>It was an abortion. I killed your son. It wasn’t a miscarriage. It was an abortion!
What did she mean by this?
It was an abortion. I killed your son. It wasn’t a miscarriage. It was an abortion!
Why are some mommies so cruel?
>It was an abortion. I killed your son. It wasn’t a miscarriage. It was an abortion!
Michael was a fucking retard for marrying this Irish cunt and deserved everything that happened to him
It’s literally in the next lines. She hated him and didn’t want another of his kids
She means she's a Democrat
>she hated him
Why did she mean by this?
He wouldn’t let her control him
>marry into mafia
>mad when mafia shit happens
Michaels fault desu, should've been like his dad
How was he different from his dad
He married a fucking English whitey instead of sticking within the italian bloodline
His dad married a Sicilian broad who knew the score and respected La Cosa Nostra.
You fucking retards forget his wife and far superior choice went up in smoke thanks to a car bomb in wopland, should be complaining that he didn't stick around and try to find another one or go MGTOW
You gotta remember though, she was Michael's rebound. How could he ever love another woman, especially a Sicilian, after what happened to his first wife? Better to marry some bitch that reminds you in no way of your superior first wife.
I didn't forget that at all, but it's not like there weren't Sicilian women in New York. There were tons
Would kill my wife. Unironically.
Then if you're gonna do that, shouldn't you at least pick one that's okay with your career instead of constantly bitching at you to quit? A woman not supporting your career choices should be an automatic drop for any man with two brain cells to rub together
have sex
>forgot his wife died
No I didn't. Just because his first wife died didn't mean he had to marry a bitch. He should've stayed celibate anyway if it was his true love
I think he didn't want to love like he did with Appolonia. I think he just wanted a wife because he felt he needed a wife and Kay was an easy pick. Her and Sonny are the causes of the Corleone family downfall
Have intercourse
>You gotta remember though, she was Michael's rebound
Not really. Michael was with her first before Apolonia.
Michael was supposed to be the mafia son that "made it" (no pun intended).
>has a non-Italian first name
>fought in war against his fathers wishes
>went to an ivy league school
>wanted nothing to do with the family business
>brought home a non-Italian, non-Catholic girl
In the end, the only things Michael could truly rebel against were non-mafia related (Kaye and the war).
Those pale nipples
>marrying this Irish cunt
Was she Irish? She was a WASP I thought.
>Godfather thread barely gets any replies
>MCU or GoT threads get 300 replies
Fuck zoomers forever
Have based
She deserved her smack, and she was lucky not to get it more.
>being a boomer in a boomer thread
That’s a yikes from me
Go donate to a fortnite streamer, faggot.
Go mow the lawn old man.
>fucking retard for marrying this Irish cunt
this , he should have been glad she murdered their fetus since it had half her defective genes. She did him a favor.
Based mentally ill poster
Better than playing fortnite/watching fortnite/giving money to people who play fortnite.
Yes she was a wasp - the worst type of women even in 1940s
I think she's a euromutt, Irish, Scottish, German, etc
>He wouldn’t let her control him
You're going to need to be clearer
Holy based
Not really, pops
He could've found another good Italian woman rather than a whitebread banshee
Means she hated him
You're right, giving money to a streamer in the hopes that he will mention your name is the best thing in the world
This is your brain on Tide Pods
Fuck off old timer
WAAAH, stop insulting my retarded hobbies!
fukn virgin faggot punks if we meet in real life im gonna hurt you creepy little wimps really really bad kick yoiur fuckn teeth down your throat n dislocate your shoulder
Strong pimp hand.
Calm down gramps, you're going to have a stroke.
quads confirm
WASP genocide when?
She knew the cat was the real head of the organization.
>v0.6 May or June at earliest
Why do Italians hate cats so much
The movie was slow and boring. Why are old movies so boring Yea Forums
Because you were weaned on ADHD garbage "cinema"
No Gen X nu-male shills telling you to like it instead of older experts.
Because boomers are slow to understand concepts
Which godfather is this from? My memory fails me
don't have sex.
Godfather 2: Electric Boogaloo
>The movie was slow and boring. Why are old movies so boring Yea Forums
99.99% of movies made in the 21st century have been shit.
You're just a retarded faggot who is addicted to 20 second tiktok vids.
Godfather I&II are GOAT films.
>in GF3, her son turns out to be a musician or whatever the fuck
>she killed her baby for something he would have never become
what a shit mother lmao, she didn't trust herself enough to turn her son into a good person instead of a dick like his dad
one of the worst things GF3 did, what a meme movie
>Because boomers are slow to understand concepts
We understand that paying $ to watching someone else play a videogame is fucking stupid.
tfw you used to date a Sicilian broad
>used to
Italians are 1/8 cat themselves. It's in their blood and they are self loathing.
Roasties are controlling, they limit your interests, your social circle, your spending. Anything you do or enjoy, they will attempt to stop.
She was dogshit
Little boys.
Italians hate cats?
>No Barziniposting
Shame on you all
Players couldn't get a drink at the table
You are right
>What did she mean by this?
Well I can't tell for sure, but it sounds like she's saying she had an abortion.
you would kill the mother of your two children just because she didn't want to give you a third?
>you would kill the mother of your two children just because she murdered your third?
Yes and any man who disagrees is a little bitch.
what about your two living children? don't you think they'd hate to grow up without parents? you'd go to jail btw
They can blame their mother. The murdering bitch started it. I would happily go to jail for it, although there is 0% chance Michael would have gone to jail for it if he had just killed her right there.
Women are the niggers of gender. You're not a niggerlover, are you Yea Forums?
Did this actually happen. I'll download the game if it did.
>an eye for an eye!
Grow up.
>it's another episode of murricans thinking mafia is a good thing and and it's really about honor when it's just a shitty excuse of a surrogate for the state to jusitfy crime
You burgers will never learn, you will always be uneducated swines.
>wouldn't avenge the life of his own child
>reddit spacing
Yeah, that's a yikes from me dawg.
shut up Jesus
So you'd ruin the lives of your two living children to avenge an unborn one? What is this nonsense?
Good thing you'll never get that far INCEL
I'm not going to compromise. She murdered my child. The whore dies.
why was Jar Jar in The Godfather?
Caroline is better
She doesn't rape him, they fuck though. Game is unfinished and won't be for a while, so bear that in mind.
nice quads
remember that Mussolini had all the mafia locked up and americans freed them in WW2 as political prisioners
Nu-zoomers are worse than boomers
Have abortion
I rewatched them last weekend. The first one is 3 hours, the second one is almost three and a half hours. There's always something happening and they're indeed two of the best movies ever made. If you're seriously thinking they're slow and boring they you're a huge pleb and should stick to capeshit.
Godfather 2 I can see turning into a slog because it is so nightmarishly dark but 1 has so much going on with every character I can see no way anyone could find that movie not fully engrossing for it's entire runtime.
>mussolini also did good things
user please, not this again.
>mfw italo-irish mutt
can confirm, big-time defective.
Never marry outside your culture. Not worth the headache.
quads of truth
Scorsese is still that weak nerd that idolised the Chad criminals in his neighbourhood
By "dark" you probably mean the subject matter, but I'd just like to say that Gordon Willis really went all out with the "prince of darkness" meme a lot in that movie.
I've never had an abortion but I definitely want to. Too bad I'm female (male).
Terrible characters
Terrible dialogue
Terrible lighting
Freckle thot even worse