One Piece Live Action

Now that the Cowboy Bebop dust has settled, who should the cast of the One Piece live action series be?

I have slightly higher hopes for this, than for Cowboy Bebop.

>Higher budget for first season than Game of Thrones
>CEO of production company knows One Piece
>Oda sold the rights after having a conversation with said CEO

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Other urls found in this thread:

>higher budget than Game of Thrones
Is this real? They're really going all in with this one

yes, it's going to be great if they can pull it off

Luffy - Idris Elba
Zoro - Denzel Washington
Nami - Naomi Harris
Ussop - Lil Rel Howery
Sanji - Will Smith
Chopper - Tyler Perry
Robin - Zoe Saldana
Franky - Kevin Hart
Brook - Djimon Hounsou


I don't see any problems, get the Pirates of the Caribbean aesthetic, the CGI and a competent script and you have the next Game of Thrones with an endless amount of content for at least 10 seasons

Here is Nami

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only problem is that its impossible to pull off the devil fruit powers and costumes without it looking like utter shit

Random mixed race mongrels for every role.

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CGI character or costume?

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just leave it alone you faggot You;ve already ruined everything just let this one thing stay the way it is god damn it! Why does everything have to be live action?

a budget of over 100 million for 10 or 12 episodes can do a lot of things
And the first season ( going to be the East blue arc) doesn't have too many crazy stuff in it

literally something that wouldn't even be thought of until season 20 so I dunno actual human animal hybrid?

I can't wait for Arlong!

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prosthetics + CGI

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>Why does everything have to be live action?
They're running out of ideas
Animes are like an untapped gold mine of content

Oh no no no, this won't work at all in a live action setting
Luffy just watching Nami mutiliating herself, before he steps in is going to make Luffy look a psychopath

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I just thought of this, I don't think there's anything in One Piece that you couldn't do with CGI

This is the CEO of the production company.

>I've been a fan of One Piece for these 20 years.
>I'm very honored to be entrusted with such precious work by Eiichiro Oda and Shueisha.
>I will put my everything into making the One Piece series successful.
>I believe this will be the most expensive work in the history of television dramas.
>When considering the the worldwide attention this series has, I believe such a scale of production costs is worth it.

Based desu

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sounds good, but I don't buy that he's been a lifelong One Piece can.


>Oda sold the rights after having a conversation with said CEO
>We're gonna adapt it as you always dreamed of
>Ok gaijin here rights now mony hihi
>Deal is over. Cast everybody as niggers, you can't complain now!

Based Adelstein

Based Jew, he must know his shit if he convinced Oda in an eye to eye meeting

You know that Oda is swimming in money already, right?
But I don't think he has the time to work on the live action series at all

Luffy - Finn Wolfhard

thats all i can think of

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reading this gets my hopes up desu
surely he's not lying

wow, that's really fucking stupid

From Oda himself:
>Luffy (Brazil)
>Zoro (Japan)
>Nami (Sweden)
>Usopp (Africa)
>Sanji (France)
>Chopper (Canada)
>Robin (Russia)
>Franky (America)
>Brook (Austria)

It's fucking 1000 chapters long how can anyone turn that into 2 hours you tards

It's going to be a series.
The East Blue arc is going to be the first season.

I just cannot imagine luffy vs buggy not looking dumb as fuck and it only gets weirder from there


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>Usopp (Africa)

>carrot in live action
yes plz

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>fuck up the casting when oda has given the countries they would be from

>only gets weirder from there
Like a Rocky Horror Picture Show in a high-security prison, where a wanted criminal is trying to break out his brother?

both, mostly motion capture cgi
like avatar, only with a muzzle

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lol I don't get this either

africans are well-known for their pointy noses and thinkering abilities

Oda probably meant North Africa

>>Usopp (Africa)
A light-skinned half-African maybe

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Fuck their going to normalize my second favorite anime.

At least Hunter X Hunter will always be too inaccessible for normies.

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One Piece is also such low quality mindless garbage it immediately flares 'person' praising it as notaste newfag, so I don't care, cast it full of west-african real jaw niggers and put worst sjw jews to direct and produce it, dub it in vietnamese too. It could even become better.

