I think Netflix went too far it this racebender stuff.
I think Netflix went too far it this racebender stuff
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close enough
huskys are the bad guys right after pitts
>not a pitbull
Do they do it on purpose?
Alright, this is was the straw that broke the camals back. There's no way this shits not going to be trash.
Will Smith would unironically have been a better Spike than John Cho.
What the fuck corgis are the best dogs, do the jews at netflix literally hate anything beautiful?
what the actual fuck
I didn't hate the cast list (even Jet African-American was okay) but this shit is ridiculous, how does netflix keep fucking up before their projects even hit production?
Did they say who Ed is yet?
huskies are such terrible pets holy shit, they're working dogs not lap dogs and dumbasses always get them as lap dogs and then they hit a harsh realization.
Is gonna be that dragqueen boy.
at least GiTS had a basset hound
So Desmond is Amazing?
When will this creatively bankrupt idea of recreating animated works in live action die and when will the far better idea of recreating live action in animation start?
why couldn't they just get a corgy
What's with the anti-Welsh sentiment?
Are they doing this on purpose?
jessie smollet?
jealousy leads to hate
>Where's your problem user? It's a cute dog, where's the difference?
>has fans buzzing with anticipation
Utter lying cunts.
>alteted carbon
Oh boy, everything they changed from the book was for the worse. Goddamnit.
Why not just use a...what the fuck kind of dog is that anyway
>tfw we get a cyberpunk, dark Cowboy Bebop instead of a space-western with LOTS of synth sounds
Post link you faggot
trannyflix is doing this all on purpose they want the biggest negative reaction from incels
I cannot even begjn to imagine the like to dislike ratio on every piece of media coming out
They should have all been asian and ed a mutt. Why make all this race stuff an issue at all?
thats a data dog
Should I watch the orginal Cowboy Bebop? Never watched a single anime besides Pokemon
>not doing a corgi
>one of the smartest dog breeds out there
>a breed exceptionally good at being trained for film
Literally, why?
>toxic masculinity nazi western in space instead of cyber tranny niggers from space
uh have sex incelet
so this is the only kind of Jazz we're getting from this, huh
They are fucking expensive.
post the husky webm, you know the one
Yes, also watch the English dub
Space lychian kino
It's made by a wahmen and is episodic.
If you like Cowboy Bebop and actually watch a live action adaptation, youre a fucking idiot.
sorry retard, everyone here is going to watch it either way
>not jet negro
one job
It took the dogs casting to tell you this was unequivocally going to be shit?
Not the mere fact that it's a live action adaptation?
It was going to be shit right out of the gates, user.
Ironic post.
>that one time you actually wanted Idris Elba to blackwash a character
Why did that sheep blood-shart all over that snowcapped mountain?
Actually don't.
for you
>it's still a dog
Why not a cat? This is deeply problematic
can this whitewashing end?
We as it that hard to find a welsch corgi?!
It's alright. The best episodes are almost always the light-hearted comic ones, rather than the ones where it tries to be a condensed action movie. All the Faye-centric episodes are good. The two parter "Jupiter Jazz" is the peak of the show as a drama, I think. As a weird light-hearted comedy there's a lot more episodes you could consider the best, since that's what the show is really good at
>even Jet African-American
Its ok user, you can say "nigger" on Yea Forums
should've cast a pitbull
You're naive if you think they care about the anime
>"We adapted the sound and feel for a modern generation."
Synth-pop and rap instead of Jazz. You know it.
Yes you should watch it and the movie too
Wait, is that really the showrunner? That's quite the resume..
Would have liked a Basset Hound
I believe this is a joke. Prove me wrong, children.
this is 4channel though
The movie isn't good at all though.
Cats are starting to fight back.
>Ewww Jazz, that's like so old and boring
If you watch this you are literally only doing so for a title. You probably don't even know the director or writer. Why?
Too long and in love with itself, but still kino.
Is synth-pop modern? I love depeche mode, what bands should I listen to?
Trap is the modern jazz anyway lolz
>all these anons eating the bait
It has some nice animation, but really it's just a bland action movie
MGMT little dark age
>The two parter "Jupiter Jazz" is the peak of the show
Yeah. Also better than The Real Folk Blues. I can't decide whether Mushroom Samba or Cowboy Funk is the better comedy episode.
Aren't they both too old?
nothing is sacred anymore
>Cowboy Bebop fan
>being hyped by a live action shit
Just give the money to the original crew and ask for more episodes. Or better yet, just ask them to create something new. Several of their projects after Bebop were pretty good and I am willing to bet money they will be better when compared with the live action Bebop shit.
Which dub should I watch?
