Which tv shows does this guy watch?

Which tv shows does this guy watch?

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Am I supposed to know what's going on in this image

He watches nothing

thats a reflection on a mirror dummy

op you nigger post sauce

daeD gniklaW ehT

I have no idea whats going on in that pic



What is this

i thought it was weird that he had the same hair, skin, and shirt as the guy sitting behind him
also why did they have two paintings of jesus lol

>portrait of Jesus
>guy in red shirt is confirmed not a vampire
>garden furniture in the living room

This shot is kino on so many levels

Attached: pure gold.webm (640x360, 1.8M)

He didn't watch any movies or tv show since 2011. He just shitpost on Yea Forums all day.

Attached: 1538065888754.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

i like how the guy in red dont give a shit

>those """men"""

Imagine being so emotionally invested in a shit show lol.

Can someone explain what the fuck flies past his shoulder? Is that nigga summoning demons back there?

nah he had a proper reaction. you could see him stop and think "damn"

>imagine having that reaction over a fucking tv show
women really cannot control themselves

never forget

Attached: Screenshot_20190405-142422_Chrome.jpg (1440x1109, 610K)

These people need actual conflict in their lives.

It's the cushion she throws you mong

>judging the reactions of other people
>being interested in reaction videos
is there anything more söy and american in this world

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>wishing ill on other people just because they got invested in a show

>homie in the red looking at the dog as the guy on tv gets smacked

Please stop

It's the true

Fucking christ.

No, reaction videos are pretty fun.

The girl in the back with the purple hair and Jesus Guy had the best reactions.

Make fun of normies all you want but you faglords are still going to watch every episode of GoT and incessantly shitpost about it here.

Yeah so what cunt

I was there. Good times

it's a fucking reflection of the guy in the middle ffs

How the fuck does that make sense? It clearly doesn't even land anywhere near him unless they have a time portal behind the couch dipshit.

They spend too much time with chicks


Holy fuck I've seen this clip about 100 times and I've NEVER noticed the dog. What the fuck

He's studying The Simpsons S11E05.

>the girl being cradled by the one guy while holding the other dude's hand

what characters can walking dead even kill off anymore?

It's the reflection of a mirror.

If you lurked more you would.

>it's a mirror

Attached: 1536440322011.png (226x223, 7K)

Watch the video. Do you not know what reflections are you autistic vampire?

There is a mirror in the back, you can see the t-thirt guys reflection all the time, when he throws the pillow its just the reflection of the motion.

Jannies on the right

If it wasn't a reflection I'd probably say he rewatches some seasonal slice of life anime on the side all alone in his room while posting on 4channel about how intellectually superior he is to "normies/npc/>latestbuzzword


Women are literally children, they shouldn't be allowed to vote or to decide their partners.


He fucks because he streams. We need some Yea Forums streamboats

>they made the entire wall a mirror and obstructed it with couches and shelves to the point where you'd have to go out of your way to even look into it
Yeah, sure, makes a lot of sense.

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This has got to be one of the dumbest memes created on Yea Forums but I enjoy it

where the fuck are you seeing garden furniture

Fucking zoomer.
Poor people with shit taste often make a wall an entire mirror to give the illusion their house is bigger. Shit was all the rage in the 80's.

t. söy overdosed manchild

They have a mirror behind the couch you fucking mongrel. That's not some dude in a corner, not watching with everyone else. It's a reflection back into the room.

the ones from bizarro world.

How the fuck ia he alive

Oh my god! you are a nigger!!
also this

Attached: braindead.png (1366x768, 1.34M)

>there's a giant mirror in the back of the room for no reason!
Imagine unironically believing this.

Pretty sure this is the guy who got into a car crash with Nick Hogan

What the fuck.

It's not entirely uncommon to continue living while missing significant portions of ones brain.
See: the mirrorfags in this very thread

no you're right they have a doorway behind the couch and two of the same picture of jesus in their house

why are you baiting stangers on the internet to get mad at you with pretending to be retarded?


Dude does not give a fuck. Not even looking. Based as hell

Imagine being this much of a pussy.

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Someone should turn this into a webm.

His entire fucking head is empty

You'd be surprised how the remaining brain matter can adapt. There was a professor whose brain size due to an illness shrunk to 20% of it's original size and still carried on teaching. The brain creates new neural pathways and connections if there's missing something.

>two of the same picture of jesus in their house
It's latin america

He has some in his stomach.

Attached: 1553451345371.png (200x300, 28K)

They just put the couch to watch the show together and they look like spics, these people are very religious and have a lot of images of saints around.

g8 b8 m8

ya blew it

grow an iq


Imagine fucking that one Asian chick that got angry and stormed off.

Imagine the hate sex.

Please calm down, we're discussing TV shows.

Nice crackpot theory but I think i'm gonna use Occam's Razor on this one.

The "reflection" doesn't even line up. Red on the left would be sitting at the mirror at an angle, while red on the right has his back completely turned to red on the left.


This nigga tryin' to get the pretending to be retarded (You)s

I blow your mom, you reflection-condemning faggot scum.

That's how reflections are supposed to work.

