Pic related, just watched his latest one.
Any good comedy specials in 2018/2019?
His latest one is just rehash of his greatest old acts
rogaine was never funny. he's better at interviewing dumb alt rightoids
Yeah, I know. I watched it still. Wasn't so bad.
Don't like him.
name one alt right person he has had on?
go back
You just don't understand or appreciate his CRAFT
Content Provider
although better than every other comedian by a considerable distance, by his standards I think this was on the lower end of the scale
>"knock knock"
>audience with anticipation: "WHO'S THERE?!"
>audience eager to hear more: "YOUR WHO?!"
>"your big fat dumb cunted mum"
>audience leaps into uncontrollable spasms followed by a sudden urge to vomit from laughter, from the sheer genius of Jimmy's incredible joke. One man is seen hyperventilating to death, as another is suffering from cardiac ares just from the magnitude of the hilarity at the expense of Jimmy.
He doesn't have the cleverest jokes but he's consistently entertaining.
Thanks will check it out.
this is cringeworthy dude. No wonder comedy triggers you. You're not funny.
gavin mginnis
I'm sorry i offended your hero. You gonna cry?? Piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?
Do you mean that cringy hipster faggot who founded vice and has basic bitch conservative opinions?
oh geez you really are embarrassing.
yeah. but calling someone a faggot with basic bitch conservative opinions IS describing all alt right rejects.
Vice is basically westerners getting entertained by the misery, poverty and suffering of third world countries. And they always amplify the shock to get more views.
It's very right-wing in that respect.
Norms one on Netflix is great, watched it about three times still got a lot of laughs
I fucking hate this guy so much. Talk about one note.
He's not even that good at bants.
awww mate
So he's not alt right then? Gavin is a mild leaf conservative who works for a neocon zionist news outlet and has native American waifu. hardly an etthnonationlist alt righter you tard.
hahaha have a (you) for this post