Heavy Metal Queen and My Funny Valentine are great episodes as well
you're right, I could see it working
Normies buy shit because they recognize a title. also I doubt adult swim kids know the director or even studio of cowboy bebop
Who will play the clown?
The original because you're not a literally retarded amerifat
Ron Pearlman
If your power level is low and you don't watch anime, picking the English dub is fine. People who have never watched even it with the original audio parrot the "It's better dubbed" meme which pisses off people who actually bothered with it. That being said the dub gets the job done and you don't lose out on a lot of the experience with it. I prefer the original but there's not much to bitch about with the dub.
>not a shiba
At this point I have to wonder if the director or something hates the source material and is just purposely shitting on the entire thing as hard and as fast as possible.
>inb4 it's a straight up comedy
So, nothing about this will be Cowboy Bebop then.
What's it going to be called?
I anticipate the show to have "funny" Whedonesque quips, rather than the weird light offbeat humour of the source material. That kind of sensibility is hard to replicate, especially by American writers
When the closest actor to the source material is a black man playing a white man because they're both bald you know it's just a cash grab with no fucks given.
>inb4 Ellen Page or thats so Raven is announced as Ed
>But of course, the Japanese dub is superior
> Nor a corgi
> Dropped
especially by this showrunner
It'll be a low quality Killjoys rip-off touted as the new Firefly.
Samurai Enka.
Any of you niggers gonna ask for a source?
Or you just enjoy being offended and upset?
just google it yourself, it's fake.
This is such a pleb filter babbys first anime I don't care how badly Netshit mutilates it beyond recognition. In Yea Forums we understand that two red flags of newfaggotry are liking FLCL and Cowboy Bepop, both which are horrible garbage, and anyone claiming to like those after watching +10 days of anime is a retard who thinks he will be popular because he thinks those are popular because he read so in tumblr. God I wish both of those cartoons would just disappear and their fanbase along with them.
ein should have been casted as a cat imo
Still can't get over how shit the new FLCL's were, for fuck's sake
>. In Yea Forums we understand
I'm sure 99% of the shit Yea Forums loves would come off as trash if you took away the iconic soundtracks. No sense in singling out entry level anime.
nice pasta
>any message longer than half sentence is pasta
wew lad, anyways it's true
If, at least, is not a Husky Corgi, I'll rise up for real.
A Bassett in zero g would be great
>mfw nobody got it yet
>how about we take the source material and alter it slightly for no real reason
There are true creative geniuses at Netflix.
Great taste
What makes the japanese dub better than the english one?
In what way?
the scenes were directed and paced for japanse linguistics, english has a completely different cadence, so either what happens is they have to over-write the english translation to fit into the japanese timing or stretch/shorten scenes to fit english cadence. Either way its just about impossible to have punchy dialogue in a dub.
Got a magnet?
Everything they could have possibly done wrong they did.
Is there a more aesthetic dog?
Huskies tend to get very loud and aggressive towards other dogs if not trained properly, and they tend to snap if people are too affectionate with them. They need space and a regimen.
Haven't tried this one, but it looks complete, minus the movie. You can find the movie yourself, just remember it takes place between episodes 22 and 23.
>Will Smith as Spike
tbhache I could dig it
I walk a husky that is owned by and elderly lady. I haven't noticed any aggression she's nothing but friendly with dogs and people but what a cunt of a dog. Incredibly spoiled and a ridiculous amount of energy. I've yet to see a husky that could be let off the lead because they just have the instinct to run and run and they wont come back.
did he dead?
Lets not fucking adapt great things, LETS JAM
Yea Forums is fucking stupid, FLCL is one of the greatest anime ever produced.
Care to give the full link?
because the subs can be cleaner translations of the dialogue than the english dub can be, and if you're not retarded, you can read the subtitles before anyone says a single syllable.
>has fans buzzing with anticipation
I will need to see some sources for this wild claim.
>Be me.
If your only exposure to jazz music is from fucking cowboy bebop, you have no right to criticise anything.
yeah sounds about right, and even your usual dog training course isn't enough because food isn't an incentive for them like most dogs and they don't respond to affection, they literally only want to perform a duty and succeed at it. If you are set on training them you have to make everything they do a task.
Americans are literally to retarded to read subtitles, they don't read them in one glimpse, but word for word.
At least Watanabe is working with them and hopefully he gets to a point where he tells them their ideas are retarded
>tfw can read a fucking paragraph of subtitles instantly but struggle to go faster than spoken word with books
I watched both and am normally a sub fag but the dub is just better.