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go back to Yea Forums moefaggot

Here is your Usopp. Fair casting.

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>normalize my second favorite anime.
My favorite, and I've been at it for 15 years.
I'm mildly optimistic and I think it's going to be a huge success.

that's pretty good actually

oh no the elitist Yea Forums fags arrived
fuck off

I don't want a bunch of Chads and Staceys using one of my favorite animes as a foreplay topic to relate to eachother with as a pretext to fucking

How will they ever find tits that are big enough?

Needs 3600cc breasts, and then she'll be good to go.

Nami was almost flat chested pre timeskip, especially in the first arc

>One Piece
Where's the fun?

Yes I dare to shit on your garbage comic. Monkey XD Luffy so cool :DDD no you are just a child without taste thats the case. Shut the fuck up and listen. You are not human. Getting upset over getting told how things really are, emotionally attached to childrens manga, pitiful.

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>Nami was almost flat chested pre timeskip
she was until Skypia, at least in the manga
only the anime inflates the tits to sometimes absurd sizes

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Oh the fag keeps replying, you really care, huh

>At least Hunter X Hunter will always be too inaccessible for normies.
This is what anime pleb really thinks. That HxH is some real secret next level shit. Jesus fuck.

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I think regardless of the amount of money dumped into it I really can't see one piece transferring to live action well, naruto FMA even HxH maybe but I don't think they way its done works well like that

kek I bet you are one of those who likes K-ON and other Ugguuu~ garbage made for fat neckbeards

>dragon loli lesbian show
>elitist taste
point at this pedophile faggot and laugh

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>"""normalize""" the most popular manga of all time
what did the absolute fucking idiot mean by this

I thought of this guy too. Not sure if he's a good actor or not, but he can definitely look the part

Ah, so this is where all the patricians have been hiding.

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Why not?
It's just like Pirates of the Caribbean with lots of CGI

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I am no furfag but I became obsessed with her.

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Naruto is already in pre production

>its just like pirates of the caribbean without all the absurd looking crazy shit
wow you blew my mind

>coping this hard over reaction image
yes let the butthurt flow, your barely human level understanding of anime is no match for my niversal anime lordship, you will only make me stronger


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>Like a Rocky Horror Picture Show in a high-security prison, where a wanted criminal is trying to break out his brother?
kino if done right.

>Have to wait +20 seasons until she appears cannonically

He's not a good actor yet who cares, Best Usopp is Sogeking anyways besides that fight against Luffy.

Why does One Piece make you so upset that you go and shitpost in a thread about it?

You're the only mad one in this thread.
But keep replying, dance for me my puppet!

Where else should I go express my disapproval of it? In a fucking Orville thread? You are prime representative of One Piece fan.... brainless, primitive, stupid, pathetic.

Another post, oh yes, right where I want to have you.

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Is it an american production?

Its nothing like pirates of the Caribbean its more like the fantastic four on the sea, great adventures with solid fights and wonderful spectacle I hope its done well since its already in motion but I don't see it working well with the normies and I don't see the gum gum fruit looking good in live action

that from the buttmad loser who posts smug anime girl reaction images and is fuming because he can't cope with the fact that people like something he does not

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>Its nothing like pirates of the Caribbean
I didn't mean literally, just meant the general pirate aesthetic

Zoro is Asian, Usopp, Shanks and Nami are good though

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I can. I am merely expressing that One Piece is widely considered garbage in more civilized circles. It's bottom rung and instantly id's fan of it as a retard, newfag, notaste or all. The mere fact that HxH fan ITT thinks it's next level super secret anime is adequately displaying how defective mind is on this level of discourse where everyone is blind and inexperienced. My mastery of anime is complete, can you say the same? You can not.

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That's it mane

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>his first sentence is already a chuzpah lie
>I'm suppposed to beleive that this now 60 y/o man, started out as a One Piece fan from the very beginning as a then 40 y/o dude
based jew boomer crafting every sentence into exactly what naive faggots want to hear.
Not taking into account that pretty much everything he ever produced was utter trash waste.

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25 mil a year. Not too bad

greetings kind nobleman
have we heard her English voice yet?

