>YouTube video about a film
>"ending explained"
Has anyone ever not understood the ending of a film ?
YouTube video about a film
Yes. I mean most of that shit is just clickbait to make people question if they understood avengers or something though.
It’s not ending explained it’s the movie recapped
Recent-ish one. Guy is hired to spy on a woman, goes crazy.
Nothing is spelled out, completely interpretive.
Main actor looks like Tom Hardy.
Outside of a few impressionist arthouse films and some Lynch, yeah. One at least. Watch Primer. Excellent film. Had to watch a 2nd time.
>user's life ending explained
what would be in that video? what made you do it?
Personally I never completely got the ending of American Psycho. Obviously Bateman is insane, but there are so many contradicting things happening that it's hard to tell if he actually did kill anyone.
I think he didn't in the end, but still.
I once had a roommate who thought the protag would survive the shot at the end of layercake. I tried to explain to him, that is the cyclical meaning of the title 'Layercake.' He refused to acknowledge. Then I realized how stupid people are in the world.
primer is like babbys first 2deep3u movie kiddo
read the book, it is even more disjointed. my interpretation is that he was driven to madness by the mundane existence that all the deaths were hallucinated in his mind and somatized on the drawings his assistant found at the end.
Honestly I didn't get Inland Empire at all.
How is that cyclical?
Then I am a pleb. You grasped it entirely on the first watch? Wow. You must be high level.
If you understood films, you wouldn't be watching them in the first place and instead be reading literature. Film is primarily for people who don't understand (in a general sense), otherwise if they did they wouldn't feel content wasting time on film.
Pretty obvious if you paid attention
The name is Layercake, meaning you have to be on top to survive, but there is always someone that will try to be the top layer. the whole movie is him trying to achieve the top layer, and when he does, someone else achieves it as well and knocks him off. The layercake of criminal existence is dynamic and always changing. I think he even says "Welcome to the layercake."
Yeah the mundane existence is basically the whole point of it, the business card scene is fucking perfect
I think what confused me was his shrink at the end confusing him with someone else, and his alibi being correct
Primer is the only one I didn't get the first time and that probably had to do with thit Shit acting
As soon as I read how the time machine basically worked I got it.
I felt proud for "knowing" what was up throughout Inland Empire. Unusual for Lynch films and me.
most of the time the stupid fucks don't even explain the ending. they just recount the events of the entire movie verbatim and go OK LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE XD fucking retards.
>giant space baby
BR 2049. The first time I missed how he found out who the child was, and how he had it's memories. I guess I wasnt paying attention for the crucial 2 seconds in a 3 hour long movie.