Damn, I'd drink a beer with you!

what's having a big dick like?

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It's like shitting, but in reverse.

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You can take any condom and stretch it out to like 2 feet

>ondoms aren't featured in films?

knockedf up has a scene where he struggled to put on a condom and knocked up kat heigl


do people just buy magnums to impress cute check out girls?

you can fit a regular condom over a fucking zucchini.

Exactly. I barely fill up a magnum, but bitches get wet just seeing the condom package.

I swear everyone has a big dick but me

it's the internet. i have a 7 inch dick but most people would probably say i'm below average on here.

>tfw I buy 1 box of extra large condoms when I buy my groceries at walmart just so people think I have a huge cock and I'm sexually active

dicklet detected

I have a 7" dick, but it's only like 5" around. Magnums aren't for me

I have an asian-average dick. It's ok, you will make it.

Love by gasper noe has them

People buying these kind of condoms is a personal attack against me.

what's it like to have a big dick that gets girls wet immediately and makes them drool?

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me too bro. i'd kill for another inch or two of girth.

bitches facial expressions when you whip it out never gets old

Holy smokes BASED

The girth is the important part, not the length

I fuck a ton of escorts, so size matters not.

>roleplay chat with girl
>obsesses about condoms and have to rollback because "I came" inside her without a condom
like jesus fuck, can't you pretend you're on the pill or something, how can you be so autistic about a detail like this


one time a fat chick looked at it and said, "my god, it's beautiful." i would like it better if she was hot because if i brag about it i'll have to admit to the fatty. in my defense i was hammered and her apartment was in the building.

i'd give up an inch of length for more girth.

It was probably a man

It's actually the complete opposite, you larping virgin.

Aww we found the angry little troll guys!

I'm 6 inches thick and I'd give one up to reach 7 inches in length

>tfw you don't have to sacrifice length or girth to have a hog

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well, blowjobs all suck because they cant fit any more than the head in their mouth

i'll trade you a half inch of length for a half inch of girth, i can deal with 6.5 but 6 is too average.


My dick isn't even that big but I have to use Trojan magnums because the extra room can accommodate my foreskin

Condoms are fucking bullshit desu

I wish I was dead

Regular size is too constricting

seriously you're better off with a pencil dick, condoms are tight as fuck on my dick and whenever I fuck some petite escort she starts trying to get away on the bed cause she's used to boomers with limp lil sticc dicks

Magnums are mostly marketing, unless you're hanging porn/circus freak dick a regular condom is going to do the job.

How to you maintain a boner with a condom lads? Literally impossible

I'm honestly considering buying viagara just in case a girl insists I use a rubber


Stop jerking off so much and you'll be fine keeping wood in a condom.

this has been a recent issue for me. the last girl just said fuck it and let me cum in her raw.


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This. I've never gotten the point of rp because most of the time the "girl" your talking to is already playing a role.
t. pretends to be a girl in chat rooms

I NEVER use condoms if I get my bitch knocked up then you do you, i aint paying for that shit lamo

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Am I the only one who doesn't know the exact dimensions of their dick?


condoms are for losers

tfw never got anyone pregnant, but got chlamydia 3 times

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Happens every time I get laid desu. They always cave in

Back in the days before everyone had access to voice chat with smartphones or headsets you kind of had to believe in the fantasy.

>can’t maintain a boner during sex
>makes the girl insecure
Heh, nothin’ personnel girl I had sex with four years ago

Pulling out is literally the perfect contraception method

Literally just don't nut inside her. How fucking hard is that?

If you haven't fucked a girl raw and finished in her pussy you are unironically still a virgin

>the extra room can accommodate my foreskin

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Condoms were designed for Americuts

yeah probably

>How fucking hard is that?
sometimes the pussy is too good
sometimes she wont let you out
One girl had her legs wrapped around my waist and I'm warning her that I'm about to cum, and she's begging me not to cum in her, but still wrapped around me like a vice. She was a fucking freak though.

uhh pretty hard desu

spoken like someone who's never done it

What, you think most people actually use condoms? I've got news for you lad

>pulling out

>t. virgin

Same reason people rarely use the bathroom or say "hello" on the phone.

Cavemen spotted

Stop being a brainlet and pullout well before you're about to bust. Either that or congrats on the "unwanted" pregnancy

Morning after pill, you dumb virgin.

Based as fuck. Hope you knocked up a few whores and dropped them too.

>pulling out
Precum is fertile as fuck.

>trusting these hoes

Don't come crying when you knock up some idiot. It will be your own fault because muh cummies

>But that's gonna make me get sick and maybe even throw up user

>not going to store with them to buy it
You really are letting your virgin show, idiot.


Precum doesn't have semen in it.

However, precum can carry semen from the urethra if you ejaculated recently.