Why the fuck are they surprised? The episode before basically told you someone was going to die. Glenn and Abraham weren't that great.

>guy in the front sitting on the armrest of the sofa
>guy in the back is obviously sitting on a high back chair
it's a mirror guys!

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Uh, no, it's not. If red of the right were a reflection of red on the left, then red on the left wouldn't even be looking at the fucking TV.

>thinking the armchair reflection in the back is >someon obviously sitting on a high back chair
The absolute low iq-ness

Dude these paintings are diamond dozen, you can buy them for a dollar in some street market, it's probably not even a real painting, but a print of one.

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Learn to speak English before you come at me with that third world IQ again, Jose.

>t. doesn't know high school physics

This. Also, sometimes cameras will invert videos and/or photos. That might be why some mistake him for a reflection of the other dude

how is this possible. how does he shower? it must hurt like hell

The walking So_y


How about you increase your IQ score first, nigger?

That's a little better, guess I didn't need to.

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Well, If you had high IQ, you could have easily read and understood my post.

It's obviously a mirror, but why the fuck did they put a mirror there? There's all kinds of shit in front of it.

>white Americans watch TV(2018 colonized)

What the fuck happened?

new much?

Beloved character in a terrible show got killed.

>>thinking the armchair reflection in the back is
Ah, yes, what a complete idea.
>>someon obviously sitting on a high back chair
Yeah? What about them?
>The absolute low iq-ness
Ad hominem.

I like how the dog thought it was pussy licking time and hurried to the owner but she pushed him off to avoid that situation.

>yellow shirt making a crying face to emotionally cuck for the girl
absolutely embarrassing

She elbows him as she leaves too lol dude was trying to cop a feel

jesus fuck stfu, it's not a mirror, he is gaming in the backround. That reminds me, rise up.

The right chair reflection is from the chair in the left on which the purple t-shirt girl is sitting.

You low-iq niglet.

Put on a fucking hat

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Can anyone spoon feed me? What episode is this

this is you right now

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was this a trap all along?

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And this is you!

Attached: 4C18FF22-C001-4FEE-B2FF-0E8AA43025F0.jpg (340x480, 65K)

It is a webm!?

>im retarded for not knowing an epic falseflag mee mee

sorry kid, i must have been having sex with my gf when that thread was happening, lol

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I wish I was a low-sentient normie who could be this genuinely invested in these inane AMC shows with my fellow brainless friends. That webm in particular really hits close to home because, like them, I'm Brazilian too.

What kind of question is that, of course it is

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Weird mutt bitch headbutted red shirt

you don't want that homie, life may be lonely here but it still is the life we are most comfortable with

Welcome to Yea Forums

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lurk more

Imagine being this new.

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Stop posting pics of the Shriners kids

oh my god my world is upsidedown

me on the far left

Can someone post a YouTube link for us mobile users who can’t watch WEBM

Attached: 1554360437620.webm (800x450, 3M)

Phoneposters need to be banned from Yea Forums.

Women are literally children in adult bodies.

>mobile users
you mean iFaggots like you, choke on a cock

Thank you for being a sensible adult

Download VLC player for mobile

BASED guy in the back poster, upvoted

>he uses an iphone
this nigger

Attached: four hundred thousand keks.png (256x384, 167K)

You're all a bunch of niggerfaggots,fuck tv/ is infected by poltards.

>Making reaction videos to capeshit along side your young children

People will do anything for youtube views

Enjoy your shitty android crap phones

How about I just use my PC for PC stuff and use my phone to text and call people?

>funny family moment
>kids react
>teens react
>adults react
>kid reacts to trailer
>teen reacts to trailer
>adult reacts to trailer
>family videos

I like how Youtube follows a Machiavellian linearity and zoomers just eat that shit up. So glad I wasn't born in the 90s or 00s.

Nigger, name ONE thing hardware-wise that iPhone does better than Android.

gets me laid

Nah he's trying to look dead serious and 'unaffected'. The act of even participating in a fake vapid 'reaction' to a shitty TV show is beta as fuck.

Nobody in that room gives a shit about what happens, but you better believe they're going to act like they are.

Is this an apple thing? Webm has always worked on my cheap chinaphone

hey thats me

its a fucking mirror retards

Attached: file.png (1284x719, 1.47M)

Imagine watching The Walking Dead
Imagine getting invested in stories and characters that are blithely killed off to farm viewer tears and reinforce their addiction to misery porn.

>No, reaction videos are pretty fun.

lil zoom what are you doing here?

not this one, faggot
the one on the left

this is like the Yea Forums version of that Yea Forums webm with all the liverpool fans


>not having 2 jesus paintings in his living room
stay poor

Did anybody else actually laugh out loud when they first saw that scene?

>almost elbows the dude in the face
>because of a tv show

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i don't believe it

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Nah I'm sure there are fellow edgebros here somewhere

dad knows where the real goods are, what a qt

i hate them so much

Shit, I just noticed there's a dog.

Imagine bawling your eyes out over a tv show that was never good

lol that guy on the left. He's like. White pussy ain't worth this shit

>america in 2050

me in the back playing counter strike

reaction videos are a guilty pleasure of mine and im 29.

Seek help user

that is a mirror