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I see what you mean and I wish I had your optimism but I've bee burned to many times by normies finding the things I love and ruining them

Thanks, I'll keep enjoying it :^)
How does this make you feel?

you should proofread your posts before posting you funny dork

>Prison Break
Based, can't wait for the Impel Down arc.

I feel nothing, I understand everything, my wisdom infinite. In time you will grow to see error in your ways and regret time wasted.

sure son, sure

>CEO of production company knows One Piece

I'm good, I've been enjoying it for almost 20 years.
I hope you'll find happiness too if you haven't already!

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>All diversity hires.
>But they're based off Oda's IRL nationalities of the crew.

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same, can't wait for another 15% score shlockfest

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Genetic engineering is the answer.

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Listen im not one of these Yea Forums nerds. I'm a HunterChad so don't ever fucking (you) me again with your smug anime girl bullshit.

I was watching anime before you even picked out your first "waifu" you scrub

Again don't fucking (you) me this ends here.

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In 20 years when she can appear in the anime, that tech maybe it's aviable

it's season 12 according to my calculations

Reminder that Nami is cute and gay!

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I don't really mind when girls do it.

shanks, bb and nami are fucking horrible



They are going to call Zoro Zolo aren't they?

>we still can't make ourselves hyper beings
how long dammit?!

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Don't go overboard user. She's just a cute bunny girl.


One can only hope. Though t will probably only ever become a thing at the end of our lifetimes

>and then we'll become immortal at the last minute

Everyone is overloocking the most important cast.
Will they get Eminem for Enel?

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Who should play Crocodile?

Paul Hogan

Jason Isaacs

And give Sanji a Brooklyn accent? As long as they keep the rap I'm fine with it


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mads mikkelsen

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I can see it

Yeah both Mads and Jason Isaacs would be good choice. Luffy is probably the most difficult to cast though.

Maybe someone like Dylan O'Brien for Luffy.

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she really is

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this is the last samurai all over again.

It will be total horseshit. but It's not about the CGI.
The way the characters act in One Piece is weird, exaggerated. It can't translate well in a live-action setting.
Luffy, the MC, will likely be totally rewritten because his character would be too annoying for the mainstream american audience. Despite his childish nature being the core of his character. Expect him to be way closer to an actual 17 years old teen like Goku in DBE, which would be a total character assassination.

Whi non-unionized wrestler would you get for Franky? The Rock is far too expensive for netflix.

I'd take Triple H in his prime

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I don't understand why anyone would even attempt to adapt this. Bebop is just a Sci-fi, easy to do (but none of the cast actors look remotely like their character), but one piece would need to be 99% CGI. Why even have actors, the proportions of characters/anatomy is inhuman (plus the actual inhumans). And then what exactly do they adapt and at what pace? The anime has been dogshit for the last 12~ years (since water 7 where the pacing got worse and they started to do less filler arcs, which are also bad). It's just baffling, it's not popular in america, so that market is fucked. The humor doesn't jive with western sensibilities.

It's got to be someones tax write off yea?

>roger, the cool role model not being black
>blackbeard, antagonist and irl white man, being black
>whitewashed zoro
>hand-in-my-cock, most beautiful woman in the world not being black
>usopp that light skinned

This has been green lit, you know?

I think the hardest part of adapting one piece is the characters itself, you could do a pretty decent job with cgi devil fruits, and other races, but just casting luffy will be a nightmare, you need an actor who will play a character who doesn't have an inner dialog, doesn't think most of the time, is simple minded, very naive, asexual but somehow has the presence to be the capitain of a bunch of weirdos, he is like the anthitesis of the main character of a young adult novel . American writters don't know how to work with characters with a gimmick , just look a what they did with L in the netflix death note adaptation.

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There's no way to keep the outlandish costumes

the only ones who will get to look ridiculous are Franky, Buggy, Bon Clay and Foxy

what would the tone of this even be, it works on paper and as an anime because of how cartoonish it is

Plus he has to be very free spirited. Luffy's key is that he is resolute in all he does and doesn't allow anything to hold him back. Theres very few characters in Hollywood that are actual free spirits without seeming annoying or useless.

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If this is truly GOT levels of production then maybe this has a shot at being great. Maybe this will get more Americans to give OP a chance.