You're good to raw dog if you haven't blown a load recently. Literally no chance of getting her pregnant if you don't bust inside her

Nope. I know that's what they said on Master of None, but maybe you should stick to actual facts.

You can't make her take it idiot. Pulling out is the only thing to completely cover your ass.

You don't know what she's thinking. She may secretly want a kid.

Are you gonna sit there and say "I wanna see you swallow that pill!" you fucking weirdo

That is the actual facts. Look it up retard. I don't even know what master of none is.

Stop falling for condom industry scare tactics

>pullout well before you're about to bust
It's not a fucking porno, faggot
Sometimes the pussy is too good and you nut too soon.

This. Nothing dries up a coochie like a dude having a condom in his pocket. "Do you have protection?" is a rhetorical question

Uhh just control yourself dum dum

>Are you gonna sit there and say "I wanna see you swallow that pill!

Uh yes? Are you a pussy?

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Just stop being a premature ejaculator

>tfw 8.5 but only 5.5 around
just neck me honestly

When it comes to dick size, IQ, and modesty, everyone on 4channel is "above average".

Is this a troll?

>Not pulling out even with a condom on

Not taking any chances
Fuck having kids when I'm young

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broomstick dick
just what no one wants

I can see your point.

Cumming inside with a condom on is retarded

Based retard

No it isnt

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The egg is only good for one day a month anyway, it's hard to get a bitch pregnant

cringe samefag

You might as well just wear a condom and cum inside two couch cushions. It feels the same as a vagina wearing one of those latex sensory deprivation tubes

>The egg is only good for one day a month anyway, it's hard to get a bitch pregnant

>You might as well just wear a condom and cum inside two couch cushions

desu jacking off with a condom on is also nice. But just because you have a condom on with your dick inside doesnt negate the event of nutting while inside a pussy, it's still guaranteed to feel good so why take that privilege away? Stop this

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Condoms are only for people too fucking dumb to use pullout method. Or too fucking dumb to not fuck people that fuck diseased people. Or fags, because the chances of spreading aids through anal are vastly higher compared to vaginal.

>hurr durr condoms are bad
Not wonder STDs are all over the place and so many "accidents" happen.

You can stretch out a ballon too. That doesn’t mean sticking your dick in it won’t make it uncomfortably tight.

>I haven't used a condom in almost a decade
No surprise there

have sex

You can fit your dick into it, yeah, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be comfortable.

Man, I've been fucking the same chick for the past two years. We both hate it and dropped the usage of them weeks after the first time.
Whores will be whores, so STDs are bound to happen.

This lad gets it

There's a prominent (forced) sexual fantasy of having sex without a condom that's pushed in the media.
In actuality, having sex without a condom results in the spread of STIs and unwanted pregnancies. To have sex with a basic stranger without a condom is monumentally stupid and grounds to be legally classified as mentally handicapped

How do you wear one if you have a foreskin?

>Or fags
>Not being on PrEP


I've literally ripped a condom in half while fucking in missionary

7.5x5.5 here would also kill for more girth

Come here i'll show you.


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STD's and Unwanted pregnancies are a spook

1) Don't fuck greasy people
2) Pull out

You'll be fine. Condoms are for chumps who fell for condom industry scare tactics

same, its really not that great women care almost as much about girth

>had my first time last week
>got a boner up, but i couldn't maintain it
>even when she tore off the condom and went cowgirl whilst looking right into my eyes
those JAV death grip sessions have killed me, I don't know how to get my dick back - maybe it was just nerves? is it normal not to finish on your first time?

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>I haven’t ever had sex and I’m under twenty years old

Yeah man it's a real problem with our generation. The porn use has really confused our dicks.

Stop fapping for a few weeks. Also yeah nerves are a big deal

Posting to you live from the basements of Lake Wobegon.

>never got anyone pregnant

that you know of.

you should have finished too quickly

>tfw premature ejaculation
I've been trying exercises for it to last more than a minute but it's hard.

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have fun with your stds

I got a pretty big cock, 7+ inches long and 5.5 around

Bigger than like 90% of guys without being painful for girls so I'm happy

It looks pretty average on me cause I'm 6'1 but could be worse

Oh no we he have to take some anti-biotics for a couple of weeks

Big deal

>In 2013, there were 1,752,285 total cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis diagnosed in the United States. That number grew to 1,811,850 in 2014; 1,945,746 in 2015; 2,094,682 in 2016; and 2,294,821 in 2017, according to the preliminary CDC data.


Why do condom manufacturers make different sized condoms for different parts of the world?

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>2019 + 2 - 7 + 5
>not embracing the pozzing cum daddy life


This. every thot is on birthcontrol and doesn't fuck anyone but their boyfriend for a few months before moving on. evil serial monagamists. Whores are scared of STDs

is that bone pressed length?

am i the only one who rather not have sex at all than use a condom? i cant feel shit with them. i rather masturbate

>those digits
You are cursed forever.

