How can such a mediocre film be so highly acclaimed? This board treats it like God's gift to cinema

How can such a mediocre film be so highly acclaimed? This board treats it like God's gift to cinema.

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it's a terrible film
a great flick though

this board is also full of people who adore capeshit

do you understand now?

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>This board treats it like God's gift to cinema.
It doesn't. Only a handful of fags do. The same ones who like BR2.

1 > RW > FR > BT

I thought it worked better as a kinogram

reddit fedoras have overrun Yea Forums

>This board treats it like...
Lurk more


its called capeshit fans

I HATE capeshit, but I absolutely adore Mad Max.
The reason for that is the world they created for this movie. The attention to detail that you don't ever see in other movies.
The story itself is the weakest point of the movie, but everything else is perfect.

It's good and you know it, tranny.
It's too complex and deep 4 u.

it's not MEDIOCRE it's actually quite good. It's shot well, has fun choreography, fun soundtrack etc
some people just can't be pleased

Lighten up you miserable fuckwit.


You must be fun at parties

How is it mediocre?

I can understand someone thinking it's not that good of a film, I can even understand someone thinking it's a straight up bad film, but mediocre? How?

Attached: behind-the-scenes-of-mad-max-fury-road-60.png (640x344, 286K)

It was alright I suppose.

Attached: mad max bts3.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

Is it feminist?

It will be remembered as one of the best movies of the 2010s easily IMO. Think of it as a manifestation of the cultural forces in Hollywood during this time period: hero versus henchman fight scenes (superhero, marvel), big explosions (transformers, superhero), strong female lead (one of the attitude shifts during the last 20 years, a demand for more female participation). I’m missing stuff but yeah, the colors and music were beautiful too and very contemporary Hans Zimmer -like perhaps.

>no mel
>no max
>beautiful practical effects clashing with noticeably dated CGI
>dullest plot of the franchise
>literally zero interesting characters
it's a perfect example of a 6/10, hence being mediocre. you can't rely on muh black and white to make a good film.

Oh yeah, and post apocalyptic fantasy, climate change influences, how could I forgot. Negative attitudes about fossil fuels that came to the forefront during the last 2 decades, al gore’s inconvenient truth. Do I really need to spell it out for you knuckleheads! ;)

Oh and influences from Arab spring and revolutions during the 2000s, brainwashing adolescents and young men to be used as war capital. A lot of that came into the public consciousness with African warlords (kony) and middle eastern conflicts. YALL SLEEPIN on this kino tbQh

To everyone saying “plot plot plot” , superficial plot descriptors have mattered less in the modern era. What story is truly unique / brilliant (based on plot alone) if you boil it down to its core elements

Regardless, having the second half of the movie be the first half but in reverse is SHITTY PLOTTING

it's a 2 hour chase from point A to point B and back to point A. it's almost dishonest tier filmmaking.


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Did you see it in the theater? It's a popcorn flick, sure, but it's a really well done one with a lot of attention to detail and world building.

How is it possible for someone to be so wrong? You must be baiting

you manage to put words together but say nothing through them

Tom Hardy is my husbando so BACK OFF!

Because it was fun

i dont understand - how the hell this movie is feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong myn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about war boys that totally rule and kick feminist womanhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick

Woman protagonist.
Can’t wait for a shitflick with niggerwoman protagonist. Sure to be
Why even bother any more?

This movie doesn't have enough quips to be liked by the capeturd audience.


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It's what happens during the chase that matters, nigger

I liked Sicario because it tricked you. This tiny lady can barely lift a gun, let alone be in full gear and be a part of an FBI active team. I was all prepared for her to be a womyn but each time she has to do something she gets her shit kicked in.

Attached: tom hardy mad max.webm (1280x532, 574K)

Nah. It's that it is the best one since Roadwarrior. A good apokyclips movie with dusty car fights is great even when it is merely a 7/10 movie.
So yeah, God gave us the gift of a 7/10 Road Warrior sequel that wasn't total shit like Thunderdome. Thanks God!

Explain yourself for these low energy points

1st half of movie: "We have to drive through this canyon"
2nd half of movie: "We have to drive through the same canyon again".

exactly, keep it fucking simple, so sick of these retarded overly complex movies, oh some alien dude has to get a gauntlet and then a bunch of stones AS WELL then we have to fight him oh no everyone died haha

(not him)

Infinity war was relatively simple and not a clusterfuck despite being a synthesis to +20 movies and different characters and univers

>exactly, keep it fucking simple
They could have kept it fucking simple without regurgitating the same plot/sequences/visuals in the 2nd half of the film. You can watch the first half in reverse and get the same feel.
They should have had a "the only way back is through the X-lands but that's full of acid rain falling boulders". At least then the return trip would have been something different.

>keep it fucking simple
a story can be simple without being a middle finger to the audience. it's a continuous chase from point A to point B and right back to point A which is lazy as fuck. This and the fact that the film might as well be called Mad Furiosa and some guy named Max doesn't do it any favors in the rewatchability department.

The car fights were fun

good practical fx

You and me both, sister.

plebs will like anything popular to fit in

Bump discuss this shit losers

tfw when this is your hometown and uni

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i fell asleep during the first mad max. it was incredibly boring
should i watch fury road?

No, you'll only find enjoyment in Fury Road if you're 12 or a manchild.

Audiences loved the film you complete dickhead.

>middle finger to the audience
I guess Miller thought that mostly mad max fans would watch it. That normies like you would be completely lost watching a mad max movie was perhaps not what he anticipated.

For some reason I always thought that's Gerard Butler in the pic, not Tom Hardy.

This honestly.

I mean, the visuals are fine, music OK (Junkie XL got to much inspiration from his previous work at 300), good casting but as a film... sucked. 1st is still my favourite, caused me a huge impression back then