I can imagine the effects will be good, the costume design maybe will be good too, but I'm having a hard time picturing the kind of comedy or personalities present in One Piece translating to live action American writing

>Kevin Hart isn't Ussop

on the other hand if they do pull it off, you have something rather unique on your hands in terms of main characters, which could give the series some proper longevity and perhaps inspire even successors

I'm very worried that they might change the backstory of the crew so they can insert their dumb american high school drama, like luffy being a loser at the navy academy, meeting zoro and nami there (mirrowing harry potter) and then they decide to become pirates to stop some oc evildoer because the marines aren't doing enough or some shit like that.

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The west doesn't give a shit about One Piece. All of it's success is in Japan.

Robin = Ksenia Solo, because black hair blue eyes with bangs.

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I believe it's popular in Europe as well

>Nami - Naomi Harris
Probably the only actor there I enjoy other then Djimon Hounsou


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Starting with East Blue is a good idea, though it's obvious, some Hollywood folks might think it better to start somewhere more action packed and exciting. But East Blue is small, slow and calm enough to give the actors, the writers and directors time to feel things out and possibly get it right.

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>complaining about normies
>all he watches is shounen garbage
user, you are the normies

>Chopper (Canada)
Mike Myers

No Mothefucking asians or hapas.

>Robin (Russia)


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Arlong Park is one of the best arcs of the series anyways

If anyone plays Brooke instead of this man it would be a fucking affront to the universe

>Tall skinny lanklet
>Giant fro
>Actual musical talent
>Actually funny unlike Arin

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Look, the main problem is that one piece mixes drama and comedy IN THE SAME FUCKING PAGE, how can you translate that without making it look like a bipolar abomination? It can be done in a cartoon for children, but how can you do it right in a live action production without fucking up completely?

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>implying they won't get Russell Brand

plenty of movies and shows manage it

>obnoxious unfunny Jew who doesn't know anything about videogames but is on a videogame show
>all his humor and "comedy songs" consist of stupid SO RANDOM shit and obnoxious unfunny sex jokes and shit like NINJAS EPIC
fuck offffffffffff

wait, this is actually happening? Oh, what a mistake. I hope they just keep the premise of the hidden treasure and the "age of pirates" thing and drop everything else. There's no way this could work properly as a live action.


Hunter x Hunter is much easier to adapt to live action than One Piece though.

I hope they don't try to make all the weirdos look like normal people.

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there's few popular manga that would be harder to adapt than OP anyways
it's way to stylized

They should adapt Shoujo Ramune instead

there's obviously going to be some compromises, it's a matter of seeing how many
interested though in seeing how they'll handle the fishmen

>Luffy is this fucking jew scrub
Jesus Christ, no. Luffy should be played by someone latino, preferably someone around the age of 20. Not some handsome hunk, also, but a thin, big headed fuck with a crazy smile, like pic related (not necessarily him, but someone with the same profile)

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Whole cake island is going to be a hell of a season budget wise, well, that and the marineford war.

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by the time they hit whole cake island we're 20 years into the future so who knows what the CGI prices then will be

He would've been the best Luffy like 20 years ago

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>shanks as that limey soiboi


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>not asking if she can wash her front
Not gay
t. Expert on gay

It would be weird having a hot 30 year old woman (robin) hanging around with some kids, specially being a subordinate. You don't really see it in the anime/manga but in live action will be odd, like seeing kate beckinsale and that guy from snl.

Live action never sticks to actual ages
They'd all be 20 somethings except maybe Franky

everytime someone posts this girl its a cherrypicked meme gif. Then you look her up and its instantly a let down.

So are they calling the main character Luffy D. Monkey or pretending the nip naming convention is just not in play?

>and be able to change our age back to when we want.

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What and super blonde and his mus face eastern superman michael bay show is any better?

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There are like 4 seasons worth of those "cherry picked meme gifs" and she's fucking gorgeous in Project Blue Book too.