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>tfw you learn you need the big sizes
>tfw then you learn you can’t cum from sex

>Actually goyim, STDs are no big deal. Practically everyone has herpes anyway!

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if you have never done it raw then i have news for you, you are still a virgin

you're really stupid if you think there aren't long term neurological and immunological consequences from constant exposure to STI's


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Virginity is literally a(very subjectively arbitrary) social construct

I have the problem of being 6x6" and being a lengthlet but also being unable to maintain enough blood flow to get a solid erection and then when I do my dick stretchs my skin so much capilliaries burst and it hurts.

>circumcision is a social construct

wat? Have you ever ejaculated inside a girls vagina?
Yes or No?

This, next time a dumb bitch says that, tell her to stretch an elastic band around her neck and see how comfortable it is

Most people are mindless automatons that don't think about anything more than the present.
>feeling good
>don't want to stop
>ignore the consequences and keep going
There's a reason animals are compelled to reproduce.

Try never being able to cum at all. Girls actually like when you finish up within two minutes believe it or not.

>tfw I can hold on as long as I want if I’m getting blown, but come way too fucking quick if inside a girl
wat do?

People's first times fall into two categories, either 30 seconds, or did not finish. Just don't masturbate for a couple weeks and the death grip syndrome will reset.

just nut dude, who cares what bitches want, you tell her what she wants

God that is such woman logic if I've ever heard it.
>this pregnancy would be absolutely catastrophic to my entire life
>but this pill may make me a little sick....

Not even comparable

Yes. If your 16 year old daughter fucks a bunch of niggers but they pull out/use a condom(lol) do you consider her a virgin?

what a incelcuck lmao

>Hallmark invented birthdays
People have been using condoms for thousands of years because unprotected sex is dangerous unless you're planning on concieving and know your sexual partner is healthy. Just the thought of getting herpes/aids/some uncureable shit is enough for me to always put on a condom. Then again, I'm not a cutlet and it feels almost the same because I have a foreskin because my parents aren't jews.

Literally just buy a Bathmate. I have one and it puts on an extra 0.5” for a 20 minute pump. I’m not sure about if the effects last long term because my ex at the time started to complain about the girth rather than enjoy it. I don’t use it often but every now and then I’ll bust it out and use a cock ring for max girth gains

Do normies actually use condoms? I know I never did

Looks like the chick from Vikings

only boomers use condoms and think it's crazy people don't anymore. Boomers invented the "one night stand" with someone who isn't a prostitute and no one else does that boomer shit.

The only reason I entered this thread

It’s ordering custom condoms for alright sex

they work long term but you have to go at it every day for like 2 years and take a shitload of vitamin D3

> ansl sex doesn't include enemas or lube or wiping shut off the guys sick
Tired of this bullshit. And spit isn't enough for lube goddammit.

Cause it ruins the movie...

porn with condoms is the worst

I ducking hate auto correct

>can stroke myself to cum in about a minute but handjobs from hookers take forever

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I have a VERY girthy penis (8” long, 7” around) and recently bought those MySize 69 condoms. The girth is absolutely perfect, but they ocassionallyb ”roll off” a bit too much while having sex. They do NOT slip off, it’s just that the condom becomes longer at the tip during penetration. It’s not really a problem but it’s weird to me. Is this normal? I’ve always been used to normal condoms that were way too small for me.

Also, mysize 69s are like the biggest condoms around, what the fuck do pornstars wear (in private)?

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Fucking liar BBC niggas know the difference

>mfw my 37 years old friend tells me he is dating an eighteen years old girl and she says she's pregnant but she admitted to fucking four other guys so he has to wait nine months to find out if its his while she's still running around fucking other guys while pregnant
Fuck everything about that.

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that's why fucking women is unbased and bluepilled

Why do you need the vitamin D3

It's what your body uses to make your dick grow during puberty. K2 also goes along with it.

maybe its the shame of fucking a hooker user did she look good?

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no. i blew in 5 seconds

I need a girl like this in my life

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they look great, and it speeds up the process when they fuck me in the ass at the same time

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fucked by women with a strap on right?

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>went down on a girl and i enjoyed it
the sopranos memes lied to me

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as long as she's cute and clean I'll eat pussy 7 days a week.

i bet if you sucked dick you'd like it better faggo-homotron

>tfw can't feel a difference with or without the condom
Is it because I'm using non latex or did circumcision legitimately ruin my dick


>licking pussy tastes like old milk and more metallic the deeper you go
>licking ass tastes nothing except some sweat at first

did I get lucky or something?

