«You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul, and torched my conscience.»

> «You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul, and torched my conscience.»

Was it kino?

Also why are american media and above all Television and Cinema fascinated by school shooting? Is it because the «Land of the Free» is actually the «Land of The Few Bully & Many Bullied». Look at that joker movie… It's another story of a pathetic, naive, delicate mentally ill dude being turned into a monster by people cruelty. That quote from the murderous korean belong to that movie.

America, you have a gun problem, a kino problem, opioid problem, a healthcare problem and a bullying problem. You are a land of many problem. And you work to much, take days off, dammit.

And all you movie sucks btw, except Super Nacho.

Attached: ChoSh.jpg (423x186, 12K)

Reminder that Cho was and is the only Mass shooter with REAL mental health problems. This faggot thought he was going on the Crusades by shooting everyone.

Bonjour mon gar hon hon hon
Ou'st mon Jambon Beurre
Hon hon hon

Hon hon hon très bien mec
C'est formidable
Il y a un petit pierre dans mon chasseur
Les allemands sont gay
hon hon hon


Mon voiture est en panne ajourd hui
hon hon hon
Et oui, je suis d'accord, baisez les allemands
hon hon hon

Cho is perhaps one of the most fascinating shooters, and yet he is the least talked about.

>baisez les allemandes
Fils de sticky quand, les mods?
C'est très based

Attached: 1553790738510.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

He started the trend of "we saw it coming and always knew he was mentally ill" but in what ways was he fascinating?

Fuck off retard.

>Also why are american media and above all Television and Cinema fascinated by school shooting?
Name 20 films in which the plot of the movie is a school shooting.
>Criticizes the media for glorifying mass shooters
>Obsessed over them himself
Incels aren't too smart

>Also why are american media and above all Television and Cinema fascinated by school shooting?
Name 20 films where the plot is about a school shooting.
>Criticizes the media for glorifying mass shooters
>Is obsessed with them
Incels aren't that smart.

>Criticizes intelligence
>doesn't know all his corrections are perfectly interchangeable
No, you.

Attached: 1418954162589.png (1275x634, 895K)

Hollywood reboot of Richard McBeef when?

Literally the highest scorer in school (yeah college whatever) shooting. Columbine and those alt-right shooter that come after are all shits. Fuck off

God bless Cho

Columbine was before Cho, and other shooters have gotten higher scores. Cho only did better than his predecessors because he had a basic plan, which isn't terribly impressive.

>and a bullying problem
Yeah this is an american problem. KEK

>which isn't terribly impressive.
Kinda is for a legit schizophrenic desu.

>Muh generalizations
Have you even been to the US? It's fucking massive and you're acting like it's a city block in some faggy Eurotown

>It's fucking massive
As are its inhabitants.

someone post some rare photos / videos from his shooting. I always feel Yea Forums delivers.

>why are american media and above all Television and Cinema fascinated by school shooting?
I really don't think that is a uniquely American trait (aside from the frequency of shootings, in which of course America stands uncontested). What's not fascinating about it? Most people don't go on killing sprees despite frustrations in their life. It's interesting to read about what makes these people tick

are you german?

"je-ku-nim"? What does it mean? Im currently learning the hangul / cyrillic / arabic alphabets but I dont give a fuck about the meaning of words or grammars, I just like pronouncing things

Attached: Alpha.png (980x702, 354K)

That's because he's asian, american are racists. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Monsters are fascinating because they defy our comprehension and common sense. It doesn't mean people admire them. It's like dinosaurs and outer space.

Cho wouldn't even have picked up a gun if it wasn't for Klebold and Harris.

The ㅇ at the end of 장 makes a -ng sound

What about the Mosque shooter who had runes scrawled on his rifle?

His English sucked that's for sure
Just another mark against multiculturalism

thanks! forgot that bit

Just a little bit of role reversal, jihadists cover themselves in boom-runes before becoming a petard

Weren't those just memes, in english?

A kraut? Heavens no.

Dunno what else was written on there, but I 100% saw "Kebab remover" on one of his rifles. So yeah, they were probably all english memes for 12 year olds

>for 12 year olds
Australians but they're basically the same thing

English, Greek, and Serbian.

He's nicknamed General Cho in Korean web

Sorta like Supreme Gentleman

I can maybe understand Greek - but why Serbian? Don't white supremacists or whatever the fuck label we apply to this guy (ethnopluralist?) see slavs as an embarassment to fair-skinned people?

interesting, thanks user

Takeshima belong to Japan

Why Korean comfort women so ugly??

Fuck Korea