this useless fucking cunt of a character had the worst fucking side plot and so much screen time it just shat all over season 3 of the expanse
This useless fucking cunt of a character had the worst fucking side plot and so much screen time it just shat all over...
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I like her though maybe it's because I like her in Lost and I don't get triggered easily
she was much more involved and MUCH better in the books
the show is shit
Loved her character in the book.
Love the actress, especially because I'm a huge LOSTfag.
But yeah you're not totally wrong when it comes to the show.
please tell me this faggot dies in the books and doesn't appear again in the show the power armour didn't save him getting squished by the elevator or some shit
I just finished S03 on one go and I still can't process all that information.
please don't be mean to mommy
Friendly reminder that Laconia is based and redpilled.
>female humanitarian activist minister
>I'm a lesbian btw ;)
Fake rock hopper detected.
how many times are you going to make this thread incel?
was holden the only white male captain of a ship we see
Yes for S03
i don't remember any in s1 or 2 either
You did this incel thread literally yesterday.
The fuck is wrong with you?
I've only read the first book and watched the show. What does the adaptation get wrong?
He doesn't exist in the books.
Yes he is, just vastly smaller
Wait why are they using chainguns for point defense when they have a fusion reactor that can power multiple railguns/coilguns ???
I want her to taunt me while she sits on my girlfriend's face
Railguns are pretty shit against missiles coming your way.
>Yea Forums thinks holden is white
Boy, (((they))) really fucked you guys up.
That is objectively wrong. The projectile is faster in railguns plus you can use fragmentation too for extra area of effect.
>Strait was born and raised inGreenwich Village,New York City,New York, the son of Jean (née Viscione) and Richard Dyer Strait.[1]His ancestry is half English and half Italian.[2]
Yes faggot what's the problem
>and half Italian.
He's basically African.
Nationalities in these last few generations is meaningless. That nigga is just like me, a latin based mutt. He even looks like me.
PDCs as depicted in the show could very easily be railguns/coilguns. Multiple barrels could just be to keep the RoF up. They're not described in detail in the books that I remember, and the reason they look as they do in the show is probably to be familiar to viewers as point defence and not main weapons. Either way; the Roci at this point in the show doesn't have any power hungry weapons like anti ship railguns, it's main weapons are the torpedoes.
>The projectile is faster in railguns
Not necessarily. The books especially don't really fall into the trap that a lot of sci-fi does with railguns firing shells at totally absurd fractions of c. The actual advantage of railguns would be not having to carry propellant.
>you can use fragmentation too for extra area of effect
Hardly exclusive to railguns.
Since I watched the show before reading the books I couldn't help but hear Juliet's voice in my head even though she's supposed to be Russian
how the fuck are there undocumenteds on earth they decide to shoehorn into season 3 as a way to say fuck drumpf I thought everyone there lived on basic income sounds comfy neet life
The undocumented are the people who've fallen between the cracks of the system, like the homeless people bobby runs into in series 2.
Being on basic fucking sucks. The Earth sections in the books actually read like a criticism of basic income. You're basically entitled to a shitty one room apartment and given food stamps. To actually buy decent things you need money, which requires a real job. There's fewer jobs going, and the ones that don't require further education are all pay next to nothing and are taken by prospective students, because they need to spend a couple of years proving they actually have a work ethic before they'll be accepted.
I agree with everything you said except this:
>>Not necessarily... railguns firing shells at totally absurd fractions of c
Even if you double the velocity you from gun to rail/coil you still get a big improvement. If you have a big enough power source the disadvantages of rail/coil are minimum.
Elizabeth from Lost is in this show?
And that bulbasaur Cutty from the Wire?
I guess I'll torrent it sometime in the next 3 years.
Please, let's NOT pretend the expanse, (Or as I like to call it the EXPENSE) was ever good.
>>Season 1 laughs at you
I seen someone shilling it in a thread about good shows airing atm a week ago and marathoned it the past few days and I thought it was pretty good, stuff like miller on Eros and the tense space battle stand offs with the roci were pretty kino although season 3 fell a bit flat for me stuff like the plot op is talking about felt useless hope they bring Dawes character back next season great actor and more of magic protomolecule miller