Vidya is for kids!!!!one

>vidya is for kids!!!!one
>let me watch this linear story which i have no control over instead
Why is Yea Forums so antiquated

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Read a book nigger

>playing games for the story

Yea Forums has no creativity so they need a director to figure out the best camera angle for them, they need a writer to find the best way to tell a story for them. For a creative person, a video game is better. You control the camera in most games which is superior to the inherent fascist nature of a film. And the gameplay, which is the meat of all good games, you can basically make your own story, play how you want too. Explore, find stuff. If the game has a level editor you can literally make your own adventure and story up too.

So I guess you think Bachs Art of Fugue is shit for brainlets because of the repetition and the linear dependence of the individual voices.

it's even more hypocrite because these 'movies' are closer and closer to cutscenes. both are rendered and both offer nothing more than cgi
for example superhero movies, they all look like sci-fi/fantasy games

Not when coupled with decent gameplay :^)

The few people I've met who said they play games for the story were women. Broads love to engross themselves in fantasy worlds with a lot of pretty scenery. It's why shit like Zelda, JRPGs and Elder Scrolls are big hits with the estrogen crowd.

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Video games are for children. I never liked them that much as a kid and I can't stand them now. I'd rather be working on train models or biking or camping or drawing porn or literally anything other than killing the same damn enemies in the same damn way a million times for 30 hours just to get to a mildly more interesting boss fight and hear some poorly acted lines read by budget actors. Games just suck, even the good ones.

>Broads love to engross themselves in fantasy worlds with a lot of pretty scenery
Great, so now liking fantasy or anything escapism is a 'soiboy" thing? Why even fucking come to a nerds hobby website?

>It's why shit like Zelda, JRPGs and Elder Scrolls are big hits with the estrogen crowd.

I once said that Zelda was the Assassin's Creed of it's day. The fucking automated simplistic gameplay, where the game fucking plays itself. It was the casual overhyped mess of the late 90's and that's why it got so popular. OoT and the entire Zelda franchise is so fucking shit. But Yea Forums is filled with Nincels so they shitposted my thread to death when I made those statements.

Most old video games are really good. You can feel the passion and effort put into them. They actually feel like games, unlike nu-vidya that is corporate trash. Ocarina of Time though, despite the old graphics, it feels like nu-vidya. It feels like the Uncharted/The Last of Us of 1998.

Sit still for two hours

More advanced ones are used to train pilots or even soldiers tho. You'd be surprised what's average game age.

For a person who claims to hate videogames, you seem to know quite a lot about videogames.

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I doubt you've ever played a good game in your life. If you didn't like them as a kid, your dad probably bought you bargain bin shit or overhyped shilled AAA garbage. Your description of gaming sounds like your entire experience is with some bad MMO's.

Video games with plots and graphics are total cringe. As a patrician I only play Nethack and Aurora 4x

there's nothing wrong with on rails, heavily guided game play, look at rhythm games or things like Silent Scope, not every game needs to be compelling, I don't give a shit about the story in silent scope but it's fun. But when your game becomes a sluggish vehicle to tell a sub par story that's when you get shit like uncharted or oot

I had Sega Genesis in the 90s. Stopped playing video games when I started college in 1999.

>You'd be surprised what's average game age.
No, I wouldn't. Probably like 18-25, right? Simulators are at least better than most videogames but I'd still rather be in the real world.
I've played a on of games, and basically found they all just consist of doing the same repetitive actions over and over again, whether it's building lots in a tycoon game or hacking at enemies in, god forbid, dark souls. I've played a few different shooters but only for a short amount of time because they got boring within a couple hours. Games just feel like simulated work, but with different coats of paint. I fucking hate it, so much. If I'm gonna put my time and effort into some hobby I would rather be doing something that creates something productive. Story based games? Shit. Open world action? Shittier. Tycoons? Literally the same. Horror games? Tedious. Games just suck.

I agree completely. Game devs that make a game because they want to tell a story need to get fucked. Make your game first, then tell a story that fits with how your game plays. Better, let your gameplay tell the story. Show the story through player exploration of the levels, like in Thief.

Vidya has great potential for objective storytelling told voyeuristically, yet so few games have tried it.

>No, I wouldn't. Probably like 18-25, right?
Higher, something over 30. This is USA alone, many Asian countries would bump this stat a lot.

playing videogames with friends is fun

So aside from Dark Souls, what games did you play, list them? I agree that almost all open world games are garbage filler. But from your descriptions it seems like you just play flavor of the month memes, or hyped up nu-vidya, that shit always turns out disappointing. Just the way you talk about gameplay as a soulless grind and you just hack away at the same uninspired, chore feeling enemies. It fucking screams AAA western video game made after 2007.

Try something old. Vidya used to feel so full of soul and passion and fun.

>choose 1 to protect you
>the others will try to kill you
>choose wisely

>Games just suck, even the good ones.

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>shit like Zelda, JRPGs and Elder Scrolls are big hits with the estrogen crowd.

not true at all. their lives are the rpg game

I realised that vidya was still decades away from becoming a legitimate artform when Red Dead Redemption was received positively

Based. RDR is fucking trash. One of the most overrated shit games ever released. All of it's fans are braindead retards.

Can't say this on Yea Forums though or they will fucking seethe. Funny thing, the gameplay isn't even good in that shit game either.

>Great, so now liking fantasy or anything escapism is a 'soiboy" thing?
No it's just that men typically play games to compete, women to fraternize. It extends to video games too, it's just that "fraternizing" in single player games means "interacting with npcs/environment". If that's your thing and you have a y-chromosome, who am I to judge?

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video game playing niggas be like reading choose your own adventure books.