I never see any threads on this supposed “Summer Blockbuster” and my gf is breathing down my neck to see it with...

I never see any threads on this supposed “Summer Blockbuster” and my gf is breathing down my neck to see it with her. Is it worth it?

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It was cringe

it was ok, but would have been more realtistic if it had ugandan knuckles

Probably fine, good even if you're a basic narmie.
Otherwise it's very cringe.

It's kino with a huge spoonful of cringe

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it was so reddit that even the plebs that love garbage like this here didn't watch it

It's not unwatchable. But I didn't go in expecting much, I didn't like the book.

Quite literally the most r*ddit film ever made.

Post the furry tits webm

absolutely ruined the book

nolan's avatar was shit-tier
wade watts wasnt fat
destroyed the first gate/challenge which was absolutely the best - joust against the lich king was so fucking kino

they book provided them with the perfect story but spielberg had to go shit all over it and get his IP in it

so fucking dumb

never watching that movie again

>my gf is breathing down my neck to see it with her
I think your "gf" might be a dude.

It was pretty good. The movie did a nice job of showing a dystopian society while still being kid-friendly. Action scenes and effects are great, story is good, romance is par for the course. It's not a 1:1 adaptation of the book but it stands on its own merits.

>Ruined the book
RP1 is quite honestly the worst thing I've ever read, including Yea Forums posts. 200 pages of the author pathetically jacking off about how good the media from his childhood was. I don't know why I didn't quit when he took an entire page to just list things from the 80s.

Watched the first five minutes but it seemed like shit so I stopped.

no, it doesnt

It's good if you don't mind endless references to various video games.

it was like reading a vidya nostalgia trip

and yea, the movie ruined whatever the book was

Terrible book
Cringe movie

Seeing the RX-78-2 on the big screen in theaters was neat. There were a few easter eggs of things I'm nostalgic about, like Johnny Rico's rifle from starship troopers or a Firefly class freighter ship.

Other than that it's shit.

referring to the book

if anyone is interested in a rated R version of this concept with more of an AR take as opposed to a VR take and way less random 80's references

I highly highly highly recommend reading Daemon and Freedom by Daniel Suarez

Is your gf a DA?

>Godzilla fights Gundam!
Cool, I'll watch it
>it's awful
It's my fault to accept my friend's recomendations

Does this tickle your pickle? If not, you won't enjoy it.

Attached: soymobile.jpg (1200x725, 224K)

This one's better

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>Because it was originally in the book, it had to be better!
The book was shit. Kline isn't the worst writer ever, but has no literary talent, it was like a sneaky way to sell a screenplay.
Movie was at least good, but not great. It's major flaws were the protracted expository sequences, and the too generic Spielbergisms, which were a dull way to sell the film's more unique and bizarre concepts. "Brevity is the soul of wit." Spielberg ans the screenplay should've given the bare minimum exposition for the average viewer to know what's happening, and focused more on developing the characters.

you read Daemon by Daniel Suarez?

>absolutely ruined the book
That should be good

Talent is the wrong word. For examples of Kline's lack of literary skill, see
These are cultivated skills, and I swear, Kline didn't even try.
He writes like he's writing a show bible: details for writing staff.