Why do you hate Denis Villeneuve?

why do you hate Denis Villeneuve?

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Dishonest pseudcore

ratface leaf

I don't, he's a great kinomacher (that means filmmaker).

Hi I'm denny willnerve

I'm not a tranny redditor, why on earth would I hate him?

Makes entry-level "I know film!" reddit garbage.
See also: Paul Thomas Anderson, Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino.

He hasn't made a good movie.

Honestly, it's jealousy and I know I'm not alone in it here.

Only incels and absolute NPC brainlets spout that "dishonest filmmaking" shit.

Every time you use that term, everyone else is laughing at you.


hes good people on tv just dont like the fact that he makes mainstream movies not art house circle jerks

he makes mainstream style movies waaaay better than anyone else

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Very true

Neither have you, so you must have self-hatred issues.

I'm not a critically acclaimed Hollywood director pleb
>Deus Volt

Did he critically acclaim himself? Because if not, then you should be hating the critics, and not him. He can't control what people tell you about him.

Make me laugh Yea Forums, how do you pronounce his name?



Cheetos dust

his films are so dishonest

they look good but are so empty

For example in Blade Runner 2049 what is he actually trying to say? I feel like he is a good imitator director but not a real master