Like I said I don't think it really matters what you pick. I personally enjoy comparing and contrasting dubs. Rarely would I say a dub is better but I wouldn't say that of French language versions of films where the actors originally spoke English either. That being said I wouldn't mock anyone for choosing to watch in their own language so long as the work doesn't let down the original. Everything of note gets translated into different languages, and there are always going to be things that feel a little different, but it's always Japanese-to-English that causes titanic butthurt.
But if you must know I found Jet's English voice to be kind of a weak link
Definitely not a great dog for a pet.
thank you
Probably because you read the words out loud in your head, like I do.
Don't just walk the dog. Get a bicycle and let it run for a few miles. Huskies are happy when they're exhausted.
jazz is absolute bottom of the barrel garbage, you will never find a more vain or shallow genre, it's the modern art of music. It's only redeeming feature is that it comprises mostly very talented musicians, they are every bit as good as their ego tells them they are, but to date have produced nothing of worth.
t. too dumb to understand Jazz
It is the best Anime. You don't have to watch any others.
>Director: Steve McQueen
I don't get this meme, am I the only one who unironically enjoyed every single one of his movies? "Shame" was tremendous.
Fuck that it's not my dog. Plus it can't be let off the lead and wouldn't run by your side on the lead, it would just do whatever the fuck it wanted. I can't even take it when I go running.
jazz is improvisation and muscle memory
The seatbelts jazz is better than 90% of that fucking free form loose improvisation shit ive heard everywhere else
Sorry but bitches brew is literally fucking noise, davis is extremely talented and im sure he knows every note he's playing but it doesnt sound good and there is nothing memorable
Oh man remember that one part of bitches brew with that really memorable melody? Me neither, I remember davis running up and down a bunch of scales and dissonance
>TFW I own a corgi
>GF and I are going to get another one
Jazz is the highest level of musical and compositional mastery.
god I hate when twats on Yea Forums pretend they know what they're talking about...
I always assumed Jet was meant to be black anyway.
>strapped for cash
>tried to get the biggest names they could instead of casting on appropriateness
>best they could manage for the dog was a husky since a corgi would have been too expensive.
They would both be shit choices
jazz is not composed.
Then why are you here? Pretentious babble is all you can find here.
Garbage genre
show me an example of the punchiness that is not conveyed to the english dub. Having to read the subtitles distracts you automatically from the show to a degree that cannot be justified by the supposed punchiness the japanese dub has over the english one.
It is composed through improvisation.
Good jazz has structure
It's still music theory
Oh for fucks sake. Why bother even calling it cowboy bebop at this point?
Yes, that is exactly what I said.
>Heavy Metal Queen
My man...
music theory is entirely post-hoc bullshit
My personal problem aren't punchlines or whatever, but changing the original dialogue for no reason.
ok, please tell me more about how chords,scales and rhythm is bullshit
>please tell me how things that aren't music theory are post-hoc bullshit
To be a good Jazz musician and soloist you have to master composition because you do it on the spot. That is why I said compositional mastery. You can't tell me Charlie Parker isn't a genius at composition of music just because he didn't spend years inscribing his work on staff paper before playing it.
The showrunner already said that she wants to make it more sci-fi and less western
what ever the fuck that means
Cowboy bebop has one of the best dubs in anime. If you are into anime always watch the sub or you are a peasant.
You don't understand jazz. You're approaching it from a classical training perspective and getting all hot and bothered over what it would mean for a person to instantly go from note to music and back again on the fly. Getting impressed by the amount of mental power it would take to see the sheet music in your head as you're playing it, without the sheet music ever existing.
The reality is playing enough inscribes the sounds into muscle memory and they simply become movements, and you'll understand the movements that work together and the ones that don't intuitively. Charlie parker could never transcribe any of his "compositions" into sheet music because that's not how he played. Someone else could do it, but that would simply be a reproduction.
>chords,scales and rhythm aren't music theory
>The showrunner already said that she wants to make it more sci-fi and less western
they are things that exist whether or not music theory exists.
The reason is to match the lips up or because japanese often doesnt translate well without adding context asterisks
>You're approaching it from a classical training
Lots of classical trained musicians turned to Jazz, so that's exactly what happend.
just the check the showrunner and you know what kind of trainwreck this is going to be
and in doing so, they dumped most of the classical creation conventions and went straight to the music.
that's probably the dumbest thing I've read today
it's like saying that physics isn't a science because it exists
Yeah, I got that, but sometimes it changes the meaning of a scene completely.
so you want to tell me that Bill Evans for example didn't play scales deliberately but by accident or muscle memory?
