Speaking of horrible shit medieval Europeans did to each other, I'd love to see a Thirty Years War show

Speaking of horrible shit medieval Europeans did to each other, I'd love to see a Thirty Years War show.

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I'd love to see a piece of entertainment where the europeans are actually white

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Europeans are not white

user plz

Love to see a movie about the rape of Africa but it's gorey/shocking kino which makes me wish I was there for it.

You're not white

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Why would europeans kill each other instead of grouping up and glassing all non-whites back then?

there's also the viggo movie

>Thirty Years War

White people are literally retarded, they have cro-magnon DNA. Compare the fractious history of Europe to the solidarity of the Black Panther Party and it really says it all

>Thirty Years War

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Because there were no blacks around them

That's a shitty adaptation, love the books but only saw 2 episodes, the main actor is ok all the others are cringe

Here you go zoomer user
great movie


The Last Valley is a 1971 film directed by James Clavell, a historical drama set during the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648). A mercenary soldier (Michael Caine) and a teacher (Omar Sharif), each fleeing the religious war in southern Germany, accidentally find the valley, untouched by the war, and there live in peace. Based upon the novel The Last Valley

(Resident Boomer 03-04-1961)

Kino taste user

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It would be cool to have a movie from torturer point of view. All these evil torture devises and so on.

well thats me definitely watching.
thank you


I want kinos about based Pizarro and Cortes by Mel Gibson

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Thanks, downloading this

imagine this is a politics/wars series.

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>Christianity united Europ-

note: the first part is the Borgias series actually