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One Piece is the best shounen since Dragonball, you fucking idiot.

the show will never get that far

There's literally no possible way this will be anything other than an absolute shitshow. Everything about One Piece will be in conflict with a western modern cinema/tv. The character designs are fucking ridiculous and purposefully made to be as cartoonish as possible and there's no way you can make them "cool" in live action to the average viewer, the humor is very slapstick but unlike capeshit, OP is not afraid of getting serious when it's needed. It's also long as FUCK and people would get bored with it when after ten seasons it's still laying the groundwork for the overarching plot.

You could've picked anything else, but you just fucking had to go for the biggest manga in fucking history, you goddamn jew. It won't work.

t. f/a/g who has loved OP for almost 14 years.

just because he said that doesn't mean anything. I was being asked. You stupid people on the internet use this shit to put race on a cartoon.

>source of anime
>not civilized

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Do we actually have a source for the budget?
That more than anything gives me hope.

>Oda sold the rights
Pack it up people. The show is gonna be dumpstered.
He will have no say about the cast and they are gonna be all wrong.
Luffy and zoro arent gonna be asian
Nami and/or robin franky and sanji wont be white
Usopp will probably be a jew so i think that is a safe lock in.

Luffy isn't asian in the first place.

am I the only one that always thinks it says NEP EGG?

Luffy is Brazilian

It's like the second highest selling comic book of all time so they have a reason to expect it will work out.

Have you ever seen Evil Dead 2?

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Why the fuck would anyone watch a live action One Piece when the manga and anime capture the story just fine?

It's like taking a bus of people and trying to fit them into a Fiat.

That... is actually pretty fantastic (if live action worked).

Oda just does this shit to see if cosplay girls are crazy enough to wear it, doesn't he?

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that was kino

Pretty sure the context was if he had to choose nationalities for the characters what would they be. They're not actually those things.

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JewPedoWood is running out of remakes to do, so they're trying their hand at yet another asain property with an established viewer base.
>won't have the voices I know and love
>won't look anything the same
>tone will be off
>like GoT they will butcher character/plots together to streamline the 1000+ characters you need to remember
Granted the anime is bad now, but I'd rather have it given the 'kai' treatment to fix the horrendous pacing/animation.
It would be more than 20 episodes (45min x 20) just to cover east blue, and that arc isn't exactly exciting or completely representative of what the series is in the end. Condensing it to movie length is just as terrible (see the movies based off of arcs).


A little late to be online kid?

only they muck it up by wearing leggings, stockings or a fake boob chestplate.

>he thinks HxH is inaccessible for normies
It's becoming normiecore like FMA:B, OPM and BHA. Not that that makes these shows bad but they're usually normies first anime

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Why would someone watch a 13 minute reaction to a 22 minute show? Isn't not that much more time to just watch it yourself at that point...

People don't watch reactions for the video despite what other youtubers say. They usually watch the video first and then watch the reaction afterwards. It's a friend simulator like RLM, except instead of discussing the thing you like you're watching people's reaction to it. You've probably done this IRL at some point when you've shown someone something you like to see how they will like it and to see their reaction to the best parts. This is that but for people with no friends.
t. used to watch a lot of reaction videos

huh, thanks for the honest response. That makes sense.

it wasn't that bad until nigger bb
not a single one, boa was the worst
i'm ok with this
nightmare fuel

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>I have slightly higher hopes for this, than for Cowboy Bebop
I hope live long enough to see them both

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Here's your Luffy

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Zoro is supposed to be the only Asian

Who should play Law? The best character in manga and literature.

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>Sanji - Will Smith
That Prince from Bel Air show properly prepared him for that role.

don't know the actor, but he looks the part
But it's also atleast 6-7 seasons until we get to see Law

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>My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have for it! I left all of it at that place"

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He looks soft. Someone with a childhood like looks rough.

This scene has so much potential in a live action setting

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One piece has two good arcs.

tell me and I'll tell you how you're wrong

>Do we actually have a source for the budget?
>According to Anime News Network and Anime Herald, One Piece’s live-action TV show will cost up to $9-10 million per episode

>smoker shows up, cool as fuck
>turns out he's weaker than your mother

it's not fare

I'm Monkey D Luffy and I'm going to become the King of the Pirates!

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should be weird al


Attached: jadensmith.jpg (968x681, 44K)

Best choice so far

He wasted his potential being a gatekeeper in East Blue.