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You're actually supposed to lick the clit and finger the pussy for maximum effectiveness. And don't forget to switch that shit up to make her squirm

a lack of one was a central plot point in Knocked Up

My first time was 5 months ago, I lasted for about a minute, only because she was a virgin and it was hurting her. But as soon as it got less painful for her, I started thrusting fast, and yeah, from the moment I was really doing it, it only lasted for about 10 seconds kek.
A friend of mine couldn't come for months with his girlfriend, he never get to do it from the very first time until she left him. They always ended up in a handjob session for him to finish up. I am pretty sure porn killed his dick.

I am almost 29 btw, it's never too late bros.

>I am pretty sure porn killed his dick.
is he that addicted?

Probably, he doesn't want to admit it. But he's also literally low-test, had to take some meds to fix that when he was a teen. Might be a combination of both.

If he's fapping too much then his test is probably down the shitter just from that, so yeah both things combined are probably making it even way worse.

Don’t forget bros SSRIs can affect your ability to cum if you have been jewed into taking them

>>itt 9 year olds talking about sex

his exact date of birth please, user
year, month, day
it's for research, yes i'm serious

Charles, stop feeling insecure because of your micropenis.

raw sex > jerking off >>> condom sex

It's a double edged sword.

If she insists on a condom she at least doesn't let dudes cum in her but she definitely hooks up a lot and sucks dick/swallows cum.

It didn't affect me when sober but drunk sex was impossible when I was on them and 90% of sex happens drunk.

women are degenerate
jerking off > male on male > male on shemale > shemale on male > female on male > male on female

vags are disgusting and filled with germs and other men's dna

only a cuck has vagsex

desu big dicks hurt for a lot of girls.

big dick genes = big vagina genes.

my friend and his ex had trouble having sex because she had a small vagina, she would just offer to suck his dick instead

>Being this detached from reality.


I looked up the study I assume you’re referencing. Good info, thanks

Me? I'm 30 years old, I've never had sex despite making out with a few different girls and getting half of a handjob before I stopped it because I'm circumcised and it was hurting me, and at this point I'm nearly convinced that finding a woman won't make me happy. Thanks for reading and have a good morning/night.

most chads don't use condoms. I never did. Just pull out bro.

The one girl I got an STD from made me wear a condom. She had some weird thing called molloscum, looked like back acne but it spread to all over my pubic area. Took me a few months to get rid of it.

>falling for the choppy jew
>ruins your sex life
man, sorry you had shit shitty (((parents)))

>I'm circumcised

I genuinely feel sorry for burgers who are mutilated at birth, just because 200 years ago it was considered a medical necessity because men didn't wash their dicks properly. That, and the whole Jew worshipping thing you got going.

I know, man. It sucks. I'm sure BJs and actual penis in vagina sex would be fine though.

most condoms are too tight and I don't even have a big dick, are magnums any better width wise?

It's sad. Im a burger buy my family doesn't circumcise, so I'm lucky af.

Funny cuz in my experience with girls on the pill they don't need a condom and they can have sex with anyone and they do. They often don't reveal they are on the pill cuz they know this makes them a slut

Precum can also get a girl pregnant dumbass

>tfw only ever been with 1 girl, married her after 6 years, only ever fucked with condom on, and bought plan b the 3 times it broke
so normies really dont use them uh?

Not if you take a piss before sex. Read up on it, pulling out is effective as a condom.

>Girl has gential herpes, but doesn't know it since she has never experienced any symptoms
>Despite the lack of symptoms, she can still transmit the virus
>Fast forward 3 months
>Painful clusters of blisters start appearing on your cock every few weeks, for life

I'll never understand why some idiots would ever stick their cock anywhere they aren't absolutely 100% sure is free of diseases.

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>cumming the second you achieve maximum penetration

heh nothing personnel

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Or a better one;

>Girl has gential herpes, but doesn't know it since she has never experienced any symptoms
>Despite the lack of symptoms, she can still transmit the virus
>Fuck her with a condom
>Fast forward 3 months
>Painful clusters of blisters start appearing on your ballsack every few weeks, for life, since your balls were slapping against her infected area

Not as uncomfortable as getting blisters on your cock, but it's a very common area for men to have genital herpes, since it bypasses the whole condom thing.


It's pretty nice. The best part is the woman's reaction to it when she first sees it.

One time I was about to have sex with this chick and she pulls out a condom and it's too big for my cock. Feels great.

>tfw only 6.5" but thick girth

Life is suffering but I guess it could always be worse

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Holy fuck are you me? My ex gave me molloscum as well but she was on birth control so we fucked without a condom.

Was the chick you fucked named Sarah by any chance?

Depends on the woman. Some can handle it, others, you're just slow jamming half your dick in and out gently.

>Was the chick you fucked named Sarah by any chance?
wtf, yes