Would this Mads kino be called alt-right propaganda if it was released the today Me Too era?
The Hunt
But now the dust had settled, he did it, right?
Did what?
Can't believe you guys memed me into watching this. This is more overrated than La piel que habito, which you also memed me into watching.
The entire point was that he didn't do it, retard. You're as shitty as the people judging him in the film.
>alt-right propaganda if it was released the today Me Too era?
How is a movie about a rapist (almost) getting away with it “alt-right propaganda”?
Both are good movies of you're into dramas. Don't be a hick.
Oh, so this is a meme. Raged out my first time in one of these threads when some faggot kept insisting he did it.
Movies where they got away with it general?
I don't usually like after credits scenes but finding out he really did have a secret basement fixed up the ending for me.
maybe not because it's more about children than a hollywood guy using his power
He's an unreliable narrator. You're the one who misses the point, which is that regardless of his guilt, you have to always trust the children since they have more to lose. An adult can take it, but a young child is at the critical stage of mental and social development where their words have to be believed. My gf is getting a degree in psychology, and that's basically what she summed up for me when we watched the film together. The repercussions of ignoring a child at such a critical stage can stunt their development forever.
4 stars for effort
Even if it's not exactly the same thing, the metaphor is here. You cannot accuse someone based only on words. If even kids are able lie, what adults cannot do?
I'm into dramas and they were alright, just nowhere near as good/exceptional as people on here made them out to be. 7/10 tops
Who the fuck are you to decide what's as good or as exceptional as they're made out to be? If you use the term 'overrated' unironically I swear I'm gonna knock your fucking block off
You seem pretty angry. Think I'm just gonna leave you be in your autistic rage.
boy you really hate women don't you? based i guess
He's not narrating anything retard. We're watching the objective truth unfolding. The child had more to lose? Are you kidding? The man got his entire reputation and life destroyed over a stupid lie. Even in the part where the stupid kid is with the principal she can't even describe what he allegedly did to her, the retarded adults around her are putting words in her mouth. Fucking capricious little shit. And your girlfriend can suck my dick, retard.
Klara was hot
Why do you respond to obvious bait?
I would love to strangle and choke your girlfriend to death
Why did Marcus wait so long to try and shoot his dad? Reminder that he was the only one who knew the direction Lucas went.
I was baiting with 'he did it ' post and I sincerely hope you are baiting too
I'm assuming that user was me, I brought up that it was his superego shooting at him at the end, all the pieces alluded to it. Are you talking about that interaction?
>We're watching the objective truth unfolding
But the town isn't. Nobody else has the viewers/his perspective, and from their perspective the safest thing to do is to protect their children from the predator. It's literally they said vs he said, and the only logical thing to do is side with the plural vs the singular person defending themselves. So in that regard, this film is purely exploitative, designed to tug at the viewers sense of injustice. Because it could just as easily be told from an outside point of view, maybe even the father or mother, and then the viewer would be cheering them on.
No. Other guy. He didn’t even go that deep. Just kept “Then, well, how come....?”ing me.
Lots of words just so say nothing. Stay in school, kids.
Not an argument.
jesus christ, you're fucking retarded
I'll respond with an argument when you bring one first.
Watching people believe Leaving Neverland just because "if someone said it then it's the truth, belib al victms" made me think about people boycotting this if it came out now.
Hopefully Tyrone anal rapes your gf and makes you watch, you and her can later discuss the psychological impact of it.
So you see nothing wrong with MJ wanting to have sleepovers with a bunch kids?
No, cause there were adults present.
holy BASED
This film is anti alt right. Completely dismantled the mob mentality and anti-truth values of modern conservatives.
>person's life ruined because of an accusation without proofs or trial
add it to the list of movies that roasties and liberals will never understand
>you have to always trust the children since they have more to lose
You don't seem to get it. Anything is labeled alt-right by the establishment, even though it's absolutely obvious it isn't.
Pewdiepie, Jontron and Jordan Peterson are unironically called alt-right.
It amazes me how much people distort views to fit their own agenda. Even if some of these are bait, we know people actually do that irl.
Isn't Jontron a human-parrot from the Middle East?
This is the best movie I've ever seen