No, its saying that music theory is entirely nothing but descriptions of existent phenomena with no capacity to push those phenomena beyond what they are without music theory.
bruh look at these dudes
it's crazy how the negro looks like Jet in a weird way
gotta give faye a completely flat chest for it to be accurate.
>You don't understand jazz. You're approaching it from a classical training perspective and getting all hot and bothered over what it would mean for a person to instantly go from note to music and back again on the fly. Getting impressed by the amount of mental power it would take to see the sheet music in your head as you're playing it, without the sheet music ever existing.
Where did I say any of that? Also I've been playing jazz since highschool, through college, and for years on and off in local groups as a hobby. I'm not approaching this from whatever classical background you are ascribing to me and honestly if there wasn't jazz in my high school I would have probably stopped playing music altogether.
You seem hung up on the differences between classical and jazz composition. My point is that what Jazz soloists do is composition despite the differences in how they get there. Also you are minimizing the greatness of those solo's as being just a function of reflexes.
It's going to be a low-grade Killjoys and hailed as the best thing since Firefly. At least among the shiteating journalists and sycophantic proglib bloggers
Fuck meant 勉強してます
>shiteating journalists and sycophantic proglib bloggers
it's true, every bluecheck on Twitter loves the cast
Alright, for real tho this is the only miscast that matters
it's a puppy and it's nose had to be amputated
Wait I always thought Spike was white. He looks white in the series anyway. Big eyes, pointed nose, white skin etc
Cowboy Bebop, now that was an anime
there is nothing to understand
>anime characters
non mutt german shephard, collie or border collie
>Space Lion starts playing at the end of Jupiter Jazz
so fucking good
Cool vid!
What's the youtube channel!?
Nevermind found it!
I wonder if he has a reddit account, he deserves karma for this epic meme! xDDD
Wojak and Pepe make me lol out loud! Oh heck you make funny smash content too! Heck yeah I'm sharing your channel on twitter dude! Rock on!
It's because he's black and made a total of one movie about slavery user, he's automatically anti white
t. assblasted zoomer
I don't know. Bullit was overrated desu.
t. wojak and pepe shitposting zoomer reddit faggot
You know what
This could work actually
What are the odds this guy will be able to move like Spike?
That initial fight with Asimov and the opening and ending to Asteroid Blues is legitimately the reason I woke up at 5 am every morning in high school and shadow-boxes for an hour
das rite whiteboi not even your anime characters are safe
A cute!
>you don't lose out on a lot of the experience
>a lot
This is my issue with normals, they dont care if its a bit shit
>moments in the dub have spike laughing when the character face is serious and he isn't laughing on the orig
I'm not even white literally just look at the anime characters they look caucasian
It's not so much their temperament as it is that they have a lot of energy and people get them expecting a normal dog so they don't exercise them as much as they should and so the dogs get bored and restless and end up tearing shit up or running and jumping around the house a lot.
>cast goblina a nigger now they can't even cast the dog properly they are just fucking with us at this point
Got a source for this. I gotta see it for myself.
Just look at he fucking showrunner who's in charge of this project
yep, it's her
>asian charisma vaccum as spike
And not this?
it never had a chance
Reminder that this is anime peak core
>Golden Boy
>Vision of Escaflowne
Yeah but where did she say that?
I'll fucking bet they'll do a grim cyberpunk instead of sci-noir-western
to be fair he acted very uppity and said that the Academy would be racist or something to that effect if his movie didn't win because it was important or something like that. He's a talented filmmaker but even he can't get the chip off of his shoulder even though he's from the UK.
smdh stop larping as other races nobody think anime characters look white except you snowflakes. Thats why hollywood got it right this time otherwise people would flip out.
Not a bad troll
I'm mexican dumbass. Pretty much everyone thinks that or do subconsciously.
What race are the simpsons?
Do caucasians naturally have pink amd blue hair?
You misunderstand me. The Japanese are NOT trying to make their ethnicity Caucasian. They aren't. They are trying to make their ethnic traits Caucasian and either ignore or downplay their real ethnic traits. They still think these traits are Japanese. It's why Edward Elric, when done live-action, is a Japanese in white face. It's why in the live action Attack on Titan (a world where, supposedly, there's only one Asian left—Mikasa Ackerman—everybody is STILL Japanese (including the non-Asian characters). It's not because they can't get caucasian actors (the Koreans were clearly able to do it with Snowpiercer, and Akira Kurosawa did it with Dreams).
It's just that they see no real difference with Caucasian ethnic traits in drawn art versus how Japanese ethnic traits in live action. They just don't see it that way. It's why, in Prince of Tennis whenever they do portray Caucasians, they have to portray them as stereotypes (really big noses, really big eyes, really tall, etc) because otherwise there would be no difference.