Dave Chapelle

Why and when did he take the blue pill?

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he took the "i want my family to live so i'll do what they say and make the fucking specials" pill

Unironically this

Didn't he get in trouble for dabbing on trannies in his last special? And defending Bill Cosby? pretty redpilled to be tb h honest

is chappelle too problematic for todays woke fags? didnt they all throw hissy fits cuz he made some gay/trans jokes? havent these people watched black comedians before? they're probably the least woke people alive and they love making gay jokes. well real black people anyway. not these safe black rim glasses and friendly afro type blacks that comedy central keeps selling you. IM TALKIN THE REAL DEAL NIGGAZ!

when he abandoned christ for his weed plant

Based real niggas dab on everyone and it's all good fun. Meanwhile these half crackas like Jordan Peele suck the fun out of everything

Real daves dead new daves a clone pretty obvious

His first set of Netflix specials were funny. The tranny jokes, Bill Cosby the superhero rapist, the OJ stories, lots of funny shit. The second set was some insane rambling about Emmett Till and an allegory about a pimp that went on forever and did not even attempt to be jokes.

>ran out of money
>needed more money

when did he ever do anything bluepilled??

Chapelle is black pill, if you watched his earlier stand up he jokes about how black people' achievements don't get the same kind of coverage as white people (white girl escapes kidnapping and black girl escapes) and goes on about how old is 15 really

A lot of his jokes have an actual underlying message which is why he was so good, his recent stuff is definitely weaker but he'd be a fool to not play it safe and risk earning fat paychecks

basically yeah, he has a family to consider, not much choice

>Goes off on Trump w basic shilling talking points in his second special
>Red pilled

He's the biggest glow in the dark nigger going right now. This ain't the same Dave from comedy central & inside the actor's studio.

get over it fag, not everyone is a virgin drumpf supporter like you pussy

It's a good sign that he pisses of 'woke' niggers and frustrates the tinfoil hat crowd. What's the old addage about a good compromise making everybody mad?

You don't have to be a Trump supporter to know that he's compromised & towing the narrative line like a good little coon.

He took to long to come back, if he came back even 5 years sooner his specials would've been seen as prolific. Since he waited he was just doing material he made for over a decade which of course felt dated.

sorry he insulted your drumf

What was dated specifically?

N-no! Not daddy Trump! How could he do this to us, bros.,....,,,

>not these safe black rim glasses and friendly afro type blacks that comedy central keeps selling you
These niggers are ruining comedy faster than any woman could have done it

>Shilling this hard

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oh yes, big time. as soon as i see a comic who looks like this on comedy central its an instant channel change

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What? You seriously thought he'd side with the people who hate niggers?

>dont spasm out when somebody dislikes the president
Like fucking clockwork lol, get a brain

nothing worse than "im a proud Blerd! comics

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the worst of them

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>watching a tv
>a cable tv
>with comedy central on it

What in the history of this man's comedy would make you think he'd ever be pro-Trump?

you're thinking of the catholic church

Also any black twinks, just in general

It's not that he's anti-trump, I don't care about trump. It's that every other person on the planet is saying the same stupid stuff and it's getting old, and kind of ridiculous.

I haven't rewatched since the specials went up but I do remember an old joke in it from a youtube video from the laugh factory he did during his hiatus. Beyond that it was just the whole feel of him, I love chapelle but it is obvious he is from another era of comedy then what we're in today I'm not saying he's bad but just poorly adapting to the times we're in. Maybe things would be different if he never left but we obviously will never know that

I'm just annoyed he never attempted anything during the Obama era or at least tried to doa correspondents dinner roast, fucker had the clout to do it but they still had to get the likes of Larry wilmore to preten anyone cared about it

>towing the line
For all intensive porpoises, you're dumb.

He actually got redpilled so hard that he needs a constant drip feed of liquid blue pill to survive.

No, Funches gets a pass.

Oh so nothing. How embarrassing for you.

He never removed his mouth from Talib Kweli's asshole.

Even if you're not a fan of trump you have to admit the trump hate circlejerk is obnoxious and well beyond beating a dead horse. Literally the easiest non-jokes to appeal to the LCD audience that will instantly get 50% of the country to laugh out of spite, not because its actually funny

Which is hardly true when Blacks are babied this day and age. Though its certainly true whenever theres a white criminal/killer vs a black one.

Also isnt he like muslim or some weird religion? Hardly blackpilled, and that makes is "how old is 15" comment make sense

damn, guess elizabeth wasn't so smart after all

>richard pryor
>eddie murphy
>chris rock
>dave chappelle
>patrice oneal
>kat williams
>eddie griffin
>aries spears

Nothing? The nigga was in seclusion for years and came back when he needed more money, its nice but as of now he's almost as good as he was 15 years ago which is still good but nothing is different just stagnant like everything else in hollywood. I'll do some digging again cause I was only talking about how he felt but a friend pointed out an old joke used, from the houston performance I think, but this was from two years ago so I'm not sure what you think I'd be embarrassed by. Its only "old" to people who dug around for the bread crumbs left its no reason he can't take jokes he worked on in smaller sets and use them in specials, watch morgan murphy she did the same thing she had a solid 5 minutes in the comedians of comedy back in like 2002 and then she used those 5 minuets in her special from 5 years ago comics need to workshop material its how it gets good