2019... I am forgotten...
2019... I am forgotten
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he wrote some pretty good kinos
I'm sure he'll be in some new wes anderson flick
>wow, 2019 and I'm already forgotten -- this is crazy!
owen wilson rules and i support him even if hes just in shitty comedies for redbox normies now, which is what i assume hes up to
Why did he try suicide bros?
No you're not Woody!
At least you're still alive.
He is still alive, right?
See this wing?
You're under it
because people say things like OP's post
he didn't really want to kill himself he just wanted attention
celebrities are quite narcissistic
didn't he try to kill himself a couple of years ago?
try 12 user it was 2007
Isn't that why his nose is so fucked up now?
Probably a woman.
Woah hey man, how do you think that makes me feel
He should play Woody Harrelson's younger brother in a movie.
Same thenmovie he did with Vince Vaughn a couple years ago the internship I watch it at least 4 times a year
Is that actually good?
I caught a few minutes of it a couple weeks ago and it was pretty underwhelming.
>This Summer Owen Wilson stars in Trump: The Rise of Fame
Shanghai dawn tho
>famous for saying wow man
Aside from wedding crashers, name a kino he was in
>a Jew portrays an aspiring Israeli
Wow, unbelievable! Mexicans are taking barbed wire from the border and using it for their own homes! This is crazy!
>no Owen Wilson, Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan kino movie
Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon are fun movies
I think you're thinking of his brother in tennenbaums
Not by me. Literally watching Shanghai knights right now
>you now remember the Frat Pack
Those sorts of odd couple buddy comedies are verboten in hollywood now. The only people still doing them are the chinks, sadly enough.
Yeet. I watched Noon the other day. Havent seen Knights yet. What do you prefer?
Yeah if you like old school, wedding crashes and the buddy style comedies you will like it Vaughn is pretty funny in it nothing serious thou I would check it out
Knights cos I'm British, not a cockney geezer tho. Both aren't bad, bonus points to knights as CIA is in it.
The ones he did with Jackie Chan were great.
Isn't he playing Peter Fonda in the new Tarantino? Or have I been deceived
I want a third part.
I actually thought of a title and a bit of the script, the working title is "Shang-High Legends"
He shilled sofas for years in the UK. How could I forget a face I saw dozens of times a day?
Yet the legend of the butterscotch stallion lives on.
Go on
>for years
Wasn't it a recent thing?
It's all a blur, I drink a lot.
I just found out that they're already working on a third movie with an idea in mind
My idea was that the Queen sends them on a secret mission in another country